Freya-Ishtar — Sins In Dreaming, ch. 2 [NSFW]
Published: 2007-10-18 20:56:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 1332; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 8
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Description Author’s Note: For those of you not up-to-date on the weekly manga chapters this fic will container spoilers. If anyone would like to get up to speed please feel free to ask and I will happily provide you the web address to a site that faithfully updates the Inuyasha manga in all of its translated, current-chapter glory every week.

For the record, I'm pulling a Takahashi Rumiko with this story-- I'm literally making it up as I go along, no plan in place when I start a chapter whatsoever!


Chapter Two

Unfortunate Company

Inuyasha and the miko seemed the only ones to notice that minute flaring of Sesshomaru’s temper. He dared not make the mistake of glancing at the girl again for he found it unspeakably bothersome as it was that he could not ignore that her own comrade had caused her injury. Of all the ways he considered this meeting with her to possibly happen he never imagined becoming concerned for her physical wellbeing- as small and fleeting as he was certain this concern must be- as one of them.

“What’s it to you? What the hell are you doing here?”

“Kagome-nee-chan,” Rin shouted as she slid down from Ah-Un’s back and barreled her little way past the impending confrontation to land on her knees before Kagome. “What happened to you?”

Kagome opened her mouth to answer, but Shippo cut her off as he leaped from her shoulder to land neatly in Rin’s lap, standing on the tips of is furry toes to whisper in her ear.

Rin turned her head immediately to scowl at the hanyou, her little face flooded with a truly uncharacteristic anger none of them had ever seen before. “Wretched Inuyasha, how could you do such a thing to Kagome-nee-chan . . . you, you b-bastard!”

“Rin-chan,” Kagome whispered, wide-eyed and somewhat mortified as those gathered around her burst out in laughter.

Rin returned her gaze to Kagome’s, clearly uncomprehending of what she had said. “What’s wrong? Those are the sorts of things that Sesshomaru-sama and Jaken-sama are always saying about Inuyasha when they’re angry.”

The insult sparked Inuyasha’s anger yet again and he was starting towards them before he could think to stop himself. “Why you little-”

Kohaku and Shippo dashed in front of the group instantly, blocking Rin and Kagome from sight. “What, Inuyasha, are you gonna hit Rin-chan, too?”

The kitsune’s words halted Inuyasha’s steps. No, of course he wasn’t about to hit a little girl, he had been headed for Shippo, but then . . . he’d been aiming for Shippo a few moments early when he’d struck Kagome. The look she’d given him afterward tore his heart in two- she hadn’t even sat him for it. At least if she had, he’d have known she was angry with him, but that she hadn’t . . . what did that mean? Shippo was right in a way- he’d been perched on Rin’s lap at the time, what if he missed again and caught the little girl square in the chest? He blinked slowly, an almost befuddled comprehension dawning in his golden eyes . . . he was slipping on a lot of things lately. What was wrong with him?

“So is your pathetic hanyou strength weakening so that you can only vent your anger by injuring fragile human females?”

Sesshomaru’s cold, bored drawl snapped Inuyasha back to the moment at hand and he whirled on his heel to face his older brother. “Look, okay, I wasn’t going to- BAH! Whatever, I don’t have to explain myself to you! You still haven’t answered my question.”

“I suppose that between your temper tantrums and the threatening of little girls it must have slipped my mind. What was it again?”

Kagome was certain that thread of anger was gone from Sesshomaru’s voice- though Shippo and Kohaku still dutifully barred the path so that she could not see his face to confirm her suspicions - and she mused that it must have been her imagination. She was imagining so many incorrect things about Sesshomaru lately that she was beginning to wonder if perhaps she wasn’t going insane.

Inuyasha growled, closing the distance and all but barking up into Sesshomaru’s face. “I said, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?”

“Wretched Inuyasha,” Jaken squawked from somewhere behind Sesshomaru’s legs, “how dare you speak to Sesshomaru-sama in such a manner?”

Rin tilted her head to one side as she caught Kagome’s gaze. “See?”

Kagome’s lips folded inward forming a line to stifle her own laughter as she attempted to lift a hand to cover her mouth. The slight movement sent pain shooting through her arm and she realized what a pleasant distraction the calamity had been as a hissing breath escaped her lips.

“Kagome-chan, don’t do that. Let me look at them, please,” Sango murmured in a hushed, soothing tone.

“Well, ya bastard,” Inuyasha pressed as Kohaku and Shippo finally resumed their seats, “I know you heard the question this time.”

“I have no business with you, Inuyasha. I have merely come collect Kohaku.” Was it only his imagining, or did he see the miko’s gaze skittering in his direction every so often from the corner of his eye?

“Yeah, well . . . take him and go!”

“Inuyasha,” Sango snapped, pausing to slap Miroku’s hands away from Kagome’s shoulders, “don’t talk about my brother like it’s your choice to make!”

Inuyasha glowered, but hung his head. He had heard the slayers’ hushed conversation and he knew that he would probably not like where such a proposal was headed.

“Ane-ue,” Kohaku broke in, his voice quiet, “it’s not his choice, but it is one that affects all of us. We have to tell them.”

Frowning thoughtfully Sango nodded as she watched her brother rise almost stiffly to approach Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. “Sesshomaru-sama, I will be leaving your company for a time.”

Rin was on her feet instantly, running to Kohaku’s side and tugging at his sleeve, “Kohaku-kun, why?”

He couldn’t bring himself to meet her eyes, his gaze resting on the forest floor as he replied, “because of Kagome-sama’s abilities. Kikyou-sama’s spell is constantly fluctuating and Kagome-sama’s the only one that can sense these things when they happen. The best way to protect the final shard is to maintain whatever advantages we have over Naraku. And then there’s you . . . you’re always in danger and maybe . . . maybe if I go away you won’t be so much anymore.”

Kagome and Sango exchanged knowing glances, each trying to hide a smile as Sango attempted to delicately push up the uniform’s tightly cuffed sleeves.

“Sesshomaru-sama, tell him he can’t go, please,” Rin exclaimed in a keening voice.

Sesshomaru’s brow furrowed ever so slightly at the child- when had he allowed her to become so very spoiled? “The decision belongs to Kohaku.”

“Besides,” Kohaku continued gently, “Kagome-sama’s injured. They’ll need the extra help until she’s well enough to fight again.”

Rin’s face lit up and Sesshomaru silently cursed his luck with every word that proceeded to fall from her lips. “Oh, that’s a great idea, isn’t it Sesshomaru-sama? Then, shouldn’t we travel with them as well?”

“NO,” two voices shouted in unison, but for some reason, it was not Inuyasha responding in such a way that brought everyone’s gaze to the speaker- it was the miko.

Finding herself immediately the center of attention Kagome gave a nervous little giggle before clearing her throat, her gaze dropping into her lap. “What . . . um, what I mean is just that I don’t want to be such a bother to everyone. I think maybe I should go home and have a doctor over there look at my arms and there’s . . . there’s no point in everyone traveling with us to Edo, right?”

Against her own better judgment- and all of her willpower, apparently- Kagome met Sesshomaru’s eyes. The image of those golden orbs watching her as his mouth nestled firmly between her thighs instantly floated across her mind, ‘I always find you so ripe here, all but begging for me to take you’. She suddenly found it a bit difficult to breathe and forced a small gulp down her throat, a delicious warmth flooding through her body in response to the memory. For a moment she thought she saw something flicker in his eyes, but before she could decide whether or not she was imagining this, too, she tore her gaze from his. Kagome bit deep into her lower lip focusing on the combination of pains to distract herself.

The miko’s reaction garnered two very different observations. “See,” Inuyasha said as he folded his arms across his chest, a hint of triumph in his voice, “Kagome’s scared of traveling with a bastard like Sesshomaru; prob’ly thinks he’ll kill her in her sleep or something. It’s a bad idea.”

‘Inuyasha you fool,’ Sesshomaru cast his brother a bored sidelong glance. Could the hanyou really not detect the sudden hinting of arousal coiling within the miko’s scent? Why did this scent- as well as that of the blood beading on her bitten lip- mirror so perfectly what his dreams had sensed? Perhaps he had been considering this incorrectly, for if the miko was responding to his presence in such a way then was it possible she would not know what was affecting him as she was a victim of this curse herself? If such was the case, then was it not possible that accompanying her might gain him a greater chance of discovering what was happening?

“Is that what you believe she feels?” The daiyoukai’s voice remained neutral and icy, despite an unbidden memory -the dreamed sensation of exactly how it had felt to bury himself deeply inside of that moist, tight warmth within the miko- washing over him almost entirely before he managed to brush the impression aside.

“Yeah, well . . . shows how much you know. You can tell just by looking at her.”

Rin released Kohaku’s sleeve and returned to stand before Kagome, her head bowed. “I’m sorry, Kagome-nee-chan. I really thought it was a good idea. You’re hurt and I thought Kohaku-kun’s right and the more people to protect you than . . . the better it is for protecting Kohaku-kun’s shard.”

Miroku and Sango shared a long look over Kagome’s shoulder before slayer opened her mouth to speak. “Actually, she’s right.”

“I am?” Rin asked brightly, a smile curving her lips.

Shippo turned in Kagome’s lap to regard Inuyasha as he spoke quietly to the group around him. “Maybe that’s not the only reason they should come with us. You’ve all noticed how crazy Inuyasha’s been lately. Even though it was an accident . . . what if he hurts Kagome-chan again?”

“OI,” Inuyasha shouted, turning his back on Sesshomaru to face his friends, but they didn’t seem to hear him.

“There can be no harm in joining forces under the circumstances,” Miroku chimed in smoothly, nodding. “There really is no equal for the wisdom of a child and-”

“Oi! Miroku, you asshole, don’t I get a say in-”

“-we have a common goal. At a time like this it would be wisest if we were to work together. Besides that, if another ‘accident’ seems as though it is about to happen, Sesshomaru is the only one fast enough to stop Inuyasha’s strike.”

“WHAT!” Inuyasha’s hands balled into fists at his sides, his claws digging purposefully into his palms so that the pain might keep his head clear. “You CAN’T be serious! Sesshomaru protect Kagome from me? It’s always been the other way around, you all know that!”

Shippo puffed out his chest, lifting his tiny chin in defiance. “But Sesshomaru’s never actually hurt her, you did!”

“I don’t believe this! You’re all talking about the same guy who’s tried to kill her!”

“But,” Rin pouted, sounding on the verge of tears, “that was a long time ago! You’d protect Kagome-nee-chan from Inuyasha, wouldn’t you, Sesshomaru-sama?”

Sesshomaru forcibly held in a sigh- yes, he certainly had known where this was headed. “Should I ever deem such a thing necessary.”

Rin beamed as she turned on her heel to face the miko, “okay, Kagome-nee-chan? So you don’t need to be afraid of any-”

“OW!” Kagome’s voice cut through the little girl’s words as she painfully slipped her arms from Sango’s grasp.

“Sorry, Kagome-chan, it’s these sleeves, the cuffs are just too tight.” Shaking her head Sango placed her hands on her hips. “You will have to remove your shirt.”

Kagome gaped at Sango, feeling the very distinct impression of three male gazes on her- Jaken still hidden dutifully behind Sesshomaru and Kohaku and Shippo respectfully dropping their eyes to inspect the suddenly too interesting forest floor, sparing her any further indignity. It was almost amazing how quickly every bickering voice was silenced as a deep blush flooded Kagome’s cheeks.

Sango understood her friend’s embarrassment and- after giving the houshi a sound, attention diverting, wrap on the head- shrugged. “Alright, then perhaps we could just cut the sleeves.”

“Okay,” Kagome replied before a thought struck her. “How am I going to explain that to my mother?”

“Wait a moment, Kagome-sama,” Miroku began as he stood to retrieve the first aid kit from Kagome’s bag, “if you go home with this sort of injury isn’t it likely your family won’t allow you to return?”

Blue eyes leapt immediately to the brothers still standing several meters away and she wanted to kick herself for her attention not being solely on Inuyasha, who looked positively stricken at the idea. “I hadn’t thought of that . . . maybe we should still go back to Edo. I would at least like Kaede to examine my injuries.”

“So you won’t be going home, Kagome-nee-chan?”

There was a brief pause as Kagome dry-swallowed the aspirin Sango pushed through her lips. The expression that crossed her face afterwards made the rest of them happy they were not the injured ones.

“No, Rin-chan,” Kagome replied, swallowing again and watching almost sadly as Sango used the nips from the kit to cut raggedly through her sleeves, “Miroku-sama is right.”

Rin dashed back to Kohaku’s side, smiling up at him. “So we’ll be going with you to Edo! Have I ever been to Edo, Jaken-sama?”

At this Jaken leaped out from Sesshomaru’s shadow, shaking his staff at the child, “stupid girl! Sesshomaru-sama never agreed to such a lowly-”

The imp’s words were cut short suddenly as Sesshomaru’s fist connected with the top of his head, a shiny, rounded welt swelling instantaneously from the point of impact. Jaken fell forward in melodramatic near-slow motion, landing him face first into tightly packed earth.

“Do not speak for me, Jaken,” Sesshomaru said quietly.

“Deepest apologies, Sesshomaru-sama,” Jaken groveled.

“Oh, C’MON- you aren’t really gonna travel with us, are you?” Inuyasha was all but grinding his teeth as he fixed his brother with a glare that held both utter malice and complete disbelief. In the background Kagome groaned painfully as Sango wound a bandage around her forearm and Miroku tore the length of her shorn sleeves to use as slings, but Inuyasha didn’t notice Sesshomaru’s eyes flicker in that direction for the briefest moment. “You’re always boasting how you don’t need any help- especially from us!”

Sesshomaru tilted his head slightly to one side as he considered the hanyou almost thoughtfully, ‘how is it possible we come from the same father’? “That is because I do not need your help.”

“No,” Kagome said softly, the reality of her situation becoming clear, “you don’t need our help, but the Shikon no Tama is only missing Kohaku-kun’s shard and if he’s traveling with us then Naraku or Magatsuhi are bound to come for him again. I can’t even use my bow like this.”

Biting her lip again, the miko appeared to think for a long moment before standing and slowly raising her gaze to meet the daiyoukai’s. “You don’t need our help, but we . . . I need yours.”

Sesshomaru did not want to look at her, but somehow he couldn’t look away and it occurred to him that she had perhaps trapped him somehow. Something about her eyes didn’t seem quite right and a solid moment passed before he realized what it was- they did not hold that same hazy quality he’s become accustomed to in those dreadful imaginings. It was nearly a relief to consider that this miko would never look at him with lust in her eyes, but then another blush rose in her cheeks and the image of her flushed and shuddering beneath him flashed before his mind’s eye. A quiet, shuddering breath escaped the miko’s lips and her scent once more wound through with that faint hint of her arousal. What could possibly be going through her head?

His jaw clenched tightly at the feel of his body wanting to respond that ripple coming from her and she forced another of her tiny gulps down her throat, both aware that everyone was suddenly watching as though they expected him to leap at her and tear her throat out. However, the miko’s eyes held no fear and he wondered how she could possibly know that such a thing was not his intention.

The awkward moment shattered suddenly as Rin ran to place herself protectively in front of Kagome. “Sesshomaru-sama we can’t leave Kagome-nee-chan! Even if you say no, I . . . I am going with them, too!”

Sesshomaru and the miko both dropped their gazes to the little girl, his perfectly arched silver eyebrows lifting ever so slightly as the miko’s shoulder’s slumped, giving issue to the slayer attempting to tie the slings. “Rin-chan, Kohaku-kun’s right; it’s too dangerous. If Sesshomaru won’t come, then you must leave with him.”

“No! I’m going with you! What if Shippo-chan is right and Inuyasha-”

“Oh, bloody HELL! I already said it was an accident! I would never strike Kagome!”


Inuyasha impacted the forest floor so hard his body made an indent. Kagome gasped, surprised at the ferocity she’d put into the command, but she couldn’t help herself. For a moment she remembered why Inuyasha was upset with the idea that she might leave and not return. He was still hurt over Kikyou’s final death and losing Kagome as well was likely a very difficult thing to consider, but . . . he never would have hit Kikyou . . . not even by accident.

The idea had Kagome suddenly, unexpectedly blinking back tears. She’d thought about Inuyasha’s feelings toward Kikyou quite a bit in the last month. Every time she awoke from one of her horrid, Sesshomaru-centric dreams she felt guilty; as though her subconscious was betraying her love for Inuyasha, but . . . he never let his feelings for her prevent him from running to Kikyou’s side whenever he caught the faintest hint of the undead miko’s scent on a breeze. The woman who’d bound him to a tree for fifty years, who’d looked upon him with utter hatred in her eyes so many times . . . who’d even tried to take him to hell with her. And yet . . . he’d never have struck her accidentally, because he would never have taken a menacing step towards Kikyou, regardless of the circumstances.

Even now, was she still only second-best to Kikyou? She sniffled, watching as Inuyasha miserably pulled himself to stand, strangely uncaring about the hurt in his eyes.

“Can someone pack my things?” she asked in a murmur, turning toward Miroku and Sango. “I want to get to Kaede’s as soon as possible and it’s gonna be a long trip.”

They both nodded, the houshi gathering up the kit and setting off to find Kagome’s sleeping bag as Sango knelt and gently lifted into her arms a tiny Kirara who had somehow managed to sleep through the entire, noisy affair. There was no sense in waking the neko-youkai after all, since they would need to walk in light of Kagome’s wounds.

Sesshomaru frowned grimly at this turns of events. He could not allow Rin to travel with this motley, pitiful group by herself; nor could he ignore the blatant confirmation that whatever unholy thing was affecting him was affecting the miko as well. There truly seemed to be no way around this eventuality. Turning on his heel, Sesshomaru began striding off.

“Where the hell are you going?” Inuyasha snarled, redirecting his sadness about Kagome into anger at his brother.

Sesshomaru replied without stilling his steps or turning his head as Jaken stumbled over his own two feet to catch up, Ah-Un’s reins in hand. “Edo will not come to us, foolish hanyou.”

Inuyasha’s mouth hung open in a rather unsightly manner as he stared, wide-eyed at his brother’s retreating back. Kagome, Sango and a skipping Rin with Shippo cuddled in her arms brushed past him.

“OOH! Kagome, Sango . . . you can’t really be-”

Sango turned her head sharply in Inuyasha’s direction, “enough, Inuyasha!”

Beside Sango, Kagome hung her head. She knew it looked to everyone as though she was still angry or sad, but in reality, she simply didn’t want to walk watching Sesshomaru’s back . . . or any other part of him. She still couldn’t fathom why he’d ever agreed to accompany them; suddenly she was in dread at the idea that another of her horrid dreams might visit her while he was with them. ‘Kagome, you idiot- it was you that backed up Rin-chan’s request! I need your help, you said!’ She wanted to kick herself and most likely would if she wasn’t in pain already.

Inuyasha’s shoulders slumped in defeat. This wouldn’t be like the other times he’d screwed up; there was no telling how long it would take Kagome to forgive him. Already he could picture himself being sat into the ground so many times a crater would be left behind- not that it would be the first time. Part of him wished she would actually just do it and get it over with- anything was better then having Kagome look at him with fear in her eyes.

He finally, grudgingly began to walk and Miroku and Kohaku fell into step on either side of him. In the back of his head, a small voice whined and grated- did they think he might do something to hurt Kagome again?

“Why did you want to go home, Kagome-nee-chan?” Rin asked, looking briefly into Kagome’s face as they continued on. “Do they have magic that can heal you faster?”

Kagome managed to giggle a little at that. “No, but they do have medicines that make the pain go away. And I wouldn’t have minded getting an x-ray.”

Kohaku ducked his head toward Inuyasha. “What’s an x-ray?”

“Fucked if I know,” the hanyou replied with a shrug.

Sesshomaru’s menacing frown became a grimace, just short of baring his fangs, and he balled his hands into fists as he continued walking. A small, yet sharp pain was starting in his forearms; minute and easy to ignore, but still undeniably present. It occurred to him suddenly that he was sharing the miko’s suffering.

First it was only those wretched dreams, but now this? When he found the one responsible he would tear them limb from limb.
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Comments: 40

Minachan-the-Neko [2011-08-14 11:20:19 +0000 UTC]

Minachan couldn't help but grin wolfishly through out this chapter. ^ ^ __ ^ ^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kira-Killer1337 [2009-10-09 22:57:29 +0000 UTC]

Woah, She Does!? lol, you're Phycic! XD Awesome Chap, Can't Wait to read the next one

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to Kira-Killer1337 [2009-10-10 01:09:36 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it was really weird. I posted this chap in the beginning of a particular week and the manga chaps were posted to the site every Wednesday, so the Wednesday after I posted it, sure enough in the manga she was nabbed.

I was just like " . . . .damn . . .why can't I win the lotto?"

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kira-Killer1337 In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2009-10-10 14:36:41 +0000 UTC]

Woooooow, That's epic, I should Read it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to Kira-Killer1337 [2009-10-11 05:32:41 +0000 UTC]

the site is onemanga.com
they have lots of manga translations, it's pretty awesome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kira-Killer1337 In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2009-10-11 16:32:04 +0000 UTC]

I Got All The Time! X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

A-Love-Lost [2007-12-23 08:46:48 +0000 UTC]

OK so far I like it alot! I read ch.1 and this one. Great story line!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to A-Love-Lost [2007-12-23 14:33:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, I'm happy you're enjoying the story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

A-Love-Lost In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-12-24 03:48:45 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bleach-4-eva [2007-10-19 03:45:28 +0000 UTC]

could you put up the link for the one on fanfiction.net? pwease?

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Freya-Ishtar In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-19 10:16:15 +0000 UTC]

okay, I'll put it in the 'artist's comments' section from now on every time I post an update for this fic. [link]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-19 23:38:18 +0000 UTC]

sweet! thank you soooo much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-20 00:41:44 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome, please remember to let me know what you think. working on chapter 3 soon.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-20 01:35:54 +0000 UTC]

yay! go chap 3!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-20 03:13:50 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but my hubby is home on the weekends, so I don't know how much work I'll actually be able to get done before monday, so I'm hoping I can do what I did with the first 2 chaps and churn it out in just a couple o' hours to post that same day. cross your fingers.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-20 03:18:51 +0000 UTC]

ok! *crosses fingers in a dramatic gesture*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-20 03:19:50 +0000 UTC]

lol- did you read chapter 2?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-24 11:45:38 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-24 12:05:00 +0000 UTC]

working on chapter 3, like, literally right now

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-25 03:02:08 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bleach-4-eva In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-19 08:02:58 +0000 UTC]

oops never mind, I just found it! sweet! I love this fanfic!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-19 20:47:12 +0000 UTC]

THANK YOOOOUUUU! . . . doh, sorry, watching too much Family Guy again.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-19 23:40:09 +0000 UTC]

hehehe, we all love family guy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-20 00:41:13 +0000 UTC]

my toddler LOVES to watch Stewie . . . it's actually a li'l frightening, I keep imagining waking up in the middle of the night to find him standing over me with a ray gun or something

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-20 01:35:19 +0000 UTC]

my parents find my unnatural ability to walk around the house reciting stewie's lines with the exact same voice, very...................distrubing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-20 03:11:08 +0000 UTC]

the worst part is that he only laughs when Stewie does things that are meaner than his usual behavior. I can already see him growing up to become a crime boss.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-20 03:18:13 +0000 UTC]

who says he isn't already???? joking! *sweat droop* I think my sister might be.................o at least my brother

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-20 03:19:33 +0000 UTC]

oh, yeah, we have 2 other sons (the toddler is the middle one) and he's pretty much already taken position as the ring leader.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-24 11:45:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to bleach-4-eva [2007-10-24 12:04:32 +0000 UTC]

sure . . . you giggle now, wait til he conquers the southern hemisphere in the name of Evil World Domination.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-25 03:01:20 +0000 UTC]

oh lovely...........I can't wait

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bleach-4-eva In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-25 03:00:58 +0000 UTC]

oh lovely......*giggles more*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gaaraslostlove [2007-10-18 21:25:47 +0000 UTC]

hey hun, could yah send me a linkk to ff.net? please and thankyou!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to gaaraslostlove [2007-10-18 21:41:55 +0000 UTC]

again? *sigh* okay, but this time save it of put it under your favorites or something, okay? [link] . Hope you like it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gaaraslostlove In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-18 21:44:37 +0000 UTC]

sorry for the inconveniance, ne!!!! lol, *sweatdrop*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to gaaraslostlove [2007-10-18 22:05:50 +0000 UTC]

nah, it's okay . . . it's just I've had such a long day that every li'l thing is stressin' me out right now. So long as you ehjoy the story, that's all that really matters.

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gaaraslostlove In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-18 22:15:26 +0000 UTC]

Ive added your thing.. to mah favorites....<3 I no how long stressful days are, Ive got my mock G.C.S.E's coming up.

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Rikiuna [2007-10-18 21:08:51 +0000 UTC]

yesssss! ur story so far rox!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Freya-Ishtar In reply to Rikiuna [2007-10-18 21:17:40 +0000 UTC]

thanks, hun.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rikiuna In reply to Freya-Ishtar [2007-10-18 23:37:03 +0000 UTC]

no problem Freya! plz check out my latest drawing Rikkuna

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