Gchris5523 — Farting High School Gals [NSFW]
#fantasy #fart #farting #fetish #girls #high #school #sexy #gchris #kazindor #eproctophilia
Published: 2015-03-30 11:59:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 37651; Favourites: 135; Downloads: 0
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Description Hello Everyone! Gchris here; how are you all?

Disclaimer - All characters are owned by Kazindor . I do not take credit for their attitude, appearance, personality and/or ideas. They all belong to him; I simply made a story revolving around them.


It's a beautiful Monday morning. The birds are chirping, the-

Ashley: "Oh no! I- *pant* I'm going to be late!"
Geez, Mondays... That girl in the pink tank top with a skill on it, and a belt holding up a black skirt, right there is 17 year old Ashley, or Ash. She's apparently running late for school right now, so she's running as fast as she can. Ashley runs, and runs, combing her long brown hair out of her fair-skinned face as she runs up the steps to the school in a rush to make it to her class on time.
Ashley: "O-Oh no!"
She runs back to retrieve her pink sandal that fell off her foot; not making good time, huh? As she enters the school, she notices the eerie emptiness of the halls; no one is around. This is a dead giveaway that everyone is in their classes now, waiting for the first bell to ring that signifies the first class of the day to begin. Now, she COULD run to her class, but Ashley is a very proper girl, following all the rules, always nice, and acting "ladylike". She speed walks towards her class, and she's nearly there, when suddenly...


Ashley: "Oh no... My tummy hurts..."
Stopping in her tracks, Ashley props herself up against a nearby locker and bends her knees to try and soothe the growing discomfort in her stomach. Unfortunately, there is only one way for her to feel better, and Ash knows that. She needs to release the pressure and fart it out.
Ashley: "Oh dear... This really hurts. I do not have enough time to make it to the restroom, and if I hold it in, it will surely hurt more and force itself out during class!"
With options exhausted, Ashley turns her head rapidly left and right to make sure no one is around to hear or smell the intestinal abomination that is about to befall this damned hallway.


Ashley: "Ooohh, that feels much better. I am glad no one was able to hear that...O-Oh goodness!"
Even though no one heard it, the smell is horrible and raw. The dense gas of rotten egg salad and steamed cabbage floods the halls like a tsunami of hot noxious wind washing over the school's floor and overflowing up towards the ceiling. Who knows how long this smell will last? In a feeble attempt to disperse the tangy gas that haunts the halls, she grabs her notebook and fans it towards the other direction; not that it's helping much, but Ashley is a very prissy woman.
Ashley: "Oh my, that is not good; not good at all! I'm glad no one is able to-"


* Intercom System* - Attention students and faculty, this is a random fire-drill. Please exit your classrooms in an organized and orderly fashion and listen to your teacher's instructions.

Ashley's eyes go wide and her heart drops. She can only stand there and watch in abject horror as students pour out of the numerous doors from every side and flood the hall, walking straight at her... It only takes about 3 seconds for a single student to take the first unlucky whiff of Ashley's rotten, eggy fart as he covers his nose immediately and shouts-
Unlucky Student: "EEWW! What's that smell?!"
Notifying everyone in the halls, they all try to slow their breathing once they take a deadly sniff of Ashley's raunchy gas. Another kid looks at Ashley standing in the opposite direction, looking like a scared female deer. He points to her and shouts...
Other Student: "Hey, I know what caused that smell! It's her; it's 'Gassy Ashley'! I remember that smell!"
Unlucky Student: "Really? SHE did this?!"
Other Student: "Yeah! I'd remember this smell anywhere! It's Gassy Ashley! She's the one who knocked out that kid in kindergarten!"
Everyone turns their head to look at this "Gassy Ashley" they've heard so much about in the past 5 seconds and find her standing there, frozen in embarrassment. Ashley's face flushes apple red as the kids chant her nickname "Gassy Ashley", echoing in the halls for everyone to hear and announce the cause of the horrible stink was this poor, timid girl. Among the chants is a choir of coughs and gags.
Unable to take the embarrassment any longer, Ashley runs away, towards a certain classroom where a certain someone would help her deal with her terrible morning.

About 2 or 3 minutes later, after rushing with tears forming in her eyes, Ashley is running in the opposite direction of a crowd of students all walking in the same direction. The sight was similar to watching a single mackerel swim against a large school of sardines... except scaled down to an actual school. She eventually finds the person she's looking for amongst the sea of students.

Ashley: "J-Julie!"
Julie: "Huh? Ashley?"    Standing before Ashley is her best friend, 17 year old Julie. A tomboyish Asian girl rocking a sweet denim vest with a fitting black shirt that defines her features very nicely. She's also wearing some banging knee shorts and sneakers with her hair in a bun. She has a look of worry in her face when she sees Ashley run towards her, nearly crying. It's not that she's crying, it's that she's not with her class following the teacher's orders; very unusual for Ashley.
Julie: "Whoa, what's going here?"    Julie asks as Ashley hugs her waist.
Ashley: "J-Julie! I-I-Oh!"
Realizing she can't say it out loud, she motions for her to walk with the crowd of students. Julie nods and follows Ashley towards the front of the school, where the students and faculty are instructed to meet during fire-drills and in the case of actual fires. Once they blend in with the crowd nicely, Ashley leans closer to Julie and whispers to her.
Ashley: "J-Julie. I have something to tell you..."
Not following along, Julie responds in a loud voice, clear enough for the kids behind them to hear.
Julie: "What's up?"
Ashley: "SSHH! I-I was on my way to my class, but I was running tardy..."
Julie: "Psssh, so? That's it? Give me a break, Ashley."
Ashley: "N-No, it's not that... I... I broke wind in the halls when I thought no one was there, but then the fir-"
Julie: "You what!? AWW No way! Why didn't you hold it in for me?! I wanted to hear it!"    Not telling Ashley, she would have also loved to have smelt it.
Her eyes widening, Ashley moves her two hands side to side in a "Stop, no!" motion, signaling her to stop talking.
Julie: "Awww that would'a been awesome!"
Ashley: "I disagree, it was not 'Awesome'! It was very embarrassing."
Julie: "Oh come on Ashley. What so embarrassing about this?"
Julie stops in her tracks and Ashley turns to look back. She sees Julie bend her knees and lurch over forward just slightly while holding her index finger out in front of her in a "Wait, hold on" fashion. She sticks her butt out provocatively behind her, and then...


Julie: "Hey!"
During her massive "would be" 8 second fart, an unsuspecting male walking and conversing with his friends met his crotch against the exact target of Julies deadly Rusty Cannon. The harsh vibrations sent shock-waves throughout the kid's body, nearly making the cheeks on his face slightly ripple. He tries to back away, but he accidentally "plugs" Julie's bullet hole with his large... "pants".
Julie: "Hey, I'm Farting here!"
In order to get him off of her, Julie relaxes her puckering anus, takes another deep breath, and releases the floodgates; the force of this 2nd fart was more than enough to blast the kid toppling back a bit, as he shamefully walks around Julie, and reunites with his friends who are laughing at him. She's not gonna lie to herself; it felt tantalizingly pleasant to let loose on a guy's crotch. The horrible meaty smelling fart tortures the poor lungs of everyone behind Julie, and everyone who walks down this hallway for the next 15 minutes. Julie, however, takes a nice big long whiff of her own dangerously dense gas, and holds it in for about a second or two. She'd never tell Ashley, but every time she smells a fart or hears one, her spine tingles, her heart beats faster and goosebumps surge throughout her body. See, Julie is into farting; she loves everything about them, smell, sound, intensity and even heat, among other things.. After savoring her rectal intestinal musk, Julie hops forward next to a stunned Ashley.
Ashley: "Julie! That was very rude of you!"
Julie: "No it wasn't; I would say it was very....hngr.."
While walking and not missing a single beat, she grunts and forces another fart out of her moving butt, her cheeks still gyrating slightly from walking.


Julie: "Brash of me!"   
While Julie laughs whatever's left of her ass off, Ashley looks away and gives a contorted look and blushes. Every time she or Julie farts, she always gets a hot flash of heat in her face and blushes red. She was raised to have proper etiquette, so whenever Julie farts so casually and forcefully, she'll get these strange feelings of embarrassment. Sometimes, she even sweats from it. The smell doesn't intensify much, but Julie slightly flinches at the sudden shock to her nostrils once she get a sweet whiff of her own brew.
Julie: "Geez Ashley, lighten up, huh? Let's just get out of here. We're almost out."

A few yards later, Julie and Ashley make it through the school's front doors and head outside in the perfect weather. Some of the kids cover their eyes with their hands to block out the harsh sun. The hot temperatures have made it a bit annoying to be outdoors, with some days peaking at 97 degrees. (36 Degrees Celsius) Julie and Ashley walk in order with a line towards the back, and wait for the head staff to call the students back into the cool haven of the air conditioned school. While Julie fans herself with one hand, and the other hand as a fist on her hip, she turns to look at Ashley, who is still feeling a bit blue.
Julie: "Come on Ash, you can't seriously still be embarrassed about a measly little fart!"
Ashley: "It's not about the fart itself. It was what happened after that hurt..."
Julie: "Well, what did you eat that made it stink?"
Ashley: "Huh?"
Julie: "Did it smell like burnt roadkill?"
Ashley: "N-No Julie! I'm talking about the kids! The kids were very rude to me and made fun of me..."    She looks at the ground.
Ashley: "They called me names like 'Gassy Ashley'."
Julie: "See, why can't I get a name like that? I fart all the time, but you do it once, and you're forever-"
Adorably stomping her foot and giving a look that says "I'm hurting", Ashley turns to face Julie and addresses her.
Ashley: "Julie! I'm very much serious here! I feel really bad..."
Bringing her fist up to her chin and her other arm under that arm, she enters deep thought...
Julie: "You know what you need to do?"
Slowly bringing her head back up, she raises her eyes to look Julie in the face without raising her head up all the way.
Ashley: "Hmm?"
Julie: "You need to get more comfortable around farting. You don't do it enough, and when it DOES happen, you turn as red as a potato."
Ashley: "Julie, Potatoes are brown. Tomatoes are the red ones."
Julie: "I said tomato. Now then. What we're going to do today, is expose you to the power of farts! And YOU'RE going to fart with me!"
Ashley: "E-Excuse me?!"     Ashley can't hold back a gasp and brings her fingers up to her chest, as would a proper lady would do in response to shock or surprise.
Ashley: "You can't make me do such a dirty naughty thing such as pass wind!"
Julie: "See, there's the problem already; it's totally NOT a dirty naughty thing."
Ashley: "It is so!"
Julie: "So not"
Ashley: "It is so!"
Julie: "So not"
Ashley: "It is so!"
Julie: "So not"
Ashley: "Regardless, I can't anyways. You can't just force yourself to pass wind whenever you please."
Julie: "Not unless you got these bad boys with ya!"    Julie eagerly slips her backpack off and unzips it.
Julie: "BAM!"     She pulls out sticks of beef jerky; 9 sticks to be exact.
Julie: "Here we are! 2 for you, and 7 for me!"
Ashley: "Julie!"
Julie: "Ok fine! 3 for you and 6 for me; happy?"
Ashley: "No, not that! I mean- why would- I-I can't!"
Julie: "Oh you will! If you don't you're going to forever be known as Gassy Ashley!"
Ashley: "......"
Julie: "Well, even if you DO do this, you'll still be known as 'Gassy Ashley', now that I think about it."
Ashley: "Grrrr!"
Julie: "B-B-But at least you won't be embarrassed of the title! Right? At least give it a shot!"    Julie encourages her as she hands her a fistful of stick beef jerky to a thinking Ashley... After looking at the sticks of jerky, and at Julie, who has an actual look of worry in her eyes for her friend, she shuts her eyes, gives a sigh, and nods.
Ashley: "Oh alright..."     She says as she takes the fistful of beef jerky.
Ashley: "We'll do it YOUR way."
Julie raises a fist in the air and pumps it.
Julie: "Sweet! Aw man, you won't regret this, Ashley, I promise!"
They both unwrap a single stick and smack them together, like they were giving a toast. Then, Julie stands on her tippy toes...


Julie: "To farting!"
Ashley: "......."
Julie: "......"
Ashley: "......t-to farting."
Julie: "That's the spirit!"    And they both take a bite out of their jerky. Julie and Ashley talk with their mouths full one last time.

Julie: "Wait, how muny shtikssh off jerky did I giff you?"
Ashley takes her time to properly chew her food and swallows. THEN she speaks.
Ashley: "I believe you gave me 5."
Julie: "............yeah that's too much gimmie 2 back."
Ashley: "Julie!"

There ya are, Kazindor ! I really hope you like it, I worked pretty hard on it! If you want me to make you a story like this, send me a note and I'll talk to you and see what I can do. I have to say though, it might take some time. I write my own fetish story called "Forceful", which touches on the Fart Fetish, so even if I do agree, it might take some time. Or, if you want to talk to someone who is VERY open minded, and RP, go ahead and send me a note! Thanks for reading! Take care!
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Comments: 53

Gchris5523 In reply to ??? [2015-05-25 06:04:42 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thanks man!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AwkwardMoon45 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-05-25 07:17:23 +0000 UTC]

You're very much welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GrayVII [2015-03-31 06:32:06 +0000 UTC]

Holy shit second page of the front page.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to GrayVII [2015-03-31 08:05:27 +0000 UTC]

Holy fuck REALLY?! HOH SHIT.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fartlover891 [2015-03-31 03:57:40 +0000 UTC]

Definitely looking forward to the next part your just too good

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to Fartlover891 [2015-03-31 08:06:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank man!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

savagetilley [2015-03-30 21:10:59 +0000 UTC]


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Gchris5523 In reply to savagetilley [2015-03-30 21:13:32 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KiraYagami69 [2015-03-30 19:02:11 +0000 UTC]

"Hey I'm Farting Here!" I can't even...this sounds like it could be a catchphrase for a Slice of life, Comic-relief character. xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to KiraYagami69 [2015-03-30 20:58:32 +0000 UTC]

Then it is! It's Julie's!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 14:03:10 +0000 UTC]

I love the banter you have with these two characters! I know Kazindor made them, but their bickering under your author's prowess is hilarious! Overall, a pretty good story! But, is beef jerky really a gassy food? I had no idea that was a thing... 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 17:02:37 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man! And also I have no idea. uhm, it is to them. BAM; GOT EM.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-30 17:05:04 +0000 UTC]

Ok then! Maybe beef doesn't agree with them?  
But, yeah! The story came out great! Seems like anyone that makes farting girl OC's can't resist doing the generic shy girl with gas teamed up with the peppy farter chick though!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 17:11:18 +0000 UTC]

H-Hey! Grace and Akura are that... My characters are generic GG lolGOT'EM.

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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-30 17:18:13 +0000 UTC]

I never said that was a bad thing, but almost everyone does that! I kinda like it, but that's because the constant farter makes for interesting scenes, while the shy farter always makes for sexier scenes, because EVERYONE gets a hard on for the farting girl that is either hard to get or extremely embarrassed!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

tomaket In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 18:01:02 +0000 UTC]

Everyone does that? Not enough then.

GCHRIS KEEP THEM COMING IM HUNGRY!!!! Im gonna get a freakin credit card just to donate soon!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chewbacca111222 In reply to tomaket [2015-03-30 18:08:05 +0000 UTC]

It seems to be the rule with original characters with most artists and writers! Again, I am not saying that is bad or anything, just that it is iconic, and thus generic!~

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tomaket In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 18:32:30 +0000 UTC]

yea I know. Just trying to give encouragement to gchris so he releases forceful chapters faster  

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chewbacca111222 In reply to tomaket [2015-03-30 18:35:23 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah! Definitely! I wasn't trying to be a bummer, if that was how it seemed! I really enjoy his writing style!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 17:29:19 +0000 UTC]

Yeah but my girl has a twist; she's being corrupted lol kinda

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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-30 17:37:26 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but then you will need another shy farter for your gang! Until you have a harem of gassy, bold chicks farting constantly for you!
Ooo...Here is an idea! How about just that? A story about a brothel of gassy chicks, who are all hired to fart on this one dude!!!
DOG PILE, but gassy butts first!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 17:41:55 +0000 UTC]

HIRED. Oh fuck, not bad.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-30 18:01:09 +0000 UTC]

Really? I was only half serious, but I think the most intense of fart fetishists would enjoy a full body massage from several busty women ripping ass on him, their farts vibrating and massaging his sore muscles!~

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Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 18:10:48 +0000 UTC]


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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-30 18:12:07 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry about it! I like spreading ideas when I get them! It's just what I do!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 18:22:46 +0000 UTC]


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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-30 18:28:11 +0000 UTC]

I would write fart fetish stories, but I would most likely delude them with my other fetish, so I tend to stay away from writing them! I just think I would be writing, then arbitrarily insert a thought from the recesses of my mind, changing the story entirely!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 18:38:36 +0000 UTC]

Hey man, it's your story;; write what you like!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-30 19:34:26 +0000 UTC]

Was that too much information? I am sorry!  

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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-30 18:48:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I know! I wrote a story at the beginning of last month, but its not too popular! It has the elements of a fart story, but I turned it into a kinky diaper story a bit into it, because that is my other interest. It gets quite messy and embarrassing from there!~
That doesn't disgust you, does it?

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Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-30 20:59:02 +0000 UTC]


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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-31 03:30:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh ok then. I like talking to you so I hoped I didnt ruin it!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-31 08:07:16 +0000 UTC]


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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-31 13:53:56 +0000 UTC]

Awesomesauce! Well, if that interests you in anyway then, you can check it out on my page, if you would like! Nothing like a bit of self promotion!~

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Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-31 16:34:51 +0000 UTC]

I will when I get the chance!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-31 16:36:52 +0000 UTC]

Don't feel obliged! I was just throwing out the information in case you were interested. But, trust me. It gets specific and messy about half way in, so read at your own risk!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-03-31 16:47:26 +0000 UTC]

I will read fair but firmly cruel.

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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-03-31 16:49:00 +0000 UTC]

Hit me with your best shot! I am confident on my writing!~
But yeah, seriously! It gets hot and heavy!~

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Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-04-02 22:59:42 +0000 UTC]


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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-04-02 23:05:16 +0000 UTC]

Well, take your time with it! No rush at all!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-04-03 00:01:10 +0000 UTC]


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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-04-03 00:03:15 +0000 UTC]

But, I seriously hope you enjoy it! I think I did a well enough job on it!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-04-03 00:20:52 +0000 UTC]

I'll give you a critique once I get around, ok? I just need some time.

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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-04-03 00:23:50 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah! I understand! That is why I said no rush! Whenever you do, I would like to here your comments, but don't do it unless you are ready and want to!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-04-03 00:27:07 +0000 UTC]

You got it, Chewy!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-04-03 00:27:45 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! You feeling good today at all?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-04-03 00:41:30 +0000 UTC]

Unfortunately, still vomiting a bit of blood.

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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-04-03 00:52:25 +0000 UTC]

Damn! That sounds terrible! I am sorry, man!

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Gchris5523 In reply to chewbacca111222 [2015-04-03 01:12:05 +0000 UTC]

yeah it really sucks, but what are ya gonna do, right?

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chewbacca111222 In reply to Gchris5523 [2015-04-03 01:17:41 +0000 UTC]

I wish I could help, but all I can do is suggest you stick to your doctor's suggestions, and get some rest! If you have anything you want to talk about, go ahead and ask!~

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