gatorbackradial — Alicia and the Box [NSFW]
Published: 2011-03-24 03:52:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 23876; Favourites: 286; Downloads: 61
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Description Alicia first heard about the box at the salon.  It was one of those word-of-mouth things, rumors of a box that was the ultimate beauty aide overheard in conversations where it wasn't immediately brought up but quickly became the focus of conversation, like a gossiped secret.

"I heard that it can fix a lot of things, like wrinkles and blemishes," someone said.

"Sounds like it comes from Europe," someone else said.

"A friend of mine was telling me they tried it and got spectacular results," another said.

Alicia, the more rational of her small circle of salon friends, was interested.  "Is it legal?"

The woman beside her, surrounded by small masked Asian women deep into a manicure / pedicure combination, laughed.  "Who cares, as long as it works!"

"That sort of thinking is why you don't have yourself a man," another said, further down.

Alicia was used to the teasing from this crowd and rolled with it.  "They haven't made a man yet that can handle me," she said.

The group laughed.  "Or a woman?" one said.

"Or a woman," Alicia repeated.  She was the most attractive of her clique and she knew it, keeping herself fit and trim with spin classes and yoga at the fitness center.  As a real estate agent she knew looks were half the battle, most of it in some cases.

Still, there was always room for improvement.  The natural blonde had tried botox before, those skin-nibbling fish on her feet before they were banned, considered elective surgery or at least planned for it if it came to that, which was not the case just yet.  If there was a way to improve herself that would fit into her busy lifestyle, she was open to try it.

Once her own pedicure was done and feet massaged, she rose to pay and to leave, cheap plastic sandals protecting her toes.  Another Asian girl worked the front cash register, still wearing her mask.  She seemed a bit ashen, but Alicia paid no mind as she reached for her purse.

"Do you want to try the box?" the girl asked in unaccented English.

Alicia paused, taken slightly aback.  She wasn't used to being directly addressed by the workers at the salon, much less one she could easily understand.  Then she processed the question asked, seeing an opening.

"Do you have it?" she asked, lowering her voice.

The cashier nodded.  "Do you want to try it?"


"Come back tomorrow about this time," the cashier said as she took Alicia's platinum card, then said no more.

Alicia gathered her things and walked out, mindful of any cracks in the concrete, knowing what she was going to do the next day.

Alicia maneuvered her Mercedes to her condominium, parking it slightly askew in its assigned space, hurriedly, excitedly.  She met the same ashen cashier at the register again, surreptitiously referring to it between other customers that came and went.

"How much?" Alicia said at just over a whisper as the cashier withdrew a shoebox from under the counter, taped shut.

"No charge, you like it, tell your friends about it," the cashier replied, slipping it into a salon bag.  "Try to keep it upright."

Alicia carefully held the bag flat in front of her as she took the elevator to her sixth-floor condo.  A quick twist of keys into her front door, and in she went, bolting the door behind her.  She threw her purse and keys onto the kitchen counter as she went out into the middle of the well-furnished home, setting the shoebox on the living room coffee table.  Living alone had its advantages, she did what she want, when she wanted in her place, which she had set up to entertain various functions and parties for her clients.

She carefully peeled the tape from the shoebox lid and flipped it back.  Inside was something wrapped in a lot of tissue paper, which she also carefully parted and placed on the table, sitting on the carpet in front of it.

To her, it looked like a retro personal data assistant, forerunner to the smart phone, but with a proportionally large camera lens on top, all in a case from the Apple school of white plastic design.  Small and boxy, it stood upright on the table, surface unbroken except for that lens, a multifunction display on the front, and a single button at the top of the display, printed with the universal line-circle of a power button.  Other than that, there was nothing, no "made in" stamp, no copyright information, not even a power port for a cord to plug into the wall.  Just a smooth white box.

Alicia debated what her next step should be, even though it seemed fairly obvious.  After a few moments, she pressed the power button.  The display came to life, flickering for a few moments before a tumbling hourglass filled the screen.  A few moments more, the screen filled with print.


There was a box around the Y, so she pressed it lightly with her finger.

The hourglass came up again briefly, then the screen changed.

Thank you for your purchase of the new Self Upgrade Bioderm device!  Before we begin, please select from the following options:  
Partial Treatment
Full Treatment

There were boxes around partial and full.  Not wanting to go all in just yet, she pressed partial.

Partial Treatment
Please select from options:

She debated, and chose skin.

Prior to treatment, please remove all MAKEUP or other items
Press Y to continue

Not completely sold on the whole process, she went into her bathroom and removed all of her makeup with remover and a pad.  She did not overdo it with her makeup, but she invested heavily in what worked for her, which was mostly high end.  Still, she had yet to find a base or a concealer that didn't give her some blemishes, mostly around her chin, that on occasion flared into acne in the height of summer.  At the moment her chin was dotted with a few bumps and brown spots which came into full view with the removal of the makeup.  The rest of her face was dotted with a freckle here and a spot there, individually miniscule but collectively something she wanted to improve.

She went back to her seat in front of the box, flipped her hair out of the way, and removed her earrings and necklace.  Her finger found the Y button.


Both messages flashed along with a countdown clock, starting from 5.  She had time for exactly one misgiving before the lens at the top of the box flashed a blue-white light, dazzling her.  Her head swimmed for a moment, burst of light lingering on her eyes like a camera flashbulb.  He hands reached for and gripped the coffee table, steadying herself.  She blinked repeatedly until the afterimage of the flash faded, the skin on her face tingling slightly.  She looked down at the box display.

Treatment complete!
Press Y to return to previous menu
Or N to try again

Alicia reached up to feel her face.  The tingle was still there, but fading rapidly.  She felt smooth skin on her cheek, on her chin.  She rose and rushed back into the bathroom, feeling her face with both hands.  The blemishes were gone, as were the freckles, the dark spots, and everything else that she did not desire.  The box had removed it all, leaving only smooth, supple, perfect skin from her hairline to her neck.  She gasped.  "It worked!  It really worked!" she squealed.

Her mind was sent racing, trying first to think of how it worked.  But her thoughts quickly went beyond, to what else it could do for her.

She returned to the living room and to the box, which continued to display the same message on its screen.  She glanced at herself in a nearby mirror, mounted over a couch, to make sure her face was still perfect.  Then she sat in front of the box again, thinking of those other options she skimmed over.  She pressed the large Y button.

Partial Treatment
Please select from options:

Feeling emboldened, she pressed the Other button.

Sorry!  All partial treatments unavailable for 24 hours as battery charges.
Full Treatment available
Press Y to continue

Alicia's eyebrows knitted.  She wasn't completely ready to try anything as radical as a "full" treatment, whatever that entailed.  Still, the box had done its wonder on her face, there was no telling what else it could do without trying it out.

After a few moments of considering, she pressed the Y again.

Thank you for your purchase of the new Self Upgrade Bioderm device!  Before we begin, please select from the following options:  
Partial Treatment
Full Treatment

This time, she selected the full.

Full Treatment
Prior to treatment, please remove all CLOTHING or other items
Press Y to continue

"Wow, this doesn't mess around," she said to herself.  She debated again for a moment before her hands began to work the buttons and the zippers of her business suit.  Jacket, blouse, skirt, heels, bra, hose, panties, rings, bracelets, all of it went into a neat pile beside the table.  She stretched, naked, free of everything except her womanly curves.  She sat lightly on the carpet, slightly itchy to her bare backside, and tentatively pressed the Y again.

Please place Self Upgrade Bioderm in open area
Stand up before it in full view of lens
Press Y to start countdown

Alicia glanced around, shrugged, and stood, leaning forward to press the Y.


Flashed again along with the five second countdown.  Alicia stepped back a few paces, to put herself in full view of the lens, staring at the screen and ready for the flash.

The flash came, but this time more, much more brightly.  Alicia's mind slid sideways again, but this time with her entire body, as she passed out.

The first thing Alicia felt was her own drool pooling around something foreign in her mouth.  She tried to work her jaw, smack her lips, push whatever was in her mouth out so she could swallow.  But whatever it was would not move, her teeth sinking into its rubbery mass.

Her head spun like no hangover she had before.  She squinted her eyes tighter shut and moaned slightly.  She tried to bring a hand up to her face, to rub it, to try and pull out whatever was in her mouth.  But her arm, both arms, were caught behind her back somehow.  It was hazy, it was all hazy.

She felt something itchy pressing on her forehead, on the bridge of her nose, on her chest.  She tried to roll her head to the side but could not, head and neck blocked by something tight around it, just as tight as whatever was around her torso.  Her legs were free but her feet felt like there was something different with them as well.

The swooning in her head died down some and she opened her eyes to be greeted by the color of her living room carpet pressing into her face.  It took her a moment to understand she was face down in her own living room.  She tried to turn her head one way but could only move it slightly, giving her a view of her fireplace out of the corner of her eye.  A turn in the other direction revealed a couch, clothes--

And the box still on the table.

It came back to her in a rush.  The full treatment was not at all like the partial from before.  It had done something to her, something binding, constricting her movement.  She tried to look down again but could not.  She tried to spit out whatever was in her mouth again but could not.

"Hrmgrmgrh!" she grunted.

She took a breath through her mouth and blinked, taking stock of her position.  She was definitely face down on the carpet in her very quiet condo.  She felt her arms covered in something thick and compressing from her fingertips to nearly her armpits, wrists and individual fingers bound together with what felt like rope high up her back, hands in a prayer position, but reversed behind her.  This threw her shoulders far back and her chest out, bare nipples digging into the carpet.

The compressed feeling was tightest around her torso from just under breasts to her hips.  She had worn a girdle once before, to try it.  This was the same sort of feeling but different, more constricted.  Through what had to be gloves on her arms she felt something rough along the ridge of her back, rough with laces and eyelets.  A corset.  She was wearing a corset, tightly laced.

As she felt the corset with her forearms she felt a tug at her neck.  The ropes at her wrists were somehow connected to whatever was at her neck, covering it from her collarbone all the way up to the base of her skull, stretching it slightly, locking it mostly in place in a rigid posture.  She stopped moving her arms immediately, not wanting to pull the collar tighter than it was.  Above that Alicia felt something covering the rest of her head beyond her face, something rubbery, with her hair pulled back sharply, packed inside whatever it was.

Below her waist, her legs were indeed free, but wearing some sort of boot that pushed her feet downward in a severe point and led all the way up to nearly her crotch.  At that she also was wearing some sort of panties that covered her front and back tightly.

She was a long way from being naked.

Grunting again, she tried to move whatever she could.  Any bending at her waist beyond slight was out due to the corset, but her legs could.  She slowly wiggled her way over to the nearby couch and once there, worked her knees upward underneath herself, boots slick on the deep pile carpet.

With some effort she rocked backward and rose to a sitting position, taking in herself and all around her.  She glanced over at the mirror to see a kneeling figure nearly all in white rubber, bound tightly, with lips surrounding a bright red ballgag.  Only her face, tits, shoulders and tops of her thighs showed, a tanned contrast to the same hue of white as the box itself.  Shocked, she used the couch as leverage to get to her feet.

She towered over her living room in seven inch heels, standing far higher than she was accustomed.  Her boobs were thrust proudly out in front of her, her rump pushed back.  Alicia had seen pictures like her reflection on line on the porno websites but never wore anything close to what she found herself in now.  How she got there, other than the flash of the box, was a blank to her.  There was no way the box could have –

She looked wildly around the apartment for someone, anyone that may have taken advantage of her and did this to her.  It was empty, all of it, just her.  It had gotten closer to evening outside, light dimming through the windows.  The only explanation, however impossible, was the full treatment from the box.  This was the full treatment.

She didn't want it anymore.

Alicia looked for her cellphone to call for help.  She spotted her purse on the kitchen counter and staggered over to it.  It was still clasped shut high on the kitchen counter, too high for her to reach with her feet or elbows.  She tried to lean down with her head to move it with her nose, but only succeeded in sliding the entire purse across the counter, then off it, between a wall and the back of a bookshelf.

"HRMGMG!" she shouted into to the gag and tried to get to it but could not.  It was out of reach, softly beeping with a voice mail notification.  She had no landline to use either, never opting for the service.

Forcing herself not to panic, she headed for the front door.  She tried every movement she could to throw the now-chest high bolt open and turn the doorknob, all futile.  She tried to scream but it only came out as a murmur, nowhere near loud enough to reach another level, as she owned half of the floor of the small-footprint building with the other half vacant.

She looked across the condo to the sliding door to the balcony, then shuffled over to it.  She tried to unlock it but could not, the handle and simple lever too low for her to reach without falling over.  Besides, she had no way of signaling anyone short of standing outside and pacing, too high off the ground to be heard or jump, and furniture too heavy to kick over the railing.

Sobbing, defeated, she tottered back to the living room, in front of the cursed white box.  The screen shone brightly, mocking.

Treatment complete!
Press Y to return to previous menu
Or n to try again

Alicia took a few moments to read the message and it took a few more to sink in.  The box did this to her.  Pressing the Y last time took her back to a higher menu.  What would happen if she pressed the n?  Would it reset?  Would it take these bindings from her to try again?  She could run far away in five seconds.

Feeling a glimmer of hope, she stepped up in front of the box, considering what to use to try and press the n button.  Nose was too soft, ballgag too slick, now covered with drool.  She tried to raise her foot to stomp it with her skinny heel, but the boot itself was too stiff, not allowing her to bend her ankle far enough to point it without losing her wobbly balance.  Her hands were useless, other parts of her too rounded or soft.

That left an elbow.  She flapped them experimentally.  They should be just sharp enough to work.  She turned around and leaned down, moving her elbow sideways, rolling her breasts with every quivering breath.  She bent awkwardly, feeling her the box next to her elbow, moving closer, shifting.

The position proved too much for the slick soles of her boots, shooting one out from underneath her, send her crashing into the box and across the table.  She heard a pop before feeling bruising pain flare in her arm before she smacked her head against the table and rolled off it, to the carpet.  She came to a stop laying flat, her back propped against the couch.

She tried to shake her head to clear it, but could only move it slightly because of the collar.  She blinked, and blinked again.

A few feet in front of her the box had fallen to the carpet as well, askew, facing her.  The touch screen pulsed and flickered like a phone display after its been dropped once too often.  She had broken it, but not completely.  A jumble of words flashed across it, a mix of menus and pixels, with the only constant being the countdown clock on the side, starting at 5, 4, 3--

And the lens was pointed right at her.

She held her eyes tightly closed as the flash fired.  A tingle played across her body.

She felt something new on her head and opened her eyes.  A full face gas mask enveloped Alicia's head, over the goggles and ballgag and hood now covering her face, narrowing her vision to two circles just above her eyes.

She gasped at the materializing of the mask out of thin air.  It should not happen, but it did.

Alicia looked beyond the mask to the box again.  The countdown had reset, starting from 5.

She shut her eyes as it flashed again.

A weight fell onto her ankles.  She looked down.  A hobble chain now stretched from one chrome cuff to the other, no longer than ten inches.  There was no way she was going to be able to get to her feet again now.

Horrified, she looked back at the box again.

The countdown was recycling, a few seconds, then


Two protrusions shot into Alicia, one into her womanhood, the other into her anus.  Thick and hard, they hummed to life, making her hips buck hard.  Her eyes widened, alarmed at the violation.


She felt her coiled arms straighten out, no longer tied, but now secured in a single sleeve armbinder, pointing down her back, gloved hands trapped in a pocket at the bottom.


A pair of clamps latched onto her nipples with weights swinging from them.


Eight garter straps led down from the edge of the corset to a pair of rubber stockings that clad her legs slightly higher than the boots.


Thick balled mittens, thumbless, appeared inside the sleeve, immobilizing her hands.


A thick strap buckled her legs together, just above the knees.


A set of small padlocks traced up the back of the armbinder, locking the buckles shut, keys nowhere to be found.


A strap led from the bottom of the armbinder up and under her crotch, buckled to the bottom of the corset, pushed the humming dildoes further into her.


More padlocks appeared, locking every remaining strap and buckle shut, still without any keys.


A chain led between the two clamps on her nipples, pulling them closer together.



Alicia passed out.

A rattle at the door to the condo preceded a pair of figures entering the room, all in black and wearing tinted visors, moving like shadows.  With another flash of the box, the first figure broke away, rushing toward it.  A glance at a very immobilized Alicia, then a reach down to jam the power button on the box, shutting it down.  The second figure stood over the woman bound in white.

Alicia moaned into her gag, completely overtaken by the flashing and the twin buzzing at her crotch, unaware of everything beyond her own body.  Drool dripped from her mouth as did wetness from her sex, hips grinding in a constant state of orgasm.

The first, smaller figure picked up the SUB device and placed it into the larger shoebox, resealing the tape on the lid shut, sliding that into a backpack.

The second, larger one stepped to a clearer part of the floor, spreading out a silvery geometric nylon pattern ringed by zipper teeth.  The both of them then gently picked up Alicia by the shoulders and ankles, then placed her in a near fetal position on the mat.  They then began to work the mat's zippers, turning it from a two-dimensional cutout to a cylinder in three dimensions, straps sliding out to turn into a large duffle bag carrying live cargo to be carried by the larger of the shadows, short hose from Alicia's gasmask poking out the top.

Both glanced around the room one last time before heading for the door.

"Another fine recruit," said the shadow with the backpack, ashen skin peeking out from under her visor.
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Comments: 53

gatorbackradial In reply to ??? [2023-12-13 02:12:14 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

allatex [2021-12-01 10:32:01 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

bonnie2 [2015-08-24 16:17:39 +0000 UTC]

i love reading this story xxx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to bonnie2 [2015-08-26 01:10:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, I appreciate it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

farcide [2013-10-22 22:35:29 +0000 UTC]

Could you have someone draw this please? I'm having trouble visualizing it. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to farcide [2013-10-23 01:19:40 +0000 UTC]

Interesting observation.  Would love to, any ideas who is open for commissions regarding this sort of tale?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

farcide In reply to gatorbackradial [2013-10-24 05:53:32 +0000 UTC]

Not sure but I know that the art styles of Hookywooky and Clemente2121 would go well with this sort of image.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

OldSarge [2013-07-28 15:18:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to OldSarge [2013-07-28 22:55:42 +0000 UTC]

Glad you liked it, thank you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

phantomdotexe [2013-07-25 06:50:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to phantomdotexe [2013-07-26 01:18:05 +0000 UTC]

Glad you still like it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bonnie2 [2013-04-22 18:23:33 +0000 UTC]

A Wonderful story I Love it. Is there a second part please please pleeeese?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to bonnie2 [2013-04-23 01:41:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

Unfortunately there isn't at this time, mostly because I'm not sure where to go with it. There is an abduction where Alicia gets stolen away to an unknown location, who knows where. Any ideas as to what then? It has turned into a contained one-off since there hasn't been any movement on it, but I'm open for more if the opportunity presents itself.

But if you do like it, may I recommend a few others of mine, particularly Bridal Genie and Lace Gloves. Same genre.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phantomdotexe In reply to gatorbackradial [2013-07-25 06:51:05 +0000 UTC]

I think i'm putting you in charge of captive shipping and recieving in the region.

Do you have anywhere we could hold 13 latex service units for a few hours?  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to phantomdotexe [2013-07-26 01:19:26 +0000 UTC]

Quite possibly. Climate controlled or direct environment for some added spice?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

beasthunterz [2012-11-10 19:40:23 +0000 UTC]

That was awesome pure and simple

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to beasthunterz [2012-11-10 22:58:21 +0000 UTC]

Much appreciated, glad you liked it. I tried to keep it short and straightforward, and also have it work on a number of levels.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

poetbdsm [2011-08-07 03:20:09 +0000 UTC]

Stupendous. Predicament itself not particularly novel, but the way you bring us there...well!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to poetbdsm [2011-08-07 05:10:58 +0000 UTC]

Glad you liked it. I enjoy taking any concept, even a well-worn one, and sending it in a new direction.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MKitten-Ultra [2011-07-02 19:57:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh I love it love it love it <3 I knew of course where the plot was going to go but I didn't expect it to do it so well <3 Oh please more! I adored <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to MKitten-Ultra [2011-07-03 01:13:07 +0000 UTC]

If there was ANYBODY I knew that would like this while I was writing it, other than Phantom herself, it would be you.

I'm really glad you liked it. Not much more yet on paper, but there's always more brewing in my head. Any preferences on where you think this should go?

Also, if you feel inspired to draw anything regarding this, by all means!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EbonSwitch [2011-05-19 03:31:02 +0000 UTC]

i think this is the first bondage story that was thrilling but also kind of sad

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to EbonSwitch [2011-05-25 01:42:05 +0000 UTC]

I gotta admit, I wasn't going for sad, more a touch of horror or maybe even a morality play (ironic in a story about bondage, I know) than sad. Still, if it was able to evoke an emotion, all the better, even it if wasn't originally intended.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EbonSwitch In reply to gatorbackradial [2011-05-25 08:16:01 +0000 UTC]

well unfortunatly i feel a sense of irony when she tries to change her appearance and ends up basically not being seen in all her bondage goodness

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to EbonSwitch [2011-05-30 23:59:07 +0000 UTC]

Well, there is a sense of unfulfillment there, but that's not that unusual for the genre. Plus who knows where she's being taken? Possibly a very public display.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EbonSwitch In reply to gatorbackradial [2011-05-31 20:58:04 +0000 UTC]

will we ever find out?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to EbonSwitch [2011-06-01 02:48:52 +0000 UTC]

Not sure yet. There's always that chance.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EbonSwitch [2011-05-19 03:30:39 +0000 UTC]

hmm.. did NOT see that coming. i enjoyed it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to EbonSwitch [2011-05-25 01:44:10 +0000 UTC]

And I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

reaivy [2011-05-10 15:36:25 +0000 UTC]

you should submit this for drawing to be made it awsome i'm always a fan of machines in control stories

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to reaivy [2011-05-11 02:31:56 +0000 UTC]

Glad you like it. But the question is, submit to where? I'm wide open to anybody that wants to contribute something.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

stitchedlippedbitch [2011-05-09 17:16:08 +0000 UTC]

ah to be used and abused.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to stitchedlippedbitch [2011-05-25 01:42:23 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

phantomdotexe [2011-04-03 02:49:25 +0000 UTC]

You should submit this one to ... or maybe some of the popular story sites!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to phantomdotexe [2011-04-03 03:31:49 +0000 UTC]

Well, I'll let it get its own exposure here first, see what sort of reception it gets. Submission later is submission later.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phantomdotexe In reply to gatorbackradial [2011-04-03 20:04:29 +0000 UTC]

Submission... hehe.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to phantomdotexe [2011-04-04 00:38:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

phantomdotexe [2011-04-03 02:49:00 +0000 UTC]

Oh.... oh ,wow. This was... glorious!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to phantomdotexe [2011-04-03 03:31:06 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you liked it, Phantom. What did you think of your appearance?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phantomdotexe In reply to gatorbackradial [2011-04-06 06:51:51 +0000 UTC]

It was subtle,but much appreciated. The story was very erotic, and the pacing was pitch-perfect.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to phantomdotexe [2011-04-07 01:02:31 +0000 UTC]

Why thank ya. That's an impressive endorsement, considering the source.

You know me and subtlety. And subtext.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phantomdotexe In reply to gatorbackradial [2011-04-11 16:56:45 +0000 UTC]

But yes. I really appreciate it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ravinb [2011-04-02 20:15:28 +0000 UTC]

Excellent story!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to Ravinb [2011-04-03 03:29:54 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you liked it, thanks!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ravinb In reply to gatorbackradial [2011-04-03 23:37:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

werejaguar [2011-03-28 14:16:37 +0000 UTC]

nice they would make something like this

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to werejaguar [2011-03-29 02:02:00 +0000 UTC]

Yes, yes they would. Not sure what it would be called, though. Any ideas?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

werejaguar In reply to gatorbackradial [2011-03-29 14:24:52 +0000 UTC]

Something harmless that hides its actual purpose.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gatorbackradial In reply to werejaguar [2011-03-30 03:28:19 +0000 UTC]

Agreed, but what?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

werejaguar In reply to gatorbackradial [2011-03-30 13:46:38 +0000 UTC]

Something to do with butterflies or flowers maybe?

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