Free---Fall — Round 2 Kim Kardashian vs Abigail Ratchford

#catfight #femalewrestling
Published: 2017-06-07 03:08:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 18743; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 20
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Description bigail Ratchford vs. Kim Kardashian 

Young Abigail Ratchford accompanied to the ring by her close personal friend Lindsey Pelas (also competing). The 'two greatest models on Instagram' met modeling and the relationship quickly evolved. Now they're talking about shooting a hot video, but there's concern such a video - if/when released - could literally break the Internet. Pelas' fight vs. Kylie Jenner scheduled immediately after Ratchford's, so Lindsey hangs around ringside to give her bestie encouragement. Leave it to 'big bust' models to find the perfect way to upstage a Kardashian... when Kim's introduced and starts to strut her stuff to the ring (accompanied by semi-sister Kylie Jenner, Kim's totally ignored; all eyes are on Abi and Linds hugging with four magnificent mammaries bulging out from between their tightly clenched torsos. Kim and Kylie seething when they get to the ring and only the mandatory prefight meet with the ref for the instructions avoids a confrontation. Kylie is shown to a chair just two away from Pelas in the front row and they're photographed giving each other side eyes. (Stay tuned; they're coming up next!)
Rd 1 opens with fireworks, naturally. Kardashian flies out of her corner before the bell to attack Ratchford on her stool! The bell rings while Kim is throwing punches and it feels oddly unfair. The crowd voices their displeasure to the timekeeper who just shrugs! Abigail fights her way up off her stool and out of her corner showing the result of Kim's power punching with a cut lip streaming blood! Kim's about 6î shorter than Ratchford, which makes it easy to get her hands on Abigail's goodies and Kim delights in abusing them early and often. Ratchford's pale flesh quickly polished to a bright pink sheen by Kim's straight-on power punching whenever she's not groping, grabbing and mauling. 
Kardashian staying low, moving her head to avoid most of the young models attempts to punch, and when low Kim not bashful targeting the waistband of Abigail's bikini, and often well below that. Referee doesn't seem to be as concerned about the illegal low blows as Ratchford who bleats in protest each time her pubic mound is pounded...which happens more & more frequently as the round goes on. By the end of the first round, Ratchford's left breast is hanging out of her top and she can barely walk back to her stool so tender is her battered groin. Kardashian's greeted by Khloe and Kendall with high fives and a hug from Kylie. Ratchford only consoling is the ice pack that Pelas shoves down the front of Abi's bikini before she gently tucks Abigail's red, raw, breast back in her top.
While the Kardashian's plot further torment for Abigail, Lindsey Pelas begging the big brunette, Ya gotta be tougher, honey
* *
Rd 2 Abigail taking Linds advice, smacks the taste out of Kim's mouth in the opening minute of the round with a huge right hand SLAP, then a cracking backfist  with the same hands return trip. Kim recoiling in shock at being slapped (something that doesn't happen to a Kardashian often. Abi's big kick to the belly knocks Kim on her big butt, leaving a broad dimple in the soft sand when she scrambles to her feet and scurries to the (relative) safety of her corner where Kylie is lurking. ìDon't take any crap from that big moose,î Kylie tells her as Kim lopes past wiping saliva off her chin. Ratchford chases Kim down, grabs a fistful of hair and drags her back to her, then wraps her arms around Kim's chest and Bearhugs her, lifting the shorter brunette off her feet and shaking her. 
But Kim's too heavy for Abigail to hold up for long and eventually Ratchford drops her and stumbles back to catch her breath, leaving Kim on her knees panting and rubbing her nearly crushed bosom. Kim gets up and turns, fists raised as Abigail comes toward her. THUMP! THUD! THWAP! Three quick rights by Kardashian slam into Ratchford's belly, sounding like she hit a bass drum! Abigail gags as her knees buckle before a straight right from Kim pancakes Ratchford's huge left breast - which Kim targeted in the first round. Abigail sits down in the soft sand with tears welling in her eyes. She looks up just as Kardashian's right foot smashes into her left breast again and Abi goes sprawling on her back with a squeal of pain!
“Sounds like yur hurt, ya fat pig” Kylie cackles. “Kick 'er again, Kimmie”

“GET UP ABI!”pleads Lindsey, rising; hands clutched to her heaving, jiggly, bosom.
Ratchford grabs the ropes - and almost pulls the ring down when she uses them to drag herself up onto her feet. Grinning, Kardashian moves in and throws another right to Abigail's left breast, but this time Ratchford gets her left forearm up in time to block it, and she shoots out her own right that lands BANG flush on Kim's nose! Blood gushes down over Kim's mouth and chin and dripping onto her chest where it disappears into her deep cleavage. Kim, eyes wide with shock, staggers backward, her left hand over her bloody nose. Abigail, suddenly revitalized with a rush of confidence, charges Kim and, lowering her shoulder, slams into the short brunette and bulldozes her off her feet and they fall on the sand....Kim on her back with Abigail on top! Ratchford rears up and pounds Kim's fulsome rack with both fists while Kardashian frantically waves her arms trying in vain to block her.
Clever catfightin' Kim desperately reaches up and pulls down Abigail's top, then when her whoppers come tumbling down right in front of her, Kim grabs on tight with both fists and squeezes...and squeezes. With Kim pulling her down by her tits, and with Kim's arms raised, Abigail's fists can't get to Kim's face, so she tries punching Kim in the sides, or her breasts. Neither is making Kim release her tits, however, and Kardashian's strong hands are crushing her breasts. The pliant flesh is turning blue and Abigail can't stand the pain any longer. Reluctantly, she struggles to stand up with Kim doggedly hanging on... until Kim's own weight is too much for her and her hands slip off of Abigail's sweat-slick breasts. 
As Kim falls back on the sand, Abigail stumbles backward, almost tripping in the soft sand, then righting herself and turning away to carefully return her 'outed' breasts to what little protection her bikini top provides.
Abigail starts back toward Kim who is struggling to get up, when suddenly, someone grabs the back of Ratchford's bikini bottom. She tries to turn around but is pulled back against the ropes. When she looks back, she sees Kylie Jenner has reached thru the ropes and grabbed her. Just when Kim is up and staring toward Abigail who is trapped against the ropes, Lindsey Pelas arrives to tackle Kylie, who pulls Abi's bikini bottom down around her thighs as she's taken down to the sand. As Pelas and Jenner wrestle on the ground, Abi fumbles trying to pull up her bottom, but she's having trouble and Kim takes advantage, hammering two more hard rights into Abigail's unprotected belly. Big huff of breath from Abigail blows Kim's loosened hair back from her face as Ratchford's knees buckle and she reaches out to hug Kim, trying to stay on her feet.
Meanwhile, two ushers and a back-up referee assisted by three spectators managed to separate Pelas and Jenner who kept kicking and snarling the whole time. Officials warn them both they could be disqualified if they don't behave and they're sent to opposite sides of the ring and warned not to go near one another until their fight starts.
When fans looked back in the ring, they saw Kim had Abigail in a front headlock, pumping one knee after another up into Ratchford's (once more) free-swinging breasts which Kim had freed from their 'protection.' Say what you will about the Kardashian's fighting ability - such as it is - but that family DOES does know how to find a weakness and then work it to death! Kim' had her eyes on Abigail's E-cuppers since the opening bell and her whoppers have taken a real working over thus far!
Abigail blinking back tears as she planted her feet in the sand and tried to push Kim back onto the ropes. Kim wrenched Abi's head from side to side continually working on her neck. After each forward step Ratchford took, Kim again snapped a Kneelift up into those exposed and vulnerable big soft breasts just swinging and swaying there like two big beach balls! Each time Kim's knee slammed into one or the other, Ratchford's big body would jerk and the foot on that side of her body lifted off the sand, losing traction. It was a long, painful, journey for Abigail Ratchford, but she eventually pushed Kim back against the ropes. There, she reached up and got her hands under Kim's chin, then slowly bent her backward between the top and middle ropes! 
Abigail reached over the top rope with both hands and grabbed Kim's hair, then started kicking at Kardashian's short, thick, legs. Time and again Abi kicked until she finally managed to knock Kim off her feet. Kim's body dropped, but Ratchford had gotten Kim's chin above the top rope and now it was cutting into her throat as she hung in mid-air, her feet kicking wildly on either side of Abigail's legs!
The referee moved in to watch closely, unwilling to interfere until, or unless, Kardashian was in danger of serious injury. Fortunately for all concerned, the bell rang ending the 2nd round before that. Reluctantly, Abigail released Kim who fell  on her butt in the sand, her hands at her throat, her face flushed. Ratchford angrily kicked sand at Kim as she turned away and, cradling her aching breasts in her arms, trudged to her corner where Lindsey Pelas once again replaced her friends battered breasts in her top. This time, Pelas didn't have to ice down Abi's groin but she had her hands full icing down Abi's tortured titties anyway!
* * *
Rd 3, after the all too brief break (with Kim rubbing her sore neck and trying to catch her breath while Abigail held ice packs on her chest) both were slow to rise; neither very eager to resume the fight, but after some hesitation, they did!
Abigail had finally realized her mistake of not taking the shorter, chunkier, Kim as seriously as she should and she was determined to fix that! As soon as Kim was within reach, Abigail lunged, grabbed her up high and pulled her into a front Bearhug. Even as she plunged Kim's face into her cleavage, Ratchford realized she's only compounded her first mistake with a second one! Pulling Kim into her only make it easier for Kardashian to get to her body. While Abigail held Kim's head, KK's fists had free rein to punch her paunch and Abi's belly took a lot of punishment before she shoved Kim away. But Kardashian liked being close and as Abigail extended her arms to repel her, Kim snagged the waistband of Ratchford's bikini bottom and pulled herself back! 
Since the elastic had already been stretched and stressed the round before, it easily slipped down below Abigail's butt and she had to reach back to grab it with her left hand to avoid a dreaded wardrobe malfunction.But by holding onto her bikini, Abigail was reduced to a one-handed fighter and Kim quickly took advantage by reaching up and clamping onto both of Abigail's big boobs at once. Now Kim had forced Ratchford to make a hard choice: hang onto her pride and her bikini and let her tits suffer more pain and agony, or surrender her bikini and her pride to save her prodigious boobs. While Ratchford pondered her options, Kim closed her fists and squeezed until Abigail's soft flesh bulged between her spread fingers. Abigail made her decision in that instant, letting go of her bikini bottom to grab Kim's wrists and attempt to get her breasts free!
The crowd whooped and cheered for while the two woman's bodies wriggled as they fought over Kim's having possession of Abi's proud tits, Ratchford's bikini bottom kept slipping lower and lower. Kendall and Khloe led the crowd in chants taunting Abigail for showing her ass while Ratchford's cherubic cheeks blushed redder and redder. Abi's faithful 'partner' Lindsey Pelas was beside herself, running back and forth at ringside waving her hands pleading for the crowd to stop teasing Abigail. Which only made them increase their harassment. The fans were egged on, naturally, by Khloe and Kendall Kardashian and Kylie Jenner. They were soon joined ringside by Kris Jenner and little Kourtney - who steered clear of her much bigger siblings.
Once Abigail succeeded in prying Kim's vice-grip hands from her throbbing taa-taas, she lashed out, angrily slapping Kim several times as she chased the shorter brunette across the ring. When she corner Kim on the ropes and tried to wrestle her to the sand where Kim's weight advantage would be less, Kylie again reached in and tried to interfere. And again, Lindsey Pelas came running over to stop her. 

Now that Pelas had her back, Abigail was able to concentrate fully on Kim who was starting to show signs of fatigue after struggling almost non-stop for close to fifteen minutes against the taller brunette. With Kim's back to the ropes, Abigail repaid Kim for a small part of her earlier pain, after hiking up her bikini bottom from mid-thigh, by giving Kim's midsection several hard kneelifts - which were far more effective from a tall woman against a shorter one than the other way!  Kim's body lifted into the air, both feet leaving the sand, each time Abi's knee slammed into her belly or chest. The kneelifts to Kim's chest were specially effective, they not only hurt like h#ll , they made it impossible for her to catch a breath. After a half dozen kneelifts, Kim was reeling and out of oxygen. 
Abigail hooked both of Kim's arms, lifted her and then sat down and drove Kim facefirst to the sand as she sat. The 'Double Underhook Implant Buster' (Faceplant) buried Kim's face in the sand between Ratchford's thighs and as her face went into the sand, her feet flew up, then her legs flopped back down and she lay still. But as Abigail rolled Kim over for the pin, the bell rang ending the third round, the second time in six minutes Abigail had been within seconds of victory only to have it slip away!
As soon as Abigail walked away, two Kardashian's scrambled in and dragged Kim's limp body to her corner where they worked to try to get Kim ready for the next round. First, they cleared her mouth and nose of sand that had been driven in when she faceplanted. Then they had to get her breathing so she could fight. Kendall gave her mouth-to-mouth for a bit to oxygenate her system! Kris said as Kim got up for the fourth round, Stay the h#ll away from her. Good advice!
* * * *
Rd 4 opened with Kim still woozy and not too steady on her feet and Abigail having had her fill of Kim's abuse, struck quickly to take advantage. She feinted right, then when Kim tried to escape, Abigail sprang back left and tackled Kim who went down hard. Abigail hammered a few rights and lefts into Kim's belly, driving out the air from her lungs her family had worked so hard to put in seconds before. Now Abigail was in her element, and she knew exactly how to perform her next maneuver, one she'd done perfectly countless times. She'd even performed it at parties and events to raise money for charity. It was something she called, the inescapable breast smother and it worked exactly as you'd expect it to.
Abigail laid on top of Kim, pulled down her top (the last time it'd happen in THIS match), carefully arranged her breasts on Kim's face, then clamped them in place with her biceps as she held Kim's head by the hair, her fingers interlaced behind Kim's head and rose up on her knees, getting the full weight of her hips, butt and thighs, behind it as she bore down with unrelenting pressure on the face of the woman who'd made her day a living hell for so long!
Kim struggled briefly, then realizing she hadn't the strength - or the oxygen - she needed to resist any longer, she began to beat her hands on the sand, slap Abigail's back arms and any other part of her she could reach. The referee took her time in coming over to check, but it was obvious to everyone that Kim Kardashian had submitted. The referee hadn't even made the signal before the Kardashian women swarmed the ring to start pulling Abigail Ratchford off of Kim.  
Winner: Abigail Ratchford, Rd 4, Submission, Breast Smother
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Comments: 1

Sigue-Sigue [2017-07-22 06:56:34 +0000 UTC]

You hottie!

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