Fixala — A Little Too Much Love? Full Sequence ~ (Patreon)

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Published: 2019-11-28 23:16:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 4961; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 5
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All 3 stories combined!
Unlock this sequence and see for yourself in full quallity how massively unrecognizable this girl and her pet fox have gotten!

Ashley recently addopted this cute little foxy and named her Rosie. But  when she walked her for the first time, she discovered a brand new  burgerplace were you could buy all kinds of high quallity but cheap  junkfood and burgers! And since Rosie needed 4 walks a day, Ashley  always stopped by, and ordered some burgers that she would eat on her  way home 4 times a day! It didn't take long before the effects of such a  diet affected her body negatively. Ashley's once tight trained sixpack  got covered under layers of fat and she develloped quite a belly! She  also got REALLY busty! Her breasts that were very recently just a tiny  B-cup accumulated so much fat, that both of them had already swollen to  the size of 2 big heavy watermelons! They were resting firmly on top of  her bellyrolls. Also her once athletic legs and rear were heavily  affected and were accumulating so much blubber, that she would only fit  these tight elastic shorts! Her butt and thighs became almost 4 times  fatter than how they used to be. This all happened in just 1 month! 

After only a few weeks Ashley became too lazy and too fat to walk  long distances, so she just let Rosie do her business in the backyard  while ordering tonns of burgers and other fastfood from that same place  she used to walk to with Rosie. Ashley discovered that all that junkfood  was WAY cheaper than the healthy expensive food that Rosie needed to  stay fit. So from that moment on, she put Rosie on a strickt diet of  only burgers and milkshakes. Ashley started to feed her more and more  often everyday, and after only a week combined with a lack of exercise,  Rosie's once beautiful slim vixen body started to swell up with fat very  drastically and especially her belly! She started to refuse the  burgers, because she didn't like them anymore. But Ashley thought that  she was starving herself, so she started to forcefeed Rosie. She even  enlarged the portions she was forcefeeding her, because she thought that  Rosie would starve herself if she didn't "help" her eating her  ridiculously large portions.

This is what the diet has done to  both of them 1 month later... Rosie's body has been unrecognizably  deformed by the layers and layers of blubber inside her body. The fur on  her belly has fallen out permanently by the pressure of the huge amount  of bellyfat and the contstandly dragging of her belly across the floor  when she attemps to walk. Her owner has also gained a lot of weight  during that period! Ashley's hips and thighs have gotten completely  packed with fat just like her belly and boobs! Both of them have also  developped quite an amount of cellulite and stretchmarks all over their  bodies!

In the picture you can see that Ashley thinks that she  forgot to feed Rosie last hour (she's already feeding her hourly!), but  she actually didn't forget that at all! She even gave her twice as much!  Rosie has started to dislike her owner as you can see. But Ashley is  too concerned about not starving Rosie that she can't see that...

Ashley kept enlarging the portions for herself and Rosie as she still  ordered from that same fastfood restaurant. As soon as she finished her  ridiculously large mount of junkfood she began to forcefeed Rosie again  who was already immobile because of the tonns and tonns of fat inside  her horribly obese belly. And as soon as also Rosie's enormous mount of  junkfood was forced inside of her body, Ashley already placed the next  order. She lived like this for weeks, and soon she turned immobile  herself as well. She called her friend Victoria to help feeding Rosie as  she couldn't do that herself anymore. Victoria of course gladly  accepted! And came over right away!

But instead of only feeding  Rosie, she also fed Ashley herself! She didn't mind though, as long as  she and Rosie were being well fed by Victoria, she had nothing to  complain about. But we all know Victoria. She wants to take things to  the most extreme level as she can get! So instead of only ordering and  feeding tonns of fastfood to the wolfgirl and her petfox, she also  ordered insane amounts of free old lard! The mouths of Ashley and her  pet were always stuffed to the brim with junkfood, so Victoria had to  use the other way around to pump both of them also full with the spoiled  lard.

These are the results of getting stuffed to the brim with  junkfood and also being stuffed with hundreds of liters of lard daily.  Both of their bodies have been ruined forever. They both have become so  fat, that it has blinded them forever. Also their limbs have gotten so  big and deformed, that you can hardly recognize them anymore. They can't  move any of them anymore because of the imense pressure of all of their  fat. They can't even move their hands/paws anymore! You would imagine  that their bodies are now extremely soft by all the blubber tightly  packed inside of it, but the pressure of the fat bellow their skin has  build up so much, that their bodies feel extremely tight, rather hard  and though. Victoria accidentally cut one of Ashley's enormous blubbery  bags of fat that once were her boobs, while feeding her. Instead of  blood, their was only fat bulging out of the cut a little. But to be  shure she put a bandade over the cut. (not that it's helping though).  Ashley and Rosie are also leaking somekind of fatty liquid out of their  nipples, that Victoria tries to feed back to them as much as she can!

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Ashley and Rosie (C)

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