flashstudiosguy — Paw Patrol: Baby Blues

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Description Synopsis: An incident at Adventure Bay's resident Inventor's Laboratory causes a series of hijinks when three of the Patrol are regressed back to Infants.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Paw Patrol as a franchise or any of the characters from the show, they are property of Spin Master. I do, however, own Professor Turner, as he is an original character of my own making.

It was a typical day in Adventure Bay; the sun was high in the sky, surrounded by fluffy white clouds. Birds chirped as they nestled in the trees and soared through the air and the Citizens happily went about their daily lives. Up at the Lookout, Ryder and his team of pups were enjoying a moment of peace before their next rescue mission; chase and Skye were dozing in the sun, Skye resting her head on Chase’s. Marshall and Everest were chatting to Liberty and Rocky, Zuma and Rubble were playing tag.

Just then, the Pup Pad rang “Paw Patrol, what’s the emergency?” Ryder asked. Professor Turner, Adventure Bay’s resident Inventor, appeared on screen “Ryder, it’s my new invention, it’s gone haywire!” Ryder's eyebrows furrowed in concern as he listened to Professor Turner's urgent message. "Don't worry, Professor," he reassured him. "The Paw Patrol is on it! We'll be right there to help you with your invention." With a quick call to action, Ryder summoned the rest of the team. The pups sprang into action, each grabbing their gear and rushing to the Lookout's elevator.

As they descended, Ryder briefed them on the situation. "Professor Turner's new invention has gone haywire," he explained. "We need to get to his lab and assess the situation before it causes any trouble in Adventure Bay." The pups nodded in understanding, ready to tackle whatever challenge awaited them.

With a bark and a woof of determination, the Paw Patrol set off towards Professor Turner's lab, sirens blaring and tails wagging. Adventure Bay could count on them to save the day once again. The Patrol arrived at the Professor’s Lab and saw a large machine sparking and fizzing with electricity. Sparks flew as the invention emitted a series of loud beeps and whirring sounds that echoed through the lab. Professor Turner was frantically running around, trying to contain the chaotic situation.

"Ryder, thank goodness you're here!" Professor Turner exclaimed, relief evident in his voice. "I can't seem to shut down the invention. It's out of control!"

Ryder surveyed the scene, his quick-thinking mind already formulating a plan. "Pups, we need to work together to stop this invention before it causes any harm," he commanded. Chase and Skye sprang into action, using their agility to dodge the flying sparks and reach the control panel of the machine. Marshall and Everest stood ready with their water cannons, prepared to douse any flames that might erupt. Zuma and Rubble used their strength to stabilise the machine, while Rocky and Liberty searched for a way to safely power it down.

After a tense few minutes, the Patrol seemingly had everything under control “There you are, Professor” Ryder chuckled “No explosions or fires today. Um, incidentally, what is this thing?” Professor Turner never resisted an opportunity to brag and tweaked his slightly smouldering bow tie “Well, Ryder, this is my-” but he got no further as the machine suddenly let out a loud wail and began to pulse “Look out!” Chase yelled “It’s somehow turned itself back on!” Everyone dived for cover, just as there was an almighty flash! Once everything died down, Ryder stood up, coughing.

“Paw Patrol, Role Call!” he commanded "I’m ok!” came Everest’s response “We’re alright too,Dude..” called Zuma as he helped dust Rocky down. Ryder began doing a head count and noticed he was missing three “Wait, where are Chase, Marshall and Skye?” the team began looking around “I’ve found Chase and Skyes’ hats” Rocky called “And…and they’re moving!” Curious to what he meant, the team headed over to him and, indeed, there was Chase’s uniform cap and Skye’s flying helmet on the floor, and they were, indeed, seemingly moving by themselves!

Ryder carefully lifted Chase’s cap and gasped, as did the rest of the Patrol; underneath the cap was a small Alsatian Puppy that looked oddly familiar. The puppy yipped and wagged its tail, looking up at Ryder with big, innocent eyes. "Chase? Is that you?" Ryder asked in disbelief. The puppy barked happily in response, confirming Ryder's suspicions. "But how...?" Ryder trailed off, trying to make sense of the situation.

Just then, Marshall's helmet began to wobble and slide across the floor. The team watched in astonishment as another puppy, this time a Dalmatian, emerged from underneath the helmet. "Marshall!" Rocky exclaimed, realisation dawning on him. Marshall woofed excitedly, clearly exhilarated by his newfound form. Skye's flying helmet was the last to move, and as it tipped over, a fluffy Cockapoo puppy popped out, letting out a playful bark. "Skye!" Liberty gasped, unable to contain her surprise. The team huddled together, staring at the three puppies in awe.

Professor Turner approached cautiously, adjusting his spectacles “Oh, my oh my! It would appear my machine is a Rejuvenator!” everyone boggled at the Professor “Wait” Liberty cried “You mean to say you built that thing with NO idea what it even was?!” Turner grinned sheepishly “I probably built it because of how I forget things and then….forgot why I built it…”

Ryder's mind raced with possibilities as he tried to figure out how to turn his loyal pup friends back into their usual selves. "Professor Turner, is there a way to reverse the effects of the Rejuvenator?" he asked urgently. Turner scratched his head, pondering the question before replying, "I... I believe there might be a way to reverse the process, but it will take some time for me to research and find a solution."

The Paw Patrol team gathered around the three adorable puppies, each lost in their own thoughts about how to help their friends. Chase, Marshall, and Skye seemed unfazed by their new forms, happily wagging their tails and exploring the lab with innocent curiosity. Ryder knelt down and addressed the puppies, his voice filled with reassurance. "Don't worry, we'll get you back to normal in no time. In the meantime, let's make sure you're safe and comfortable." The puppies barked happily in unison.

Back at the Lookout, Ryder went onto a video call with Professor Turner and Kendra Wilson from Adventure City in order to discuss how to get the three pups back to normal, leaving the others to work out babysitting “Alright” Liberty said “Clearly, we gotta take care of these guys. I know for sure, if she was our age, Skye would take care of Chase but she’s currently in the same boat as him, so I’ll watch her. Rubble, Zuma and Rocky, you watch Chase” Everest stepped forward, preparing to speak but Liberty just smiled “Chill, E, I knew even though he’s young enough to be your son, you’d still wanna look after your man”.

The Pups set to it but they soon found babysitting three puppies to be hard work! “Skye!” Liberty scolded “What did I say about chewing my tail? Do not make me put you in time out, missy..”

Everest couldn’t help but chuckle as she watched the chaos unfold. Skye just tilted her head innocently, clearly not understanding the scolding she had just received. Meanwhile, Rubble was chasing Chase around, trying to prevent him from getting into any mischief. “Chase, slow down!” he called out, laughing as the energetic puppy darted around the room.

Another complication arose when it came to Dinner Time; it was discovered the three babies did not have any prominent teeth and would thus be unable to eat regular Pup Food. The team brainstormed ideas on what to feed the three puppy versions of their friends, trying various options from mushy kibble softened with warm water to pureed vegetables. Marshall seemed content to lap up the concoction, wagging his tail happily as he did so. Skye, on the other hand, turned her nose up at the food, prompting Liberty to try hand-feeding her with a spoon. The Cockapoo puppy eagerly lapped up the food from Liberty's spoon, making a mess in the process.

Chase, being the natural leader of the Paw Patrol even in his puppy form, observed the chaos and decided to try something different. He nudged a toy truck towards his food bowl, using it as a makeshift scoop to transfer the food into his mouth. "Look at that," Everest marvelled, "Chase is problem-solving even as a puppy." After the feeding frenzy settled down and the puppies were contentedly napping in a makeshift bed of soft blankets, their respective Guardians curled around them for extra warmth and protection, Ryder even emerged from the Watchroom to read them a bedtime story. Everest sang Marshall a lullaby and Liberty gently rocked Skye to sleep.

As Ryder finished reading the bedtime story, he dimmed the lights in the Lookout, casting a warm glow over the sleeping puppies. The Paw Patrol team gathered around, watching over their transformed friends with a mix of concern and affection. Despite the uncertainty of the situation, there was a sense of camaraderie and determination among them.

"I never thought I'd see the day when Chase, Marshall, and Skye were just adorable puppies," Rubble mused, scratching his head in amusement.

Rocky nodded in agreement, a small smile playing on his lips. "It's definitely a first for us, that's for sure."

As the night stretched on, Everest was woken at one point by a whimpering; she gently opened one eye and saw Marshall staring up at her, trembling slightly. Beneath him, a small wet patch marked the pillow, Everest smiled “Wet the bed, have we, wee man? Don’t worry, let’s get you cleaned up and then change this pillow..” The night seemed endless as Everest tended to Marshall and changed his bedding, comforting the little Dalmatian as he wagged his tail gratefully. The other puppies remained fast asleep, unaware of the nighttime mishap. As Everest settled Marshall back down, she heard a soft sigh behind her and turned to see Liberty kneeling beside her, a concerned look on her face. "Is everything alright, E?" Liberty whispered, glancing at Marshall with a mix of sympathy and fondness. Everest nodded, patting Marshall gently before replying, "Just a little accident. All good now."

Liberty gave Everest a reassuring smile before offering to take over Marshall's care for the rest of the night. Everest hesitated for a moment before nodding gratefully and slipping back under her blanket, exhaustion creeping in after a long day of looking after the playful puppies.

As the night wore on, each member of the Paw Patrol took turns keeping watch over the transformed pups, ensuring they were safe and comfortable. Rocky, Zuma and Rubble found themselves having to escort Chase outside so he could do his business whilst Liberty was woken by Skye crying because she had a nightmare. “Rocky” Rubble mumbled as Chase tugged on the Bulldog’s ear “Chase needs the-”

“I already took him” came the curt reply “It’s your turn now…”

The night passed with various interruptions and duties, but eventually, a hush settled over the Lookout as dawn approached. The Paw Patrol team had taken shifts watching over the transformed puppies, each member showing unwavering dedication to their furry friends.

As the first light of morning filtered through the windows, Ryder emerged from his room, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He took in the scene before him - Marshall snuggled against Everest, Skye nestled in Liberty's arms, and Chase playfully nipping at Rubble's paws. A smile tugged at Ryder's lips as he felt a swell of pride for his team's resilience and compassion.

"Alright, everyone," Ryder announced softly, rousing his sleepy teammates, "It's a new day, and we have work to do. Let's get these pups back to their normal selves." The team nodded in agreement, their determination renewed by Ryder's words.

Working hard throughout the night, the three had come up with something of a solution, which Kendra explained “The Rejuvenator works by counteracting the aging and decomposition process of an object and uses quantum molecular physics to force that object back through the quantum spectrum along the temporal flow so it is in a state of rejuvenation. By counteracting the counteract, we should be able to counteract the alternative flow in order to accelerate the three juvenile subjects to their original point in the temporal flow.” she grinned, expecting a delighted response but all she got were just blank stares, even from Ryder and Turner. “What?” came the mass chorus but Rubble just smiled “The machine turns time backwards, we just gotta put it in reverse and make it turn time forward”

As Rubble's explanation sunk in, the team sprang into action. Working together with precision and determination; at the Lab, they reconfigured the Rejuvenator to reverse its effects on Marshall, Skye, and Chase. With a collective breath held, they activated the machine, watching anxiously as the quantum molecular physics did their work. A soft hum filled the room as a faint glow enveloped the three puppies. Marshall's spots began to darken and blend seamlessly into his fur, while Skye's ears perked up and her Cockapoo coat regained its signature volume and fluffiness. Chase stood still for a moment before a surge of energy seemed to course through him, growing larger until he was once again the confident and heroic German Shepherd they all knew.

As the light faded and the machine powered down, the Paw Patrol team let out a cheer of joy and relief. Marshall barked happily, Skye wagged her tail in contentment, and Chase let out a triumphant howl. The transformation was a success, and the Paw Patrol team cheered with delight. Marshall, Skye, and Chase were back to their original selves, much to the relief of their friends. Ryder beamed proudly at his team, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. The pups bounded around the room, full of energy and happiness now that they were restored.

With the crisis averted and their furry friends safe and sound, the Paw Patrol team settled down for a well-deserved rest. As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over Adventure Bay, they all gathered outside the Lookout for a celebratory breakfast. Plates of delicious treats were laid out for both humans and pups to enjoy, a feast fit for heroes.

As they shared stories and laughter, Ryder couldn't help but feel grateful for the incredible bond they all shared. Through challenges and adventures, they had proven time and time again that they were stronger together. However, Marshall noticed that Everest had slunk over to one side and was looking down at something; peering over her shoulder, he saw it was a picture of him as a baby and Everest, snuggled up together. “You ok, Everest?” he asked, softly. Everest suddenly looked up and smiled goofily as she wiped a tear from her eye “O-oh, I don’t know if I should say, you’ll only say I’m being selfish and stupid…”

"I won't say that, Everest. You can tell me anything," Marshall reassured her, concern evident in his expressive eyes.

Everest took a deep breath before speaking, her voice barely above a whisper. "I-I was just thinking about how much I've enjoyed looking after you as a Puppy; feeding you, singing you to sleep, I even enjoyed cleaning you up after you… " She trailed off, her gaze drifting back to the photo in her paws.

Marshall moved closer to her side, nuzzling her gently. "You're not being selfish or stupid, Everest. Maybe the responsibility of looking after a puppy awakened the maternal instincts within you and you’re just struggling to readjust..” he suddenly smiled “In fact, maybe that’s something we could consider, you know, you and me, having a family of our own…?"

Everest let out a shaky breath, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over her. She leaned into Marshall's comforting presence, grateful for his understanding and support. "Thank you, Marshall. I'm just glad to have you in my life, all of you…”

Whilst the Husky and Dalmatian discussed their future, Skye approached Liberty “Hey, Libby, I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me when I needed it”

Liberty smiled warmly at Skye, her eyes filled with kindness and understanding. "Don’t mention it, Skye, that's what friends are for, looking out for each other." she replied gently, giving Skye a reassuring pat. Skye wagged her tail appreciatively, grateful for Liberty's unwavering support during their time of need. “All I’ll say is” Liberty said as she stared the Cockapoo in the eyes “If you ever become a pup again, make damn sure you remember what I said about trying to chew my tail! Girl, you do NOT know your own strength sometimes!” Skye giggled “Sure thing, “Mum”..”

“I’ll pretend I’ve suddenly gone deaf just now..” Liberty called over her shoulder as she walked away. Over by one of the tall trees, Rocky and Zuma halted their conversation as Chase came up “Hey, guys” the Copper smiled awkwardly “I feel like I need to apologise for something I did whilst I was a puppy again, only I can’t remember what it was…”

Rocky and Zuma exchanged a knowing glance before Rocky spoke up, "No need to apologise, Chase. You were just a puppy, after all. Nothing you did as a pup could ever overshadow the brave and loyal pup you've always been." Zuma nodded in agreement, patting Chase on the back in reassurance. Chase's tail wagged gratefully as he looked at his friends with warmth in his eyes. "Thanks, guys. I'm lucky to have you all by my side, helping me through everything."

As the Paw Patrol team continued to enjoy their well-deserved rest and breakfast, Ryder observed his team with pride and gratitude. The bonds of friendship and camaraderie among them were stronger than ever, forged through countless adventures and challenges. Each member brought their unique strengths and personalities to the team, creating a tapestry of unity and support that Ryder knew was truly special. The sun shone brightly overhead, casting a golden glow over Adventure Bay as the Patrol continued to enjoy being not just the closest of friends but practically a family.

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