gazongola — Necro Diem by-nc-nd
Published: 2007-12-13 22:35:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 332; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 4
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Description The whirring of the hook winch almost drowning out his vehement screams, as he was lowered into the exhaust pit.
“You killed my people, now I will kill you”. The roaring flame shot up the pit and disintegrated the body of the unfortunate engineer, and nothing was left, apart from the red hot hook, swinging. The operator of the winch walked away nonchalantly, revelling in the experience.

The houses were ablaze, their thatch roofs vulnerable to the clawing fingers of flame. The pirate aimed his flame cannon once more at a small girl who had stopped to pick up her doll. He pulled the trigger, the smell of burning flesh filling the air.

The Necro Nova sailed silently through the dark void of space, her sleek black hull drifting towards the next victim. The laser cannons set into her bough reflected the distant stars which were passing by. The captain, Atropis, gave the order to drop into orbit around the small, green planet on the view screen.
The captain was a large, muscular man with a scarred, thin, unshaven face. He had piercing brown eyes, dark, tanned skin and thin lips. Long raven coloured hair fell about his shoulders with a single braid down the front. He chose a sinister attire, black shirt, trousers and shin high boots with a las pistol at his waist and he sported a dark brown, long, suede coat all very grubby.
“Let’s see if there are any rich pickings on this planet” he said as they came down to an orbit of twelve hundred feet, a red light blinked on the console as the cargo bay door opened. This, however, went unnoticed as the second ill-fated crew member to meet his demise, was pushed out by the same hand that had carried out the first execution. This person was Trentis, one of the eleven survivors of the Lamas V massacre. Before the ship left, he hid on board the pirate’s ship and vowed to get retribution. As Trentis watched the man fall to earth, he felt no remorse or regret as he believed it was justly deserved. The engines roared as the ship flew higher as its scans proved negative. The cargo bay shut once more.

The Pirate fired his shotgun into the air and ordered the petrified villagers onward towards the edge of the cliff. Below, there was a sheer drop to sharp rocks at the bottom. He then ordered the villagers to jump. Those who did not were shot.

Trentis marched towards the Captain’s quarters. They were a macabre affair, with jars of formaldehyde on the shelves containing organs of different species, and flower arrangements done by the Captain. The iron walls were painted black, the floor was black and so was the furniture. Trentis reached for the bottle of whisky on the table and took out a vial of poison. He poured the clear ichor into the whisky which rearranged the very atoms into a deadly toxin. Trentis stood up and moved out of the room towards the brig.
The cages lay in wait for their occupants to be released. Trentis glided up to the control panel and hit the release button. The cages flew open and their prisoners stepped out.
“Trentis!” one of them exclaimed.
“Shhh, say nothing and do as I say” uttered Trentis, in a hoarse whisper. He beckoned them onwards towards the escape pods, opened the door and hurried them inside. “Go home. You may not see me again”. He closed the door and pressed the release button. The pods flew into space and sped home.

Trentis was a smart, slight man, yay high and in his mid twenties. He had a confident face with green eyes, like a pair of dazzling emeralds. He wore a simple green tunic with brown trousers and leather shoes made from the hide of a Banta. He also had a strong dislike for elastic bands for an unknown reason.

The first mate informed the Captain that escape pods had been jettisoned and two crew members were missing, presumed dead. The unnerved Captain ordered the remaining two crew members to go with him. They took up heavy arms and went different paths down into the bowels of the ship. The lone co pilot took the left hand passage towards the escape pods. He was the least rugged looking of the pirates, with fair hair and dark eyes. He was of medium build and height with heavy boots, trousers and a jacket, but none of those features helped him when Trentis grabbed his shoulders and slammed him up against the wall.
“Why did you do it?” yelled Trentis. “You killed my people, why?!”
“I was following orders, please!” pleaded the cowering man.
“Some people may think that death is too good for you, but I’m not one of them”. Trentis thrust the sod into an airlock and pressed the release. He watched as the co pilot was sucked into space and asphyxiated.

Hands were closed around the villager’s neck and squeezed tightly. There was rigor mortis and she lay still. The pirate laughed as her body slumped to the floor. He stalked off in search of another victim.

The alarmed first mate radioed to the now furious Captain that he had just seen the co pilot floating past the window. The Captain yelled something down the other end and cut off.

In the meantime, Trentis had gone to the control room and disabled weapons and locked the helm down. This would stop the pirates flying the ship, and it would be stuck on auto-pilot. He then proceeded to the communications point and altered his voice over the radio, telling both the crew to turn off their weapons, pretending in turn, to be one pirate or the other. He stalked away after blacking out the radio, and went in search of the first mate.

The Necro Nova was on course to the Naga moon, the hidden base of the pirates. However it would take several days to get there. This gave Trentis plenty of time to set charges which would explode when the doomed ship docked. The first mate strayed into the engine room where Trentis was setting charges. A battle ensued; the first mate shot at Trentis, but he leapt behind a steel box and disappeared. The first mate looked round for any sign of Trentis, who dropped down silently behind him and grabbed a high pressure hose. Trentis tapped the unsuspecting man on the shoulder, who turned round to have the hose rammed down his throat. Trentis turned on the valve and a jet of high powered water forced a destructive path through the first mate’s systems and through his anus, taking his digestive tract with it. All while he was still alive. His soft lungs exploded and he slumped to the cold, hard, floor. Dead.

The livid Captain stormed in and grabbed Trentis at the throat and lifted him to his feet. Trentis did not utter one cry as he dropped to the exhaust pit and incinerated. He in fact smiled.
“Avast ye scurvy dog, ye have met ye death like ye killed me mates. Har har har”
gloated the Captain, who then retired to his quarters, to do some flower arranging and a glass of amber whisky…
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