Flashpelt1 β€” tHK: Crooked Tree -Tresspasors

Published: 2012-08-22 12:15:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1179; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 16
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Description first part of the crooked tree role play!! we started it in the chat rooms, but ended up leaving and rping it in notes, so now its not finished!! Wow though XD so many characters in this one, and only one of them a girl lol!


Badiri padded through his territory, he was near the Scorpion Rocks, and his pelt felt as though it was burning with the heat that was being cast onto the island from the summers sun. Suddenly the scent of a rabbit filled his noes as he breathed in. He followed it, carfully, as to not make much noise. His mouth watered at thr though of its energy flowing through his veins. Soon he spotted it just ahead, Crouching he crept forward, and once he was within reach he lept, just barely missing it as his claws snagged its soft brown fur as it quickly fled. Badiri Sprinted after it, but lost its trail as he ran. Stopping he lifted his mussle to try to find it once more, only to realie that he was no longer in his own territory.

Usafi cringed her nose , the smell of rabbit and fear made her curios , she followed where the scent came from . Unaware where she was going , Usafi padded into another territory . Still not paying attention , she followed the scent , crossing the forest . Usafi stopped , the scent of rabbit disappeared and she heard shuffling behind her . She turned around , only to finally realized she was lost .

Kushiwa panted with exhaustion from the three patrols he had been in. The sun scorched his spotted fur, he felt like he couldn't take it anymore. Rising from the branch Kushiwa was laying on, he landed beside a tall crooked tree that he favored. Feeling tuckered out from the long day he wobbled on his feet but he pushed himself to find a cooler resting place. Pacing under a tree he frowned to himself as his stomach growled, when he was eating a meal, a vulture had come and taken it. Sighing he flopped down feeling defeated, If only Kushiwa fought it off- then he would have eaten!

Kumbu began to feel uncomfortable in the village, so he began to saunter out of the opening and into the trees. He wasn't sure where he was going, or what he planned to do. This is what he always did, just wander with no destination or purpose. Sometimes he would smell a bit of prey, with he would then proceed to catch and eat. But he didn't smell anything now, just a bit of strange tension in the atmosphere. He could tell that their were a few others in the forest right now, and he began to look for them.

Dhaifu wandered around angrily. He had just been given a mindless task, did his tribe honestly think he was that weak? He huffed to himself as he wandered along, looking for whatever plant it was the older cat needed. Suddenly, he noticed that he didn't recognize the scents of where he was. Not like he'd be able to see landmarks anyways... but this troubled him. He wandered further, not aware if there was anyone around or not. He caught the scents of other cats, none of them familiar, however one smelled vaguely of his tribe. He headed in that direction.

Badiri suddenly scented another cat, he felt himself tense as he realised that it was that of several cats from The Tribe of Crowded Water, But also he realised he was not in their territory, but in Crooked Tree's so be began to head towards the scents. Though he disliked the thought of being so close to possible enemies on another tribes territory. Soon he could see one of the two other cheetahs, padding out of his grassy cover he aproched the shecat.

Usafi caught up a few cheeatah's scent and a rarely famillar one , she heard shuffling of leaves and a cheetah stepped out . " Crowded Water cheetah ? " Usafi sensed that this tom was not , she crouched down , ready to attack . Then , another cheetah appeared , she recognized the scent , What's his name ? Haifu ? Dafu ? She felt confused , and stared at them with wide-eyes . " What the ? "

Going into his worrying phase the big cat halted and then sat down with a plop. "UGH! I'm STARVING!" complained Kushawi , who wished that he was a hunter instead of a sentry. "I would be SO much better than the other hunters, nobody would starve!" he said and flicked his tail. Getting bored of being alone in his territory he couldn't stand he silence, the cat got up and wandered around. At the same time he was eager to explore the territory in which he lived, blending in with the tall grass he wished that he would bump into another cheetah so he wouldn't die of boredom

Kumbu kept on wandering, and as he got closer to what he figured was the border, he saw a small gathering of cheetahs. Their expressions looked very confused. He was still quite young, so he wasn't sure where they had come from, but he for sure knew that they were not from Crooked Tree. He padded closer to them, not giving away his presence, but close enough to hear what they were saying. It seemed they were very confused about one another. He crouched down to listen some more.

Dhaifu continued walking until he came to the scent. He could tell it was a female cheetah. But who? How he hated not knowing the scents of his own tribe. This would be terribly awkward. Soon, he also scented a cat from another tribe, and then another! Where were they all coming from? They must not be in Crowded Water's territory anymore, that much was certain. He slunk over to the she-cat from his tribe. "Who is it?" he asked in a hushed voice, looking up to where he assumed her face was. He could not see it after all, and so he had to guess. He hoped she didn't think him rude if he wasn't even looking at her.

Zakiya flicked one of his ears as he sat under a nearby tree, enjoying the shade that the big tree provided. He stretched out with a yawn and lifted up his head, staring at the long grass that was rustling in the slight breeze. He stood up and stretched his legs with a lazy yawn before trotting away into the long grass, he loved the feeling of the grass parting around him as he walked through it. He looked up to see a small bird that was chirping very noisily, he smiled at the bird and continued walking. He stopped to take a short drink before edging cautiously away from the water. Zakiya scented the air and pricked his ears as he darted through the long grass, his paws barely touching the ground as he ran. His ears were flattened against his head and his tail streamed behind him, he didn't like that he scented something different than his own tribe. He stopped at some water, his fur standing on end as he easily jumped over it.

Lifting his head to look past the grass he was hiding in, with his keen eye sight he could make out the shapes two unfamiliar cheetahs. Squinted his green eyes and staying low he padded inside of the tall grass where he couldn't be seen. Looks like we have some trespassers... thought Kushawi when he smirked. Smelling the air he ducked down and crawled out of the grass, he was sure none of them could see him. I wonder what those two are doing here…?

Badiri looeked down at the apprentice, whos eyes looked at him with a strange stare "Im Badiri of Sunning Rock" He stated plainly eyeing the small tom carefully, he may have been blind but Badiri wasnt willing to risk the chnace that the tom was skilled in battle dispite his disability. "What are you doing here." he asked.

Kumbu snorted loudly as they conversed, still very confused about how one another got here. He realized they must of heard the snort, and his suspicion was confirmed when they all suddenly twisted their head in his direction. He rose up out of the small bush he was crouched in, and slowly creeped up to them. "Um, what are you doing on Crooked Tree territory?" he muttered very quietly, almost inaudibly.

Dhaifu's ears flattened against his head as the older cheetah revealed he was from a different tribe. This was bad, really really bad. Was he in Sunning Rock's Territory? Oh how did he get himself into this? Stupid blindness... maybe he was as weak as the tribe thought. He felt the older cat eyeing him, but he didn't point it out. He must have assumed that since he was blind he wouldn't notice. He was about to answer Badiri when he heard a snort. He whipped his head around and scented yet another cat he didn't know! Wait... Crooked Tree's territory? So then... why was Badiri here? He turned to him, voicing this. "I'm Dhaifu, a tyro of Crowded Water. I got lost looking for something, understandable because I'm blind" he spat. "Why are YOU here?" he countered. He then looked to where he thought this new cat was coming from, though he couldn't be sure. "That answer your question too?" he asked flatly.

Lashing his tail he had enough of them and came out from his hiding. "Who goes there, and what are you doing here?" inquired the cat who took a step closer with a hostile expression. Looking from one cheetah to the other he crouched and lashed his tail, "Well? do you want to explain yourselves or what? I'm getting kind of impatient here!"

Zakiya trotted over to a grassy hill where he could watch what was going on. He scented two cheetahs who were from the other two tribes, which made his fur spike up along his spine. He sunk his claws in the ground and narrowed his eyes as he watched the two of them. The one from the tribe of Sunning Rocks looked older and bigger than the one from Crowded Water who was moving in a way that made him seem a little odd to Zakiya. He stretched his neck to try and see better but something slipped from under him and he swung his head to see a rock tumbling down the slope. He scrapped the ground to get a hold on it with his claws so that he wouldn't fall after the rock, he looked down at the two cheetahs with unease in his eyes, he was sure that they would see that and blow his cover where he had been silently observing.

Ndege had been running all around the territory as part of her training as a Messenger Tyro. Nearing the eastern edge of Crooked Tree land, the young she cheetah noticed some commotion by Scorpion's Tail and a load of different scents. Crooked Trees, Crowded Water, AND Sunning Rocks?! What's going on? Ndege thought, becoming confused. The cheetah silently climbed up the nearest tree to get a look of what was going on.

Badiri grunted as he turned from the Crowded Water Tyro and faced the two Crooked Tree cats, "I was near Scorpion rocks and i acsidently chased a rabbit over the border, and i was about to leave when i scented this Crowded Water cat also inside the Border."

Usafi sensed that more and more cheetahs were here , she panicked , a cheetah's been eavesdropping , I'm in Crooked Tree territory ? " What is going on ? " She looked at the cheetahs , confusion and fear in her eyes , she had gotten herself in trouble .

"A rabbit? Such small prey, why did you chase it if it was so small? Those things can hardly feed one cheetah!" he said not buying the cats excuses. "And what about you? " asked Kushawi who was directing this at the other cat, his voice was full of suspicion. "Just how many rabbits did cats chase over the border today?"

"Hey no need to be so hostile, considering the fact that you're on my territory." Kumbu remarked to Dhaifu. "And Kushawi, don't get your tail in a knot. It's fine! Obviously they mean no harm and are more confused than anything." He confirmed. Suddenly he heard a clattering and looked up on a grassy hill to see Zakiya standing stiff and wide-eyed. He looked around at the cheetahs and it didn't seem they noticed Zakiya, so he kept his jaw shut.

Dhaifu was standing right beside her , " What's this ? All tribe cheetahs gathering day ? " Usafi snapped at them , " I know I trespassed your territory but this is ridiculous ! " She flicked her tail , only to realized there are more toms than she-cats . Usafi backed away slightly , she saw another cheetah staring at them on a grassy hill , " Just great ! Another one ? " She pointed to the cheetah .

Dhaifu hissed slightly as he was snapped at by a tom. "Well excuse me for being blind sir!" he said, ears pulled back as he said those word. He did not want this to turn into a fight, but if it did, he best be prepared at least right? He noticed Usafi retreating slightly. "Usafi! Don't leave me to be the only cheetah of our tribe here! And a blind one at that!" he said urgently, suddenly remembering the she-cats name. His ears flicked as he heard a noise from somewhere. He didn't know what was going on however, as he couldn't SEE.

Zakiya gritted his teeth when he noticed a few other cheetah's ears prick up and turn to look at the stone, a few even looking up at him. His cover was blown. He stood up on the top of the hill, Remember, keep your cool and don't be hostile unless one of them are. After the last confrontation, you sure as heck don't need another one. He thought to himself as he padded calmly down the hill. His eyes scanned over the trespassers, he didn't know them but he knew that they were from the two other tribes. He flicked his ear with the clay hoop earring, "It seems we have a few strays." He said to his tribemates who were also at the scene. He turned his narrowed green-gray eyes back to the trespassers, "Now, fill me in on what is going on and what your doing on Crooked Tree's territory." He said, positioning his shoulders so that he looked bigger and stronger than he really was. If it all ended in a fight, he wouldn't show mercy on the two from Crowded Water just because it was his birthtribe.

Badiri let his fur lay flat as he realized that most of the Crooked Tree members didnt seam to be about to attack, turning to the new tom he said "I acsidently chased a rabbit over the border, then bumped into the Crowded Water members as i was about to leave." then he turned to Kushawi "A rabbit may be small but Prey is Prey! and if you had been paying attention while you were hidding in the grass you might have scented it! I May be on your territory but that give you no right to call me a lier based on your lack of the sence of smell!"
Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the blind tyro as he begged Usafi to stay, he felt a small amount of pitty for the tom and noted that if it came to a fight he would make sure he did not have to face a Crooked Tree cat alone.

She stopped moving backwards , " I'm not leaving without you , Dhaifu " She whispered . Usafi pointed to Badiri , " So that's why I smelled rabbit and fear ! You've been chasing it ! " She snarled , Usafi has a soft spot for little creatures mostly rabbits , she don't like anyone hurting them . She took a deep breath , " I don't want to fight ! We should go home , Dhaifu . "


thats what we've got so far XD and its not finished yet! and this took aproxamatly 3 hours to get in the chat. lol there was a lot of chating in between posts which is probably why

also there are a few people not in the picture because they said they didnt want to continue the rp with us so dont get mad if i didnt include you!
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Comments: 28

FreeAnimalAdopts [2013-05-08 21:40:35 +0000 UTC]

Which program did you use for this? .o.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to FreeAnimalAdopts [2013-05-10 10:33:01 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

MetalWolfGemstone [2012-08-22 17:20:36 +0000 UTC]

Could you possibly do a drawing based off the RP we did? I know it was kind of short but I'd LOVE to see Kivuli in your style =3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to MetalWolfGemstone [2012-08-23 03:10:11 +0000 UTC]

i might

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MetalWolfGemstone In reply to Flashpelt1 [2012-08-23 03:18:00 +0000 UTC]

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L1lly-flow3rX [2012-08-22 14:01:14 +0000 UTC]

Haha, the person who turned my first post into 3rd person made him a she! Anyway-
thanks for adding Kushawi in here! This looks great!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to L1lly-flow3rX [2012-08-22 14:18:34 +0000 UTC]

lol will go fix that XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Kattykinz [2012-08-22 14:01:12 +0000 UTC]

omg Dhaifu is so cute!
amg! hes so fluffy!
i love how he doesn't look like his usual mean self :')
i really like this picture too! good job

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to Kattykinz [2012-08-22 14:19:15 +0000 UTC]

XD yea lol its the part where hes all begging Usafi to stay :3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Kattykinz In reply to Flashpelt1 [2012-08-22 14:23:14 +0000 UTC]

i noticed.
i really like it xD
your style is great!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to Kattykinz [2012-08-22 14:26:16 +0000 UTC]

thanks XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

CuteKoi2903 [2012-08-22 13:59:03 +0000 UTC]

YAYYY !!! LOL Poor Usafi ! Only girl there !

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to CuteKoi2903 [2012-08-22 14:18:55 +0000 UTC]

XD good thing this isnt a rape rp lol

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CuteKoi2903 In reply to Flashpelt1 [2012-08-22 15:23:25 +0000 UTC]

O.O yeah .....

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to CuteKoi2903 [2012-08-23 03:14:21 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

SwiftFlight1 [2012-08-22 13:27:18 +0000 UTC]

hehe love it <3 Listening to this song by Owl city! GOLD! [link]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to SwiftFlight1 [2012-08-22 13:28:08 +0000 UTC]


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SwiftFlight1 In reply to Flashpelt1 [2012-08-22 13:40:17 +0000 UTC]

It's awsome!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

laureltan [2012-08-22 12:37:52 +0000 UTC]

This is getting interesting ! c: I'll definitely join in next time !

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to laureltan [2012-08-22 12:38:25 +0000 UTC]

yus! you shall!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

laureltan In reply to Flashpelt1 [2012-08-22 12:45:35 +0000 UTC]

xD anyone in chat now ?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to laureltan [2012-08-22 12:48:22 +0000 UTC]

idk but i can go there now and we can see who we can invite prob sunning rock chat this time i think i know of a few other sr members online right now if i can get them to come!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

laureltan In reply to Flashpelt1 [2012-08-22 12:50:05 +0000 UTC]

Gotcha x3 I need to meet more SR & CW members.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to laureltan [2012-08-22 12:54:29 +0000 UTC]

will do im going to go around and try to recrute people for the rp!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

laureltan In reply to Flashpelt1 [2012-08-22 12:57:21 +0000 UTC]

Gotcha c:

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

NikkiiChi [2012-08-22 12:30:33 +0000 UTC]

This is amazing! I love how you did everyone's expressions<3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Flashpelt1 In reply to NikkiiChi [2012-08-22 12:32:06 +0000 UTC]


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NikkiiChi In reply to Flashpelt1 [2012-08-22 12:35:38 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome ~~

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0