Flames-of-Ice — Gelide Caelum ch.3
Published: 2008-10-12 19:15:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 261; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 2
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Description Skylight transformed and sped off, searching for her brother.

IceFire felt his sister's panic/worry slip through the cracks in his welded shut gate and growled.


'No! I don't want to be left alone! We lost mother, I don't want to lose you too!' Skylight cried as she sped off.

' I am looking for mother. I am dangerous. Stay away.' ordered IceFire in an even mental tone. He then tuned his sister out, refusing to listen any more.

'No! IceFire! Please no! I need you!' Skylight shouted, crying. 'You aren't dangerous! You aren't! You just have temper problems! That's okay! Brother!'

IceFire heard nothing, driving faster and faster. He had a plan. He had speed. He had a purpose. That was all he needed.

Skylight slowed down before she hit the City, crying. She needed her brother. She needed her mother. But both of them were gone. What should she do? What can she do...?

IceFire heard something, Transforming back into his robot form so fast he tripped over his own momentum.

  ' Mother?'


He leapt to his feet, running in the direction the 'voice' came from.

  ' Skyfire! where are you?!'

'Ice...Fire...' The voice said weakly again.

" I'm LOOKING!" he screeched into the air, each step dragging him miles farther into the deserted desert. There, was that a glint of moonlight on metal?

'Ice...' The voice stopped talking, seemingly unable to.

" No! NO!" IceFire yelled, frantically digging at the spot he thought he'd seen the glint at. Each handful brought out tons of sand, but it kept pouring right back in.

The voice never replied as Skylight started for Icefire, having heard him shout.

" No! Come on, come on!" howled IceFire shakily, sinking to his knees to improve his digging.

Skylight transformed next to him, worried.

"Ice...? What's going on?!"

" Down there...somewhere..." he muttered distractedly. " Gotta dig faster.."

Skylight's optics widened and she started to help dig. She got onto her knees as she dug beside her brother.

" Come on...come on!" IceFire growled, striking something solid. He held onto it tightly, digging with even more ferocity.

Skylight aided her brother as best she could. She choked back a sob, praying that it was their mother, and their mother was still online.

IceFire grabbed onto the solid thing with his other hand, heaving. He needed to get Skyfire out!

Skylight kept digging as her brother heaved. She blinked back the tears as she felt the sand get into her finger and wrist joints.

IceFire dug his heels into the ground, pulling harder. He felt the strain begin tearing at his recently-repaired arm, but he ignored it.

Skylight's optics watered as she saw the familiar helm of their mother. She started to dig faster.

IceFire wrapped his uninjured arm around the torso of his mother, placing the other on the ground for balance. Close..

Skylight then helped her brother pull their mother out, smiling.

' Oh slag.' thought IceFire, hearing a wire in his arm rip. Hurt like the Pit, but he ignored it. Finally, finally Skyfire was out. IceFire collapsed on the ground, exhausted.

Skylight forced herself to remain up. She took out her tools and went to work.

" What's...is Skyfire okay?" breathed IceFire.

Skylight glanced up. She bit her lower lip and went back to work.

"I... I don't know..." She said quietly.

" Should we...take him...to the Autobots?" asked IceFire worriedly.

"That... That would be best... Ratchet's a trained medic with proper tools... I'm just a drop-out with rusted, broken tools." Skylight bit her lip again.

IceFire groaned, half in pain, half in irritation. " Not this again. You are a perfectly good medic. You just need better tools."
  He slowly rose up, lifting Skyfire up with what looked like but was not ease.

"Yeah. Sure. Then why did your wire snap?" She muttered, standing up and helping Icefire.

IceFire shrugged. " I'm a rust bucket, what can I say?"

"You are not." Skylight said as they walked to the Autobot's base carrying their mother.

If he were human, he would have rolled his eyes. " Sure, whatever you say."

After a while, the twins reached the base. Skylight realized all the others had gone to recharge and she sighed.

" Are you alright?" asked IceFire instantly, shifting the weight of their offline parent.

"The Autobots went to recharge already... I kinda don’t want to risk running into Ratchet's quarters and find him... doing things... with Ironhide..." Skylight said, faceplates heating up.

IceFire was so many levels of not amused. " We'll just bang really, really loudly on the door before going in and pray we aren't blinded."

Skylight huffed and agreed, going to the Medbay and placing their parent on a berth before going to the Medic's quarters. She banged. Loud. Very loud.

IceFire watched Skyfire's body, scuffed, dirty, coated in sand. Not the way his parent should look.

Skylight peeked her head in, optics blinking. She saw Ratchet and Ironhide asleep on their berth. She pulled out and closed the door. She went back to her brother.

"They're asleep... I don't want to wake them up; we've cause enough trouble as it is..."

IceFire snorted and barged into the room, grabbing Ratchet up bodily and dragging him out.

"IceFire! Remember what I said? Think before you act!" She hissed quietly as the medic was startled out of recharge.

" Nope. Don't recall, sorry." replied IceFire, pointing out his parent.

Ratchet stared at Skyfire, shocked.

"What happened?" He asked.

IceFire shrugged, keeping his tone carefully impassive. " I do not know."

"We found Mother buried in the sand. I tried to fix him the best I could, but I couldn’t do much." Skylight said as Ratchet went to work.

IceFire went to go say something, but winced as another wire in his arm snapped suddenly. He slowly attempted to ghost out of the room.

Skylight grabbed his, injured, arm. "No. Ratchet, I think you should look at IceFire's arm." She said.

"Alright." Ratchet said, finishing repairing Skyfire.

IceFire shook his helm quickly. Hospitals= bad, sister being a medic=good. " No, I'm fine really-"

"Sit down." Ratchet and Skylight ordered, both making him sit.

IceFire snarled, looking over at Skyfire. " Focus on him." he growled.

"I already fixed him. He'll online in the morning." Ratchet snarled back, truly scaring the two siblings.

IceFire stared impassively at Ratchet. ' Deep, even breaths.' he told himself. ' Stay calm, stay collected, don't lose it. You don't want Sky to blow you up again, do you? No, I didn't think so.'

Ratchet took a look on IceFire's arm, frowning. "Two wires snapped. I'll have to replace them." he said.

IceFire looked at Skylight. ' Do not let me lose it.' he prayed.

Skylight sighed, "Put him into recharge and stasis. He's going to snap soon." She said. Ratchet obeyed the femme, already planning on doing that.

Half of IceFire sighed in relief. The other half panicked.

  " No!" he started.

"Yes!" Skylight glared, holding him down as Ratchet worked on sedating IceFire.

IceFire struggled weakly against his twin's grip. He never noticed his optic lights slowly begin to change color as he faded out of consciousness.

Ratchet made sure he'd stay offline while he worked.

Suddenly the door to the Medbay burst open, a very disgruntled Autobot storming in.

  " Ratchet..." he growled.

Ratchet looked up briefly at his mate and then went back to work. Skylight bit her lip, blushing at the thought of what she had walked in on earlier that day.

Ironhide barely spared a glance at Skylight at first, not really noticing her. And then he glared.

  " Are you the reason Ratchet left? Because I really do need a new target for target practice." threatened Ironhide.

Skylight clicked in fear and ran to where Skyfire was lying unconscious, hiding behind the berth.

"Ironhide, stop it! They found their mother and he needed to be repaired!" Ratchet said, not happy about his mate wanting to shoot the only femme they knew.

Ironhide growled quietly, but went to go inspect the newest new arrival.

  " Hm." he muttered.

Ratchet kept working as Skylight growled when Ironhide neared her mother. She didn't want him anywhere near Skyfire!

Ironhide quirked an optic ridge. " Did you just growl at me?"

Skylight growled more, getting out her favorite weapon, her crowbar. She went to hit him with it.

" Hey hey hey!" said a new, booming voice. " Play nice!"

Skylight stopped her attempt to hit Ironhide, pouting.

Ironhide glared at Skylight, but obediently stood down.

" Good." said Optimus Prime firmly. " What is going on?"

"They found their mother and Ironhide's mad that they dragged me out of recharge to fix him." Ratchet answered their commander. Skylight kept pouting.

Optimus laughed, loudly. " Ironhide! You're very selfish when it comes to your bondmate!"

Skylight giggled at this, still hiding behind the berth her mother was on.

Ratchet laughed as he worked on IceFire's arm.

Ironhide glared at his commander. " I am not selfish!" He changed the conversation topic quickly, walking over to IceFire. " What's his problem?"

"Some wires in his arm snapped. I have to replace them. And you are selfish Ironhide." Ratchet answered his bondmate.

Ironhide glared. " I know when I'm not wanted." he said, stalking out of the room.

"Ironhide... Stop that... I love you." Ratchet sent across their bond.

" No, you're mean." replied Ironhide, standing just outside the door. He was pouting privately, which was actually the reason he left the room.

"Ironhide... Please... I'm sorry..." Ratchet said, upset that Ironhide wouldn't forgive him.

Ironhide's will snapped, like always, and he slowly stalked back into the room. There went his dignity.

Ratchet finished replacing IceFire's wires when Ironhide entered the room again.

Skylight raised an optic ridge, and smirked. "Looks like Ratchet's got himself a little lost robo-puppy..." She said.

" Oh, I so want to shoot you." snarled Ironhide, looking to Optimus for permission to do so.

Optimus sighed. " No."

Skylight would have rolled her eyes if she were human. "Go ahead. I pretty sure I have no purpose here."

A voice came from a bit to her right, a little weary. " Ah, Sky, stop!"

"You know it's true Ice!" The femme snapped.

" Oh shut up already." moaned IceFire, rising to his feet. He slowly lumbered over to his sister, surveying everyone in the room.

" I hate you all." he declared blandly.

"Yeah, hate the mech who just saved your arm!" Skylight glared at her brother, standing up.

" Maybe less than the others." he allowed. " And I don't hate Optimus...oh Primus!" IceFire gasped realizing Optimus Prime was actually in the room. His face plates began to heat up, and he cowered uncharacteristically behind his sister.

Skylight would so have snorted at her brother if she could. The idiot. She moved from in front of her brother. She addressed to Optimus.

"You can recruit him you know. He won't say no to you." With that, she stalked off.

' Hey! Do not leave me alone in here!' whimpered IceFire.

'You have to watch over Mother.' replied Skylight.

IceFire snarled mentally. ' Get. Back. In HERE!'

'N. O. NO!' Skylight snarled back mentally.

' Please...' thought IceFire so softly his sister almost didn't hear it. A snapping sound brought him back to life.

" You alright in there?" asked Optimus.

Skylight ignored her brother and stood outside the base, looking up at the stars.

" Um, yeah, fine." muttered IceFire. He needed his sister. Who else would shoot him if he lost his mind and went 'Con? Not a pleasant thought, but still...

"IceFire, I want to know something... How far had Skylight gotten in her Medic training?" Ratchet asked.

" Um..." IceFire gave him a blank look. All things medical baffled him. " Not far?"

Ratchet sighed, "You don't know do you?" he asked.

" Um, no." admitted IceFire shamelessly.

Ratchet frowned. He went after Skylight.

IceFire nervously sidled over to where his mother lay, looking down at him.

After a few moments, Skylight trudged into the room behind Ratchet.

IceFire visibly relaxed, almost going so far as to sigh in relief.

Skylight sat in a clear corner of the Medbay.

IceFire was instantly uninterested, seeing it was what he liked to call, 'A Medic Thing'.

He turned his attention to Optimus Prime and Ironhide. " What did she mean by, 'recruiting' me?"

Skylight wanted to slap her brother so hard right now... How stupid could he GET!?

Extremely, it appeared. But he continued on in a surprising way.

" Because she said 'him' and not 'us' and I am afraid that definitely would not work."

"Yes, it would." Skylight interrupted, "I am of no use to Autobots, therefore, I am not joining."

IceFire growled and slowly walked over to his twin, placing his head so close to hers she had no chance to look away.

" Family first." he snarled.

"Ice... Remember who is commanding the other race..." She hissed quietly.

IceFire couldn't say anything, hurt and shame exploding from his every circuit.

Skylight stared at the ground, drawing circles again.

" What is going on!" thundered Prime in exasperation.

Skylight didn’t answer the Prime.

IceFire glared at his idol, optics glowing like blue flames.

" Fine, fine! You want to know?" he spat suddenly. " My Father is Megatron!"

And IceFire stormed out of the room.

Skylight bit her lip. Nobody was supposed to know about that. Mother will be angry...

' I don't care.' spat IceFire to her, through their link. ' And be quiet. I don't want to talk.'

"... Please don’t be mad..." She said quietly to the Autobots.

IceFire wanted to tell her to let them be mad, but remembered he wasn't talking to anyone right now. Sometimes being a moody bastard sucked.

Skylight was afraid that they hated them, and would maybe force her and Skyfire and IceFire out of the base. She didn't want that.

IceFire couldn't have cared less right then, walking out of the base. He Transformed into a car, getting only about to the middle of the city before a sleek black jet dive bombed him.
  ' What the-?'

Skylight was still drawing circles, not aware of anything that was happening to her brother.

IceFire reverted back to his normal form, rolling out of the way as the unknown jet did as well.

The robot, easily identifiable as a Deceptacon, landed easily on his feet in front of IceFire.

Skylight sat in 'her' corner, upset. She wanted her mother to wake up, to make things better again.

IceFire stood quickly, aiming a canon at the Deceptacon. Surprisingly, the other raised his hands defensively.

" Wait!" roared the Deceptacon. " I'm not here to attack!"

Skylight offlined her optics, not wanting to look at the Autobots, who were talking about something.

IceFire didn't lower his weapon. " Yeah, right."

The Deceptacon didn't move. " I am Starscream. I have an...offer for you. As …..Megatron's son."

It was then that Skyfire started to online. He glanced around the room, not happy. He sat up.

Oh, bad move. IceFire snarled and leapt at Starscream, driving his fist into his enemy's chestplate.

Skylight brightened, "Mother!" She hugged Skyfire tightly, happy.

Skyfire was confused. Where were they? How did his daughter get here? "Skylight, wha...?"

Starscream growled and brought his hand up, knocking IceFire off of him with a powerful blow to his faceplates. " Ungrateful!"

Skyfire saw Optimus and frowned. He wanted no part of this war!

"Mother, they helped us!" Skylight said.

" I'll show you ungrateful!" growled IceFire, blasting Starscream with his canon. The blow hit the Deceptacon's left arm beautifully, knocking it clean off.

Skyfire wanted to leave, but Optimus Prime stopped him.

Starscream screamed in fury, tackling IceFire. He brought his remaining hand down on the other's faceplates, chestplate, anything he could. IceFire screamed.

Skyfire and Skylight felt the scream and both ran off.

" Get offa me!" screamed IceFire, slamming his hands onto Starscream's helm. " Get off!"

Skyfire ran into the scene and punched Starscream. Skylight ran to her brother. "IceFire!"

" Ugh...S-Sky?" muttered IceFire, flat on his back. " Ya gotta get away...he's really strong.."

"It's Starscream you idiot, of course he is!" Skylight said, working on fixing her brother while Skyfire fought with Starscream.

" I didn't go looking for him.." murmured IceFire.

Skyfire managed to gain the upper hand. "Get lost Starscream!" He hissed, ready to kill the second in command.

IceFire blinked. " M-Mother? No, Sky, get the two of you outta here already!"

"Skylight, get your brother out of here!" Skyfire ordered. He was probably the largest mech out there, so he could get the upper hand easily.

" Yeah, right." said IceFire, shrugging his sister off. He raced towards the fight, eager and intent.

Skylight screamed. "NO! BROTHER!"

IceFire easily slipped behind Starscream, as Skyfire had him from the front. His optic lights turned midnight obsidian, and he grinned dangerously.

"IceFire! No!" Skyfire screamed, pushing Starscream away and grabbing his son.

' No!' screamed IceFire mentally, as the movement left an opening for Starscream to counter-attack. He slipped fluidly underneath his mother's arms and knocked the Deceptacon away.

Skyfire held IceFire down, hugging him tightly. "No IceFire! Stop it!" He said, concerned about his son. If his son kept this up, he might forever remain with his temper out, and himself in.

IceFire struggled against the hold, trying to get at Starscream. " No! He attacked you!" he snarled.

"He attacked you first! Stop it IceFire! Before it's too late and you cant go back!" Skyfire said, holding his son close. He wouldn't let go. Not even for the world. His children are his world.

IceFire fought against the hold. He had to keep his family safe, even if it meant losing himself.
  But wait. He froze, horrified. Losing himself would not make them safe. It would put them in danger. A lot of danger.

"IceFire... Please... Stop this." Skyfire whispered softly as his son stopped moving.

IceFire felt himself calm, and his optic lights turned blue again. " Mother.." he whimpered.

"It's okay..." Skyfire said softly, holding IceFire close to him.

IceFire fell backwards, leaning on his mother entirely. " What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you IceFire..." Skyfire told his son, "And nobody could ever say that there is."

IceFire didn't reply, too caught up in his own thoughts. ' That's number three.'

"IceFire...? Are you okay...?" Skyfire asked gently.

" No." muttered IceFire, attempting to stand on his own again. Starscream was watching them eerily, sitting on one knee a few feet away and cradling the socket of his missing arm.

"IceFire, it's okay, we're okay..." Skyfire wouldn't let IceFire stand by himself.

IceFire shook his helm. " If I don't get away from him, I'm going to lose it. Again." he explained hastily.

Just then a black jet dived down and transformed into a smaller version of Starscream. "Mother-!" He started to say, he stopped though, seeing the three.

"Then we're going with you." Skyfire said, "I'm not letting my children run away from me again."

IceFire didn't reply, staring at the miniature-Starscream. He had to keep all his concentration on his temper, always his temper.

  The small Starscream glared. He charged the three.

Skyfire got infront of his two children, getting hit by the small Starscream.

' No no no no no!'' screeched IceFire inside of his mind. Not enough time had gone by for him to cool down!

The mini Starscream ran head first into Skyfire and was forced down. He was held by his neck above the ground. He gave his mother a pleading look.

IceFire growled. ' I am going to snap.' he informed his sister, mother, anyone.

"Skylight, get IceFire out of here!" Skyfire ordered. Skylight obeyed her mother and took IceFire's arm

IceFire let himself be carried off, led by his sister. " Mother...be careful." he muttered blankly.

"Mother, be careful!" Skylight called, taking her brother away. Skyfire stared at Starscream, his old friend.

When they were nearly ten feet away, IceFire simply stopped moving. He stood is if frozen, breathing deeply.

"IceFire...?" Skylight asked, worried.

" I just got...the weirdest feeling." he replied, distantly, as if he were watching something happen a million miles away.

"What?" Skylight asked, worried.

" I...have no idea." IceFire breathed. " Let's...let's just get away from here, okay?"

"Okay." Skylight said, leading her brother away.

"Starscream, explain yourself. Now." Skyfire demanded from his old friend.

" What's to explain?" spat Starscream. " Put down my son, Skyfire."

"Not until you tell me why you attacked my son." Skyfire spat back.

" What can I say?" smirked Starscream, rising to his feet. " Actually, he jumped me."

"He must have had a good reason." Skyfire replied, dropping the mech. Starscream's son ran to him.

" Well," replied Starscream thoughtfully, placing a hand on the smaller mech's shoulder, " I did mention something about his father...?"

"That is reason enough for any one of my children or I to offline you Starscream..." Skyfire said, hurt. "You promised to leave my children alone..." He added quietly.

Starscream sighed dramatically. " Oh, come off it. Times have changed, old friend."

"That doesn't matter Screamer... I don't want my children being pulled into the war just because of who their father is." Skyfire replied.

Starscream began laughing, loudly. " Aw man, Fire, you're joking right? You're really kidding me? Because they're going to be in this war."

He calmed down and quieted, staring at the other mech for a moment. " I was doing him a favor, inviting him to be on the winning side." he said softly, extending a hand. " Be on the winning side."
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Comments: 10

autobot71 [2009-03-25 01:59:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flames-of-Ice In reply to autobot71 [2009-11-08 00:52:26 +0000 UTC]

You've commented on, I believe, all of these. Do you like them? If so, I'll definitely request my co-writer to e-mail me the rest and post them on here!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Skylight-Starbright [2008-10-12 19:45:08 +0000 UTC]

dun Dun DUN...

Damn, I forgot who played Skyfire and who played Sc-... nevermind, u played Screamer... Which means... I played Skyfire...?

-sighs- Damn, I forgot. =_= -glomps mini starscream- If Skyfire tries to hurt you 'gian Imma have Megatron whap him! >.<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flames-of-Ice In reply to Skylight-Starbright [2008-10-12 21:34:25 +0000 UTC]

Megs ain't got a chance against Sky, mate. and yes, you played Skyfire

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Skylight-Starbright In reply to Flames-of-Ice [2008-10-13 00:57:25 +0000 UTC]

Knew it! ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flames-of-Ice In reply to Skylight-Starbright [2008-10-13 03:39:49 +0000 UTC]


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Skylight-Starbright In reply to Flames-of-Ice [2008-10-14 00:37:03 +0000 UTC]

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Flames-of-Ice In reply to Skylight-Starbright [2008-10-14 01:35:47 +0000 UTC]

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Skylight-Starbright In reply to Flames-of-Ice [2008-10-14 20:42:45 +0000 UTC]


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Flames-of-Ice In reply to Skylight-Starbright [2008-10-17 00:11:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0