Freedom-Legion β€” Lady Lycan:Moonlit Mugging

#lycan #superheroine #werewolf #femalewerewolf #femalewerewolftransformation #ladylycan
Published: 2017-11-24 14:47:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 13409; Favourites: 138; Downloads: 21
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Description Moonlit Mugging.
It was quite typical of Michael really,for all of his arcane knowledge and brilliance he could be horribly forgetful sometimes.Laura assumed that it was the price of brilliance like his,to become so absorbed in his work and research that other things just slipped out his mind.Even so Laura had been looking forward to tonight and knew that Michael had been too,which was why she was a little annoyed at him for forgetting his end of the bargain.She had brought the movies like they had agreed upon and he would get the snacks.But when she had arrived at eight o clock as scheduled she'd found him in his workshop,deeply engrossed in one of his tomes and completely unaware of the time.He'd apologized of course when he realized his mistake and promised to go down for the snacks but Laura had stopped him and decided to go down for them himself while he took a brief shower to wash the smell of the compounds and chemicals that he worked with.Due to her highly sensitive Lycan senses the scent of these arcane ingredients was quite overpowering and Laura knew she wouldn't be able to sit comfortably next to him during the movies with him smelling like that.She also wanted to be able to enjoy his natural scent without anything spoiling it.Laura smiled to herself as she walked briskly down the road towards the store as she reflected on what might happen later that evening after the movies were over and they turned their attention towards other things.Perhaps if she got Michael in the mood...All of a sudden Laura felt someone grab her left arm and pull her into an alleyway,another grubby hand was clamped over her mouth that stopped her from crying out in surprise as a low voice muttered menacingly in her ear."Don't call for help.Do exactly as I say and I won't hurt you."The hand was removed as Laura was shoved,none to gently against a wall giving her a chance to see her assailant.He was a stocky rough looking man in his late twenties or early thirties with a rugged mean face,he was dressed in a scruffy looking leather jacket with a sweat covered vest underneath and a pair of worn denim trousers and black boots.All in all he had a rather mean looking appearance and had Laura been the fragile human woman she once was she might have found him threatening,instead she was more amused than anything else.The poor man had no idea what he was in for."Your purse.Empty it.Now."He spoke in a threatening tone."I don't want to mess up that pretty face of yours if I don't have to."His breath stank of cheap alcohol that assailed Laura's keen sense of smell along with his fetid body odor.No doubt he expected her to panic and sob as she gave him her money,which he'd no doubt use on booze or drugs to poison himself with or use for some other petty reason.But little did he know that he'd picked the wrong woman to mess with,for behind Laura's prim and attractive countenance was something not to be taken lightly."I don't think so."Laura said confidently,surprising the man"I suggest you apologize to me right away and then go home.Or else it'll be your face that will be getting 'messed up'.Though I doubt it could get any worse really."The lout's eyes blazed in anger at Laura's words and he drew his fist back preparing to strike her.He hadn't taken her warning.Now it was time for him to reap the consequences.

Laura didn't really have to strain herself this time.It was almost a full moon tonight and her power was close to it's peak.As such she only had to focus for a few seconds before she felt the skinsuit begin to weaken.The magical wards on the suit that held in and confined her real form began to weaken rapidly as Laura attempted to reveal her Lycan self once again.Outwardly the signs began to show as Laura's body tensed suddenly and then seemed to grow several inches.The mugger noticed this strange occurrence and froze,seemingly uncertain if he'd actually seen what just happened.Laura smiled at him for a moment and then used her tongue to work out the magical dentures that she wore over her lupine fangs and pushed them out of her mouth,allowing her fangs to begin to grow to their full size.She grinned at him wolfishly for added effect,watching his eyes go wide with horror before she suddenly grabbed the arm in which he was holding her coat with and began to squeeze.He suddenly gasped in pain as she tightened her grip,exceeding the pressure that a normal woman could possibly exert on his arm.As she tightened her grip further,the gloves of her skinsuit began to tear.Small rips and tears began to form across the artificial skin of her arm,allowing tufts of brown fur and scarlet glove to be seen.The muggers eyes widened even further as the rips opened up further allowing her real hand and arm to be seen underneath.She held up the other arm and flexed as it began to join it's counterpart,she tensed her fingers allowing her claws to extend from her fingertips and pierce the gloves.The man began to shake in fear he struggled to process what was happening to her but the show was only just beginning.Down below her feet were also pushing the skinsuit and her shoes to the limit.The heels which she had slipped on for going to she store were straining from within as the feet within attempted to escape their confines.Ultimately the shoes couldn't hold the expanding,shifting forms of her feet and burst open causing Laura to stumble slightly.She quickly shifted her balance to front of her feet as their shapes shifted and stretched pushing the skinsuit shock to their limits until they could hold her no more.They burst dramatically open to reveal feet that were somewhere between a human foot and a wolf's paw,tipped with scarlet painted yet powerful looking claws.The change in balance made in necessary for another stage of the transformation to be initiated and Laura was glad for it,this next part was always enjoyable.She felt a pressure growing at the base of her spine as the skinsuits hold on her tail began to wane.She felt it strain,yearning to be free and she was happy to oblige it.She pushed with her tail against she skinsuits confine and finally felt it give.With a cry of triumph she felt her tail burst dramatically from the suit,rushing down between her buttocks and poke out the back of the skirt.It began to quickly grow to it's full length pushing the skirt upwards and wagging happily from side to side much to the muggers horror.By this point Laura's would be attacker was simply overwhelmed by what was happening to his quarry.Never before in his life had he seen anything like this before,with each second this dainty lady-like woman was shifting and changing into something far more incredible.He hadn't yet grasped the significance of what was happening to her or caught on to the small hints of costume that were visible that announced her identity."Whu-What the bloody hell are you!?"He gasped as she struggled to free herself from her grip."Something you shouldn't have tried to threaten and steal from."She responded smartly.At this point she decided to have some further fun with the man and suddenly released her grip on his arm.He instantly pulled his arm free from her grasp and backed up against the opposite wall of the alleyway,where he cowered from her in fear.It amused Laura how the situation had reversed itself.A few minutes ago he'd been the powerful aggressor and she the seemingly hapless victim,now he was trembling in fear and shock as the woman who he'd chosen as his target transformed in front of his very eyes into something far from helpless.Laura had to wonder how many times before this repugnant man had done this to other victims.Had he carried out his threats to inflict harm on them?She couldn't know for sure but there was one thing she was certain of and that was after this he very likely wouldn't do it again.

At this moment she felt the skinsuits hold on her body begin to completely fail her,the mask part of the suit began to give way to her real face underneath allowing her delicate muzzle to begin to fill out.She tilted her head back with a moan and felt the mask stretch to it's limits as her face transitioned to it's true shape.Just before the mask could give however,her attackers nerve broke first.He gave a frightened whimper and ran for the entrance to the alleyway seeking to escape.It would have been easy even at this point for her to stop him but she decided to let him escape for the moment.She wanted to savor this change in privacy,free from his gaping eyes.After all she was only really comfortable with Michal seeing this somewhat personal and pleasurable change and she knew that once she was free from the confines and limitations of the skinsuit she'd have no difficulty tracking him down.Not with that stench.Instead she grabbed hold of her coat and pulled it off before she ended up ruining it.She could afford to lose the odd set of skirts and blouses but the coat was one of her favorites and more costly to replace.As the coat fell to the ground Laura's mask finally started to split,a tear formed across her nose revealing a moist black lupine one underneath.Then the split ran up and down the middle of her mask as it split in half allowing Laura's lovely lyconic muzzle to erupt dramatically from underneath.As this occurred Laura's reached up with her hands and passionately grabbed hold of the front of her blouse and deeper still,seizing hold of the front of the skinsuit underneath and pulled with all her might.The blouse and suit underneath burst triumphantly open allowing her magnificent breasts to swell to their full size though they were still covered by the distinctive red leotard she was wearing over her rich brown fur.She continued to pull causing the rip to travel downwards revealing her powerful toned abs and finally down to her crotch.With this much of the skinsuit destroyed in one go,the rest of the magical disguise could not remain intact any longer.The suit around the legs began to split dramatically revealing her powerful furry thighs while the back and shoulders gave up the ghost as well.The area of the suit around her hips and buttocks was also assailed by the the more powerful and luscious form of her shapely true form and gleefully burst through both skinsuit and skirt with ease.Releasing her hold on the ruined suit and blouse with both hands she grabbed hold of the split sides of her ruined mask and pulled at it,tearing in across both the neck and scalp baring both her throat and flowing mane of hair in one go.With that the astonishing transition from ordinary high school teacher Laura Lawson into the werewolf wonder known as Lady Lycan was complete.

Laura opened her lovely emerald eyes which sparkled with triumph and looked down at her handiwork.The unfortunate skinsuit and set of clothes which she had donned this morning were now hopelessly ruined.She knew that Michael would not be happy that she had ruined yet another of his painstaking creations but then again it was his fault in a way that she'd had to destroy it.Nevertheless she was almost glad it had turned out this way.Not only had the transformation been quite enjoyable but she now had the opportunity to teach the ruffian who had tried to mug her and valuable lesson.Remembering her quarry she quickly removed what was left of both the skinsuit and her ruined clothes and wrapped them up in her coat before concealing it behind a nearby dumpster for later retrieval.Once done she lifted her nose to the air and sniffed.Sure enough she caught the pungent stench of her attacker with ease and eagerly began her pursuit.
Not too far from the scene of Laura's transformation,the brutish figure of her would be attacker was leaning against a nearby wall to catch his breath.He had run several blocks to escape the bizarre and freakish woman who he had tried to steal from and was feeling hopeful he'd lost her.He shook his head disbelievingly,trying to comprehend what had just happened.What was she?And what the hell had she been turning into?His clouded mind struggled to answer these questions before he pushed them from his mind.What did it matter?He'd escaped hadn't he?He'd seized hold of the opportunity and escaped the monstrous maiden before she could do anything to him.He raggedly laughed to himself in relief.There was no way she'd find him now.He'd head back to the safety of his shabby apartment or perhaps seek out the protective company of his mates at a nearby pub and try and wash away the terrifying experience.Or so he thought.His plans were suddenly dashed as a soft familiar voice spoke from right behind him.

"Ah.There you are."

He froze and turned around in shock to see a spectacular figure standing right behind him.Oddly enough he recognized it as the woman he had tried to rob inspite of the startling differences.She towered over him now,standing around seven feet tall.Her slim and elegant figure had changed in a spectacular fashion into something strikingly strong yet sexy.Yet in spite of her still humanoid form there were several distinct alterations.Her face had been changed into a surprisingly attractive fusion of a womans face and and a wolf's muzzle,her lips strangely covered in red lipstick.Her hands and pawlike feet were tipped in sharp and deadly looking claws which had also been painted scarlet.And he could see a full bushy tail waving around behind her.Her eyes were still the same as they had been before the change,a beautiful shade of green and filled with confidence and heroism.The red costume,complete with both fingerless gloves and toeless socks for her feet marked her as none other than the fabled figure of Lady Lycan.Some new superhero-type who he'd read about in the papers and heard tales of from some of his larcenous mates.He gave a startled cry and tried to run but Lady Lycan grabbed him effortlessly by his jacket before he could flee and lifted him up off his feet,dangling him comically as he tried to struggle."Not so brave now are you?"She asked in a mocking tone."When you're not facing a helpless woman you're nothing but a spineless bully aren't you?"Her prey gibbered helplessly as she pressed him up against the wall."P-please don't hurt me!"Inspite of her anger towards him Laura wasn't a cruel person and didn't enjoy terrifying someone weaker than herself so she decided to let him off with a firm warning this time."I won't.Since you didn't actually harm me though I suspect you would have done under different circumstances.But let me warn you.If I ever catch you pulling a stunt like this again or so much as even lay a finger on a woman again,all bets are off."She held out her other hand and flexed her claws for effect."You don't want to see what I can do with these I assure you."With that she dropped him to the ground.He stumbles to his feet groveling toadishly"I-I won't miss-I mean your Ladyship!I swear!"She menacingly growled at him"Stop sniveling and get out of my sight!"The man panicked and ran,rushing down the street like the hounds of hell were at his heels.Laura silently chuckled to herself in amusement at his cowardice.She was fairly certain the lout had learned his lesson and would not repeat his offence.If he did there wasn't a niche of London that he would be safe from her,she was after all a woman of her word.With the distraction dealt with Laura suddenly remembered her errand,tutting to herself she quickly returned to the alleyway for her purse.
A short time later back a Michael's home,the young sorcerer was anxiously awaiting his girlfriend's return.She'd been gone almost half an hour now even though a trip to the store was a fifteen minute run at best and he was wondering where she could be.Just as he was pacing the hallway waiting for her he heard the front door open behind him.He swung around in relief and was a bit shocked to see the sensational sight of Lady Lycan stepping gracefully inside."Laura!?What on earth?How come you're Lady Lycan?"He asked with concern.Laura smiled as she responded."I ran into a little trouble on my way to the store.Let's sit down and I'll tell you about it..."

Here's the latest installment of the adventures of the alternate Lady Lycan(I will get around to a bio I swear!)As you can see this version of LL remains permanently in her Lycan form and wears a magical 'skinsuit' disguise to blend in with normal people.This version of the character was inspired by the talented works ofΒ johnnyharadrim Β and the art and the design of the character were done by him.
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Comments: 27

iamdownhorrendous [2023-04-01 19:33:11 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Freedom-Legion In reply to iamdownhorrendous [2023-04-01 19:49:50 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

Enterprise-1701-A [2019-03-28 01:13:32 +0000 UTC]

She's a lovely lady indeed

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Freedom-Legion In reply to Enterprise-1701-A [2019-03-28 01:14:01 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you find her so

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 2

Enterprise-1701-A In reply to Freedom-Legion [2019-03-29 10:43:28 +0000 UTC]

Can I hug her?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Enterprise-1701-A In reply to Freedom-Legion [2019-03-28 12:48:51 +0000 UTC]

Perhaps she might be interested in tea?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Freedom-Legion In reply to Enterprise-1701-A [2019-03-28 14:12:18 +0000 UTC]

She loves a cuppa after a long day at work

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Enterprise-1701-A In reply to Freedom-Legion [2019-03-30 11:21:42 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

ci0 [2019-02-10 16:14:41 +0000 UTC]

another great story

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Freedom-Legion In reply to ci0 [2019-02-10 22:08:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much.Glad you enjoyed it.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

ci0 In reply to Freedom-Legion [2019-02-11 07:32:55 +0000 UTC]

will there be more stories of her?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Freedom-Legion In reply to ci0 [2019-02-11 11:04:37 +0000 UTC]

There certainly will.I've been dealing with some family problems for the last few months that have made it extremely hard to write but hopefully soon I will be back to writing some more adventures for Laura.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

ci0 In reply to Freedom-Legion [2019-02-11 12:50:14 +0000 UTC]

oh, sorry to hear that, hope is all ok.
Ever thought of a situation where LL shows her strength?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

ardashir [2018-01-03 01:17:15 +0000 UTC]

The world has long needed a werewolf superheroine.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Freedom-Legion In reply to ardashir [2018-01-03 10:47:36 +0000 UTC]

And I've done my best to provide oneBut yeah I was surprised to notice this concept hadn't really been used before.

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 1

TCH2 In reply to Freedom-Legion [2020-12-07 22:39:36 +0000 UTC]

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Freedom-Legion In reply to TCH2 [2020-12-07 23:33:37 +0000 UTC]

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TCH2 In reply to Freedom-Legion [2020-12-08 07:31:18 +0000 UTC]

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JnEricsonx [2017-11-30 02:09:37 +0000 UTC]

Ah, but she's still somewhat "shrunk" on non-full moon days, hence being able to more easily disguise herself?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Freedom-Legion In reply to JnEricsonx [2017-11-30 10:03:45 +0000 UTC]

Not quite.The 'skinsuit' she wears over her Lycan form is a magical suit made by her alchemist/magician boyfriend.It not only resembles her pre-Lycan state perfectly while having realistic feeling hair and skin but it's enchanted to 'suppress' her Lycan form while she's wearing it.So when she dons it it shrinks her down in size to her former human dimensions and suppresses her non human pars such as claws and tail so she can appear human.But whenever she exerts herself she can break the suits enchantments and therefore 'burst' into Lady Lycan.Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

JnEricsonx In reply to Freedom-Legion [2017-11-30 12:35:27 +0000 UTC]

Ah.Β  But sometimes, she just needs to let her hair down, and her tail out, like on full moons.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Freedom-Legion In reply to JnEricsonx [2017-11-30 13:02:51 +0000 UTC]

Indeed.Full moons are when her power is at it's strongest so she always spends those nights in her true form

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

brad328 [2017-11-26 02:21:19 +0000 UTC]

Awesome seeing Laura teach that mugger a lesson, and without resorting to violence as well. She's a true heroine.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Freedom-Legion In reply to brad328 [2017-11-26 12:02:07 +0000 UTC]

Thanks.She tends to be very gentle and kind inspite of her appearance but if this guy had done worse she would have taught him a much harsher lesson(but not too far

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

The-long-inferno [2017-11-24 20:49:52 +0000 UTC]

Man that poor mugger lol. He just wanted some money but instead he got a face full of Lycan.

On a side note, does Laura's personality change at all when she is Lady Lycan?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Freedom-Legion In reply to The-long-inferno [2017-11-24 21:22:03 +0000 UTC]

No not at all.She's the same person regardless of what form she's in.But on a side note being a Lycan does bring out a side of her that she rarely expressed pre-transformation.For example becoming Lady Lycan made her much more bold and confident than she was before as she finds it empowering and as a result she loves being LL

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

The-long-inferno In reply to Freedom-Legion [2017-11-25 07:59:32 +0000 UTC]


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