Gladiator07f — Skaven Warband Top View

Published: 2011-11-19 04:33:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 310; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description This is the top view of the War-band i will be playing in a Sunday Mordheim group., It currently had 6 vermin-kin, and all 6 possible starting heroes.
Composition: 1 Assassin adept, 1 shaman, 2 Black Skaven, 2 Night Runners, 6 Vermin kin.
Staring Rating: 104
Exploration: 6d6 max
Average Stats (in order): |M|W|B|S|T|W|i |A|L|
Average stats (in order): |5|3 |3|3|3|1 |5|1|6|
Rate of growth: Fast
Specialties: Swarm and Speed.
Strengths: High movement, cost effective, versatile, Excellent gear selection and Special skills
Weaknesses: Low survivability, Low Leader ship,

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