FlashSentryFanatic90 ā€” Sonic Forces: Chaos - Chapter 8
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Description Five MH-6 Little Birds, each one carrying six troops each, and a couple of F-16's flew through the air as Angel Island came into sight.

"Thirty seconds," went Blaze over coms.

"This is it, I see an outpost up ahead, Jester 1-1 you're cleared to engage. Guns, guns, guns,"

Each F-16 fired off a missile that destroyed the outpost and allowed the Little Birds to get by and reach Ice Cap. Then there was trouble, RPG shots from below forced the pilots to take evasive maneuvers and while the F-16's got decimated, one RPG round managed to hit the Little Bird carrying Red, Blaze, Nicholette, Roxy, Sally, and Bunnie who managed to make a quick recovery.

"HOLD ON! WE'RE GOING DOWN!" Sally hollered.

Everyone braced for impact as the Little Bird hit the snow and ice and slid to a halt on its side.

"Everyone alright?!" Sally asked as she, Red, and Blaze made it out from the side the Little Bird slipped on.

"We're okay! Move! It's gonna blow!!" Bunnie hollered as she, Nicholette, and Roxy ran away from the Little Bird.

Red, Sally, and Blaze quickly fled the chopper just in time to look back and see it explode into smithereens.

"This is Sierra Alpha to all open Rescue Craft channels, my squad is down in Ice Cap, what's your status, over!" Sally called over open channels.

"This is O'Neil! Little Bird 3 containing Alan, Rameriaz, Grizzly, Yuri, Meat, and Royce has been completely destroyed along with her squad! Kamarov from my squad is dead! Dunn, Foley, and Shephard from Squad 5 are dead! Squad 2 were the only ones who made it to the LZed in Mushroom Hill but have encountered heavy resistance!"


The rest was just static.

"This is Soap of Team 5, what the bloody hell just happened to Team 4, they've all gone dark, I can't reach Parker, O'Neil, Jackson, Griggs, OR Vasquez!"

"Soap, shoot a flare, we need to know where you are!" Sally ordered.

A flare from not too far away could be seen.

"There they are! Quick!" Bunnie ordered as she began to run as did the others.

"What is that thing?!" came Soap's voice as well as the sound of lasers followed by screams, "WE CAN'T STOP IT! NIKOLAI, ROACH, RUN- AUUUUGHHH!!!"

By the time Red, Blaze, Nicholette, Roxy, Sally, and Bunnie made it to the spot where Team 5 shot the flare, the scene was empty outside of the helicopter.

"Where are they?!" Sally panicked.

Blaze quickly found the body of a Dog, Cat, and Bear in a military get up.

"Oh no, they're all dead!" Bunnie panicked.

"Movement to the north!!" Nicholette screamed.

In their sights came the beast known as Chaos 3 charging at them by slithering along the snow and ice. ( Chaos 3 by cerberean pre00.deviantart.net/397d/th/pā€¦ )

"That's Chaos 3! I think he's coming for us next!!" Roxy panicked.

Chaos 3 got closer and closer until he went in for an attack with his tail. Bad idea, for Red had grabbed his tail.

"Ooohhh lookie what I got~!" Red went.

But this ended up backfiring as Chaos 3 scratched at him forcing Red to let go. Chaos 3 then went for another Tail Whip at Bunnie, this time connecting and knocking her into Roxy. But of course it connected. When it used Tail Whip it lowered Bunnie's Defense. Chaos 3 then went into a tornado like attack that damaged both Nicholette and Sally, but Blaze and Red managed to avoid easily with perfect timing. Chaos 3 then went for another Tail Whip attack.... but got caught by Red again.

"Mine now!" Red smirked, laughing a bit as he began to spin on his heels, slowly spinning Chaos 3, and picking up speed, "Alright everyone, get in position! Either we get a Chaos Emerald or someone gets a home run attempt!"

The sound of someone barfing could be heard.

"Huh? Hey what's that coming this way?" Sally asked.



How Chaos 3 even barfed was what a lot of them were asking as Red spun it faster and faster.

"Ugh.... I'm all wet..." Sally went before sneezing rather cutely.

"Yo Blaze, Roxy, Nicholette! I've got a present for ya! HIIIIYAAAAAA" Red shouted as he threw Chaos 3 towards them.

One of the three would have a chance at a home run shot to claim all three of the chaos emeralds if possible.

"I've got money on it being a fake," Nicholette somberly went as she, Roxy, and Blaze attacked it at once.

It then exploded and a Red light came after that.

"I freaking knew it. There was no way," Nicholette growled.

"Great... just great... though if that's the case how could he barf?" Red asked

ally's constantly tried to get up but ended up slipping on seemingly nothing. Then she noticed her shoes had frozen over from the "barf".

"Uh, I don't think that was barf. I think he tried to freeze me," Sally said in surprise before sneezing cutely again.

Blaze managed to thaw out her shoes using her pyrokenesis.

"Didn't expect Chaos 3 to contain a secret move up his sleeve," Sally went.

"Well I guess it only makes sense he'd have a freezing power in one of those forms, ice is water after all," Roxy replied.

"Last I checked he didn't have frost powers. Only 6 had it and that was from Eggman,"

"Well considering Chaos 3's never really been a thing until NOW I think we should've expected the unexpected from it," Sally retorted as she took off her shoes and shivered as her feet and toes touched the cold snow, "Brrr! N-nothing much I-I can really d-d-d-do my shoes are soaking w-w-w-w-wet."

Blaze quickly dried her shoes and helped slip them back on her.

"Thanks. It's colder in Ice Cap than I thought. Come on, we need to head to Mushroom Hill," Sally ordered.

Red, Sally, Blaze, Bunnie, Nicholette, and Roxy treked through Ice Cap, battled through Lava Reef, journeyed to Hidden Palace and Sky sanctuary, eventually reaching Mushroom Hill and found a graveyard of robot bodies and sad to see that Team 2 had died during it all.

"Frosty... Bulldozer... James... Powell... Jimmy... Patterson... No...." Sally somberly went.

"Everything's gone to hell in a hand basket real quick ever since we got here," Nicholette said.

"It's Eggman. He knew we'd come after Antoine and prepared accordingly. Clever bastard..." Blaze cursed.

Red then went over to a fallen Egg Robo and hacked into it to see what its processor contained.

"Looks like their primary objective was to hold off the attack before Eggman ordered a complete evacuation of the island but ordered to leave the camp behind," Red stated.

"You have the camp's coordinates?" Sally asked.


"Wait here. I'm gonna call for back up," Sally said as she went off into the forest.

"Red? Can I talk to you?" Blaze asked.

"What is it?" Red replied.

"I know your lusting after Nicholette, Roxy, and Sally Red,"

"Huh?! How did you-"

"Your body patterns and way of talking to them gave it away. Your even gonna try to lust after me aren't you?"


"Red... Losing your mother in the slaughter of the Wolf Pack hit you hard didn't it,"

".... very...."

"I see why your going after a lot of girls now. It's not jut Wolf Pack tradition, your lonely. And not even the love of Vixen, Rouge, Lupe, or Whisper is helping is it?"

"Actually, it does help, I'll say that. It helps a lot... but at the same time, I'm lonely still,"

"Red, I know what it's like to lose someone close to you. I lost Marine during the early days of this war, and..... I.... I still haven't gotten over it... every night I hear her screams... her desperate cries for help as she's burned alive and blown up from a well placed claymore... And every day, even though I'm surrounded by those I care deeply about in my own ways... I just can't stand the thought of losing another one..." Blaze managed to get out before weeping into her hands, "My fights with Sally recently... it's only because I care for her safety... if she's gone... then there'd be no one left to rule Mobius to make sure order was kept once Alicia eventually died... I... I just don't want it to happen again...."

"I know. Believe me, I do. It'll be okay Blaze," Red tried to reassure as he hugged her.

"I'm just an outsider from another dimension and so was Marine... we only got called here because the Sol Emeralds sensed an imbalance in the dimensional membrane... I wanna go home... I want this all to be just a bad dream...."

"We all want this to be a bad dream..." Red reassured.

"Red... I can tell what kind of a person you are now. I had my doubts at first... but... you genuinely like Roxy, Sally, Nicholette, Zeena, and me, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do,"

"Heh... your a very caring wolf. I can tell the future generation of the Wolf Pack will be in good hands if you select the right girls to breed with,"

"What if you were one?" Red asked.

"I could tell I'd be in safe and caring hands,"

oon enough though reinforcements arrived at a record's pace, securing the island and a convoy began following the coordinates to a remote location on Angel Island. The camp gave everyone not only a sense of fear, but utter heart break. Many Mobians in stripped clothing looked through the barbed wire walls or held onto them as Red, Lupe, and Whisper came to the gate. Many of them being wolves who managed to survive for this long under the radar, but were malnourished to the point of being walking skeletons as were the other Mobians who walked the camp. The trio of wolves were so shocked... more Wolves had survived?! But from the looks of things, just barely.

"Open the gate," Sally aggressively ordered.

Red, Lupe, and Whisper complied, cutting the chain that held the gate closed and pushing it back as the prisoners made room. Many of the Resistance members flooded into the camp, some having been reunited with friends or family members, but some were still looking. A further look into it saw some coming out of cramped, small, Prism shaped barracks, some prisoners carrying limp bodies, one came up to Rouge carrying the body of a wolf, whose legs just flowed with the wind and didn't move and looking more malnourished than the others, went up to her begging for help.

"Red.... you need to see this..." Sally hollered.

Red then went over to a pit where Sally was and saw a horrifying sight that made Bunnie puke her guts out. The pit was filled with the rotting corpses of partially to half roboticised Mobians.

"Antoine's not in there.... we're still looking for him... they said this is where the failed conversion bodies were taken..." Sally explained.


Red, Sally, and Bunnie quickly rushed to the center and felt their blood turn cold. Antoine's right arm and bottom half, had been roboticised.

"A-ant?!" Bunnie went rather horrified.

Antoine did not reply as he slowly walked to Bunnie, placed his hands on her, kissed th side of her face like as if it had been 20 years since he saw her, wrapped his arms around her back, and weeped into her shoulder.

"That's not the only thing we found," went a Resistance member as they handed off a holo viewer to Red, "You'll wanna see what's on there."

Red then hit play and Infinite met everyone's eyes.

"This is insane, this isn't war, this is just slaughter,"

"I was given full control over these prisoners Ms. Zero, I do what I need to do with them," came Fang's voice, sounding rather angry.

"Don't you freaking call me that you dirty rat!!!" Infinite screamed.

"Your in no position to be giving me orders!!" Fang shouted.

The Phantom Ruby glowed in the hologram and Infinite started choking, grabbing her neck and looking like she was begging to stop as she was on her back gasping and coughing.

"Know your place Mercenary. Your just a liability, your no good to anyone alive OR dead,"

The Phantom Ruby's glow died and Infinite was gasping for air.

"I'd suggest if you don't want me to pull you off of your life support you ungrateful rodent, you'll do as we instruct you to,"

"L-life support?!?" Infinite panicked.

"Didn't Lord Eggman tell you? After you were connected to the Phantom Ruby, it essentially became a part of you. One flip of the switch could make it destroy itself... and you along with it,"

"Red? Are you alright?" Lupe asked as everyone slowly began to look at him as the holo recording played.

His fur was starting to look more spiky.

"So Ms. Zero I suggest that if you'd not want to end up like the others, I'd recommend you know your place," Fang warned.

"You're nothing but a lunatic! Creating these camps, the way you've got everything, your a monster!"

"Ah ah ah! Don't want me to flick the switch do you?"


Infinite started choking again.

"On second thought, I'll flip it anyways. It's fun to see you suffer so helplessly as your own life support slowly kills you. But enough on that. For now we have to evacuate the island," Fang said as Infinite stopped choking, "Summon a Chaos form and send it to the incoming rescue forces."

"Fine..." Infinite went as a tear formed down her eye.

The sound of a door closing made Infinite break down into tears onto her knees as Chaos 3 was created from the Phantom Ruby and the recording ended. Red's fur started to flash golden.

"Red, Red please calm down!" Lupe went, "Red please, control your anger!"

Lupe knew what was going on. Red was on the verge of achieving a Super Form without the Chaos Emeralds, a feat all wolves could do, but it wasn't as powerful as the one done with the Emeralds.

"That... ruthless... heartless... soulless... bastard! I will... make Him... SuFFER!"

"Red, please, stop! Your scaring everyone!!" Lupe shouted.

Red then suddenly stopped, fell to his knees, and as he teared up, punched the ground. The next few weeks would see the liberation of Mobius begin as the Resistance managed to take back 20% more of the world, making the playing field 60% for the Resistance and 40% for the Eggman Empire. The Camps certainly brought a whole new factor into what they were fighting for, for they did know that the captured Mobians were being sent SOMEWHERE but they didn't know what was happening to them. Fang being revealed as the mastermind behind the camps after being left in charge of the Prisoners by Eggman certainly put a whole lot of targets on his head, but he could've probably cared less.

Eventually during the first battle of Operation Scrambled Eggs in the Wood Zone, located in the official boarder areas of Eggman's Empire, Red, Nicholette, and Roxy had lead the charge until they got separated from the main group and came into a clearing.

"Darn it! Sierra Alpha this is November Whiskey, we've been seperated from the main group and don't know where the others are!" Nicholette said trying to contact Sally.

Unable to get a response Nicholette growled in anger.

"Augh! There must be a jammer somewhere around here because I can't get Sally over at HQ!" Nicholette stated.

Nicholette then noticed something on Roxy and tackled her to the ground.



Sniper? Oh.... HE was here. Red then began to laugh. It was... rather creepy.


"I'M GONNA KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY BROTHER AND SISTER!!!!" Roxy screamed as she pulled out her AK-74.

"FANG, I'M GONNA MAKE YOUR FEET YOUR EARS WHEN I GET A HOLD OF YOU, YOU TRAITOR!!!" Nicholette shouted as she pulled out an Intervention.

"You think you can kill me? I'm the most dangerous Bounty Hunter in Mobius, if anything, I'm going to kill you. Red, after I'm through with you, I'll pay Lupe and Whisper a visit. Roxy, I hope you've missed your sister and brother, you'll be seeing them soon enough. And Nicholette. You had to go and show your uselessness. You always were the dumber between us,"

Fang then dropped from a tree, two Laser Wispons in his hands.

"I'LL ENJOY CRUSHING YOUU!!!" Fang shouted as the wispons colors came out as black and purple.

"And I'm the most dangerous Wolf in all of the Universe, if anything I'm going to floss my teeth with your SMALL INTESTINES!"

"Hehehe. That's exactly what your mum said before I blew her brains out mate," Fang went with a toothy grin.


"Oh no... you went and pushed the button," Roxy went.

"Huh? Button?"

"The mom button," Nicholette explained.

Fang was then face first staring at a golden furred version of Red with rage filled eyes staring into his very soul, his teeth bared as his hand forced his head into the ground.

"Ya shouldn't a did that,"

"What the bloody hell?!" Fang cursed.

Red gave a near demonic sounding howl as he dragged him along the ground at high speeds, slamming him head first into a tree. Fang wasn't seriously hurt, but he was bleeding from his nose.

"LET ME AT HIM!!!" Roxy shouted as she cocked her AK-74.

Red moved out of the way to a degree and allowed Fang to stand up and face Roxy... only to find himself pumped with 45 bullets and still standing, but was extremely bloody. Red then laughed, watching as he also kicked Fang closer to his sister and let her have some fun. Red was also preparing himself for a final strike attack.

"YOUR A DISGRACE TO OUR FAMILY NAME!!!" Nicholette shouted.

One shot below the belt with the Intervention made Fang squeal to a degree as he sort of held his lower bit, but failed to hide the fact more blood was coming out of him.

"I think we're about done here aren't we?" Red smirked.

"One more thing," Nicholette and Roxy said at the same time.

Both girls jabbed their hands through Fang's stomach and pulled out his intestines to make him start hacking and choking before Nicholette pulled out his left kidney and Roxy pulled out his liver.

"He's all yours," The girls growled.

Red dashed in, grabbing Fang and slammed his right fist into his face.

"UNITED, STATES, OF, SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!" he shouted as he punched him into the ground with enough power and force to not only kill and eviscerate him but wipe him from existence, as a tornado was created at the point of impact with the ground, enough to uproot trees and make them go for a spin along with sending Fang's blood into the wind.

"AAHHHHHH! GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!!!" Nicholette hollered from seeing how far she was above ground.

"Sissy," Roxy cheekily went.

The attack costed Red the use of his arm for a while as it was now broken, but he still was able to effortlessly catch Roxy And Nicholette from their impromptu flight despite it. Red, Roxy, and Nicholette would go on to find their way back to their squad, destroy a nearby radio traffic jammer and go on to capture the elusive Dust Hill Zone which secured a foothold in Eggman's territory and would ultimately become the beginning of the end for Eggman.
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