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Click the tumblr link for a rebloggable version with a readmore, but for the dA version I'm just gonna copy-paste what I wrote.
I really wanna work on oc backstories because a lot of them are just groundless designs that just sorta exist ‘in theory’. Also I wanna improve my character consistency which is why I drew this in the first place.
I don't have a WHOLE ton of Saul’s backstory fleshed out yet aside from a few bits and pieces but heres a snippet of thoughts on a possible superpower origin story (…sorta. I dunno what you’d call this, but here it is). I have a couple of different versions in my head, so this is just one of them, but I think it's an interesting one
Saul never really understood why his family called the water in the caves ‘hot springs’, other than maybe it was where you went when you felt TOO hot, or even just by virtue of the fact that the caves were near enough to a semi-active volcano. the water just never felt that hot to him.
So, anyway, one night Saul feels a bit feverish and goes to the springs to cool down but soon the water starts boiling around him. It takes a few minutes for him to register that he’s not actually getting hurt, but rather that he’s the one causing it to happen. Then it just kinda clicks for him that the reason why he always thought the water was cold was because he was running at such a high temperature already, and all it took was a bit of the flu to push that dial over the edge and open the floodgates.
Saul’s family find out about his new fire powers pretty quickly after that, given that his ‘malfunctions’ are pretty damn obvious. It takes him a while to get them under control. It takes even longer for him to get over his newly-acquired aversion towards water, which is unfortunate because so much of what his entire family is all about is water, water, water. so he could never bring himself to talk to anyone about that fear, or about the event that caused it, especially when lizardfamily puberty typically involves a 50% chance of developing WATER based powers, not fire ones (Yer a lizard, Saully). soo yea a lot of family tension came after that event. Plus, to begin with, anyone would kinda have trouble talking about ‘that time where I thought I was gonna boil myself alive’
In conclusion Saul's a dour dude, but trust me when I say it's not just teenage angst that makes him that way. I mean it's not really his fault because I'm the one that wrote him that way lol