FruitNaloops — [C4-R3] goth gf

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Published: 2018-09-14 02:47:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 1451; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 2
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9 | 21 Art is done and her birthday was added. She's all ready to go!
Thank you so, so much to tonnkle for helping me with the written portion and format
High Res Bust | X

gєиєяαℓ ιиfσямαтισи

    ✮ name                 Jade Harvey 
    ✮ alias                   N/A
    ✮ age                    Nineteen
    ✮ birthday            July 22

    ✮ gender               Female {she/her}  
    ✮ nationality        American  
    ✮ ethnicity           American
    ✮ height               5'7" ft.  |  170.18 cm
    ✮ weight              140 lbs.  |  63.50 kg 
✮ orientation        Biromantic  + sexual
    ✮ languages         English + Japanese

тαℓєит ιиfσямαтισи
    Pole Dancer

Pole dancing is a type of dance that centers around the usage of a fixed pole and intricate movements of the body. While done for multiple purposes, the main purposes of it include, but aren't limited to, athletic, performance, or competition. While pole dancing itself has a predominantly sexually associated stigma, Jade has worked diligently to brush away that and bring emphasis and focus to the skill and dedication needed to be skillful in the sport.

Finding her start in pole dancing originally as a means of growing physically fit with an emphasis on the athletic aspects of the sport, Jade has since gained notoriety due to the extensive amount of competitions she has won throughout the novice and professional levels. Pole dancing itself focuses on core and general body strength, using the body itself as resistance to tone the body as a whole, bringing in moves such as squats, push ups, curl ups, and various other means of movement, the art of pole dancing is no small feat and not just anyone can do it.

ᴄᴏᴜʀᴛ sᴋɪʟʟs
    ▶▶ Let's Get Physical
✮ Debate Skill
The art of pole dancing requires a very extensive amount of stamina and endurance, both mentally and physically. It's often overlooked how much of a toll the sport can take on a performer's body but through years of dedicated practice Jade has honed her stamina and endurance meaning she doesn't tire out easily. While this has obvious perks in investigations as she'll be able to cover a wide area during the investigative period, Jade's stamina lends itself best to the trial room. During tireless debates Jade will not become exhausted by discussions able to effectively and clearly understand arguments being made no matter how long a trial is dragging on. In addition, Jade's endurance means that she does not tire out emotionally so she will not drag her emotional baggage into the trial room and instead will always approach a trial with a pragmatic and unbiased mindset to assure a solution is found.

    ▶▶ Stage Damage    
✮ Investigative Skill
Despite Jade's profound skill in pole dancing she's not immune to getting harmed, and, after all, she had to start somewhere! Throughout the entirety of her career, Jade has seen quite a few injuries although most of them have revolved around bruises, meaning that she has quite extensive knowledge of bruising and blunt trauma. While this may not seem to have necessary use, if a victim in a case were to be bruised, Jade may be able to offer some insight into factors such as potential sources of the trauma as well as the impact needed to cause such bruising. These assessments are made through things such as vividness of the coloringspread of the bruise, or even the shape. It's not foolproof, of course, tampering with the body can easily impact her assessment but for the most part Jade should be able to offer some good insight into such injuries. 

ᴄᴏᴜʀᴛ ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇssᴇs
    ▶▶ Closed Book
✮ Debate Weakness
To say Jade is a reserved individual would be an understatement. The girl doesn't value sharing personal information no matter how small and is relatively detached for lack of a better term; and while this may not necessarily be an issue to begin with, when a murder is committed this kind of attitude can very much become suspicious and unfavorable for Jade. Given her admittedly closed off nature, Jade will be very hesitant to share her alibi, even if she has one that will clear her from having the finger pointed at her; and even further, she may even be slow to share evidence she has personally discovered or a testimony she may have. It's not out a desire to throw the trial off the rails, but rather she needs to be proven that people are capable enough of handling the information before she'll readily give it out and this can delay a trial in addition to making her look suspicious.

    ▶▶ Miss Independent
✮ Investigative Weakness
Due to her upbringing, Jade has had a very strong sense of independence instilled within her, and this has extended to her ability to rely on others. In fact, unless Jade has come to trust someone explicitly, she won't be particularly cooperative in investigations. Any information she finds she'll more than likely keep to herself rather than share it openly with her fellow students. This isn't done out of a desire to hide information, but it's merely a result of not believing others worth relying in and feeling as if she needs to do everything herself. Although, thankfully, with some pressing, Jade will eventually reveal the information she's gathered - it just takes some work.

    Strength || ★★★★★☆    05
With years of extensive training in pole dancing under her belt, Jade is extremely strong physically and in excellent physical condition. Even if someone were to tower over her, Jade's core strength and honed physical skills would allow her to put up a sizable fight, if not even overpower them if they were to underestimate her.

    Defense || ★★★☆☆☆    03
About average. Jade's defense isn't anything to write home about but she can definitely hold her own if pressed and the need arises. Although she hopes it never does arise, if she's being entirely honest.

    Intelligence || ★★★☆☆☆    03
Again, average. Jade isn't a scholar by any means but she's definitely not an idiot by any means necessary. She did well enough in school but when it comes to more advance subjects Jade is going to struggle.

    Memory || ★★★☆☆☆    03
Average - that's kind of Jade's running theme. She'll recall about the normal amount for a person but won't be able to recall each and every little detail pertaining to conversations she's had with people throughout her day.
    Speed || ★★★☆☆☆    03
Jade's speed is definitely average, but it's one of her more honed average skills due to its usage in pole dancing - after all, quick reflexes are kind of a necessity if you want to keep from bashing your head off the ground if you slip and begin to fall, right? Right. She's no sonic, but she's fast enough to get the job done.
    Luck || ★★★☆☆☆    03
Luck has never been a strong suit per say with Jade, but it also hasn't damned her in life. Whether or not fate has good or bad things in store for her is hard to say, but at least luck doesn't seem to hate her entirely.

ρєяѕσиαℓ ιиfσямαтισи

ESFJ  ✮  True Neutral

{ +  |  Adaptive  ,  Broad-minded  ,  Clever  ,  Dependable  ,  Forgiving  }

A life that was a little less than ideal has taught Jade a very valuable lesson: survival means adaptation and without that you won't survive. So it's not necessarily surprising that Jade is very adaptive to new situations, able to take the situations she finds herself thrust head first into in stride and make the best out of them in order to not get the short end of the stick. A clever nature only deepens this ability, able to can and take the details of her surroundings from people to environment and bend them into something she can utilize for plan-building and future endeavors to assure she's doing as well as she possibly can in her current circumstances. To those that she befriends, Jade is a very dependable individual, being the type that takes her commitments very, very seriously and does not allow herself to fail those who rely upon her without a severe reason to accept such failures from herself - which is rare, she scarcely allows this. 

Broad-minded, Jade has developed a rather thick skin to the world around her, so it's difficult to offend her with words and actions alike - even if you're purposefully intending to do so. The plus side of this is that the girl is able to maintain a very level-headed disposition when it comes to handling issues rather than allowing the words of others offend her and make her become overly emotional, risking saying something impulsive or rash when she'd rather not. On that note, however, if Jade were to lose her temper when it comes to those around her and a spat occurs, she's at least not the type to bear grudges; and, if anything, Jade is actually surprisingly forgiving - although make no mistake, just because she's forgiven you doesn't mean she's forgotten something you've done.

{ = |  Ambitious  ,  Candid  ,  Cautious  ,  Composed  ,  Impersonal  }

Reach the stars and never accept less is a philosophy that Jade genuinely lives her life by, she has a fiery passion for striving higher and reaching more ad more goals; but this ambitious streak does leave her open to potentially being unsatisfied with the things she does achievement, although Jade always takes a moment to sit down and appreciate what she has accomplished and the people who have helped her along the way in order to remain humble. Determined to achieve the most with the least amount of damages along the way, Jade is a very cautious individual, pacing herself and the choices she makes and taking considerable time to think over the consequences of her actions. This plays into Jade's composed nature, it's rather difficult to make her lash out emotionally as she has such a strong grasp on her emotions, and this, in turn, allows her to think clearly and with precision even when under high amounts of pressure.

That composure, however, can stray into Jade being quite....impersonal, really, with a tendency to not necessarily connect well with other's emotions or even present her own openly. She's a bit muted, to be certain, preferring to keep the more emotional sides of her personality tucked away under lock and key - only those truly close to her will get to see that expressed so openly. But just because she's reserved doesn't mean Jade isn't an honest person, in fact, she's very much candid, with a tendency to lay the truth out for people right then and there rather than keep it to herself and beat around the bush. Better to rip the band-aid off in one go, right? Right.

{ - |  Distrusting  ,  Pessimistic  ,  Rebellious  ,  Stoic  ,  Vulnerable  }  

Independent to an absolute fault, Jade refuses to believe in others unless she absolutely has to, believing full well in her heart that no one is going to get things done and help her along aside from herself; and that extends all the way to her distrusting core, honestly not finding herself to easily place true trust in those around her unless they've proven themselves multiple times to be worthy of any degree of her trust. She'd rather drive herself to the point of exhaustion that trust someone just for that trust to be betrayed, and Jade very much believes that it's only a matter of time before someone attempts to do just that. Call it a pessimistic viewpoint, but Jade believes that people are just...not capable of being inherently good and because of this she's always on her guard to avoid being hurt. 

The downside is that once Jade does place her trust in someone, she trusts hard and this leaves her very vulnerable both to having her trust manipulated and for being used for someone else's gain entirely; and honestly, depending on the degree she cares for someone, Jade may just...allow them to get away with some of that manipulation if it means they won't leave her alone again. So, in order to avoid this, Jade maintains a very stoic demeanor in hopes that people won't pry too deeply and try to get into her business. She does't want to be vulnerable, so in her mind, maybe if she's uninteresting enough people will just leave her alone; so if that means a bit of emotional muting, so be it. However, one sure fire way to see her passion is when her rebellious side flares up. Jade has...quite the issue with authority figures, especially those who are of the opposite gender, and she won't hesitate for a moment when it comes to acting out against the rules they instate if she believes them to be unjust, consequences be damned.


. . . S E A R C H I N G . . .

USA TodayFEMALE WINNER - World Pole Dance Championship XXXX - Jade HarveyPublished: May 14th, xxxx, 1:40 EST

The results of this year's Wold Pole Dance Championship held in Amsterdam, Holland has been released with nineteen year old American, Jade Harvey taking home the title of Champion. The young girl was amongst the youngest competitors in the professional division of the competition and the sole American as well. Harvey's performance captivated the grounds with her excellent and masterful display of the true finesse and dedication required to succeed in the sport of pole dancing. Although not the youngest to place in the competition, Harvey is amongst the youngest competitors to medal at the competition, just a year behind the previous World Champion who was twenty years old. 

Although we made an attempt to interview Harvey, our reporter was kindly declined as she stated she had a plane ride to return to the United States within the hour; but she did provide a brief statement stating that she was very honored to hold the title and hopes to bring more positive attention to the art of pole dancing.

[ . . . ]

ℓιкєѕ & ∂ιѕℓιкєѕ

    ✓ Dogs | She has two of her own, a black pug named Baxter and a tan one named Peanut.
    ✓ Tattoos & Piercings | She has a few of her own, and definitely wants more in the future. Her goal is to be covered in tattoos one day.
    ✓ 80's Music | Her appearance tends to give away her love of rock and metal music; however, she loves 80's music just as much.
    ✓ Psychology | While she doesn't delve deep into the topic, she does enjoy learning about criminal psychology and body language.
    ✓ Reading | The perfect way to spend her free time and what she often does during her free time.
    ✓ Tennis | Not something she does often, as it takes a lot time, but when she can she enjoys a game or two. 

    X Kids | While she's pretty okay with kids, she doesn't like being around them too much since they can be a handful, as well as LOCKED.
X Confrontation | If she can, she'll always aim to handle things through calm discussion rather than allowing things to get heated.
    X Rudeness About Her Job | There's a lot of stigma surrounding pole dancing and Jade is very passionate about it being more than just something sexualized. 
    X Violence | While not enough to upset her to the point of tears, Jade will seek an escape for when it's around her be it looking away or leaving.
    X Plain Milk | While she doesn't mind flavored milk or even plain milk, drinking it alone disgusts her.

    ✮ She's from Colorado, though she's not home much anymore as she travels for performances and competitions.
    ✮ You'll never catch her without at least a bit of makeup on. Most often, she wears a lot.
    ✮ She knows self-defense! After beginning to travel more for competitions, it became something she found important.
    ✮ She has a couple of tattoos though she keeps them hidden with clothing.
    ✮ She follows a rather healthy diet. Despite this, she tends drink soda fairly often.

σσc ínfσrmαtíσn
    ✮ Name: Nalu {They/he}
    ✮ Timezone: EST {GMT -5}
    ✮ Status:
Open to RP 24/7
        - Available every day, typically from 11 AM to 1 AM
        - Responses are usually pretty quick

    ✮ Style
- Lit: This is what I typically use!
        - HC: I use this as much as lit, usually I remember these easier
        - Script: I haven't done this in years, but I'm still open to it

    ✮ Methods:
Discord: Here most often!
        - Notes: Just send one and I'll happily respond!
        - Comments: Least preferred but still open to it.

    ✮ Open to Shipping? Of course yo ;3

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Comments: 13

EGGv2 [2018-09-28 00:23:35 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FruitNaloops In reply to EGGv2 [2018-10-01 18:06:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shininotenshi012 [2018-09-14 16:52:09 +0000 UTC]

breathes loudly
I am so excited for Jade!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FruitNaloops In reply to Shininotenshi012 [2018-09-22 00:07:13 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shininotenshi012 In reply to FruitNaloops [2018-09-24 09:25:21 +0000 UTC]

bounces excitedly by your side

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Zeirt [2018-09-14 09:39:57 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FruitNaloops In reply to Zeirt [2018-09-22 00:07:27 +0000 UTC]



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Zeirt In reply to FruitNaloops [2018-09-22 08:35:20 +0000 UTC]


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FruitNaloops In reply to Zeirt [2018-09-24 01:17:45 +0000 UTC]


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lndubitably [2018-09-14 02:53:01 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FruitNaloops In reply to lndubitably [2018-09-22 00:07:40 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

yuriikuma [2018-09-14 02:50:30 +0000 UTC]

my daughter
my love
steals her and RUNS!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FruitNaloops In reply to yuriikuma [2018-09-22 00:07:53 +0000 UTC]


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