fishiefawns — DECEASED | Papillon | Doe | Oathkeeper

Published: 2015-09-09 20:14:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 1688; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 2
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  • Permitted Users: swan107  
  • Conditions of Use: only Swan can NPC Pap

B A S I C  I N F O R M A T I O NName: Papillon
    Nick Names: Moth
        Name Meanings: butterfly
Gender: doe
Age: 25
Year of Birth: 745 of the New Age 
Height: 8 hh 
Build: ultra-light 

A P P E A R A N C EPhenotype: Chestnut Restricted Classic Fawn 
Genotype: ee/aa/fwfw/RxRx 
Eye Colour: brown 
Design: here  


Papillon is an extremely dainty and slender doe. Very thin and wispy in build with the appearance of one who, if you breathe too hard, will shatter. She’s surprisingly well put together, though, so no fear of blowing her away! Just, please don’t kick her. Not only does it hurt but it makes her extra grumpy! 

Her mane is about knee length and held down on the right side of her neck with a fat braid down her neck and then left loose at the end. A few strands that came loose over the years were tucked back in with quick loops. Her tail, aside from being very, very long in the bone is very long haired as well with a silky tip. There is no fringe on the rest of her tail, it just appears at the end with a lovely tuft.

Her legs are clean and straight (and where 90% of her height comes from) with no feathering. Her skeletal structure is very narrow, especially in the hips which complicates things when it comes to fawns, and in the shoulders which slant dramatically giving her a perfect and graceful stride at a run. Her body is a little long, very lean and narrow. When she grows her horn it fans out in a shield over her head in a form reminiscent of butterfly wings. 

She doesn’t paint her horn but occasionally she’ll keep globs of ice or water in the ‘holes’ ( after she hits advanced magic this applies ). Her paint decoration is fairly minimal and centered on stages of the moon phase, obviously lacking the ‘new’ moon, and often in white with just the barest hint of blue in the core of the paint. 

            C H A R M S

  • crystal chunk - use - magic [ the rp ]
  • snowy owl feather - use - magic [ the rp ]
  • barn owl feather(s) - use - magic [ the rp ]
  • spider webs - use - magic [ the rp ]

H E R D • I N F O R M A T I O N
100% Oakfern | Water MagicSire: Tabhin
Dam: Ālō(NPC - Gray) 
Current Location: Home Cave, the Warren

Herd Position: Shaman 
Mate(s): NONE



    Upon first impressions Papillon is a silent, withdrawn doe that appears to have no interest in ‘the outside world.’ The reality is, Papillion has no interest in losing her voice because she has to tell so many fawnlings how stupid they are. So she bites her tongue. This is an impressive feat for Papillion because it is not usually easy for her to refrain from speaking her mind over anything- be it stupidity, failure, your face or even Religion. She simply can’t do it. In her youth she was notorious for being short tempered and quick to verbally lash out at others. This was observed by her daughter, Mabs, and her student, Pascal the most. Moth simply couldn’t figure out how not to be severe and stern with fawns and eventually decided ‘no more, I can’t do this.’ after raising Mabs. 
    So aside from her inability to handle fawns and extremely short frustration switch where youth are concerned Moth is a severely religious doe, very Devout and dedicated. She won’t tolerate any negatives towards her God, Gealach, and will happily bible-thump your silly little brains if you try. Yes, she will make you sit down and listen to all the stories and rules she can remember about Gaelach if you so much as hint towards neutrality or negativity where religion is concerned. She’s serious about Gaelach and the Moon. She also firmly believes Oathbreakers are horrible and should be punished. Religiously fervent she’s always thrilled with sacrifices however she won’t ostracize Sympathizers. She’ll try to teach them the correct way instead, while giving them disdainful looks. 
    Even in her youth Moth was the type to deflect personal questions and refuse to speak about herself. Who was she? Who were her parents? Did she have any siblings? Gee, Moth, I didn’t know you had a daughter! Yeah, she won’t answer any of that and likely won’t acknowledge it either. It is not that she isn’t proud of her personal life it’s simply that it’s her personal life, not yours. What business do you have prying into it? Why do you need to know? So she deflects or just ignores you. So, basically, don’t go for questions. Tread the interrogation line carefully ‘what were you doing’ is another thing she won’t answer even if you really need to know.
    The older she gets the more ‘set in her ways’ she becomes. She’ll thump you with ‘old school’ knowledge and harumph you if you argue with your youthful logic. You’re young, you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Here let granny ( do not call her granny! ) correct you. There, see? Don’t you feel much smarter now? Good. Now don’t sass me you young wipper-snapper! 
Actually, she won’t use ‘me’ or ‘I’ when she speaks and rarely even uses ‘we’. Anything that refers to herself and could possibly fit in the first person Moth will not use. Instead you’ll hear a lot of ‘Moth believes...’ or ‘This one says...’ instead of ‘I believe’ or ‘I say...’ etc. If this doesn’t drive you batty, then cool. Stick around. It’ll be a long night. 
    Hey, listen, you might not know this but… Papillon is Agoraphobic. That’s right, agor-a-pho-bic. She cannot handle great big open spaces in particular. Open sky, open holes in the roof, going near the surface and too-large-caves terrify her. Especially when everything is very well lit. Only her stubborn resolve and devotion to Gaelach sees poor Papillon overcoming this strange phobia to enter the moonpools and she rarely permits herself to stand directly beneath the largest holes in the roof of a cave. 

  • Agoraphobic
    • severe panic attacks the closer to the surface she is
    • eye twitches ( only tell ) in the moonpools and under open roofs
    • difficult breathing near the surface
    • blind panic will set in if dragged out. 
      • Will fight like a hell cat regardless of who’s with her (watchoutshebites!)
    No matter how ‘in the wrong’ she is, Papillon will not say sorry. She’s pety, stubborn and childish this way but she refuses to apologize. Apologizing is a sign of failure and weakness and she will not tolerate failure. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, she did not berate this into her daughter and tries not to put Mabs in situations where ‘I’m sorry’ needs to cross Moths lips but will not.

'15 Update - personality block

H I S T O R YHistory:     Ālō essentially raised her daughter all by herself. Moth was a curious handful from the get go. Always getting into trouble in her first three years of life, Moth was the type of fawn that made her mother groan and sigh in exasperation  often . It’s probably fitting that she later birthed a daughter she, herself, could not handle. Ālō tried her best to keep track of her daughter but with so much to do herself she often lost little Moth in the caves. In frustration she painted her daughter with a distinct butterfly pattern when Papillon was only four months old. The pattern stretched from her withers to her hips in great swooping wings and down her rear legs in the tails of a swallow, though Ālō patterned and colored the painting after a giant luna moth.
    As a yearling Moth noticed an odd thing in the caves. A pure white spider about three inches long perched on an enormous web that glittered in the dark cave. The strands of the web were particularly thick and unlike anything the fawn had seen before. She blew on the spider to chase it away and stole this fine, heavy web to store with her mothers herbal supplies. Every few weeks Moth returned to steal the new web of the spider until it began to rear up into of flee when she blew on it. 
    At this point she decided she had enough web and produced her prize to her mother. Horrified Ālō hunted down and drowned the spider while lecturing her daughter on the dangers ( apparently it was highly venomous and had others like it had killed adult fawns before ). Moth pouted after the lecture and lesson and repeated her request to use the web. With a sigh Ālō agreed and crafted a charm out of the thick web after painstaking efforts to unwind it back into a draping structure and piece each together. This new net she dipped in glowing moss paint before draping it on her daughters neck. From then on Moth went everywhere with her prize.
     She was three years old when she discovered a wounded owl in the caves. How it had gotten wounded she couldn’t say but she coaxed it, over a few days, to accept her help and brought it home to her mother. Together they nursed the wounded creature back to health while Ālō trained her daughter in magic ( Moth originally refused to learn herbology ) and the religion of the Oakferns. Studious and surprisingly serious as she aged, Moth impressed her mother by learning quickly and begging for more knowledge. 
     Once her owl was healed Moth took to carrying the sweet creature everywhere with her. It didn’t take long for them to find her a mate and both of them decided to remain close to Moth. When she was four, a few short months after collecting the second owl, both of her friends presented her with a long feather each. These she proudly had her mother weave into her tail along with the snowy-owl feather her mother had collected once-upon-a-time. From then on out she felt like she was a  true  Oakfern. For a while at least.
     Moth was exploring the caves and just turning five when she encountered Rochus. He suggested they cover towards the entrances, that she would make an excellent fawn taker with her slender runners build. Wary but curious Moth conceded to the experiment. She later swore she would never make that mistake again. A shadow cat had crept into the caves near the mouth that Rochus had chosen and it attacked them. Rochus killed the stupid cat but not before Moth was wounded. The gashes dug deep into her shoulder healed over time with no real scarring but they hurt and terrified her. Moth had fled back to the safe darkness of the cave and was found weeping by Rochus who apologized profusely for the injury.
    Feeling responsible the stag remained with her until the injury had healed and by that autumn, when she could move with only slight tenderness and was getting her full range back, Rut hit. Well, of course it happened then. Rochus was two years older than Moth and knew what  he  was doing. It was not that Moth did not consent at this point- she would strike down any who said otherwise! - she was simply ill informed on the matter. She spent a blissful night with Rochus that autumn and woke to find him gone. Furious and hurt she returned to her mother and told her everything. Ālō gently explained what had happened, the likelihood of Moth being pregnant and that she should not expect him to come by too often. 
     Moth was conflicted about thi news. She wasn’t ready to be a mother and it terrified her. Not nearly as much as the world beyond the caves and the open sky did, but still. She was afraid. The closer it came to time for her to give birth the more she clung to her mother and the more incoherent and irrational she would become. Finally she gave birth to her beautiful daughter, whom she promptly named Mabs, and her fears eased away for some time.
     Shortly after Mabs was born Moth collected her last charm- a curious crystal shard that she dulled and then wove into her tail. Raising her daughter was more challenging than she ever thought possible and she became frustrated and distressed quickly. Her temper flared often and she snapped, a lot, at Mabs but she loved her baby dearly and secretly was very proud of her little chestnut girl. Curious, bright and eager Mabs was a pride and joy in her mothers life even if Moth never told her as much.
     As Mabs aged Moth taught her everything she knew about Gaelach, the Sacrifices, everything. Soon she was taking on an apprentice, Pascal, and teaching him magic. When her daughter was old enough she began teaching Mabs as well. Lessons… did not go well. Moth did not have the temperament to handle them and said cruel things to her daughter when Mabs failed, and mabs failed  often . It stressed Moth out and she began to question her ability to raise a daughter at all. Then a nagging suspicion caught in the back of her mind. What if she just wasn’t good for teaching? Fearful of this being the truth she became harsher in her lessons, even the slightest failure infuriated her and she often abandoned Mabs to trail with Pascal when she could no longer handle her daughter.
     Finally, when mabs was 5, she parted from her daughter with great relief. Mabs no longer needed Moth to take care of her. This was good enough for her ands he breathed a great sigh at this freedom- and kicked the jaw of the first stag that same rut when he came calling for her. She was not, she vowed, raising another child again. Especially not on her own!
     In more recent years Moth rejected the new King Nazam and withdrew from the main activity of the herd. Drawing into herself and becoming more and more reclusive Moth avoided the others as much as she could though she dutifully attended the Sacrifices and all holy days. She just didn’t want the King to take notice of her. She’d started noticing how so many of the elders of any power began to vanish when they spoke out against the king and she shuddered at the thought of becoming one of those lost faces.

'15 Update - history block

TALLIED • ROLEPLAYSSpeed: 8 [Basic Level] 
Stamina: 3 [Basic Level] 
Strength: 1 [Basic Level] (Build Cap: 5 points max) 

Magic: 30 [Master Level] *pending confirmation
Herbs: 5 [Basic Level] 

Experience: 0

            BREAK DOWN
+7 speed - base bonus 
+3 stamina - base bonus 
+1 speed - starter bonus 
+10 magic - starter bonus 
+10 magic - bacon boost
+10 magic - bacon boost

            THE SKILLS RP’S
    +1 strength - art - Shooooooooove

    +3 herbs - collab lit - 1000-1999 words - Anger
    +2 herbs - training/sparring with a Fawnling of higher level

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Comments: 11

salemtide [2015-09-09 23:46:21 +0000 UTC]

She is amaaaazing! I love her paint!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fishiefawns In reply to salemtide [2015-09-10 04:47:53 +0000 UTC]

thank you x3 I can't wait to play her xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

llostsoulss [2015-09-09 23:34:20 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fishiefawns In reply to llostsoulss [2015-09-10 04:47:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank youuuu <3 <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

llostsoulss In reply to fishiefawns [2015-09-10 09:11:39 +0000 UTC]

Welcome <3 <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LiddleCherry [2015-09-09 23:23:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fishiefawns In reply to LiddleCherry [2015-09-10 04:47:36 +0000 UTC]

yas <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DepartedDoe [2015-09-09 20:31:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fishiefawns In reply to DepartedDoe [2015-09-09 20:33:37 +0000 UTC]

ain't she purdy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DepartedDoe In reply to fishiefawns [2015-09-09 20:45:26 +0000 UTC]

sooooo prettyyyy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fishiefawns In reply to DepartedDoe [2015-09-09 20:48:25 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0