FlamesOfRuin — Lord Of The Rings, huh?

Published: 2007-02-03 21:06:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 669; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 2
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Description Yet another in my Axel Incidents series (that wasn't intentionally a series...)
But anyway, I was wondering waht Axel would look like if he pretended to be Legolas (the pics at the top) and then a short senario came into my head (see the bottom) and the result is above....
I have a sequel to THIS LOTR Axel Incident... I'll draw it asap.
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Comments: 83

FlamesOfRuin In reply to ??? [2007-02-19 22:29:23 +0000 UTC]

Flames: Gives up screamimg*
Yazoo: *sobbing* My hair!!
Vincent: *kicks Yazoo down hill* Nw catch her!

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-02-20 20:24:50 +0000 UTC]

Yazoo: *still halfway sobbing about his hair* gotcha... my hair..
Flames: *suprised* omg you actually caught me xD um.. here? *takes out shampoo out of nowhere*
Yazoo: *stares at shampoo* omg TY XD MY FAVORITE BRAND .... *runs off to wash hair*
Bunny: where's the birdy running off to?
Kadaj: Flames, push me now?
Flames: ... .no.
Vincent: *drinks tea** ahhh, life.

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-02-20 21:59:40 +0000 UTC]

Flames: *walks back up hill and sits on swing next to Kadaj*
Kadaj: Flames?
Flames: ...no.
Kadaj: Oh, but...
Flames: NO!!
Bunny: hehehe...BIRDIE!!!
Kadaj: *looks alarmed*
Yazoo: *turns up with lovely shiny hair* Thanks Flames!
Flames: Np... can I have the shampoo back now.
Flames: You used it ALL?
Yazoo: There was only half a bottle left!
Vincent: Teh DRAMA! teh ACtIOOOoooN!
Flames: AHHHH! *hides behind Yazoo* Save me

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-02-20 22:12:05 +0000 UTC]

Bunny: ... director birdie?
Kadaj: *suddenly stops swining* .... *goes to dig a hole in the ground and hides there* AHHHH SAVE ME FROM VINCENT
Vincent:... that was fun =3

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-02-20 22:17:19 +0000 UTC]

Flames: *from hiding place* No it wasn't!!
Vincent: *sits smirking to self and drinking tea*

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-02-20 22:24:09 +0000 UTC]

Kadaj: is the scary guy gone yet?
Bunny: birdies....
Kadaj: *bonks bunny*
Bunny: ow! what was that for? why am i halfway covered with .... stuff? *goes off for a quick shower, returning in PJ's and nachos*
Flames: i wonder where everyone's taking showers from...
Vincent: the director's office has sho---
Flames: AHHHHHH *hides behind Yazoo again*
Kadaj: * in back of Bunny*
Vincent: *drinks tea* fun indeed.

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-02-21 21:04:19 +0000 UTC]

Vincent: Hmm. I seem to have descovered something...
Flames: That you slept in a coffin for 20 years?
Bunny: That Lucrecia dumped you?
Kadaj: That your a sad loner?
Yazoo: That you have teh WORST dress sense ever?
*all look at Yazoo*
Yazoo: What? It's true.
Vincent: No. That the effect of one simple word can cause Flames such fear...
Flames: Phush. Oh yeah, what ever you say...
Vincent: DIRECTOR!!!
Flames; AHHHH! *hides behind Yazoo*

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-02-24 18:51:27 +0000 UTC]

Yazoo: *eyetwitch* I'm still with the fashion sense.
Kadaj: *Shivers behind Bunny*
Bunny: *twitch* he is SO NOT getting me to mop the floors again!
Director: someone rang?

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-02-24 20:58:39 +0000 UTC]

Flames: AHHHHHH!!!! *pulls out Kadaj's sword and proceeds to whack director....again*
Bunny: She likes doing that...
Kadaj: My sword!
yazoo: Does this mean I'm no longer a shield?
Vincent: Ah yes the chaos of it all.. *sips tea*
Chaos: *turns up* You called?

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-02-27 02:07:42 +0000 UTC]

Vincent: o-0' no i did not call.. how did you get here anyway?
Chaos: ... i was boerd. mind if i join you for tea?
Vincent: not at all. herbal or jasmine?
Chaos: Jasmine if you please
Vincent: *pours tea*
Chaos: pass the crumpets.
Vincent: *passes* oh, you just must try these biscuts. they are simply lovely.
Chaos: why thank you. *munch* *sip*
Bunny: *stares speechless*

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-02-27 22:17:53 +0000 UTC]

Kadaj: Can I have a crumpet?
Chaos: MAY I have a crumpet, and yes you may.
Vincent: Manners these days. What Do they teach kids these days...
Bunny: *speechless*
Flames: *still beating up the director*
Director: Okay. okay! What DRAMMMA! ACTTIIOOOOooooOOON!!

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-02-28 02:36:22 +0000 UTC]

Flames: *still beating up*
Director: owwwww the ACTIOOON OF IT OWWW ALL!
Chaos: oh my, what a violent scene *glances at Flames*
Vincent: We should watch something more approprite *takes out remote*
Kadaj: *stares*
Vincent: *clicks some buttons*
all of a sudden, Flames is whacking Director in back of Vincent and Chaos. A TV poofs out of nowhere and a soap opera is on.
Chaos: now that is more like it. Kadaj, would you like a biscuit?
Bunny: *stares*

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-02-28 21:38:31 +0000 UTC]

Vincent: Oh I love this series!
Chaos: Omg me too! So who do you think did it?
Vincent: Silly. Trish has been havingg and affair with Tony but tony has gotten Lucy prgnant and Lucy is having family problems...8rambles on*
Bunny: @.@ Boring! *turns and watches Flames beating up Director*
KadaJ : This is boring! *steals remote and begins to press loads of buttons*
Bunny: FLAMES!! *blink* Huh?
Vincent: Erm...you'll find her there... *points at t.v*
Flames: Is now in the middle of the sopa opera still whacking the director
Director: Oh so muc DRAMAAA!
Flames; Hey! I'm a fangirl get me out of here!
Chaos: Oh a new reality show!

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-03-01 22:50:48 +0000 UTC]

Bunny: um.... *tries to pull Flames out but has no idea how they got in there in the first place*
Kadaj: drama? *gets sucked into the TV*
Flames: *stops whacking Director for a moment* kadaj?
Bunny: WAIT I KNOW! *changes channel*
Flames: o-0' what the...
Kadaj: NOW WE'RE ON THE COOKING CHANNEL> *clings onto Flames* I don't wanna fall into the GIANT CAULDRON OF DOOM
Chaos: ooh, this is interesting.
Vincent: indeed.

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-03-02 23:09:16 +0000 UTC]

Flames: AhhH!
Kadaj: *pulls out of way of giant spoon*
Flames: Change the channel you idiots!!!
Chaos: @.@
Vincent: Kay.. i don't like what they're cooking anyway.. *changes channel*
Flames: What now...
Kadaj: *lloks at distant hill and starts singing* What's that coming over the hill. Is it a monster? Is it a...AHHHH!
Dircetor: Oh what bright costumes!
Flames: It's the teletubbies! Quick! Before I become a new item in his handbag!

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-03-03 02:51:50 +0000 UTC]

Director: err, hello?
Flames: please change channel ._.'
Vincent: *changes into another soap opera*
Director: oh the DRAAAAMAAAA-
Director: teh ROOOOMANCE
Bunny: change it now?
Chaos: Vincent, may you please? I think i may be feeling unwell with all the commotion
Vincent: *changes channel* Oh, no. Not Ghostbusters
Flames: *Running across the screen*

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-03-03 20:58:29 +0000 UTC]

Kadaj: *sat next to Vincnet* Oh I love this film!
Bunny: Huh? How did you get out!?
kadaj: get out? Oh yeah! I dunno!
Vincent: Big help you are...
chaos: Indeed...
flames; Hey look it's the statue of liberty!
Director: Oh what DRAMMMA!
Vincent: *changes channel*
Flames: AHHH!
Director: Mr. Smith! I love your films! *shakes hand*
Smith: Why thank you. Always nice to meet a fan...
Flames: *looks around* Neo! How do you get out of the Matrix!
Neo: well, it's only our minds in the matrix, and it's your whole physical self that's here as well
Flames: So?
Neo: It won't work for you
Flames: THEN HELP ME!!

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-03-05 22:35:08 +0000 UTC]

Bunny: Kadaj, help?
Kadaj: no can do. i just thought of Nachos. o-0
Director: I AM FREE!
Bunny: o-0' wth..
Director: i thought of italian sausages =3
Vincent: *changes channel*
Chaos: food network! =3
Bunny: ooooooh, unwrapped x3

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-03-05 22:50:59 +0000 UTC]

Flames: Oh pizza!
Bunny: What! It didn't work!
Kadaj: Maybe it's different for fangirls...
Chaos: Possibly
Vincent: Maybe she needs a good bishi on this end so she'll be drawn back...
Kdaj: Then why isn't she back? What's wrong with me?
Bunny: YOUR mine.. she knows she an't have you.
Kadaj: Oh...goodie.
Chaos: Then who?
Bunny: I have the perfect guy in mind.. *runs off and drags on Nero*
Nero: Wth?
Vincent: You must say her name so she'll come outta the t.v..
Nero: Um...sure...

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-03-05 22:53:49 +0000 UTC]

Vincent: well?
Nero: Flames? o-0'
Flames suddenly falls flat on the flooor
Bunny: hey, whataya know, it worked. x3
TV: Hey, where did that slightly crazy girl who looked like she didn't belong here go?

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-03-05 23:14:41 +0000 UTC]

Flames: *hides behind Nero*
Nero: Huh?
Bunny: *smiling to self*
Chaos* ah! They're attacking the t.v!
Vincent: No that's a fight..
Chaos: Oh..
kadaj: ....idiot...
Chaos: WHAT DID YOU SAY!!! *evil mode*
Kadaj: I said..id
Bunny: 8cover Kadaj's moyth8 As my property I forbid you to repeat that...
Flames: They gone?
T.V: *points at screen* Oh there she is! How did she manage that?
Directro: Oh what Drammmaa!
Flames: AHH! Will the nightmare never end..
Nero: No?

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-03-10 21:52:21 +0000 UTC]

Flames: *hides again* ><;
Kadaj: o-o
Nero: what next T_T;
Chaos: why, we change channel, of course! Tea, anyone?
Vincent: *changes channel*
Kadaj: awesomest is'nt a word
Nero: ditto.
All: *falls down*

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-03-10 22:47:12 +0000 UTC]

Flames: You've gotta be kidding me...
Nero: Thats gotta be the worst joke I've ever heard...
Chaos: How clever! How simily marvelous!
Kadaj: What IDIOT is gonna paty THAT much for a frying pan anyway?
Bunny: Hello? Yes I'd like to order a UFO please? Preferbky in blue.... thanks

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-03-11 00:34:07 +0000 UTC]

Bunny: wheeeee~
Flames: ...... please don't tell me this is a commerical channel..
Vincent: but oh it is :]
Chaos: why of course~
Kadaj: change..the...channel... pl0x...
Nero: suprisingly, i agree with Kadaj.
Kadaj: suprisingly?
Nero: yup. the ratio that i have disagreed with to to agree is 8 to 3.
Kadaj: the math hurttts my brainnnn

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-03-13 21:22:43 +0000 UTC]

T.V Stuck with your maths?
Kadaj: yup
T.V: Does your dismall additioon skills make your brothers laugh?
Kadaj: Yes..
T.V: Is your name Kadaj? Then we have the package then can help you! *carries on*
Kadaj: *staring at commercial*
Flames: Does he fall for anything they incluide his name in?
Nero: Probably. I mean, look at his bag... *holds up bag that says The Kadaj Kit Kompany*
Bunny: *is playing with new frying flying pan*

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-03-14 00:35:24 +0000 UTC]

Flames: he's so.. gullible .....
Bunny: *crashes the pan*
Kadaj: *picks up phone to order the package*
Nero: and just look at those gloves...
Flames: o-0 and shoes....
Nero: and watch...
Flames: and hair gel...

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-03-14 21:14:43 +0000 UTC]

Nero: We could go onto more ahm.. personal items but...let's not..
Flames: Yaah.. *pink tinges on cheeks*
Nero: Look at you blush! Lol!
Flames; Nuuu! Not funny!
Bunny: *is trying to repair frying pan with the Krash Aid Disaster Accident Job kit... "Fro repair to mechanics!"*
Kadaj: Yay! My new calculator!

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-03-18 16:14:13 +0000 UTC]

Nero: *jumps* where did that come from?
Kadaj: *runs to the door and waits eagerly*
Random Delivery MAn: And.. your new calculator, abacus, sofa, 40 chairs, 230 speakers, three computers, 6 notebooks (laptop), and 10 sets of school supplies. since you are Kadaj this is free. bye.
Nero: 230... speakers? *grabs chair to get un-dizzy*
Bunny: *bangs pan on something*
Flames: so you get things free, huh? mind ordering more?
Kadaj: ... you do'nt think 40 chairs is enoguh?

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-03-21 21:55:20 +0000 UTC]

Flames: >.< Your not blessed with brains are you?
Kadaj: No but I could order one!
Nero: O.o
Bunny: Work damn you! *bangs frying pan on a speaker*
Kadaj: Stop it! Here have this one! *hands Bunny a new frying pan*
Bunny: Ooohhh! *flies it around the room* Gah! Look out Flames!
Flames: Huh? Ahh! *ducks as frying pan goes zooming past*

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BunnyBubble In reply to FlamesOfRuin [2007-03-22 04:14:05 +0000 UTC]

Bunny: what fun!
Flames: ..... you call that FUN? i could have been-
Bunny: watch out now!
Flames: *ducks as Nero falls over her from dodging the pan*
Nero: someone put an end to this crazy device...
Kadaj: it has nearly unlimited battery
Bunny: funfunfun!
Flames and Nero:... *hides under couch*

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-10-17 20:06:17 +0000 UTC]

Flames; It seems we could be here awhile....
Nero: or not! *points*
Flames: Ahh! *scrabbles from under couch as frying pan zooms under it*
Bunny: Wow! This can go ANYWHERE!!
Kadaj: And it can go to any height too!
Flames: More like painpainpainpainpain!
Nero: *nods* Wait! I have a weapon! *gets out sword* I'll keep it back!
Flames; Good idea! *gets sword out of nowhere*
Kadaj: O.o - I won't ask....
Flames; *beats off frying pan*
Bunny: Opposition! Even MORE fuN!!!!

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FlamesOfRuin In reply to BunnyBubble [2007-03-22 22:21:47 +0000 UTC]

Flames; It seems we could be here awhile....
Nero: or not! *points*
Flames: Ahh! *scrabbles from under couch as frying pan zooms under it*
Bunny: Wow! This can go ANYWHERE!!
Kadaj: And it can go to any height too!
Flames: More like painpainpainpainpain!
Nero: *nods* Wait! I have a weapon! *gets out sword* I'll keep it back!
Flames; Good idea! *gets sword out of nowhere*
Kadaj: O.o - I won't ask....
Flames; *beats off frying pan*
Bunny: Opposition! Even MORE fuN!!!!

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