Firestar-Kelman — Vale Arthuris

#dragonage #valearthuris #greywarden #tevinter #dragonageinquisition
Published: 2016-04-11 23:47:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1639; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Name:  Vale Arthuris

Nickname(s): Slayer (Varric) 

Race: Human, elf blooded

Class: Rogue (Assassin, duelist) 

- Loyal
- Brave 
- Friendly
- Playful 


 9:21 Dragon 
    Gender: Male 
    Height: 5'6"
    Hair: Black  
    Skin: Fair. 
    Eyes: Blue
- Scar on his cheek
- Scar on his back reaching from the top of his left shoulder down to his right hip 
- Grey Warden Tattoo on his Right shoulder. 
- Dragon Tattoo on his left thigh. 

Reasons behind Scarring:
Cheek (age 17) - Caused when running from Darkpawn a few months before his joining this event later caused him to join the Grey Wardens. 
Back (age 18 ) - Caused during his first mission as a Grey Warden and his first ecnounter with the talking Darkspawn known as "The Surgeon" causing a long standing feud between the two. 

- Very fast
- Quick witted 
- has good tactical and recon skills

He can't stand up to repeated heavy blows 
- Has a phobia of spiders 
- can be quick tempered when it comes to people insulting the Wardens 
- has zero patience when dealing with Orlesians. 

- Magister Harald Arthuris (Father)
- Valora Arthuris (Mother, elf) 
- Acera Arthuris (step-mother, human )
- Therion Arthuris (Older brother) 
- Ishal Arthuris (Younger brother 
- Eleni Arthuris (Twin sister) 

General Relationships:

Warden-Commander Sharta:
The Tevinter Warden-commander saved Vale's life when Vale was 17 and was the one who inspired Vale to become a Grey Warden and Vale has done his best to emulate Sharta's fighting style and techniques. Vale's loyalty to Sharta is absolute and he sends her reports every month and often waits for her approval before revealing Grey Warden secrets that the Inquisition may need to be informed about.   

Alison Crest [ShadowHachia ]: The two have only met a few times as Vale's role in the Inquisition keeps him in the field for lengthy periods of time, he respects the woman and finds her fascinating and after the events of Adamant he spent some time talking to her.

Catherine Crest [ ShadowHachia ] :
Vale has a great deal of respect for her and views her as an inspiration, he more often than not defers to her judgement when it comes to Grey Warden matters in Ferelden. When sending Reports he often sends copies to her or Evara Coburn. 

Blackwall/Thom Rainer: Vale was instantly suspicious of Rainer and cronered the man and made a deal if Rainer agreed to actually go through the joining as soon as the war against corypehsu was over, Vale wouldn't tell everyone that he wasn't Blackwall. even after the deal and reveal of Rainer impersonating Blackwall Vale still does not trust the man however they have a gruding respect for each other and are civil to each other usually.

Evara Coburn [ EternalLight10 ] :
Vale looks up to Evara a great deal and often uses her as an example to the new recruits as to what a new recruit can do. Upon meeting her Vale found himself lost for words and struggled to maintain a professional appearance as a representative of the Tevinter Wardens, since then they have not had a chance to speak to each other.  

Itylra Lavellan [ EternalLight10 ] : Vale and Itylra met just after Siona and Varharel returned from Orlais and Vale arrived at Haven from Denerim. Once Itylra was placed in charge of maintaining supply routes Vale was given command of a task force that would assist in training guards for those supply routes on how to combat Darkspawn effectively and Vale would often be dispatched to deal with reports of Darkspawn and give the reports to Itylra. Vale has a great deal of respect for Itylra and regards her as a fantastic boss as she usually lets him keep whatever money or items he finds in the field.

Cassandra Pentaghast: Vale and Cassandra's first meeting was a disaster as Vale accidentally walked in on the Seeker while she was undressing, despite the negative start to their rellationship they quickly became good friends and would often discuss how they viewed their respective orders and Vale often sparred with the woman and they help each other perfect various techniques. 

Cullen Rutherford: Vale and Cullen rarely interact with each other however the two are quite friendly with each other and during the siege of Adamant Vale helped plan the assault on the Grey Warden fortress, after the events of Adamant Vale took as many missions away from Skyhold as he could, partly because he couldn't look the Inquisition soldiers in the eye, but also because he couldn't stand to be in the same fortress as his Orlesian counter parts. Surprisngly the two men bonded over the actions of the orders they had served. 

Dorian Pavus: As Countrymen Vale and Dorian often have Verbal sparring matches due to Vale being the son of a magister but doesn't have magical talents, under their bickering the two are good friends, Vale being supportive of the way Dorian is, and often offers his support for Dorian's plans for Tevinter. Vale himself is always willing to jump to Dorian's defence when people are accusitory towards him. 

The Iron Bull: Vale and The Iron Bull are partners in crime and are usually dispatched on missions where the risk of collateral damage is minimal and the goal is to cause as much Mayhem as possible. Outside of missions Vale looks up to The Iron Bull both as a role model and literally. before Iron Bull left the Qun Vale provided the Ben-Hassrath agent with alot of information on Darkspawn types and strategies to defeat the various types, along with  information on why Darkspawn take women captive. After Iron Bull's departure Vale helps Iron Bull come to terms with it and took the Former spy out and both of them were found the next day in the Hinterlands in their small clothes with Iron Bull drunkenly singing several songs. 

Siona Lavellan: Initially Siona and Vale were civil but somewhat distant, however after the events of Haven and the subsequent reveal of the Grey Wardens being under the control of the ancient Darkspawn Magister the two became very close and later Vale helped to teach Siona how to wield a sword. After the war against Corypheus Vale became one of Siona's closest friends and often sent him on missions that while they would involve Darkspawn required a more subtle approach.

Sera: Sera and Vale have a love/ Hate relationship, the two often play off of each other in regards to mocking the orlesians and nobility. Upon their first meeting the two would take the occaional jab at each other, but quickly settled into a civil and often friendly relationship. However Vale disapproves of Sera mocking the Dalish beliefs and is the only person he hasn't confessed his own beliefs to. 

Solas: Solas and Vale's relationship is complicated. The two are civil to each other and Vale is facinated by what Solas has seen and often asks the elf about various magical matters. After the reveal of the Grey Warden Plan Vale and Solas often argued despite the fact they both agreed the plan was terrible however their disagreement stems from whether the Grey Wardens as whole are wrong in doing what they were doing. After the destruction of the Orb, Vale plans on facing off against Solas and having a battle of wits for the ages.  

Varric Tethras: Vale is a fan of Varric's works and the two get on very well, the two meeting when Siona was leading an expedition to the storm coast and Vale landed in front of the group on the back of a slain ogre, which led rise to his nickname. Varric and Vale often agree with each other on the deep roads, both men despise the ancient structures, though in Vale's case it's because of the near constant presence of Darkspawn driving his sense crazy. 

Varharel Surana: Vale and Varharel got on very well from the beginning, with Vale helping Varharel learn some of the habits of nobility of various nations and keeping the young elf up to date on how to behave and what to saw in Noble courts, particularly the Orlesian and Tevinter courts. Outside of these lessons the two are good friends and can usually be found sparring together or bonding over discussions of some the elven Daggers in Vale's collection. 

Madame Vivienne: To say that Vale and Madame Vivienne dislike each other would be considered an understatement. The two absolutely loathe each other, partly because to Vale Vivienne represents the most civil but worst of the Magisters, while to Vivienne Vale represents an ancient idea that has outlived it's purpose, added to the fact Vale's belief in the old gods and the two have fought at every opportunity, though neither has resorted to assassination attempts as of yet many in the Inquisition are taking bets on when it will go that far. 

Brief Personal History:

Vale is the second born child of Magister Harald Arthuris and his favoured concubine Valora Arthuris. Despite this however Vale loves his Step-mother a great deal and is very close to her and was the one he confided in when he planned on joining the Grey Wardens of Tevinter. Vale himself spent most of his young life enjoying the finer things a non-magical noble in Tevinter could enjoy and loved training with the soldiers in his Father's forces, or spending time with the slaves and getting to know them indivudally and would often dine with the slaves when he had the chance. 

A day after Vale turned eighteen he was attacked by Darkspawn and rescued by the Tevinter Warden-Commander and joined the order a month later with his joining going relatively smoothly despite running into a Darkspawn nest and losing one of his fellow recruits to a Broodmother's tentacle. After joining the Order Vale was assigned to the Deep roads scouting party and it was during his first mission where he encountered a Talking Darkspawn known only as "The Surgeon" who Vale discovered was cutting off the injured limbs of Darkspawn, ghouls or prisoners. The two fought and both left their scars on each other Vale claiming the Darkspawn's daggers and an eye, while the Surgeon gave Vale the large scar on his back. Since then the two have clash multiple times all around Thedas and both look forward to the day when their fight will end with either one of them laying dead in the abyss of the Deep Roads. 

Upon recieving word of the Conclave's destruction and the disappearance of most Grey Wardens from Orlais and Ferelden Vale was dispatched to Ferelden by his Warden-commander to investigate the disappearance, and to assist Ferelden or the remnants of the Divine's forces to restore order. After joining the Inquisition Vale worked tirelessly to prepare the troops alongside Cullen for Darkspawn attacks, possible strategies and even types of Darkspawn that differed from the run of the Mill Genlock or Hurlock. Vale eventually formed his own team known as the "Haven Wolves" a collection of Scouts and soldiers hand picked by Vale and would handle Darkspawn threats, most of the team were wiped out during the attack on Haven and Vale had swords created  in memory of those who died and keeps them in his quarters. 

Once they arrived at Skyhold Vale quickly stepped up the training regime and became one of the Aces in the hole for Siona's inner circle when it came to Corypheus, Vale was then placed in charge of finding stray Grey Wardens and bringing them to the Inquisition to help plan the assault on Adamant fortress a task that Vale both relished and dreaded due to the fact he would be turning on his brothers and sisters in the Orlesian branch of the Wardens. During this period he was more withdrawn and only truely confided his concerns to Solas who seemed understanding of the younger man's plight and helped forged a friendship between them. 

After the events of Adamant Vale attened the Peace Talks in Halamshiral and despite the fact the ball wasn't quite what he was used to he had quite a bit of fun at the expense of the Orlesian nobles and spent more time talking to the servants and hiding in the gardens with Varharel. Later assisting in Siona's attempts to get all three leaders of Orlais to work together. Once back in Skyhold Vale was then placed in charge of leading an expedition into the Deeproads to investigate tremors that had been destroying the Storm coast region. 

During the events of Trespasser Vale arrived at Halamshiral, officially as the Tevinter representative of the Grey Wardens, however unofficially he was there as a subtle reminder to Arl Teagan that the Grey Wardens remember their allies. However the two men butted heads and came close to volence at one point when Vale grew tired of Teagan constinatly accusing the Inquisition of plotting to invade Ferelden and claiming the Grey Wardens tried to invade Ferelden. 

After the Events of Trespasser Vale returned to Tevinter and later fought against several Qunari incursions onto the mainland leading several successful assaults against Qunari positions before he mysteriously vanished without a Trace. 

General Info/Trivia:
Vale often wields two daggers in combat when engaging in skirmishes, however when engaging in large scale assaults he often wields a sword and dagger. 
- Vale has a fondness for freshly baked goods, particularly cookies.
- Vale's childhood dream was toi be a baker. 
-Vale has a tendency to make up rude lyrics to songs when dealing with Orlesian nobles.
- Vale often takes sleeping draughts before going to bed so he can try to avoid having bad dreams.
- Vale has a tendency to make motivational speeches before battles and operations.  

Dragon age belongs to Bioware & EA.
Evara Coburn, and Itylra Lavellan belong to
Ruthven Lavellan, Siona Lavellan, Varharel Surana, Vale Arthuris (and family) and Warden Commander Sharta belong to me
Catherine and Alison Crest belong to  

Art and profile layout belong to

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Comments: 59

Firestar-Kelman In reply to ??? [2016-04-12 15:00:45 +0000 UTC]

also got to love Itylra in a Teacup. XD she looks adorable. 

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EternalNope In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 17:53:16 +0000 UTC]

She looks quite adorkable, as does your Vale

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to EternalNope [2016-04-12 18:02:34 +0000 UTC]

Yep. XD 

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ??? [2016-04-12 14:44:44 +0000 UTC]

that we do.

yeah i've been thinking on it and i don't see the relationship working out as Harding is always being sent out on missions and Vale often gets sent to different areas than her so they wouldn't really have that much time together.  

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EternalNope In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 17:52:40 +0000 UTC]

I suppose that would make sense. No time for one on one when you're rarely together. Still, it would have made for a cute relationship

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to EternalNope [2016-04-12 18:01:14 +0000 UTC]

agreed, and the thing is alot of the stories i started with Vale and Harding was quite cute, but the more i thought on it, the more i thought it would be difficult for them to have that kind of relationship during the Inquistion period, after Trespasser maybe they could get together, but before that i think things would be really tough. 

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EternalNope In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-13 11:48:47 +0000 UTC]

And, in all honesty, I can actually see both of them being somewhat married to their work.

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to EternalNope [2016-04-13 16:39:43 +0000 UTC]

agreed, though Vale would jokingly say that it was a forced marriage in his case. XD 

i did toy with the idea of Vale having a relationship qith a Qunari baker who left the Qun. 

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EternalNope In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-14 01:11:59 +0000 UTC]

Would he secretly love it though? XD

A baker who snuck sugar into the middle of the bread loaves? XD
Seriously though, that could have worked

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to EternalNope [2016-04-14 01:16:18 +0000 UTC]

oh yes, he loves knowing that even though he spends all day fighting monsters he thinks of it as a case of "the more monsters i slay today, the less tears there will be tomorrow." doesn't always work that way, but it keeps him motivated. 

Yep. and i may go for it, once i work out how A. she gets away from the Qun and B. how they would meet.  

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EternalNope In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-14 15:51:40 +0000 UTC]

It sounds like a wonderful mindset to keep!

A sounds like it may be more difficult than B.

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to EternalNope [2016-04-14 18:26:42 +0000 UTC]

That it is.  

it is. since she was a baker she has zero combat training and is about as stealthy as a dragon.  

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EternalNope In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-14 19:32:06 +0000 UTC]

Yeeeeah, that's completely believable XD Qunari aren't exactly small...

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to EternalNope [2016-04-14 19:37:16 +0000 UTC]

yep. XD 

i'm tempted to have her hiding in a box that gets shipped to Orlais or Antiva and she then travels south from there. 

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EternalNope In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-14 19:50:14 +0000 UTC]

It seems like she'd have to be in there with a shipment of heavier/other living items? 

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to EternalNope [2016-04-14 21:11:21 +0000 UTC]

yep, she'd try to go for a shipment of sheep or livestock, the smell wouldn't be great, but she can do a good animal impression. 

Though that said she would hope that the dock workers aren't very thorough. XD

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EternalNope In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-14 21:20:01 +0000 UTC]

It'd certainly make for one hell of a memory.

I'm sure that if they were some exotic animals going to Orlais that they wouldn't check to well XD

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to EternalNope [2016-04-14 22:18:58 +0000 UTC]

That it would. XD 

probably. XD

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ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 00:09:33 +0000 UTC]

Oho >C
Vale!! <3 My favorite Darkspawn killing kid 8D

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 00:10:49 +0000 UTC]

i've been meaning to post this for a while, he's been ready and waiting for about a month. XD 

Vale: -grins.- 

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 00:14:19 +0000 UTC]

Pfft well I actually thought you had already posted his bio the other day 8D

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 00:19:40 +0000 UTC]

I'll be honest i thought i posted his bio a month ago, but i got a surprise when i saw him sitting in my Sta.sh. XD

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 01:07:07 +0000 UTC]

Well it's up now 8D

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 01:10:54 +0000 UTC]


couldn't help but have him vanish mysteriously a year after Trespasser. 

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 03:11:40 +0000 UTC]

I was actually thinking it was either A) The Grey Wardens doing their Grey Wardening thing or B) Those tenacious darkspawn are trying to get to him again XD
Either way 8D

Also, during the part with him and Teagan yelling at one another, I can see Catherine joining Vale and just kinda being an ass with very valid points 8)

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 03:15:58 +0000 UTC]

Oddly enough i was thinking of it being a bit of option A and Option B. XD 

to be fair if Teagan wants to sleep in his own bed again he won't dare argue with Catherine. XD 

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 03:23:26 +0000 UTC]

Well with how the Warden bit was left off in the main story of the game, go figure :v

Pfft I think that's just a general rule of thumb for everyone to live by XD She doesn't like being beaten in anyway shape or form 8D
Then again, she also isn't afraid to just talk about the embarrassing things he may have done in front of people XD

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 03:26:29 +0000 UTC]

yep, especially with the rumours of a Warden Civil war. 

instant win. XD Sharta is much the same with her subordinates. XD

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 03:29:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh that cannot be good :v

Pfft if Catherine doesn't have dirt on you, then expect a guilt trip. Which is highly ironic considering this is Catherine XD

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 03:34:06 +0000 UTC]

I'll be honest i kind of ignore that so the troubles within the wardens gets dealt with by each Warden-comamnder electing whether to help the common folk or not. Vale for the most part gets dispatched on recon missions since the Tevinter wardens are assisting against the Qunari. 

True, but i imagine it is highly effective. XD

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 03:45:22 +0000 UTC]

Well that makes sense. I actually like to think that the Wardens, depending where they are, may or may not actually attempt to be helpful in and around the areas they're upposed to protect. Like with Ferelden, I can see them kind of being like policing force in Amaranthine to help the local guards and such. And they have even have strongholds across Ferelden to kinda build that influence.
Well I prefer that than whatever Bioware came up with. From what I got, kinda sounds like they ditched Amaranthine and just wandered Ferleden or left the Order for whatever reason 8D Lazy bums.

Well she can be convincing XD She did grow up in a tower so I blame that XD And I can't imagine the Wardens were a better influence at all XD

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 03:48:41 +0000 UTC]

I'll be honest none of my wardens would be too happy about Ferelden wardens up and leaving. (the Mahariels would be espeicially angry if they discovered it was on Clarel's orders and would personally pelt the Orlesian warden-commander with Halla dung.) and the general attitude was "I am not letting you lot abandon the country i busted my arse trying to save just because some slaphead says so." 

probably not. XD Heck Vale's learned more swear words in various languages and drinking songs than he ever would have as a noble. XD

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 03:54:32 +0000 UTC]

Pfft Catherine would join in XD Just get all angry about that lady and her incompetence. 
Just I mean, the Wardens LITERALLY fought tooth and nail :v 2 games and they'd up and leave from Ferelden? I'm sorry Bioware, but I'm saying BS on this :V Gimme all your cards and let's start round 2 >C

I actually have no doubt that the Wardens are like that XD I can actually see a few of them getting into quite a few bad habits 8D Drinking blindly may be one of them XD

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 04:01:28 +0000 UTC]

seriously Even Vale knows that if a Magister shows up and suggests using blood magic of any description YOU DON'T DO IT! Vale is from Tevinter and while they have different views on Blood magic even he knows you don't agree to it. he'd be even more pissed at the Ferelden wardens as the Tevinter wardens often send surplus supplies to Ferelden to bolster their forces. 

Vale has that habit too. XD he sometimes gets really drunk and tries back flipping off of tables. XD 

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 04:22:47 +0000 UTC]

Pfft, unless the "blood magic" part is coming from Catherine, I don't doubt it. But even then people like to make assumptions about that 8D
Catherine and blood magic can be kinda bad after a while I suppose 8D

Pfft Catherine swears she can outdrink a dwarf but then she meets Oghren and is proven wrong every time 8D

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 04:40:04 +0000 UTC]

everything is bad in excess, but i doubt Catherine would walk into a fort during a crisis and say "right sacrifice some of your men so we can bind demons to mages for this plan that will probably backfire horribly even if we do succeed." since the way i see it (and Vale also sees it.) the Old gods give the Darkspawn a target, so while they do have a presence the bulk of the horde is more focused on releasing the Archdemon as opposed to raiding the surface, so if there were no old gods that would remove the target for the horde, and there is only one other thing on their hive mind. 

weird thing is i can see Catherine giving it a very good try. XD 

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 04:50:50 +0000 UTC]

Okay with that exact phrase, I can see her waving her arms like a crazy lady 8D
But like seriously :v As good an idea as that it is, it has some SERIOUS repercussions >C I mean who knows how many darkspawn are there you know? And if it's that much of a hassle to take down ONE archdemon, I can't imagine taking on whatever may be left before they become an Archdemon >T

Yeah it's nothing but a rumor now 8)

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 13:43:20 +0000 UTC]

so can i to be honest XD 

exactly, Darkspawn can replenish their numbers faster than they are killed so who knows how many of them there are chasing around the Deep Roads, and even if the Wardens did get to the Archdemon they would have to break through some sort of barrier or trap to get at the dragon and i highly doubt it's just going to lie there and let the Wardens stab it to death.


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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 17:20:38 +0000 UTC]

Pfft I dunno. I'm a huge fan of things just sitting there and letting me stab the shit out of it 8D
Makes life immensely easier XD

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 17:39:15 +0000 UTC]

agreed. XD

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 17:45:52 +0000 UTC]

Just can we have more of this? It would certainly help in killing all those bears and dragonlings that like to find me as I'm running around XD

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 18:01:55 +0000 UTC]

agreed. XD 

Thing is i used to like bears... but after playing Inquistion they are my least favourite animal. XD 

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 18:05:27 +0000 UTC]

Omg :v
Every time I run somewhere there's a friggin bear XD
Though it's worse in the Hinterlands for that one immensely useless mission of collecting claws 8)
All those bears have it out fof me I swear

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 18:12:53 +0000 UTC]

honestly by the time i got out of the Hinterlands i was sure Dirthamen the elven god of secrets was influencing his bears to stage a revolt or something. XD

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 18:15:35 +0000 UTC]

I just kept having flashbacks to a let's play I saw where someone was playing a survival/crafting game and kept running into bears XD

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 18:40:33 +0000 UTC]

Yikes. XD 

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 19:00:03 +0000 UTC]

It's one thing to watch and another to experience 8D

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 21:00:03 +0000 UTC]

indeed. XD 

kind of like playing Cricket, boring to watch but quite fun when you know how to play. 

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ShadowHachia In reply to Firestar-Kelman [2016-04-12 21:11:31 +0000 UTC]

I imagine so XD

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Firestar-Kelman In reply to ShadowHachia [2016-04-12 21:15:11 +0000 UTC]

Though i preferred rounders myself. XD at least in rounders it's easier to keep track of who's in and who's out. XD

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