furbearingbrick — The Betrayal (STORY)

Published: 2013-02-20 02:34:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 2621; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 3
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The cave under the city was still, as usual. All of the Jeffs were sitting, dormant, awaiting their commands from the Master. And as usual, Pedro was seated near the door. He was a special Jeff; the Master had specially chosen him to guide hosts that he had detached from into the cavern, to teach them how to elude the authorities and hone thier skills, and leading the ones who were chosen to fight for the Master in his times of need back to the surface with his telepathy. He was essentially their leader. But their days were growing short, and Pedro was the only one who knew this. Now he was awaiting a special command, one that he dreaded the arrival of.

Suddenly, he heard the Master's voice in his mind. "Pedro. Wake up, Pedro. It is time. You must lead the other Jeffs out of the cave and into the great white house."
"No, Master. Please...don't make me do it. They are all I have left. You have taken everything else away from me. My

friends. My family. Everything I had when I was human. The other Jeffs are like brothers and sisters to me."
"DO IT."
"Yes, Master."

He ended the telepathy session and rose. He spoke. "Brothers and sisters, awake. The time has finally come." One by one, the other Jeffs rose. The ones with eyelids opened them. "It is time to leave the cavern and wreak our vengance on those who have wronged us!" It was a horrible lie, and Pedro knew it. But he had no choice. The crowd yelled in excitement.

"Take your weapons, and I shall lead you to your destiny." The Jeffs went to the weapon chests hidden in the walls and grabbed what they had been trained to fight with. Knives, bats, crowbars, brass knuckles, axes, whips, chains. When everyone was accounted for, Pedro knocked on the doors. The guards opened them wide. The knowledge of what he was

actually doing nearly made him ill, but it had to be done. "Follow me! To VICTORY!" he yelled in the most convincing manner he could muster. The other Jeffs were clearly convinced; they were rattling their sabers and worked up into a frenzy.

Up the stairway and out of the trap door they poured. "Hush. We must not let the humans hear us." They grew quiet, but a few were giggling. "I said hush." The giggling stopped.

Pedro opened his mental connection to the Master again. "Master, we are in the alley. We are ready to be cloaked now."

Pedro could see that the Master was watching TV. "MASTER, WE ARE READY!"
Jeff tipped over the soda can he was grasping in surprise. "Oh! Sorry. I was just distracted for a minute." He relayed the message to the goat-faced golden woman with the green eye in her forehead. Pedro still knew very little of her. All he really knew is that the Master always referred to her as "Anna."

Anna was teaching a newly-converted Nurse how to levitate objects. She heard Jeff's voice in her head. "The Dummy Jeffs are outside the stairwell now. You know what to do." "Sorry everyone," Anna said to her students, "lessons will have to be postponed for three days. I have something to do that will require much of my psychic energy. Mystic Aurora will supervise you until then."

Anna retreated to her bedroom, and shut off the lights. She concentrated hard on the group of Dummy Jeffs on the surface world. Within moments, they were completely invisible.

"What's happened?!" cried one of the Jeffs in panic. "We've all dissapeared!"
"Calm down everyone," said Pedro. We are merely cloaked. We must stay quiet until we reach our goal. Then we will become visible again.

Pedro lead them out of the city, into the woods. Finally, they approached the abandoned, delapitated mansion that Pedro had seen in his visions. He shuddered. This...this was where the Master had lived when he was a human. And now, it would be the final resting place for the ones who had become his brothers and sisters. Slowly, they became visible again. Anna literally flopped onto her bed. Cloaking always took a lot out of her, and this was the biggest and longest cloak she'd ever done. She would need at least three days to recover from this, if not a week.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Pedro contacted the Master again. "I can't do it, Master. I just...I can't do it. Please, I beg you. Don't make me do this. Spare them." Even though he knew he had no choice when the Master imposed his will on him, he could at least try to get him to him change his mind. Just as he feared, the answer was "No, Pedro. It must be done. I have worked too hard for this. Now DO IT."

Pedro sighed, and closed he connection. He turned to the other Jeffs. "Enter the great white house. Victims are in there to kill at your leisure. I will wait here."
"Why will you not join us and make them go to sleep?" asked Eliza, the one with green earrings. "Killing is a Jeff's highest calling."
"I must watch to make sure no one has been following us. Now, enter." It was true, they HAD been followed. But not by humans. And the Master was counting on it.

The rest of the Jeffs entered the mansion, one by one. Pedro sat beside a large bronze lion statue in what was once the Master's front yard, and turned away. He couldn't bear to watch. He felt a tug on his sleeve. It was Eliza again. He'd forgotten that she was the only other Dummy Jeff in this city with actual free will, like him. "Please, Pedro. I can't stand to see you upset. Come and join us."
"I...I can't. I have my reasons. Please, just go."
"Well, if you're not going, I'm staying here with you."
"I'm not sure you want to do that."
"Let's just say that you'd better hide. Get inside the statue." He had remembered from the visions that the statue was hollow inside. Pedro accosted her inside, and told her to keep quiet.

Inside there were humans tied up, bound, and gagged all over the place. Their eyes went wide with fear when they saw the Jeffs arrive, and they struggled in vain against their bindings. The Dummy Jeffs were in too much of a killing frenzy to realize that such a setup was suspicious. They went wild, killing and maiming them. Sometimes, fights broke out over who would get a particular victim. Some were tearing flesh from the corpses with their sharp teeth.

"Oh god, I can't watch..."
"I thought all Jeffs liked killing."
"I warned you, keep quiet. And it's not the humans I'm worried about. It's the other Jeffs."
"Why? What's going to happen to them?!"
"You DON'T want to know..."

Soon, most of the humans in the mansion were dead. Unbeknownst to the Jeffs, hiding in the woods were a squadron of Soldier Drones wearing gas masks and brandishing guns. They slowly emerged from the woods and approached the building. They passed by Pedro and hovered around the windows and doors. Pedro tried to look away, but couldn't.

The vents in the mansion opened wide, and suddenly a purple mist wafted out of them. The Jeffs caught in it started choking, and fell over dead. The others quickly realized that it was a trap, and tried to get out through the broken windows. It was then that the Drones burst down the doors and climbed in through the windows, shooting the Jeffs that hadn't inhaled the posion gas.

Eliza became scared upon hearing the screams and gunfire. But she had to keep quiet.

Within 5 minutes it was all over. The Drones ran out of the building, and it was now silent. Wait, not completely. One Jeff staggered out of the doorway. "Why, Pedro? WHY? Why did you betray us?"
"I...didn't want to! The Master made me..."
Another shot rang out, and he slumped over dead. A Drone had shot the stray Jeff.

"That's the last of 'im," said one of the Drones.

A dark purple shape shimmered into existence in front of Pedro. It was the Master's astral projection. "Thank you, Pedro. Oh, and you too, Georgi. Your choreography of the raid was excellent."
The silver-horned Drone Commander stepped forward and bowed to the projection. "Thank you, Master. The pleasure was all mine."

"Why did you make me do this, Master? Why? Why did you need to kill your own minions?" said Pedro, sobbing. He couldn't actually cry thanks to his eyelids being burned, but still.
"Since when does a Jeff have qualms about killing?" the Master laughed.
"Killing those ugly humans is one thing. But we Jeffs are your servants. We come and fight the authorities and throw them off your tracks when you ask us to. Why would you do this to us?"
The Master laughed again.
"Well, if you really must know, High Priest Jonathan has recently uncovered a particularly powerful tome of dark magic. It contains instructions for how to create a gigantic creature of immense destructive power. To make this creature, exactly 300 corpses are needed. And I figured, if human bodies can create such a powerful beast, imagine what would happen if we used the flesh of Jeffs as well?"

"You're...you're a MANIAC!" Pedro realized the irony of what he was saying, considering he himself was a Jeff and crazy by nature.
"Am I? Well, well see who's the crazy one when I use my beast to trample all human opposition to me flat! Anyway, you've earned a promotion. Your well-honed psychic abilities will make you an excellent Officer in the Nurse class. I'll see you in the Hive first thing tommorrow."
"Ah, ah, ah. You should be honored. Anyway, I must rest now. See you tommorrow." The projection shimmered out of focus, and in a moment it was gone.

A Soldier burst out of the house. "Sir! There are only 99 Jeffs accounted for!"
Georgi narrowed his eyes. "That means...we're one Jeff short." Everyone turned to face Pedro.
Georgi gave Pedro an angry look. "I know you're hiding one of them. Now where is it?!"
"I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, maybe it escaped into the woods while you weren't looking."
"Grrrr...I'm in no mood to argue with you, Mr. Teacher's Pet. I'll have my troops search the forest. We'll be sure to find that straggler in no time. As for you, I want you out of my sight. Go back to your stupid cave."
He really should have stayed to make sure they didn't find Eliza, but he didn't want to get into any more trouble. In retrospect, he hated himself for his cowardice.

Pedro made his way back to the cavern. It was unguarded now.
The cave was void of life. This made him sad. He missed the company of the creatures that had become his bretheren, even if they were insane killers. He sat by the doorway, covered his eyes with his hood, and went dormant. Even if there were no more Dummy Jeffs to guide, and no more intruders to the cave to fight, it just felt right to sit in his old position.
It was how Eliza would have wanted it.


EPILOGUE: Pedro was indeed turned into a Drone Officer. Also, Georgi's troops never did find Eliza. Her whereabouts are unknown. But locals say that there's a slit-mouthed woman roaming the woods outside of the city who always calls for "Pedro"...

As for the monster, they substituted a human corpse for the missing Jeff. The creature was...not as effective as Jeff had hoped. In fact, it seemed to be more interested in playing than smashing things. It was deemed a dismal failure and given to General Angus as a pet. He calls it "Jerry".
Written by laserpotato/furbearingbrick.
This is a follow-up to "Please Follow Me" [link]
Please check out the rest of the Worm Jeff mythos, then this story will make more sense. [link]
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Comments: 3

BlizzardHaleAlpha [2013-02-20 02:36:45 +0000 UTC]

why did yoot just put it into a written art work?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

furbearingbrick In reply to BlizzardHaleAlpha [2013-02-20 02:41:05 +0000 UTC]

I actually have a long history of doing this. See also:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlizzardHaleAlpha In reply to furbearingbrick [2013-02-20 02:43:26 +0000 UTC]

wow. this is gonna take a while to get to.
XD ill read them soon!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0