GeneralGreasy — Contaminant: The Tunneler

#contaminant #kaiju #mammal #moguera #mole #monster #mutant #wasp #mogera #kaijuverse #fleshcorrupted #tsar1 #flyingterror #soviet_union
Published: 2021-10-21 01:46:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 6630; Favourites: 89; Downloads: 5
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Description Sex: Male

Species: Mutated mole

Location of Origin: Phosphora Exclusion Zone

Height: 13 meters (45ft)

Weight: 160 metric tons

Threat level: High

Aggression level: High

Known mutations:

- Serrated claws allow it to burrow through a variety of terrain. Can also be used as slashing and stabbing weapons

- Highly attuned sensory tentacles around mouth allow it to detect the most minute chemical changes in the air, and allow it to detect vibrations underground.

- Thick, dense hide protects it from most conventional weaponry. Can be drastically weakened by high temperatures.


The Tunneler was a massive mutant mole that inhabited the Phosphora Exclusion Zone and acted as a sort of super-predator in the area that kept other mutant populations in check in the emerging ecosystem of the EZ. The creature had developed a hunting strategy that involved it burrow itself in the ground with only it's open jaws and tongue exposed to the surface. The mutant's tongue would mimic the movements of a wounded creature, wherein prospective prey would move in with the hopes of getting an easy meal. Once within striking distance, the mole would erupt from the ground and seize the victim in it's toothy jaws before pulling it underground to be devoured. The creature's strategy was largely successful, with it having grown a preference for the meant of another mutant known as The Flying Terror. However the mole's voracious appetite would get the better of it, and it would quickly begin to wipe out the insects. Where there were once 13 of the insects and counting, the mole had reduced them to a mere three, two females and one male. These three would eventually leave the area to safer grounds, and The Tunneler was forced to feast off of the other mutants in the EZ. However the mutant would find that most mutants were either too small or too smart to fall for it's traps. Starving and unable to find food in it's current habitat, the massive subterranean beast began burrowing closer and closer to the borders of the EZ until it breached the perimeter entirely. However this did not go unnoticed, as the creature's underground activities were picked up by seismographs placed in and around the EZ. The Soviets quickly identified the tremors as being the result of mutant activity due to the fact that the anomalies were moving along a path rather than remaining stationary.

The mole would attack small impoverished settlements on the outskirts of the EZ, which served as light snacks at best, and the creature would have to look elsewhere for a meal. The creature continued it's underground journey in search of food, but the Soviet Army had concocted a plan to try and kill the creature or draw it out. Several landmines were buried deep in the ground along the creature's projected path. The aim behind the plan was to cause the creature to surface where then it could be engaged conventionally, or kill it outright. However after several detonations and persistent tremors, it became clear that the mines failed to deter the creature or even wound it. Current projections put the mutant on a direct path towards Moscow, however it would have to pass through the city of Vladimir first. This would present an extreme danger to those living in the city, as similar mutants have been known to be man-eaters. It was decided that Tsar-1 would be deployed to intercept the creature in Vladimir and kill it before it could progress any further. However unlike The Flying Terror where they at least had a vague description, they had no idea what this monster was, how big it was, or what it even looked like. There was a lot of variables that could come up in this operation, however they remained confident that Tsar-1 would do what it was built to do. Tsar-1 was deployed from it's base in Chernobyl, however it would be a two hour trip to arrive in Vladimir, and by then the creature may have already surfaced. The Soviet Army had arrived in the city and began evacuation efforts in anticipation of the creature's arrival. As if on cue, the ground began to tremble as something was burrowing it's way to the surface.

The creature could sense thousands of panicked prey moving right above it, as well as vehicles and other things that made it believe it had struck the motherlode of food. Pushing up further, the massive mutant emerged from the shattering asphalt of the city and bellowed aloud. The sudden appearance of the mutant emerging from the ground sent the citizens in a frenzy of terror; the existence of the mutants was known to the public at large, however the Phosphora incident was covered up as a simple nuclear accident to make it seem as though the creatures could not threaten Soviet citizens on their own soil. This ruse was bound to collapse sooner or later, but thankfully the government had constructed Tsar-1 to combat the monsters as they appeared and ensure the safety and integrity of the Union. However Tsar-1 was not yet here to save the morsels that fled before it, and so the mutant got busy gorging itself on as many humans as it could catch. On foot or in vehicles, the humans were all equally edible and The Tunneler quickly began causing immense damage in pursuit of it's new food source. This feeding frenzy was cut short when the Soviets opened fire on the creature to draw it away from civilians. The play worked, and the monstrosity diverted it's attention away from the fleeing crowds and at the assembled military might of the Soviet Union. Tank rounds and assault rifle ammunition did little to harm the creature's thick, scaly hide and succeeded only in inciting the creature to attack. A swipe of it's long claws was all it took to reduce an armored vehicle column to metal shreds and men to bloody pulp.

The situation quickly went downhill for the defending Soviets, and the creature proved to be too strong and too durable for them to inflict any meaningful harm to it. One by one they were either devoured or simply crushed under it's immense strength. However just as it seemed the monster would prevail over man and rampage unopposed, the creature's attention was drawn to the sound of approaching helicopters in the distance, and below them the silhouette of Tsar-1 in tow. The creature sniffed the air with it's sensitive nasal tentacles, picking up the smell of machinery as the aircraft slowly descended with their huge passenger. The mutant watched as Tsar-1 touched the ground with a rumbling metallic thud. As the mole observed it's new adversary with curiosity, the robot adopted an aggressive stance and fired two projectiles from it's back without warning. The loud boom of the cannons firing ilicited a reaction of pain from the mole, who's sensitive ears were injured by the sound. To make matters worse, the subsequent impact of the projectiles on it's body further overloaded it's senses and thrust the mutant into a berserk state. The mole charged the metallic monster, prompting the robot to start backpedaling to maintain distance until it reached a point where it could stop and fire again. Now knowing that the sound of the cannons firing meant danger, the mole dove into the earth like a dolphin in water and tunneled the rest of the way towards the robot. A few moments later, the mole re-emerged, lunging at the robot but as soon as it's flesh made contact with the cold steel body of it's enemy, it was wracked with a crippling electrical shock that stunned the subterranean mammal. It's flesh steamed and weakened as electricity coursed through it's veins. All at once, the shocking sensation stopped and before it could regain it's senses, a powerful blow to the head sent the creature sprawling to the ground.

Sensing that it's enemy was attempting to distance itself yet again, the mutant forced itself back on it's feet and lunged at it's metallic foe in mid-stride. The attack was successful, and the mutant tackled the robot through a building and onto the ground with an earth shaking thud. Now on the offensive, the mole used it's long talons to hack and slash away at the robot's armor plating, each consecutive strike creating deeper and deeper scratches. It wouldn't be long now, The Tunneler could feel it's unliving enemy's artificial skin beginning to damage, however the creature was suddenly stunned and blinded by bright strobing lights emanating from the robot. So bright were they that they managed to force the mutant off of it in order to shield it's sensitive eyes. The worst had yet to come however, as shortly after the bright flash of light came a deafening sound from the robot that ruptured the mole's ear drums and made it shriek in agony. The pain was too much, and the creature was forced to retreat underground where it could recover. The mutant disappeared underground in seconds, and left Tsar-1 to get back up and scan for it's enemy's location. The mutant had no intention of giving up just yet, and began digging a trap for it's enemy. After nearly two minutes of tension-filled silence, the ground beneath the robot suddenly began to tremble and crack. Without warning, the ground gave in and a sinkhole opened up that swallowed the robot and sent it tumbling to the ground. Erupting from the side of the sinkhole, the mole landed on the downed robot and began to furiously slash the construct's head, scratching it's visor and causing visible rends in the armor. Continuing this aggressive assault, the mole opened it's jaws wide like a crocodile and bit down on the robot's neck, creating a burst of sparks as it clamped it's jaws down harder.

The mech made a pathetic attempt to fight back, an attempt that was easily thwarted by the mole's superior ability in close combat. Just as it seemed that the mole would triumph over it's artificial foe, the deafening metallic bellow from before rocked the mutant's already damaged ears and sent it reeling. Unable to fight back from the paralyzing pain, the mole could only watch as the robot push the mole off of it and stand back up. The creature was badly wounded, it's skin burning from the electrical shock from earlier and unable to hear anything, especially not the sound of the robot's weapons unleashing hell in projectile form. The creature felt it's body be torn apart in silence, explosive ammuntion tearing through it followed by the impact of rockets that showered the area with blood and gore. At last, The Tunneler fell to the ground dead in a pile of it's own viscera. Tsar-1 had emerged triumphant over it's subterranean foe, and shut down to await extraction. The Tunneler's body was recovered and sent to the top-secret Kapustin Yar base where it will be dissected and studied. Ironically, there it would be reunited with it's preferred prey in the form of the charred husks of The Flying Terror, also killed by Tsar-1.
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