flaminghades14 — Accepting of Fate
#bbw #fat #progression #weightgain
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Description Kate knew that she was doomed from the moment that she started dating Mark. It was not the kind of demise that most women worry about when they are meeting a new young man who seems too good to be true. He wasn’t that kind of tall and handsome fellow who you had to worry about being a serial killer, being into bondage, who possessed some innate terrible character flaw, was abusive, or even had some bizarre outlandish fetish that she wouldn’t be able to handle. No, that wasn’t a concern with Mark.

She knew that he was a good guy, even maybe a great guy. It wasn’t like she hadn’t known him for years, for in fact she had. They had grown up in the same town, gone to high school together and even gone to the same big state school for college.

It would have been difficult to classify their relationship as anything more than passing acquaintances as she had never been a member of the track and cross country teams in high school, a cheerleader / gymnast herself. Her body never had exactly lent her to being a runner / sprinter, with big perky 34DDDs floating on her chest, and her squat 5’2 frame not giving her much of a stride, so she had never been in the same circles as Mark in high school. College, was no different, with a school of 30,000 students it was rare that they ever bumped into each other, if at all.

However, even in their vastly different worlds, her occasional Facebook exploring had made one thing oh so apparent about Mark and his relationships: all of the women wound up fat. Sure, the degree to which they put on weight would vary, but the end result was the same for every girl he was with in both high school and college. It didn’t matter if they were an athlete, a fit co-ed or already predisposed to weight gain, they always grew and grew. A perfect 6/6 for the women he had dated, not counting the impact he’d probably had on flings and friends of his ex-girlfriends and those rare flings. He was bad news to any female’s waistline.

The most recent example had come from a senior adventure by the name of Tiffany. She had been positively stunning at 5’7 with long lean legs that she had loved to flaunt in her yoga pants, a taunt stomach and bulbous behind that had almost caused a few car accidents and certainly earned more than a few men a slap in the face by their girlfriend after she had walked by. Tiffany, with her hair almost always in a ponytail and the gym attire serving as almost a natural second skin, was practically the epitome of fitness, youthful energy and vibrancy.

They had started dating around September of senior year. By Halloween, Mark had already somehow tamed that fitness and health nut and her once very slutty and seductive cat woman outfit that used to wonderfully highlight her derriere now highlighted how she was rapidly softening. Her backside that was once so fit and toned already jiggled as the still impressive spheres strained every inch of her outfit’s sexual design. By Christmas, her old sexy Mrs. Claus outfit from junior year was easily four sizes too small and couldn’t even contain her rapidly inflating spare tire or newly developed D cups from her former pert Bs. By early March, the relationship was over.

It had been one of the most difficult decisions of her life, but Tiffany had to break up with Mr. Right before she couldn’t get out of her bedroom. At the rate she had been gaining, that frightfully didn’t seem like it was too far away, having tipped 175 on the scales and serving as her wake up call. To Kate’s knowledge and Facebook stalking ability, as well as what she had gathered from friends of friends, Tiffany was still struggling to lose weight, eight months later. A woman who had only a year ago been a goddess of fitness, now a sad out of shape blob and a far cry from her former self.

As Kate sat there one evening at the bar back in her home town, her bountiful cleavage shamelessly on display in the hopes of attracting some kind of the right attention, he pulled up next to her and smoothly started conversation. That conversation turned into another drink and before Kate knew it, she had fallen into the same trap as all of the other women who ever engaged with Mark had. He was just so genuinely nice, charming, handsome and in great shape. There was no flaw in his attack and she now understood what each of those other women had seen in him. It also didn’t hurt that he was financially well off and had a very stable, well-paying job.

But as Kate stared in the mirror a week later, getting ready for a date with Mr. Perfect, butterflies already swirling in her stomach, she tried to put some extra waves and curls into flowing light brown hair to calm her but she couldn’t help but feel like she was doomed. She knew that she was going to fall madly for him, that he was exactly what she wanted in a man and that if she could lock him down, she would live a happy life. It was just the cost of landing with him than she would have to make peace where the others could not. At least to her advantage, she already knew what was in store unlike the ignorant beauties before her.

Kate unconsciously brushed her hands down her top, feeling her flat stomach from years of cheerleading and diligent hours at the gym, always overshadowed by her favorite feature in her perky 34 DDDs that really helped her 5’2 figure stand out. While she knew those had always been her main attraction, she was most proud of her muscular legs and well-toned behind that, while nowhere near as substantial, she felt had always been equally impressive in their illustrious shape and her jeans and heeled boots did everything to help highlight that. Would giving up all of this be worth it?

It certainly didn’t take a genius to figure out that with her short stature and illustrious bust, had she not worked out diligently for years, she could potentially balloon so rapidly that she’d struggle to even keep buying clothing that fit. But only time would tell.

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Perhaps her metabolism had been better than she thought. Maybe it was the fact that she did her best to still frequent the gym and maintain her fit physique, or perhaps Mark simply hadn’t been the true influence on all those other ladies’ rapid weight gain, but she was now six months into dating him and she’d hardly put on a pound.

It was a feat that a long distance runner, two fitness junkies, two seductive sirens and one voluptuous young woman (the one you’d have expected to balloon just based on her natural softness and wonderful physique) had all failed to achieve. Sure, some of them may have been more likely to gain than others, but even the woman who used to run 60 miles a week had managed to quickly put on the pounds. Kate had barely seen any change and from her perspective, and she had to have been far closer on the spectrum of likely to gain than most anyone else except the one who was already soft.

Sure she’d put on a couple of pounds, but it felt more like muscle than fat, since she had been intentionally going to the gym more, and the few other pounds that had slipped on seemed more likely due to her new office job sitting on her butt all day plus, some frequent happy hours, than the influence of Mark. By now, most all of the other women he dated would have easily been 20 pounds heavier than when they met and here she was still generally fitting into her same clothes, though her bra was groaning a bit these days. A terrible problem to have in the grand scheme of things.

Kate was proud that she had somehow done the impossible. She was the girlfriend of Mr. Right, the charming, handsome and all around amazing man whom she so easily had fallen in love with, and who so clearly loved her back. He did everything right from running out in the rain to get the car after dinner, pulling her chair out for her at meals, holding the door open, saying the right things at the right times and just all around loving her. He checked all of the boxes and she was ecstatic that he was all hers. Maybe she wasn’t doomed after all, but she still couldn’t shake the feeling that there was some impending doom for her figure, at some point, sooner or later.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It didn’t make sense to Kate at all. They had been dating for a little over a year now and she was the happiest she had ever been, but that feeling of doom for her figure was still looming in the back of her mind. Every indicator of her relationship to date would suggest otherwise, particularly as she looked at herself in the mirror where her bust still clearly overshadowed her admittedly flat but now untoned tummy. By now, she should have been easily 50 pounds heavier, thighs rubbing together, body quaking with each step, and double / triple chins rapidly forming faster than she could say fat.

Sure she was now a little bit softer than her college days, but relative to even some of her other friends, her post-grad gain had been marginal at worst. It pained her to admit that she may have lost some of her wonderful muscular tone that she used to love flaunting with her legs, and her behind seemed more full than she, or her underwear, liked these days. Generally speaking though, she couldn’t attribute any of that to her boyfriend, but more to her gradually busier lifestyle, more hours on her butt behind a desk, and less and less motivation to spend time at the gym working on that tone.

What most puzzled her about her relationship, however, was that he didn’t even seem to make an active effort to fatten her up in any way, shape or form. All of her gain or rather lack of toning was due to her changes in behaviors, nothing from him. What she had gathered from her own research and observations of his past behaviors, he used to spend extravagantly on dinners with wine, full three course meals and desserts galore, practically egging on his girlfriends by getting them drunk and, at least in the instance of the distance runner, leveraging their competitive spirit to finish way too much food. This had been his tried and true method, at least from what she had heard.

Yet, even at their year one year anniversary dinner, he not once made a comment about dessert or how much she was eating. Kate had felt it best to get a salad and salmon, two of the healthiest options on the menu from her perspective, and he didn’t even make a peep. In fact he almost seemed to approve her dinner choice for some odd reason, completely in contrast to her expectations. Not that she, or rather her body, was complaining, it just seemed odd that he suddenly had changed his behavior.

At first, she would have said the rumors must have all been lies, but as she started to bring him and his friends into things with her friends, it became more apparent that the old spirit was still certainly there. It had been casual at first, the ordering of an extra appetizer that all of the women felt they shouldn’t order or he knew they wanted to, or the extra round of drinks, the occasional dessert or strategic planning of restaurants that do free birthday cakes. It was minor, but it was most certainly calculated if she knew anything about her boyfriend.

Despite all of that, she really hadn’t seen any of the damage come to her, more specifically her waistline. While it pained her to admit it, she had noticed that almost all of her friends, particularly her closest ones who spent more time with her and Mark, had started to soften significantly. At first she thought she should mention something, but then she watched how happy they were as they bit into that extra appetizer, how relaxed they were with that extra drink and how the extra pounds didn’t really seem to bother them and decided against it. In fact, she almost never even heard a single complaint out of any of her friends at all about their rapidly expanding physiques.

Maybe it was the aura of Mark and his impact on the social scene? Maybe he was just too nice for them to ever comment on anything? In either case, as horrible as it sounded, at least it was better served on their hips than hers. Plus, not that she’d ever really struggled for attention with her gravity defying rack, but it was nice to truly be the focus woman in a group of softening friends for a change, instead of all of the slim beauties they usually were. It really didn’t seem that bad, at least not from her perspective.

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Kate couldn’t help but smile as she watched one of her friends innocently fall for his trap once again: Mozzarella Sticks were just too good to resist for almost anyone. Another calculated move by Mark that she knew better than to fall for, but that her best friends fell for 11 times out of 10.

As she watched their now soft arms, void of any and all muscle that they may have had in college or around graduation, reach greedily for the next of the greasy, gooey delights that they would then dunk in marina sauce, she had hand it to him, he was good. Way too good. And yet, there was only five pounds heavier than college and most of it going to her now slightly less gravity defying rack no less, which she generally had no complaints about. She had survived almost two full years with Mark, the man she was secretly hoping would soon become her fiancée, and she couldn’t help but wonder what his angle was.

From what she had seen previously, mostly via Facebook stalking of Mark’s ex-girlfriends, all of whom were as heavy, if not heavier than when they had broken up, none of their friends had ever expanded at the rate her friends were. His focus had always been on his girlfriend, not trying to ruin the figures of others and she knew that he had to have some master plan. He did work in strategy after all.

As she continued to watch Mark work his magic and admire as her girlfriends oh so innocently fell for all of his charm and tricks, it almost made her wonder if he had given up on fattening his girlfriend and gone for ‘targets’ that wouldn’t dispose of him. More likely, she theorized he was somehow setting her up for something, but for what, she couldn’t say and at this point, there was nothing that she could do to stop the train from rolling down the track. In her mind, she was just waiting for him to pop the question and whatever happened, would happen.

What she did enjoy, however, was that as all of her friends continued to soften and round, very quickly became the de facto hot girl of the group. Not that she wasn’t used to attention with her gravity defying rack and tight butt, but now that even her friends who she would have categorized as hotter than she was currently, in their prime, were easily twenty pounds heavier than she was, it made her the natural target and leader of any group. While not the right setting that evening, with Mark at her side, there had been several instances where she had been the one to get most all of the attention when they did a ladies night out.

As the expression tended to go, every group needs a fat friend so that the others can all seem more attractive, but in her case as the only skinny one and a well built one, her stock positively skyrocketed. In truth, she had even been hit on when her boyfriend was around sometimes, but Kate just simply smiled, maybe playfully flaunted her cleavage, nicely steered the boy to one of her still attractive friends and then went right back to Mark. It was nice being wanted, but not needing the attention.

Kate looked around at the table, all of her friends having done their best to look great in clothes that they had either just bought and appropriately fit, or that they were trying to desperately and rather uncomfortably squeeze into one last time. While perhaps a little sadistic in nature, it brought Kate some pleasure at finally being the true center of attention instead of her friends stealing the show, even though, in her opinion, she had always had the best assets. Certainly the biggest up front, though now a couple of her friends were admittedly larger than her, but she could live since they had a nice soft tummy to go with it.

“So how about another round of long island ice teas?” Kate posed to the table that was rapidly becoming more and more drunk, another move that Mark often employed to lower effective decision making. Kate herself was sipping on nothing more than a diet coke, not wanting to run the risk of the calories that can be found in alcohol, particularly long islands and margaritas. But there was no reason her friends couldn’t enjoy them, especially when Mark typically paid for it all.

- - - - - -

Kate couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. In fact, she couldn’t even stop grinning if she had tried. Today was her special day, the day that she had so desperately longed for since she had first started dating Mark. Today was the culmination of sticking it out with Mark, taking that risk that six other women had not, and taking the plunge with the best man she ever could have hoped to net. Today was her wedding day!

Wearing a majestic white dress that did nothing to hide her expansive, yet firm 34DDDs, and oh so subtly flaunted her toned behind and flat stomach, Kate really did look stunning. It was a stark contrast to how she had envisioned her wedding day with a tent of a gown and water melons for a chest, supported by a far too ample belly. No, today she looked down right stunning, some could even say sexy if weren’t for the more angelic look that the white dress added, and the still slightly conservative nature of her dress aside from the tasteful cleavage.

Truth be told, all of the weight that she had envisioned on herself seemed to have found its way right behind her, and not to her perfectly toned butt which she had worked so hard to regain after Mark popped the question. No, it had clearly found its way to her three bridesmaids and a few of her more intimate friends in the front couple rows of their wedding, the recipients of Mark’s undivided attention to food and drinks at social gatherings.

Between the burgeoning bridesmaids gowns that had, admittedly required a little bit of letting out in the days leading up to the wedding and the groaning of the bras and panties underneath, not a single one of Kate’s friends was even remotely in the same weight class realm of when they had graduated college almost five years ago. Perhaps more interesting, however, was that they all were roughly at the same ball park range of weight, something which Kate could only attribute to her own husband of several hours, since he served as the one consistent variable aside from her in the equation.

Not that Kate was about to complain on her wedding day, as the bridesmaids helped to serve an excellent backdrop for her photos and did a wonderful job making the skinny, busy and fit Kate really stand out, even if she hadn’t been wearing the white dress. Sure it might have been a little vain, even a touch sadistic in some ways, but it was supposed to be her special day and she absolutely shined no matter what the context. It was such a storybook day in so many ways, and she couldn’t help but find pure joy in it all, along with the thought of the wonderful sex that would be coming shortly after it all came to a close.

There were, however, a few unexpected twists on her special day. The first, and the catalyst for the rest, was that Mark had invited his ex-girlfriends to attend and told the wedding planner, but not her. While it didn’t bother all that much to have a few more soft women around, some of whom she had even met once or twice through random chance encounters since dating Mark, the fact that each of the three who had made it looked softer than she remembered rekindled that old concern about her husband. In fact, that far more bothered her than their simple presence at what was to be her special day.

One particular made Kate nervous. While she had never had the pleasure of meeting her in college, for she did seem like a generally lovely girl, Kate had heard a lot about Jill’s fate. A distance runner in high school, the dirty blonde haired vixen had maintained her distance running enthusiasm, clocking 60 miles per week on a regular clip, burning almost any leftover fat and leaving her generally devoid of any significant curves as her hummingbird metabolism melted it all away. That at least was the case until she met Mark, clearly a pivotal point in her life.

Standing before Kate in the line of well-wishers was a woman who was so far removed from distance running that the resemblance between the one petite co-ed and the semi-shaped blobbed in front of her were night and day. Jill had positively ballooned since her running days, something that was clearly well behind her based upon the size of her inflated ass. A very well developed pear shape with wide hips and two bulbous spheres that were straining her almost tent like dress, Jill was certainly very soft to the say the least. Her arms oozed out of the straps and her jiggling belly had a distinct roll as it pushed against her dress, not to be outdone by her large, floppy breasts which were at great contrast to Kate’s own pert 34DDDs. In truth, Jill’s probably weren’t that far off in size, but without their perkiness they clearly did not garner the same level of attraction. Kate struggled to believe that this was even the same Jill she could vaguely recall Facebook stalking once upon a time, clearly not the famed distance runner of old by any stretch of the imagination.

While Mark reassuringly wrapped an arm around his wife’s slender waist, her almost rock hard abs feeling the stroke of his fingers, a revived wave of concern took over Kate as she watched Jill jiggle and waddle away after expressing her congratulations to the newly married couple. She couldn’t help but wonder how it was that her husband had managed to so easily put pounds on a woman who had struggled to even eat enough to keep her energy up for all of her runs. Not only that, but she looked noticeably heavier than any image of her she had seen, a trend she noticed was true for Tiffany, as well as Sophia as well, who each genuinely expressed their congratulations and even shot an envious look Kate’s way, something she positively reveled in.

It did also make her feel a little better that, at least with Sophia, she had been soft from the get go. She could have most aptly been described as the only one who was the clear perfect storm of soft yet voluptuous curves ahead of dating Mark that was primed for some sudden expansion. She also wasn’t nearly the size of Jill, which helped to calm Kate down a little, but watching all three of his ex-girlfriends waddle and jiggle their way to the dinner table sent a chill down her spine, no matter how in shape she was at the moment.

To calm those nerves, Kate did something that she had done less and less of lately: she drank. Sure it was only wine, but that combined with what was already slated to be a rich wedding meal meant that Kate greedily chowed down like she hadn’t done so in months, one of the sacrifices she had made in order to fit into that very wedding dress she was wearing now. Even as she ate, she could feel Mark’s eyes watching her, so she made sure to push up her cleavage and get his full attention to the right areas. In her buzzed state, she assumed that was exactly what he wanted, but deep down, she knew what really intrigued him and it sadly was not the current size of her spectacular chest, but its future potential if she continued to eat like she was today, something she was determined not to do.

This became all the more apparent after they went to cut the first piece of cake and Kate was served a noticeably larger piece than her husband. Normally, she would have nibbled on the cake if she ate it at all, but in her drunken state she greedily devoured the oversized piece and even went back for seconds, figuring she might as well enjoy her big day to the fullest. It of course made all of the dancing that came after more and more difficult as she, much like many of her guests, struggled between being full and properly drunk.

Even with all of her activity, however, when the dust had settled, there was just the slightest hint of a distended belly from over eating on the rosy cheeked face of Kate. It could just as easily have been written off by the dress that was designed to flaunt her seductive physique, but Jilly, Tiffany and Sophia all looked on with knowing looks in their eyes as they all subconsciously rubbed their voluminous curves. Outwardly they all smiled at the poor girl, doomed to the same inevitable fate as them, yet inwardly they couldn’t help but be jealous that at least she had the man they all still craved deep down, regardless of the price she was going to pay to land him.

- - - - - -

Coming off of cloud nine is always tough, but Kate unfortunately had to snap back to reality after her romantic two week honey moon in the most unfortunate and rapid of ways. Well, perhaps snap was not the right term, nor quick, since she had unsuccessfully been battling with her favorite sexy jeans for the upper part of several minutes and still could not get them up past her thighs and over her admittedly juicier derriere.

Kate was starting to have that feeling that she had been just a piece in Mark’s broader strategy, and it emanated most strongly from her tighter bra, struggling panties and already softer tummy. Two whole weeks lounging on a beach, sex every couple of hours, free flowing booze and luxurious meal after meal and there she was, suddenly five to ten pounds heavier than her wedding day. Two weeks!

Worst of all, whether intentional or not, all of her good habits had suddenly gone out the door and that once energizer bunny mentality that she had carried with her for months in order to look her absolute best for her wedding had left her. She had now tried two days in a row to unsuccessfully find the motivation to get back to the fitness grind and found herself bored or unwilling, her wedding day objective now gone with nothing but pleasure to fill the void.

Truth be told, she had somehow, deep down, known this was coming for quite some time. Reflecting back to her first day on the beach, her bikini body on full display as she lay in the sun, her wonderful cantaloupes rising up naturally within inches of her face as she sipped on the most heavenly Pina Colada, watching as a few drips of the moisture from the drink slid onto her rock hard abs.  She had been at such peace, relaxed and enjoyed being able to do nothing for the first time in far too long. Best of all, she knew she looked down right stunning as even some of the other newlywed couples eyed her enviously. Of course, the only eyes she cared about were that of the wonderful man next to her who seemed to eagerly devour her with his eyes.

Part of it could have been the booze inspiring her imagination to believe that he was thinking about how much love he was going to make to his smoking hot wife, which she knew had to have been at least part of his thought train as she looked fantastic in her bikini, her breasts dominating the view and her butt playing a nice second fiddle. At the same time, there was a never ending nagging feeling that she somehow suspected he was sizing her up like a wolf sizes up sheep before going in for the kill, in his case, whatever his grand plan really was.  

Looking at her body in the mirror, it was so easy for her to become instantly discouraged about her future. There was a certain softness to her that hadn’t existed before her wedding and the fact that she continued to struggle with one of her favorite, most showy jeans was not an encouraging sign, but at the same time, it was something to be expected after the whirlwind of decadence during the past two weeks. It was that feeling of impending doom that really worried her and how her figure was already on its way downhill.

At the same time, taking a different perspective as she looked in the mirror, she still was an absolute smoke show of a woman with 34Gs practically bursting out of her 34F bra and creating quite the eye catching sight. While her waist was far less defined than her wedding day, it still was relatively flat and something that most women would have been infinitely jealous of, particularly Jill, she thought with a smirk. Top it off with the fact that her hips and butt seemed to only want to go outwards and the reality of her situation was that she was developing into a wonderful little hourglass, a powerhouse of seduction even. True she was a little more top heavy, but that was never something that she was about to complain about and all of her friends still would kill for her figure.

Come to think of it, those jeans had always been her favorite pair because they were so tight that they hid practically nothing. They also had always been quite the struggle to fit into, after two weeks of living the life she had, she at the very least had to have been a little bloated. All she needed to do was start getting out there again and easing back into fitness and she’d be fine, even with her recent struggles. Plus, if the bloating made her more desirable, then there was certainly nothing wrong with that.  

Yet even as she tried to spin her own rational version of the situation, she still had that feeling, deep down, that she knew this was sadly only going to be a temporary benefit before her weight progressed outwards. At her height and with her frame, that would not take very long, particularly since she had always been a tad more muscular thanks to gymnastics, the odds were not in her favor on this one.

For the first time she started to wonder if it really even mattered either way. She had the man, she was gradually living a wealthier life as Mark continued to spoil her in every way he could think of. Even if it came at the cost of a couple of extra pounds, was it really even that big of a deal if she got a little softer?

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Kate had lost. No, lost did not do justice to what she was now experiencing on a day to day basis of where she had come from. Rather, she was absolutely a pawn in her husband’s figurative hands with zero control of the end result. Now she understood exactly what all of the women before her had experienced with Mark, how they had fallen for him only to see the trade-off come at the expense of their illustrious physiques. Kate was no exception, except there was nothing she could do, nor was there any real desire for her to want to give it up. Mark treated her like an absolute queen, loved her quite affectionately, cared for her and really was Mr. Perfect.

Yet, in the three months since she had come back from her honeymoon with Mark, Kate’s wishful thinking that her minor increase in softness was due to her originally brief lapse in control quickly flew out the door, along with all of her smaller sized clothing.

It terrified her a little, but also sadly amused her at the same time how it was happening. For months, even years, she had watched her husband at work, coercing her friends to drink and eat to their hearts content while she had remained diligent to her diet and exercise, making sure to avoid the excess pounds. For a while it had worked, she had kept her wonderful figure and almost didn’t have to even work out anymore, but she knew with her short stature that if she ever hit a certain tipping point, exercise would get increasingly more difficult for her, particularly thanks to her magnificent melons. Fortunately, that day had never arrived before her wedding, though more and more, she believed that had been Mark’s plan from the start. Much like a gold digger, Mark seemed to have patiently waited out their dating period until after he had locked her down to start taking things to another level, and not just sexual.

Looking in the mirror, she couldn’t help but be amused at her earlier reflections of when those first few pounds had snuck back on, putting her at her highest weight again. Those days were long gone already.

Coming off of her honeymoon, Kate had thought that she was going to be doomed, but she didn’t realize to what degree. Almost instantly upon arriving home, Mark had made sure to keep her distracted (mostly through cooking and sex) to prevent her from going and working out. Wine seemed to constantly flow and he always opened the bottle and brought her a glass before she could even say no thank you, thus obligating her to drink it. It was never spoken, but she understood immediately that he was very strategic in both his timing, and his intent. In turn, he successfully destroyed her fitness habit that she had done such an excellent job of maintaining and coercing her to eat more as she became happily buzzed every night. That, on top of all of those old tricks, plus some new ones, had led to her rather rapid expansion as her will power and desire to say no quickly evaporated.

Those early days of a wondrous hourglass shape were long gone, the sand having very quickly shifted its location to about the only place it could: out. With her short stature, much like Kate had theorized, she rapidly blew up almost as fast as a helium balloon, and not in the places that she had preferred.

Where once she had been the top heavy vixen of the group with a nice tight bum, now she was quickly devolving into the pudgy round ball of the group that commonly became the short girl of the group. While her massive melons were certainly impressive, having escalated well beyond their 34G size to 34HH, they were not the perky fun bags that she had always been so proud of, gravity having quickly seen to that. It was an inevitability that she wasn’t entirely upset with as it gave her even more killer cleavage and the right bras made her mesmerizing up top, which was good given how she needed that to distract from the below her bust.

The problem for Kate came with the largest development on her figure. Starting from a more flat nature versus her hips, butt or bust, Kate’s once svelte tummy was anything but at this point. If once Kate could have described her stomach as flat, not that she had been able to see it without a mirror since middle school, now she unfortunately could see it any time she sat down with it spewing over her waist band, resting comfortably in her thighs. Even standing, her stomach was rapidly emerging from the shadow of her bust and while they were unquestionably still the front runners, at the rate of expansion she was seeing, it would not take long for her stomach to be her most dominant feature, cleavage or no cleavage.

Much like her central area, Kate’s overall body had done its part to help accommodate for her continued growth, particularly with her hips continuing to broaden outward and her butt gaining a bit more cushion to help counter balance her outrageous melons. While none of that really bothered her versus her growing belly, what most deeply saddened her was the complete and utter loss of all muscle tone from her gymnastics and pre-wedding days. Once upon a time, Kate had some of the most toned, muscular arms around and while it wasn’t always ideal, she had been proud of them. One of the first areas her weight started going to aside from her bust and belly was sadly her arms and it almost felt like the final nail in the coffin for her.

It was a tough pill for her to swallow, but at the same time Mark was making more money for them than ever before as his job continued to be a success, he was consistently supportive of her and the sex was great at the very least. While it came as no surprise to her, she certainly couldn’t complain that Mark was more and more sexually attentive to her lately. Plus at this point, she was almost always enjoying a good meal, or some great form of pleasure from her adoring husband so it really was hard for her to even care.

Truth be told, the only part of it that really frustrated her was the simple fact that she had lost the designated hottest girl in the group about 20 pounds ago. To make matters worse, now that her husband was placing all of his time and energy on his wife instead of her friends, they all seemed to be instantly losing 10 pounds and returning to their former glories. Only one seemed to be following her in the upward trajectory of the scale, and she was pregnant, otherwise she probably would be in the same camp as the rest. Currently most were already skinnier than her, but at the rate she was going, it wouldn’t be long before she had more than the biggest breasts claim to her ranks among her friends.

The only thing she knew to be more certain than that, however, was that she also had the best husband. None of her friends, even the married one would argue that. Sure he probably had set up her wedding so she was the star of the show before inflating her like a balloon and letting her friends slim down, but even that showed to her that he cared about her, making sure she looked the best on her wedding day. Maybe his execution had been slightly misguided, but she could at least appreciate the sentiment, assuming her hypothesis was right, which she knew it was. He was truly a great man and she was excited to spend her life with him, weight or not, which reminded her that Mark had been baking some muffins for her to try.

- - - - - -  

The scurrying of little feet along the hardwood floor outside of her room awoke Kate from her admittedly fairly alcohol induced evening, combined with an early Christmas present of sex from her husband, something she was still very thankful for.

It had been almost five years since their wedding and unlike several of her friends, Kate seemed to love Mark as much, if not more than their wedding night. He clearly loved what she affectionately referred to as the new her, all 210 pounds of her, which at her height was quite the body mass. At the same time, she had been thankful that while unspoken, Mark and she clearly had reached some sort of agreement that she was now at the right size he liked and she wasn’t anything close to immobile, just quite heavy. And he did seem to genuinely love her and not just her body, though it certainly didn’t hurt, particularly on an evening like their last.

Kate, either inspired by alcohol some subconscious plan she had been putting together for quite some time, had donned a Mrs. Claus outfit from easily 10-15 pounds ago, which had been tight back then and certainly made things interesting now.

Naturally, she had managed to find some rather sexy leather high heeled boots with white fur that settled just below her knee caps. While the boots had struggled to contain her calves back then, the extra 15 pounds since then had made them practically unbearable to wear, fortunately she had only had to wear them for the whole two minutes it took from when she put them on to when her husband had gotten her out of them and into their bed.

The main added benefit of those boots, as painful as they had been for her, was how outrageous it made her other curves seem, something which she had learned to embrace with her husband. The two areas in particularly which she had always thought the boots had helped accentuate were undoubtedly her wide hips and bulbous behind. While long gone were the days where she had the semblance of an hourglass figure, her hips had never really stopped widening, due in part to supporting her generous behind, but also to provide extra support to her top half. Her behind, now to rather rotund gelatinous spheres that bordered on forming their own shelf the size of two beach balls. It didn’t thrill her at how wide her lower half had become, but she at least had accepted it and it certainly gave Mark more to grab on to and became entranced by. Particularly when she was wearing her white fur lined red felt skirt that barely contained her thick thighs and covered her panties thanks to that very same bulbous behind. Double edged sword, much like everything at this point.

Above her struggling skirt was the brunt of her discomfort and her growth. With her body only having so much space to really venture out to, it was inevitably that her stomach begin to take on more and more of the brunt of the load. With her low cut v-neck corset like top and sexy black leather belt, she certainly felt it’s full brunt this time around. Her belly had naturally developed into a hearty spare tire and then continued to inflate, providing her with almost two rolls at all times, and giving her massive mammaries plenty to rest on when she sat down. It had been a sad blow to her ego, the day her stomach had surpassed her chest for farthest reaching part of her body from a profile perspective, but she had always known it was an inevitability.

Perhaps the one benefit of having squeezed her body into that dress the prior evening was that it still gave her confidence in gigantic breasts, particularly with the bump they got from her confined belly fat pushing them up further, combined with the poorly contained efforts of her v-cut white fur lined top. Her breasts had, while not as quickly as the rest of her body, still continued with their outward expansion and seemed to have settled on 34Ms, practically zeppelins in length by that point and certainly more than a handful for her husband. Much like a fly to flight, her breasts were still her pride and joy of her body and were a guarantee to attract her husband. Even in her younger days, they had clearly been his favorite fixation and now at their truly grandiose size, the attraction was so much stronger for him to her. This was not to say that she didn’t hate the back ache they provided, but truth be told, they actually had more support from the rest of her puffed up body now than back in her slender college and wedding days and that didn’t bother her one bit.

As she did a mental check of herself and her slight hang over from the spiked egg nog of the prior evening, Kate couldn’t help but feel a little happy. That and the recent addition of her first child two years ago had been nothing but a blessing for her, as well as a good excuse for her to have not slimmed down, something she knew she never would barring health disaster.

Kate lied back in bed, her breasts obscuring most of her view minus the ceiling, she felt a true sense of peace and joy with her life. The weight had been worth it in the end, she was genuinely happy and her husband was a wonderful man. This was proven when she heard her bed room door, and the combination of two sets of feet shuffling in as quietly as possible. Turning her head to the side, she couldn’t help but let a grin pass upon her cherubic face, highlighting her triple chins, as her young son helped daddy carry a breakfast tray. She gradually sat up, a bit of a struggle from her position but still certainly manageable, smiling and happily accepting both the tray from her little one, as well as the kiss from her husband. Yep, the weight had definitely been worth it.
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Comments: 16

otherland78 [2023-07-28 16:33:36 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

otherland78 [2023-07-28 16:32:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LetThemEatBrioche [2022-09-10 19:03:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Burningblaster [2018-09-15 15:37:25 +0000 UTC]

What a beautiful story! I so wanna be Mark in this scenario!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

flaminghades14 In reply to Burningblaster [2018-09-15 18:09:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you and glad to hear you enjoyed it! Don't we all wish we could be that lucky

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Burningblaster In reply to flaminghades14 [2018-09-15 19:20:41 +0000 UTC]

Yes! Chubby girlfriends are best girlfriends!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxBlue-FlarexX In reply to Burningblaster [2019-01-19 14:37:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Burningblaster In reply to XxBlue-FlarexX [2019-01-23 04:57:05 +0000 UTC]

Don't judge. ^w^

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Ilikegames2357 In reply to Burningblaster [2023-05-14 10:14:51 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Burningblaster In reply to Ilikegames2357 [2023-05-14 12:40:28 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

log111111 [2017-07-07 09:11:29 +0000 UTC]

I can't help but feel that Mark was just a good time kind of guy and it was all in her head. When you're out to dinner with a big group of good pals, you get an appetizer, and if you're a drinking group, you drink, that's how 20 something's hang out. He was probably staring at her at the wedding because he'd never seen her actually drink before, and the bigger slice of cake was probably because she was drunk and bread based food helps you sober up. Her friends gained weight because when you aren't a teen anymore, partying will do that to you unless you get strict about excercise. And she finally started to put on weight when she finally dropped her guard and let being married, affluent, and pregnant does to a body. I imagine his inner monologue while she's thinking about his evil scheme to fatten her up later went a bit like "I can never tell if Kate's having fun or not. Whenever we go out with friends she's always the only one not drinking or snacking, and she's always looking at her friends, then at me, then at the drinks, then back to me, and squinting like she thinks I'm up to something. I really care about her, she's the first girl who hasn't gone nuts with partying and decided to let go of everything like I can do everything myself. I just wish I could understand why she's so suspicious of me. Maybe when I finally pop the question she'll finally let me in."

👍: 2 ⏩: 1

flaminghades14 In reply to log111111 [2017-08-21 03:08:06 +0000 UTC]

I'm pleased that you found the story so interesting and greatly appreciate your perspective on this. Truthfully, I never had decided if Mark's nature was deliberately malicious, or as you described it, merely Kate's perception of things. Personally, I much prefer your lens to the story but one will never know which is correct.

Either way, thanks for the response and for enjoying the story!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Forcedlactationlover [2017-06-04 19:35:27 +0000 UTC]

Kate may have been 'doomed', as she put it, but the excellent marriage and family are more than just compensations, they're a good life.
Well written with a strong character as lead/narrator. As for Mark, he is what he is, and we can accept that as well as she does, a basically very good man with one 'kink', as it were.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

flaminghades14 In reply to Forcedlactationlover [2017-08-21 03:06:02 +0000 UTC]

I am glad you feel that there is a positive spin to the story. My main focus was to keep it geared towards the honest realities of dating / a long term relationship and the toll of aging. Thanks for reading! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ChubbaDubDub [2016-08-11 10:24:00 +0000 UTC]

This was a really great read! I really didn't know where it was going (in a good way), but I was definitely happy with how it turned out. Creative, sexy and well written.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

flaminghades14 In reply to ChubbaDubDub [2016-08-14 22:55:16 +0000 UTC]

Glad you enjoyed it and to be honest, I hardly ever know where I am taking it since I never write these stories in one sitting. Thanks for the praise and I'm hoping to have something new soon. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0