Something a little different I'm trying in Blender 2.8. It's almost conventional cell shading. Almost. Close enough. lol
It's certainly not perfect but I thought it was pretty interesting. A neat little exercise and experiment with nodes.
To get the outlines, all I needed was a Fresnel shader and a color ramp to control the thickness of the lines. And the coloration was done using a Shader to RGB node, a Separate RGB node, and three Color Ramps attached to those outputs. All that gets shoved into a Combine RGB node, and then the Fresnel and RGB nodes are all combined with a Math node set to Multiply.
Not gonna lie, it's basically straight from a tutorial on YouTube, but I had to experiment a bit in order to get it the way I wanted.
The effect will vary scene by scene depending on the types and strengths of lights. But overall it adds a very unique look to the subject(s).
I hope y'all like it, or at least think it's interesting! Thanks for viewing!