GlitchyProductions — Pattycakes Remake Part 11
Published: 2012-08-10 20:33:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 1832; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 4
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Description "Oh my... I... uh... don't know..." Fluttershy's cheeks began to glow a bright red. "What if she doesn't like me... she might want to... you know... stay with someone else... I don't know if I can let her feel so upset... I don't know what to say..." Fluttershy tried to explain to her friend, feeling locked up now that Scootaloo was in the room. Only a simple telling of her plans and then she would have to await Scootaloo's reaction, whether it be good or bad, Fluttershy was starting to get worried whether or not the child would actually like to stay with her.

"Best thing to do is to sit her down in the living room or something and then we both tell her together. How about that for a plan?" Rainbow Dash had an idea and explained it to her friend; Fluttershy began to smile a little at her baby's idea and started to wonder if Scootaloo needed anymore assistance with her food, putting the adoption plan on hold once again.

"I don't mean to be... you know... rude Dashie... but I think... it's time to clean up Scootaloo..." Fluttershy nodded her head towards Scootaloo; Rainbow turned her head round to see that Scootaloo had nearly finished her bowl of warm porridge, and now just noticing that the child had gotten rather large splodges of porridge on her bib and parts of her clothing which caused her to look very messy.

Fluttershy stopped rubbing her friends back and slowly walked over to Scootaloo who had just now finished her bowl of porridge; Scootaloo smiled and put the plastic spoon in the bowl.

"Hey Fluttershy, the porridge was great!" Scootaloo cheered, she had never tasted porridge that was perfectly cooked before, especially by one of Rainbow's friends.

"I'm glad you like it." Fluttershy began to pick up the empty bowl and walked over to the kitchen sink, she turned on the tap and let cold water stream out in the washing up bowl. She put the bowl into the sink and walked back over to Scootaloo, who seemed to look about five times messier now that the bowl was out of the way. "It seems that you are... a bit messy..." Fluttershy felt a little bit scared, she didn't want to upset Scootaloo now that she was covered in porridge.

"That's cool; I can take a shower when I get back home." Scootaloo replied to Fluttershy, knowing that she would start to overreact if she kept on going.

"Hey Scoots! Maybe you should take a bath here instead of taking a shower at home, besides... I'll sit with you and keep you entertained." Rainbow Dash yelled across the kitchen, keeping a nice smile on her face as she got up from her chair and walked over to Scootaloo, taking a good look at her bib and clothing which seemed to be dripping with porridge which made her look like a complete mess.

"A bath... here?" Scootaloo was taken back, feeling a little worried about taking a bath in a place that she wasn't comfortable in.

"Yeah sure, don't worry about it Scoots, Fluttershy can put your clothes in the washing machine while you have a bath." Rainbow Dash explained to her little friend about having a bath, noticing that Scootaloo seemed to be a little scared to wash herself in a place that wasn't her actual home was starting to make her blush.

"How l-long do I have to be in the bath for?" Scootaloo whispered to Rainbow Dash, her friend just smiled and plucked the plastic tray off the highchair, allowing Scootaloo to jump off the baby equipment. But instead, Scootaloo kept herself in the seat of the highchair and waited for either Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash to pick her up and take her to the bathroom.

"As long as you want Scoots, we're not rushin' you." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Uh... okay..." Scootaloo nodded, she lifted her hands up into the air, waiting to be picked up by Rainbow Dash.

"I can't pick you up yet Scoots, hold on a second." Rainbow leaned forward and grabbed the shoulder ends of Scootaloo's orange t-shirt, she started to pull upwards which noted Scootaloo to raise her arms and allow the messy t-shirt to float off her. She lifted her arms and soon enough her t-shirt slided off her, leaving her only in her diaper, feeling a little embarrassed she started to lightly blushed now that she had been stripped of her clothing and only down to her diaper.

She placed her hands on her chest in an attempt to cover up herself, but Rainbow Dash didn't really notice or seem to care that she had no more clothing on her.

Rainbow Dash handed the messy t-shirt to Fluttershy and she placed it neatly in the clothing basket ready for cleaning, Rainbow then reached out for Scootaloo and placed her hands under her arms and began to lift her up and rested the child in her arms, Scootaloo wrapped her arms around Rainbow Dash and held her tightly so that she wouldn't fall.

"Now let's go upstairs and get you squeaky clean." Rainbow Dash said with a small smile on her face.


"I thought Fluttershy was going to clean me up..." Scootaloo leaned near Rainbow Dash's ears and whispered into them.

"She was, but I want to talk to you while you are having a bath." Rainbow replied back.

"You know... I just realized... if Fluttershy is the mommy and we are the babies... then why are you acting like a mommy?" Scootaloo questioned.

"I'm just looking after you, just think of me as like a five year old trying to look after a two year old." Rainbow replied as she walked down the corridors.

"A five year old that wears diapers?" Scootaloo giggled, finding the idea really funny.

"Yeah sure." Rainbow smiled.

"That's really silly..." Scootaloo giggled even louder.

"So is scooting off a ramp and breaking your leg." Rainbow Dash began to giggle, but Scootaloo stopped and glared at her idol for a moment.

"Hey! It was an accident!" Scootaloo yelled.

"Just like what you did in your diaper last night?" Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"That too!" Scootaloo added, still glaring at her idol in slight anger.

"It's okay Scoots, it's just an accident, calm down." Rainbow began to laugh loudly.

"How do you know about what happened last night?" Scootaloo shouted; she wasn't in the nursery when Fluttershy changed her.

"Fluttershy told me, she was worried about you when you cried in the nursery." Rainbow stopped laughing and lowered her voice, using one of her hands on Scootaloo's back and smoothly rubbing it up and down in an attempt to calm her down.

"Oh..." Scootaloo paused for a moment; she blushed a little and looked away from Rainbow Dash feeling a little bit upset.

"Fluttershy told me that she was really upset when she saw you starting to cry in the Nursery, she doesn't like it when people are sad, especially you. Bed-wetting is a pretty serious problem Scoots, I've been worried about you too, but it was pretty lucky that you were wearing a diaper last night." Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks still holding Scootaloo in her arms; she patted her little friend on the back and began to whisper to her.

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash..." Scootaloo apologized, feeling really bad for what happened.

"It's okay Scoots, let's get you inside the bath tub and get you cleaned." Rainbow reassured her friend. "By the way, I want to know what you think of Fluttershy." She added.

"Why?" Scootaloo tilted her head in confusion.

"Just wanna know; she has been looking after us all night yesterday and this morning." Rainbow asked, trying to sound casual.

"Uh..." Scootaloo tried to think for a moment. "She's a really cool mommy." Scootaloo said.

"Anything else?" Rainbow asked.

"Um... I don't know... I think she really takes care of us..." Scootaloo wasn't able to think of any words to say about the woman that had looked after her through the night, but in the back of her mind, she knew that Fluttershy did a really good job of looking after her and she wouldn't be able to thank her so much.

"Cool, we're at the bathroom now, I'll fill up the tub with water and then we can talk." Rainbow Dash walked up to the bathroom door and kicked it open using her legs. Revealing the very clean bathroom with it's tiled flooring and the large bath tub which had large amounts of shampoo bottles all neatly stacked together on one shelf, there was a small blue plastic box in the bathtub which seemed to contain toys that a baby would use while in the bath.

Rainbow Dash walked over to the toilet and sat on top of the seat, allowing her to sit down with Scootaloo still in her arms. She let go of Scootaloo and leaned over to pick up the plastic box, she then placed it on the floor and turned on the taps to fill up the bath tub. Scootaloo sat on her idols lap feeling a little embarrassed, now that her clothing had been taken away from her, she now had to go in the nude for a moment while in the bath, and she didn't want Rainbow Dash to see her in the nude.

"Wait... I don't wanna go nude..." Scootaloo quickly told Rainbow Dash, her cheeks began to flare up into a bright red colour.

"You don't have to; I won't look at you naked if that's what you mean. Just use the towel behind you and I'll cover my eyes." Rainbow pointed behind Scootaloo to reveal one of the neatly folded towels that Fluttershy put up on a small shelf next to a radiator, Scootaloo jumped down from Rainbow's lap and walked over to the shelf and picked up the towel, she wrapped it around herself and then walked back over to Rainbow Dash.

"I'll just slide off those diaper tapes..." Rainbow reached down and gripped onto Scootaloo's diaper tapes and slowly undone them, allowing Scootaloo to cover herself up with the towel at the correct time. Rainbow Dash leaned back up and waited for Scootaloo to sit down on her lap again, but before she did that, she leaned over to the bathtub and turned on the hot and cold bath tub taps and plugged it all up so that the water would stay in the bath.

"It feels really weird when you and Fluttershy look after me..." Scootaloo began to blush, not only because she was naked, but because of how she was being treated.

"You'll get used to it." Rainbow Dash picked up Scootaloo and placed her neatly on her lap, still keeping the towel wrapped around her to prevent her body from showing; she leaned Scootaloo on her chest and rocked her from side to side.

"Used to it?" Scootaloo asked, her head slightly perking up.

"Yeah, that's if you want to keep on doing it." Rainbow Dash said.

"You mean I have to do this forever?" Scootaloo quickly asked.

"No silly, Me and Fluttershy made a little agreement where every Saturday I come round to her house just to pretend to be a baby for her; we aren't allowed to tell anyone what we are doing. Heck! If you want to join in on our little agreement you can." Rainbow Dash explained to Scootaloo, keeping her voice quiet and low as the bath filled up with water.

"So... you act like a baby for a whole day just for Fluttershy... boy, you two are really good friends..." Scootaloo giggled.

"Would you like to come over next Saturday and do what we did last night?" Rainbow Dash offered; she knew that Scootaloo had to pause for a moment and think about it.

"Um... I don't know... I think my foster parents wouldn't like it if I said that I was going to act like a baby for someone..." Scootaloo whispered to her idol.

"Yeah, but do you really think they'd care? Remember, I was the only one besides Applebloom and Sweetie Belle to see you in hospital when you broke your leg. Your foster parents didn't even know you had broken your leg until you went home with that giant cast." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah..." Scootaloo looked down. "I guess you're right..."

"Besides, Me and Fluttershy do a better job of looking after you more than your crappy foster family." Rainbow Dash wrapped her arms around Scootaloo and proceeded to hug her.

"That's true!" Scootaloo happily agreed with her idol.

"Looks like the bath is filled up, time to hop in."  Rainbow Dash quickly stopped the taps from letting out any more water and slided her hand into the bath water to check it's temperature and felt that the water was a perfect temperature, Scootaloo jumped off Rainbow's lap and let go of the towel, letting it drop to the ground but also revealing her nude body.

"Don't look at me..." Scootaloo quickly hopped into the bath almost after doing so, she felt the perfect temperature that the water was. It wasn't too cold and it wasn't too hot, it was perfect. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and moved one of her hands over her eyes so that she wasn't able to see Scootaloo move into the bath.

After certain sounds of splashing and the noise of skin colliding with the bathtub itself, Scootaloo was in; she used some bubbles that were in the bathtub to quickly cover herself from Rainbow Dash and maybe Fluttershy if she entered the bathroom.

"Are you covered up by the bubbles?" Rainbow Dash whispered, still keeping her hand over both of her eyes to give Scootaloo her privacy.

"Yep." Scootaloo nodded, she waited for Rainbow Dash to open her eyes and continue with the conversation.

Rainbow Dash slowly moved her hand out of the way and saw that Scootaloo had finally gotten inside of the bathtub and she had covered herself up with the bubbles like a blanket, Rainbow smiled and began to pick up some of the baby toys and took interest in a small plastic boat and a little rubber duck, she plucked them out of the box and placed them on the water setting them to float.

"So are you going to do that agreement Scoots?" Rainbow Dash started to continue their conversation about the agreement.

"Oh... uh... I dunno..." Scootaloo blushed, she leaned forward and picked up the rubber duck and the little boat and began to play with them.

Rainbow Dash started to pick up one of the sponges on the side of the bath and then placed it in the warm water; she squeezed it and allowed the water to absorb into the heart of the sponge and then dragged it out of the water and hovered it over Scootaloo's head. She squeezed the sponge and large droplets of water soon landed onto the top of her purple hair and the gel quickly broke apart, causing her hair to flop down her face and cover up her eyes.

"There you go Scoots, let's get you squeaky clean." Rainbow Dash soon rubbed Scootaloo's hair and moved it into a certain position so that she could see again.

"Thanks Dash." Scootaloo smiled.

"Now, I'll just do what Fluttershy was gonna do and scrub you with the sponge." Rainbow Dash leaned forward and grabbed Scootaloo's arm and lifted it up into the air and began to scrub her under arm area with the rough side of the sponge.

"Is Fluttershy going to come upstairs in a minute?" Scootaloo closed her eyes, feeling a little irritated by the rough side of the sponge.

"Think so, she is just cleaning your clothes for when you get out of the bath." Rainbow Dash replied to her little friend.

"But my clothes were clean!" Scootaloo argued back.

"You mean the splodges of mud and paint all over your t-shirt and trousers? Not to mention the porridge that you spilled all over yourself earlier in the kitchen." Rainbow Dash moved the sponge onto Scootaloo's backside and started to scrub her from there and work around her body.

"Oh..." Scootaloo sunk hard, realizing what her idol was telling her.

"Anyways, after your bath. Fluttershy is going to dress you back into your normal clothes and then we're going to watch TV for a while and then we are both going to walk you home." Rainbow Dash explained her plan with Scootaloo, she had moved on to scrubbing her chest. Scootaloo listened well, but she still found the rough side of the sponge irritating and itchy.

"Walk me home? I'm a big girl; I can do that on my own." Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Not in this house you're not!" Rainbow Dash chuckled, she put the sponge in the water and opened up a bottle of hair shampoo and poured a small dab of it onto Scootaloo's head, she rubbed the liquid into her hair and bubbles began to froth about. Scootaloo closed her eyes making sure that no soap or liquids would go into her eyes.

"Oh okay..." Scootaloo quickly gave in, she didn't want to argue with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, they had been really nice to her since last night and she thought to herself that she shouldn't give them any grief at all. "Uh, Rainbow Dash... can I ask you something?" Scootaloo started to whisper, Rainbow carefully listened to what Scootaloo had to say.

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash waited for what Scootaloo was going to say, she paused her cleaning on the purple haired child and waited.

"Do you think...? I could uh... y'know... take some diapers back home with me?" A large red blush grew across Scootaloo's face; it was like she was on fire. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at what Scootaloo had said and thought about what she said for a moment.

"Why do you wanna take some diapers home?" Rainbow Dash curiously asked.

"So it can... uh... help me with my... well... bed-wetting..." Scootaloo couldn't find the correct words for the situation, she felt really silly asking her idol for such items.

"Your bed-wetting, huh?" Rainbow Dash placed her hand on chin for a second. "I'm sure Fluttershy will let you take a few diapers home, but you have to make sure your foster parents don't see you with them or else you'll get into trouble."

"Where should I hide them?" Scootaloo asked.

"Is there any closets in your room?" Rainbow asked, thinking of a really good place to store the spare diapers in her room.

Scootaloo thought for a moment and looked back up at Rainbow Dash.

"No, my foster mom has one in her room, but there are loads of cardboard boxes in there." Scootaloo ran off the top of her mind, trying to remember if there was a closet in the house.

"That isn't good... how about under your bed?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Uh... my bed... I think that's a cool idea..." Scootaloo smiled, thinking if there was a good place to hide them under her bed or not. "I could put them in my schoolbag and hide them."

"Don't put them in your school bag; you might accidentally take one to school or something." Rainbow Dash pointed out Scootaloo's small error in her plan.

"Yeah, you're right!" Scootaloo thanked her idol for the error.

"Um... Hello? Is it okay to come in?" A meek yet quiet voice made it's way through the conversation, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo quickly stopped what they were doing and looked at the bathroom door to reveal a portion of Fluttershy's pink hair poking through her bathroom door. Rainbow Dash turned to Scootaloo and the child nodded, giving the all-clear allowing Fluttershy to come in.

"Come in Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said with a smile on her face, she stood up and wiped her wet hands on her blue tank top and pulled the door wide open to fully reveal Fluttershy standing by the outside of the door as if she were secretly peeking to take a look at what they were doing.

"Are you sure? Is Scootaloo okay with me seeing her... you know..." Fluttershy began to lower her voice so that Scootaloo wasn't able to hear. "Nude?" She quivered.

"She's alright; I was just scrubbing her down with the sponge." Rainbow Dash stood out of the way and allowed Fluttershy to walk into her bathroom, she saw the clean diaper that she put on Scootaloo was on the floor tucked away from the water. She took a good look at Scootaloo in her bathtub to note that she looked very happy despite the position she was in, Scootaloo let go of her water toys and looked up to see Fluttershy slowly walking in.

"Hi Fluttershy!" Scootaloo smiled and gave out a small wave, Fluttershy waved back and then the purple haired child went back to her toys in the bathtub.

"Uh... I've cleaned and ironed Scootaloo's clothes and... I also... um... washed her undies..."  Fluttershy turned to Rainbow Dash who stood next to the door and watched Fluttershy sit down on the toilet seat. "I hope that isn't a problem Scootaloo..." Fluttershy turned to Scootaloo.

"That's no problem Fluttershy." Scootaloo listened to what she had to say, but she was strangely interested in the childish toys the most.

"So... Scootaloo, are you enjoying your bath? Is the water too cold or too warm?" Fluttershy started to make sure that Scootaloo was happy; she dipped her fingers into the bath water to check the temperature. Scootaloo took her focus off the toys and decided to listen to what Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had to say.

"It's fine Fluttershy, the toys are really cool. I like the boat and the rubber duck." Scootaloo picked up the toys she was given and she shown them to Fluttershy, waving them in her face.

"Oh I see! They are very nice toys Scootaloo, are you having fun?" Fluttershy decided to play along with Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash knew what was coming and she walked over to Fluttershy and let herself down and sat down on her friends lap, she wrapped her arms around Fluttershy and started to hug her.

"So Fluttershy? What are we going to do after Scootaloo gets out the bathtub?" Rainbow Dash leaned her head on Fluttershy's shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"Uh... well... we have to put Scootaloo's clothes on and we... well... have to tell her about what I want to do with her..." Fluttershy turned her head and whispered back to Rainbow Dash.

"I did suggest to Scootaloo that we watch TV a little before we send her home, she also wants to talk to you about something." Rainbow Dash continued; Fluttershy's eyes widened wondering what Scootaloo had to say to her.

"Um... okay..." Fluttershy turned her head to Scootaloo to see that she had put her toys back in the bathtub and now she rested her head on the wall looking up at the ceiling.

"Scoots!" Rainbow yelled.

"Yeah?" Scootaloo looked back down to see Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash both looking at her, she put her hands over her body to cover herself up a little.

"Isn't there somethin' that you wanna ask Fluttershy?" Rainbow tilted her head towards to Fluttershy, which caused Scootaloo to slightly blush now that she had the opportunity to talk about what she wanted to bring home.

"Uh... me?" Scootaloo pointed to herself, starting to blush a little feeling scared.

"Yeah..." Rainbow Dash groaned. "Who else would I be talking to?" She added.

"Oh... okay..." Scootaloo giggled to herself, she lowered her eyes trying to not to look at Fluttershy.

"Scootaloo, if you need to tell me something... you know... you can take your time... I won't rush you or anything..." Fluttershy leaned forward and placed her hand on Scootaloo's wet shoulder, she gave a small smile to the child and moved her hand up towards the child's cheeks and rubbed them with her thumb.

"I wanna... um... borrow something from this house... it's uh... kinda important... Rainbow Dash said you'd let me if I asked..." Scootaloo mumbled, trying not to smile as she was given the lovely attention from Fluttershy.

"Whatever you need, we will be here for you." Fluttershy assured to Scootaloo that both she and Rainbow Dash would always be there for her, Scootaloo felt warm and fuzzy inside because of what Fluttershy had just said which also caused her to blush around the cheeks on her face.

"Can I borrow... uh... some... well... if it's okay with you Fluttershy... some..." Scootaloo bit her lip; she really didn't want to say this right in front of Fluttershy. "Borrow some diapers?" She finally managed to blurt out, feeling not only stupid but very scared of what Fluttershy's reaction would be.

"Oh Scootaloo, if you want to borrow some diapers, then you're allowed to do so." Fluttershy smiled, bringing Scootaloo back down to her normal mood and leaving a massive smile on the child's face.

"So I can have a few?" Scootaloo repeated, still amazed that Fluttershy even said yes to begin with.

"Yes, but uh... do you want some for home because of... well... you know... your bed-wetting?" Fluttershy whispered, trying her best not to upset Scootaloo in front of Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah..." Scootaloo blushed. "That's the reason why..." She added.

"Well before you actually give Scootaloo some diapers for her bed-wetting, I gotta' make sure you promise me something or else you can't have them." Rainbow Dash stepped in on the conversation, Scootaloo looked up to see Rainbow Dash had crossed her arms and looked not so happy at her for some reason.

"What's that?" Scootaloo curiously asked.

"You gotta' promise me that you ain't gonna' wear the diapers Fluttershy gives you in public or under your shorts, only use them at night time like you're supposed to. Imagine if you are wearing a diaper at school and then one of your friends find out what you're wearing under your shorts or something? Or if someone pulled down your shorts in the middle of the play-ground?" Rainbow Dash lowered her tone of voice and leaned down closer to both Fluttershy and Scootaloo and tried her best to calmly speak to Scootaloo without upsetting her.

"I promise Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo gave off a small salute; she moved her hand out of the way and placed it around her fore head before realizing that she was no longer covering up her naked body in front of them.

"Uh... Scootaloo... before we do anything... let's get you out of the bath tub and get you back in your clothes." Fluttershy gave a small smile and tapped Rainbow Dash on her back to tell her to get off her lap, Rainbow Dash stood up and moved out of the way so that Fluttershy could pick Scootaloo up and place her down into the towel.
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