foreststrider — The Inn
Published: 2009-05-03 00:48:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 127; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 2
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Description                                                         The Inn

Morning was calm and soothing in the land of Argenthaven, dawn began to absorb the realm in its soothing touch; one could hear the rhythmic tapping of horse shoes, beating prolongably on the dusty road. Valiantly, verdant bushes stood all around the paths, and dominated the whole environment. Throughout the landscape you could smell and see the invigorating morning-bells, beautiful spring flowers that only grew in those realms. It was said that a mere bouquet of those flowers could win the heart of any lass. The morning-bells only bloomed in the early morning and their perfume could be felt all-over the village. Villagers and innkeepers, opened their windows every morning to allow the flowers’ redolence to enter their homes.
The innkeeper’s wife, drowsy from a long night’s work came out to clean the sheets. As she was paying attention to not drop any of them, something stole her concentration- yonder she could see three shadows making their way towards the Inn’s entrance. Of what she could make out it looked like two men and a dwarf.
The men’s horses approached the woman; as they drew closer and closer she began to have an eerie feeling. The three stopped right in front of her- they were dressed in leather and she could observe their horses had swords attached to their saddles, which immediately led her to the conclusion that they were mercenaries. She could hear them arguing: “’Tis’ madness lad! We can’t just barge in there like a bunch of drunken Redbeards! They’ll have our heads off as soon as we’ll step on their floor!” said the dwarf.
“If we don’t, there’s no point in living. We don’t have a choice, now please, let’s think this over.”
“Now, now… He’s right, we have to talk this over, make a plan... But there’s no way we’re avoiding this.”
One of the men, a raven haired, tall, seemingly well educated lad stopped to salute her, which in some way comforted her. He was wearing well-kept clothes, about as black as they come, with a sheathed hunting dagger attached to right side to his belt, there was something in the way he talked and behaved that made him seem something of a knight, the sight of which you don’t see every day.
The three tied their horses to the horse pen, and then entered the inn.
“Welcome to our fine establishment, gentlemen! What can I get you?” the innkeeper greeted them.
“The finest wine for the two of us and a small beer keg for our dwarf friend over here!” ordered the skinny blond man that was also in their group, his face was hidden by the mist of his shroud, he did not carry any weapons, however, as opposed to his two companions.
“Right away, sir!” answered the innkeeper. The innkeeper was a rather bald fellow, with a round belly and a well-kept moustache, typical of all men in his trade.
The inn was cozy and friendly, people from all over the land came here as travelers, but soon moved here themselves after staying at the inn. The innkeeper and his wife were hospitable, but there was something else about the inn, the place had a sort of aura that carved runes of transcendence into one’s soul. Everything inside was neatly arranged, the fire was always burning and never was it heard of a brawl in that place.
Hurrying with their order the innkeeper could hear the knightly one of them complaining: “Blast! I should have never tangled with that damned sorcerer in the first place; all I wanted was some peace… I should have known he brings only misery.”
The innkeeper thought to himself: “Sorcerer!? Those are only in fairy-tales and madmen’s imaginations. The raven- haired man paid him and he kept thinking to himself: “Are these three actually convinced of what they’re saying?” He gave them their order and pretended he was cleaning the table right next to them to hear more.
“Lad, you’re in a bit of a mess here, we dwarves know not to mess with any of them bad folks, well… almost all of us.” said the dwarf.
“And I intend to fix this; from now on I will join the ranks of those who fight this evil. I cannot stand and watch as it corrupts so. All I was doing was walking in his garden; I never knew it was actually his, no sign, no warning… And it was so lovely… right before I met the lady of the garden. Her beauty is treachery, her weapon is fantasy- so beautiful, yet inhuman, so gentle, yet fierce, so gracious, yet zealous.”
“Aye, laddie… It is said that the sorcerers were born at the same time as life itself was made… It is said that the lady you saw and cared for so much is their own evil will. Nothing on this earth is more beautiful than love, and like all things have an opposite... Its opposite is subtle, deadly, incredibly zealous. It enters into every single one of our feelings and turns them into its own demented will. God gave men the Sword of Knowledge and women the Chalice of Love, and he said: “Through these, the two gifts of light you will forge the universe, but only together may you do so… for the Sword of Knowledge shatters without the reviving Chalice of Love and the Chalice of Love is but a small sparkling star without the force of the sword.  Bring the two together and they will both grow, they will both shine brighter and stronger than any light and they together shall vanquish the power of evil.”
“Ah, my friend dwarf, but that is a mere tale, it has no truth to it. I know that Arthur’s sword is the strongest in the world, it can certainly cut through an old man and his pet.” said the skinny man.
“I don’t think so… I need to start searching for that Chalice of Love.” answered Arthur. “But where should I seek?”
“We should help you seek, in all the lands, for such a rare object is worth seeking.” answered the skinny man.
“I say we wait, I say we go back to the gardens together lad!” shouted the dwarf convinced of his words.
“You are a fool, my tiny friend!” answered the dusky man scared out of his wits. “Is it not there where you were hurt? The sorcerer will have you as his pet!”
“I’ll have you know, laddie, that the garden is not made by the sorcerer! That long ago it was a place of peace and prosperity where all admired the marvels of creation, where all studied, people that now enjoy life as Gods themselves.” answered the dwarf undeterred.
“And do you think Arthur is ready to walk in those gardens? He is not that mighty! And what pagan teachings could that place even have to offer? It is no more than a brothel now!” shouted the gaunt- faced man, apparently scared of the dwarf’s words.
“The dwarf is right! I must go see what is hidden! Tell me more friend dwarf!” yelled Arthur somewhat convinced.
“The secret that you seek is in the roses. You must get one rose there and it will lead you to someone you must offer it to. But if you give it to the wrong person, you will fail your quest.
“Then I say we go there.” said Arthur.
“Of course!” answered the skinny man with a barely noticeable wicked smile on his face, so unnoticeable that only the dwarf saw a glimpse of it.
The men quickly said goodbye to the innkeeper and his wife and got outside to mount their horses. The weather outside was superb, the sun was shining on the land, everything was magnificent, nature was prospering in its magnificence. Not a dark cloud in the sky, it wasn’t hot, neither was it cold. There was a cloud of pure grace shrouding the whole land. The birds in that land sang unbelievably harmonious and the creatures there were some of the loveliest ever. The three men were Arthur and his two friends Bali, and Rupert. Bali was a dwarf of the northern lands brought up in Arthur’s village and Arthur’s friend for as long as he could remember. Rupert was always a shady fellow with a dusky past, he didn’t have a bad childhood, his parents seemed nice, and they never mistreated him. He however was always cowardly, always trying to prove something.
The men started on their journey, and as they marched the land started getting darker, and darker. There was a part in Argenthaven that was not touched by the Sun’s light. The Garden of the Sorcerer was the boundary between what people then referred as “The other Shires” and Argenthaven. It was of a beauty indescribable to any man from “The other Shires”. So was the case of Arthur, he was young, and like all young people of his time he sought something more than his native lands had to offer. Some venture inside the Shires, always convinced that the found what they seek, always disappointed, some just quit; others don’t even have the will to start traveling in the first place. Arthur was special, since he was very young he was always seeking, always he would leave his house in search of something more… Something obscure to him. Like all people, there he wanted light, unlike all people he knew not to quit. One day he finds The Garden, and he is amazed by its beauty, not in all of his life has he ever seen such a place. Unfortunately, that garden belongs to the sorcerer, and that’s how it’s always been. The lady of the forest is his tool, the deadliest foe ever.
The three men reach their destination and they descend its narrow stairway. This garden was a most peculiar one, it was located lower than any garden, yet the Sun’s rays appeared only at its floor. Flowers blossomed there, trees grew amazingly high and its beauty, although tainted by the sorcerer’s hand still seemed exhilarating. The stairway led closer and closer to that forgotten place, and as they entered the mist of obscurity that surrounded he Garden seemed to disperse, and it made its glory known. Green all-around them, the perfume of a thousand flowers delighting their sense… the only one who seemed to not feel at home was Rupert. The lustering rays slipped graciously between the trees’ branches, adding to the magnificence of the place.
Everything seemed asleep, waiting for a change. It seemed like the Garden was waiting for Arthur as much as he was waiting for it.
“Right, now we must find those roses. Be sure to not pick out anything else.” said the dwarf.
“I will.” answered Arthur rather in a hurry.
As he walked he gazed right and left, admiring the Garden’s wonders. Millions of colours delighted his eyes. Bali and Rupert followed him from behind. After a few minutes of search, Rupert asked Arthur that they talk privately for a while. Bali didn’t like it but he remained behind. The garden was like a labyrinth, and it didn’t seem easy to find someone if they separated, but the dwarf wasn’t afraid.
Arthur did find the rose in a dark corner of the garden; it was surrounded by bright shinier flowers, all more exotic and seemingly spectacular.
“Look at all of this, Arthur! Isn’t it beautiful?” asked Rupert.
“Why, of course it is!” answered Arthur.
“And do you not want to take more, at least one more flower in such a glorious place? But don’t let the dwarf know, he will panic.” said Rupert slyly.
“Well, I guess it’s not a real problem…” said Arthur and then he snatched some golden pansies and put them in his bag. Those pansies were larger than usual ones and much lovelier.
And then they continued searching for the rose together. Time passed surprisingly slow there and Arthur started to feel drowsy. He asked Rupert to take a small break, and they both stopped. After a few moments of gazing at the sun, which looked smaller to him for an unknown reason, a womanly presence made itself seen. But Arthur knew straight away who it was, he had seen her before. It was the tool, the demon, the Lady of the garden in rotten flesh and bones.
“You will give me all you have!” she commanded. He couldn’t resist, he had to obey. He gave her the flowers that he wasn’t supposed to pick, but then as he tried to give her the rose; the dwarf appeared and stopped him.
“Be gone, you shall receive nothing today, return from where you were born, and may you one day burn where you deserve to be.” shouted the dwarf. The demon vanished and so did its spell on Arthur.
“We must get out of here quickly.” said Arthur, a little frustrated.
The three walked out of the garden unharmed, but Arthur was a bit confused.
“Bali, why did I quit so fast? why wasn’t I like you? Why couldn’t I just refuse and make the demon go away?” he asked.
“Well, you see, first of all you took that which is not yours. I told you not to not take anything more, because you can never steel from it. Second of all, there is something more that you have to learn for yourself.” the dwarf answered calmly.
Now Arthur did indeed have the flower, but there remained a problem: who was he going to give it to? He wanted to ask the dwarf, but he knew that this is an answer that only he could find. They made camp in a forest near “The Other Shires”, and Arthur kept thinking about his dilemma. He had a dream that night. He dreamt he was on a boat, lost in the vast sea. The boat was struggling in the giant mass of water, which was sinking it with every wave. He felt hopeless, every wave brought the ship lower, the water felt so dense, so strong. He woke up on an island, awoken by a white horse, which he followed, conscious of the importance of his dream. There a woman awaited him, she had an aura of purity and love that could strike back any evil, and he felt hallowed by it and moved right in front of the woman, which seemed like a mother to him. The woman did not speak, but he understood what she wanted to tell him. He knew all that he must do.
He woke up back in the forest, and he waited. Time passed, but he didn’t loose faith for a moment. He gazed at the road from “The Other Shires”, the road leading to the garden. He sought one like him, a traveler, and a seeker of the Light. But this traveler was much more to him than a mere fellow it was the woman he need to give the rose to. He understood from the woman in his dreams that which human words cannot express, he felt untainted love. He felt the Light he so much sought, and he realized that this journey was coming to an end, and that new lands awaited him. He was getting close to finally passing the gate from “The Other Shires” into the garden, he knew he had to reclaim it, and he also knew that he alone could not be powerful enough to do it, given his previous incursions there.
The woman finally appeared, and he knew it, not by looking at her, his heart knew it from the beginning.
He ran after her, and for some reason she herself awaited him. And after they knew each other better, he learned that she dreamt the same thing. Their love grew and together they restored the garden to its former self. The garden rose from the ground and as time passed it went up into the skies. They made a lot of travels in Argenthaven, and they saw lands that few ever came to see.
Settling happily with his wife, Arthur remembered what the dwarf used to say: “Lad, in this life it’s not all the riches, or anything you see that make a difference, the difference is made by your will to seek the Light in the Darkest of times.”
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