Comments: 24
mewx2 [2020-12-15 18:15:46 +0000 UTC]
Where did the arm go? It's really nice art))
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chibelin [2015-03-02 20:27:13 +0000 UTC]
i loved that movie q.q
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Franken-Fish In reply to chibelin [2015-03-02 21:20:53 +0000 UTC]
well im not a fan of it despite all my love for Mewtwo...i'm kind of dissapointed of how they just glanced over M2's creation and "tube life" and instead focused on his angst and hatred towards his creators...i mean it's not a bad subject but i feel it's not really done right :/
i loved the short with Amber two tho...tiny Mewtwo is just so precious <3
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Franken-Fish In reply to Nell-tu-lover [2015-02-23 19:27:34 +0000 UTC]
i know right? so adorable <3
and people say that Mewtwo is creepy -___-
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Nell-tu-lover In reply to Franken-Fish [2015-02-23 20:02:13 +0000 UTC]
Why's dat? :/
Because of its lost arm? That doesn't mean that it's not cute! >//w//<
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Ciumaq [2015-02-23 13:54:58 +0000 UTC]
Ale piękna praca. Epsilon duży już, jak czytałam to myślałam ze malutki był kiedy ta "choroba" sie zaczęła.
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Franken-Fish In reply to Ciumaq [2015-02-23 13:57:18 +0000 UTC]
to raczej już po amputacji, więc zdążył podrosnąć o3o
rąsię ucięli mu jak rzeczywiście był malutki ale po tym siedział jeszcze w inkubatorze przez dłuższy czas zanim został wypuszczony
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Ciumaq In reply to Franken-Fish [2015-02-23 13:59:17 +0000 UTC]
aha, rozumiem. A mam pytanie, czy w okresie... hmmm "tubowym" on był świadomy? Lub chociaż częściowo
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Franken-Fish In reply to Ciumaq [2015-02-23 14:09:27 +0000 UTC]
był świadomy, ale jego aktywność ograniczała się do aktywności mózgowej/psychicznej (? nie wiem za bardzo jak to nazwać)...
ogólnie mówiąc nie miał wielkiej kontroli nad swoim ciałem, mógł co najwyżej otworzyć oczy czy pomachać ogonem ale mógł na przykład odczytywać myśli ludzi wokół niego i próbować w jakiś sposób wpływać na ich psychikę
używając tej zdolności sprawiał problemy w labolatorium, przyprawiał innych o bóle głowy i przede wszystkim próbował w pewnym sensie pozbyć się swojej "siostry" Zety bo widział ją jako zagrożenie....
obu w końcu udało się przetrwać ale że Epsilon od urodzenia był silniejszy od Zety (poza tą nieszczęsną rąsią) ona przez to niemal nie została przez niego "zdezaktywowana"
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Franken-Fish In reply to Ciumaq [2015-02-23 14:24:53 +0000 UTC]
oj tam...moim też się zdarza rzucić kurwą więc nie ma co się martwić XD
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Franken-Fish In reply to HereticalRosePetal [2015-02-23 13:51:17 +0000 UTC]'s a character form a story im currently writing about the creation of a couple Mewtwos
so only a couple of them survived at all, this one was born with some kind of defect and it's arm was completly dead
it began to rot at some point so they amputeded it so it wouldn't infect other body parts...other that that it was one of the 2 mewtwos that survived and he was the stronger one so i guess it wasnt so bad after all .-.
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HereticalRosePetal In reply to Franken-Fish [2015-02-23 14:34:17 +0000 UTC]
Huh... interesting. Had something similar where all Mew-clones were named after greek letters:
Mewone= Alpha. The first female Mew-clone. Developed selfawareness and fled to unknown location.
Mewtwo= Beta. Resisted restraints after a failure in Project Meta, to link Rocket-mind in order to improve performance.
Mewthree= Delta. Deseased halfway through incubation.
Mewfour= Epsilon. Malfunction in leg area's and had to fit cybernetics.
Mewfive= Omega. The strongest clone. Imbalance during battle, destroyed by Beta.
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Franken-Fish In reply to HereticalRosePetal [2015-02-23 15:09:51 +0000 UTC]
yeah mine are named after greek letters too but in the orded of wich was created first o3o
Alpha and Beta were the two original, they were both shiny and they died of heart failure, both at the same time...they were dependable on each other so if one died, both did
Gamma was third and he was the most powerful but also was horribuly disfigured and his body was really weak. He was subjected to autopsy because he was unable to survive outside of the tube
Dalta and Epsilon were next. Epsilon was shiny, survived despite his defect but later "killed" Delta using his psychic powers once he gained self awareness
Zeta was the last object created before the lab was destroyed by Anty-Rocket organization and was set free along with Epsilon. Zeta was weaker than Epsilon but still survived his attempts to deactivate her(yeah i know m2 is genderless but she thinks fo herself as a she so it counts p3p)
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