ForesightMythSeeker — Echo of poisoning sounds by-nc-nd

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Published: 2019-06-04 16:38:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 932; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 0
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Description ❝The wound is the place where the Light enters you.❞


Basic Information

« Name »

➵ Echo

« Nickname(s) »

➵ Unknown

« Name Origin »

➵ She uses vibrations, smell, touch, and sound to locate others and prey and get a sense of her environment and buildings.

« Name Meaning »

➵ a sound or series of sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener.

« Past Name(s)»

➵ None

« Future Name(s) »

➵ None

« Gender »

➵ Female

« Age »

➵ 19

« Rp Age »

➵ 8-20

« Mental Age »

➵ 9

« Sexuality »

➵ Straight

« Tribe(s) »

➵ PlagueWing

« Appearance »

➵ See picture

« Physical description »

➵ PlagueWings are slender dragon with multiple spines running down their body with membrane attached to the spine to make large frill-like designs. She has sharp claws and horns. She also has six tail barb spikes, three on each side of the end of her tail which can release a deadly venom from the points. The spear on the end of her tail is long and can also release a deadly venom. Her snake-like fangs can retract just like a venomous snake's fangs can. And her fangs can eject an acidic venom that can be fatal to dragons of other tribes. Because PlagueWings have a natural resistance to poison and venoms, she is not affected by RainWing or her own venom. She is naturally hatched with holes in her membrane on the wings, neck, arm, and tail.

« Occupation »

➵ Trained Master Assassin, medic, scientist

« Residents »

➵ An island just to the north-east of the Kingdom of the Sea.

« Birthday »

➵ 5520 AS


❝ It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone❞


« Positive Traits »

➵ Protective
➵ Determined
➵ Honest
➵ Caring towards injured dragons
➵ Self - advocates
➵ Confident
➵ Assertive
➵ Patient

« Negative Traits »

➵ Aggressive
➵ A little manipulative
➵ Has slight trust issues
➵ Emotionally distant towards some dragons
➵ Defensive

« Wants »

➵ Friends
➵ Find a way to make herself safer
➵ possibly start a family

« Fears »

➵ Being lonely despite her aggressive attitude that tends to turn others away
➵ Having friends because of her condition

« Ambitions »

➵ Become a better, nicer and more enjoyable dragon to be around with
➵ Find a cure to her scale condition (although incurable and genetically very rare it doesn't hurt to try)

« Habits »

➵ Sleeping in late if possible
➵ Sniffing dandelions (gets high sometimes)
➵ Writing journal entries of every discovery, important event, etc...

« Skills »

➵ Amazing fighter
➵ Amazing reflexes
➵ Extremely fast
➵ Extremely Agile
➵ Stealthy
➵ Swift
➵ Patient
➵ Intelligent

« Pet Peeves »

➵ Being touched by dragons or just anyone/anything in general because of her scale condition.

« Voice Tone »

➵ light with a British accent.

« Theme Song »

➵ Rise and fall- Adventure club

« Overall Personality »

➵ What outlines her exterior is her aggressive and cold attitude; but actually cares for others especially for injured dragons. Manipulative and honest--It's hard not to feel pity for her.


❝ Hearts are breakable," Isabelle said. "And I think even when you heal, you're never what you were before".❞


« Strength »

➵ 10/10

« Speed »

➵ 10/10

« Flight »

➵ 6/10

« Swimming »

➵ 2/10

« Climbing »

➵ 9/10

« Intelligence »

➵ 10/10

« Sanity »

➵ 6/10


❝ Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.❞

This or that?

« Night or Day? »

➵ Night

« Active or Lazy? »

➵ Active

« Kind or Cruel? »

➵ Cruel

« Madness or Sadness? »

➵ Madness

« Introvert or Extrovert? »

➵ Introvert

« Logical or Emotional? »

➵ Logical

« Reckless or Cautious? »

➵ Cautious


❝ The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...❞


« Projectile Abilities »

➵ None

« Tribal Abilities »

➵ Long slender body helps her move swiftly and silently on the ground. However, she isn't the best at flying.
➵ Natural resistance to toxins, bacteria, and venoms, especially to her own.
➵ Her mouth is filled with a bacteria so that when she bites her prey or enemy, the bite quickly becomes infected and can swiftly kill if not treated quickly.
➵ The six barbs on the end of her tail and the spear eject a special venom from the tips. The venom will work like acid and eat away at whatever it touches. This can be very fatal if the venom is ejected near a vital organ.

« Abnormal Abilities »

➵ Toxicscales: This is a condition where a PlagueWing's blood and scales are poisonous to a point where it can severely harm other dragons if they were to come in contact with the toxicscales PlagueWing. The poison works like acid and can melt scales. Luckily for a toxicscales PlagueWing, their scales are immune to poisons, allowing the poison in their blood and on their scales to remain safe for the toxicscales dragon. This condition is very rare.

« Psychical Strengths »

➵ Unknown

« Mental Strengths »

➵ Unknown


❝ What happens when people open their hearts? They get better.❞


« Mother »

Name - Hydrangea
Tribe - PlagueWing
Age - Old enough to be a mother
Status - Alive
Wiki Link -

« Father »

Name - DiseaseBringer
Tribe - PlagueWing
Age - old enough to be a father
Status - Alive
Wiki Link -

« Sibling »

Name - Unknown
Tribe - Unknown
Gender - Unknown
Age - Unknown
Status - Alive/Deceased
Wiki Link -

« Mate »

Name - unknown
Tribe - unknown
Gender - unknown
Age - Unknown
Status - unknown
Wiki Link -

« Offspring »

Name - Unknown
Tribe - Unknown
Gender - Unknown
Age - Unknown
Status - Unknown
Wiki Link -


❝ It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.❞



➵ PlagueWings have been at peace for years... Some with careers in the army, some in stone carving where they use their venom to carve and shape stone, medics, and even scientists that study nature, diseases, and poisons in the world. There they use science to invent new medicines to help combat venom and poisons. And currently: Echo is the only known PlagueWing to be an assassin, along with her other careers in being a scientist and medic.


➵ Born blind with heightened senses of touch, smell, hearing and vibrations. Echo learned to use vibrations to pinpoint locations and directions, use hearing to get a sense of her environment, use smell to distinguish between dragons and use touch to distinguish textures. Using all these senses at once; she's pursued careers in Science and healing and even become a trained master assassin. While born blind is unforgiving... Even worse, she was born with a very rare and 'toxic' (pun intended) genetic disorder called: Toxicscales, This is a condition where her blood and scales are poisonous to a point where it can severely harm other dragons if they were to come in contact with her scales. The poison works like acid and can melt scales. Luckily for Echo, her scales are immune to poisons, allowing the poison in her blood and on her scales to remain safe for the toxicscales dragon. This disorder can only be determined when the dragonet is touched. With this disorder... Many dragons have been critically injured and some even died when they go to touch her whether internationally or accidentally. Unfortunately, because of this problem with time Echo had grown colder and distant at an emotional level--becoming aggressive to the point dragons try to avoid her while keeping distance between her scales and theirs. It's hard to like her at first but it's harder not to pity her. As being an assassin only made her colder; she's actually caring when it comes to helping those in need specifically injured dragons, and to do that she invented a way prevent harm to dragons when touching them by wearing animus-touched gloves. While she isn't animus she had them enchanted for her by a fellow plagueWing. She doesn't know them. And only wears them when helping injured dragons. This is also another way her senses come in handy.


➵ Having Toxicscales is dangerous and difficult to live with. Which is why Echo pursues a second career in being a scientist. Her goal is to study poisons and diseases; diseases like Toxicscales is her main interest. While it's difficult to do that being blind. She's managed so far, but has yet to find a cure for the dreaded disease, a disorder rather, Toxicscales. She's been told many times to let nature take it's course. But she believes no dragonet deserves to live untouchable by even their parents and friends and basically anyone they come in contact with. Its terrible! She worries about Toxicscales because neither of her parents had it and nearly killed one of them after her hatching, and later discovered her father's father was a Toxicscale meaning her father carried the gene and passed it down to her. She's grateful her parents never gave up on her. While her thoughts of having a family is unlikely, it's not impossible to change her mind. However, Echo continues to grow colder with time. And in fear of her dangerous condition refuses to make friends even though her current 'friend' is a fellow scientist who's made it her goal to helping Echo find answers. Despite the fact anything genetic can't be cured.


➵ Having Toxicscales is dangerous and difficult to live with. Which is why Echo pursues a third and cold career; a trained master assassin. With her scales she can take out dragons just by touching them, and another way her heightened senses comes in handy. With time; she's learned to master skills and her senses and combine them to make her an even dangerous dragon. But it's also caused her to become even colder every day therefore making her aggression worse and more violent. Swift, agile, strong, with amazing fighting skills and amazing reflexes she's considered the best fighter in Pyrrhia and more dangerous than Burn, Blister and Darkstalket combined, but of course that's being a little on the exaggeration side. However, Echo is very smart. Can make the most complicated strategies and traps in simpler forms. While assassins will eliminate anyone for a price, dragons have to give her a very good and logical reason to perform an assassination at a reasonably good price. If dragons come to her multiple times with illogical reasons she will kill them instead for repeated harassment especially after the first two times where she tells them to leave her alone. She doesn't have much sanity. But more than enough to avoid going on a massacre. The best way to approach her is with an open heart and mind, and despite her aggressive ways, she actually cares about her fellow dragons no matter the tribe.


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★                                              ★

This was made with #RavenTemplates

Do not remove this hashtag

Link to >>>PlagueWing<<< (www.deviantart.com/moonshimmer… ) information by Moonshimmer981 the amazing artist I bought my PlagueWing from!

Link to original wiki on my amino account: aminoapps.com/p/a1k0m6
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