GlitchyProductions — Pattycakes Remake Part 12
Published: 2012-10-05 17:54:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 1400; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 3
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Description "I'll just be in the bedroom if you need me." Rainbow Dash turned to the door and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Fluttershy and Scootaloo alone. Fluttershy turned back to Scootaloo and gave her a small smile and reached over to the radiator on the wall to pick up the very warm cotton white towel and placed it on her lap ready for Scootaloo for when she steps out of the bath tub.

"Okay Scootaloo, I'll close my eyes." Fluttershy closed her eye-lids tightly giving the child her moment to get out of the bath tub and wrap herself with the towel. Scootaloo didn't get out for a second; she instead leaned over to Fluttershy and tapped her slightly on the knee.

"Fluttershy it's okay." Scootaloo whispered to her friend.

"Sorry... what?" Fluttershy mis-heard.

"It's okay; you don't have to close your eyes." Scootaloo told Fluttershy.

"Are you sure? I mean... well... what about your privacy?" Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes and saw that Scootaloo was still in the bath tub resting in between all of the bubbles, she had a small smile on her face slightly giggling by how silly Fluttershy was acting around her.

"You changed my diaper when I was upset this morning, and you saw me naked... you don't have to be worried about me being naked." Scootaloo giggled, she felt very awkward during this type of conversation.

"Uh... okay." Fluttershy sheepishly nodded, she picked up the towel and started to unravel it so that the whole towel dropped to the ground, and Scootaloo shook her head from side to side which caused the water droplets in her hair to fly about all over the place. Some of the water landed on the towel and on Fluttershy which caused a small case of laughter, Scootaloo slowly stood up in the bath tub with bubbles still attached to various parts of her body and she began to lift her left leg out of the tub and slowly placed it onto the mat which was on the floor.

Scootaloo took out both legs until she stood in front of Fluttershy who still had her eyes half-closed so that she gave Scootaloo her sense of privacy, the child then grabbed the towel from Fluttershy and wrapped it around her body so that her body but her legs were wrapped in the warm towel. Fluttershy then opened her eyes and leaned forward and picked up Scootaloo so that she was now sitting down on her lap, Fluttershy adjusted the towel so that Scootaloo had her whole body wrapped up and kept warm.

"Do you like the towel?" Fluttershy cooed, using her hands to place Scootaloo's head on her chest.

"Aww yeah! It feels really comfortable!" Scootaloo exclaimed, she couldn't believe how soft the towel was, she felt like she could sleep in it for a good few hours and it would still be warm even when she woke up.

"I'm just going to dry you... uh... don't squirm..." Fluttershy awkwardly giggled, she began to grab hold a piece of the towel wrapped around Scootaloo and began to rub it against Scootaloo's wet skin, the child kept herself still as possible so that it wouldn't get any harder for Fluttershy.

As time went along, Fluttershy moved her hand to other parts of her body such as her arms, her backside and then finally up to her hair while delicately drying the child and making sure that she didn't irritate Scootaloo in the slightest way possible. Scootaloo thought about what was going on, she had never known someone to be so good at looking after kids but they seem to did not have any, but either way, what Fluttershy was doing for her made her feel comfortable and well-received.


"Yes Scootaloo?" Fluttershy stopped drying off Scootaloo and gave her a moment to speak.

"How come you don't have any kids but you are so good at looking after me?" Scootaloo asked, slightly leaning her head on Fluttershy's shoulder.

"I don't know actually... I'm used to looking after animals, so maybe that's where I get it from...?" Fluttershy tried to explain, still unsure about her actual skills in parenting and looking after little children.

"You should work at a kindergarten!" Scootaloo pointed out.

"Really?" Fluttershy raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah! You can look after loads of little babies and kids!" Scootaloo smiled, thinking that she had a brilliant idea for her friend.

"I don't know about that Scootaloo... I mean... I'm the town vet; I look after and heal animals. I don't know if I would be able to have two jobs..." Fluttershy tried to explain the hole in Scootaloo's idea, the child kept on smiling even after Fluttershy had explained the problem to her.

"Oh, that's cool. I'm just thinkin' that since you're so good with kids I just thought that you'd be pretty cool with looking after loads of them." Scootaloo replied back.

"It's okay Scootaloo; I have you and Rainbow Dash to look after in the meantime." Fluttershy began to quietly giggle at the idea that Scootaloo gave out for her, it was very silly.

"Yeah, I think you're better than my foster parents!" Scootaloo pointed out.

"I am?" Fluttershy leaned back, slightly amused by what Scootaloo had just said.

"Uh-huh." The child happily nodded up and down.

"Okay... uh... since you are dry now... I nearly forgot about this..." Fluttershy took her moment to dip her hand into one of her trouser pockets and managed to pull out the pacifier that Scootaloo had been using when she was placed into the crib the previous night, Scootaloo's eyes beamed with excitement as she saw her pacifier that she used last night.

"Wait... that's my pacifier!" Scootaloo yelped.

"I found it lying in the crib when I was ironing your clothes, do you want it back?" Fluttershy held the pacifier by it's plastic ring and aimed the nipple at Scootaloo's mouth, the child nodded as she leaned in and opened her mouth and accepted the pacifier and began to suck on it. Fluttershy gave off a nice little smile as she wrapped the remaining parts of the towel around Scootaloo and began to hold onto her as she lifted her up and held the child in her arms.

Fluttershy slowly stood up trying to make sure that she didn't spread out her weight and strength so that she wouldn't drop Scootaloo at any sudden moment, she took a few steps forward and began to make her way towards her bedroom where Scootaloo's newly cleaned clothing were present.


Rainbow Dash was lying down on Fluttershy's bed, she was resting on her backside looking up at the ceiling with her hands positioned behind her head to create a make-shift pillow while crossing her legs over trying to relax. She soon heard the bathroom door open which caused her to turn her head to see that Fluttershy walked into the room holding Scootaloo wrapped up inside of a giant towel.

"So how did it go?"

Fluttershy slowly walked over to the bed over to where Rainbow Dash was lying and placed Scootaloo down on the bed still wrapped up in the very warm and comfortable towel, Rainbow tilted her head to see her little friend wrapped in the towel and noticed her head was barely poking out of the towel as if she was a real infant wrapped in a really thick blanket.

"Scootaloo was an angel; she kept still while I was drying her off." Fluttershy delightfully smiled.

"Cool." Rainbow Dash replied. "Now what are we going to do?"

"I'm supposed to get dressed?" Scootaloo leaned up and looked at both of her friends, still keeping a firm grip on the towel so that it wouldn't fall down and reveal herself to them.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash nodded.

"Where did you say my clothes were?" Scootaloo asked Fluttershy.

"I put them in the nursery to dry off... uh... do you want them now?" Fluttershy took a step towards her door and then a step back, unsure of what Scootaloo's answer would be.

"Sure." Scootaloo smiled, she dropped the pacifier out of her mouth and let it fall onto the bed.

"Don't worry about it Fluttershy, I'm sure Scootaloo can do it herself." Rainbow Dash interrupted and gave Scootaloo a small stare and nodded her head towards the door, Scootaloo dropped her smile and frowned a little.

"Okay... I'll get dressed myself..." Scootaloo leaned towards the edge of the bed and quickly jumped off it with the towel still wrapped around her; she slowly walked towards the nursery door outside of the bedroom and walked past Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash watched Scootaloo walk into the nursery and closed the door right behind her so that no one would see what she was doing, Fluttershy stood there not knowing what to do, she cleaned Scootaloo up and now she had to wait for her to come out of the nursery with her clothing on her.

"Hey Fluttershy, sit down on the bed." Rainbow Dash called over to her friend and gestured for her to come over and sit down, Fluttershy gave a nice smile and slowly walked over to her bed where Rainbow Dash was lying down.

Fluttershy positioned herself after checking she wouldn't sit down on Rainbow Dash and sat down on her bed with her hands on her lap, Rainbow Dash leaned up and reached over to her friend and placed her hands on her backside and began to massage her.

"Y'did pretty good with Scootaloo, ain't seen anyone that good with her before." Rainbow Dash lowered her voice and began to work on Fluttershy's back, she squeaked in the sudden ounces on pain making its way around her body.

"Th-ah, Thank you Rainbow Das-sh..." Fluttershy moaned, keeping herself still for Rainbow Dash.

"So..." Rainbow Dash paused for a moment, nearly forgetting what she was about to say. "What are you going to say to Scootaloo when we all go downstairs?" She asked.

"Uh, I don't- ah... know..." Fluttershy shrugged. "What if sh- she doesn't like m-me..." Fluttershy added.

"Scootaloo likes you." Rainbow Dash said.

"How d-do you -ah know..." Fluttershy asked.

"Think about it, you made her pretty happy last night and she seemed really happy when you gave her breakfast, it was kinda like as if she got dirty on purpose to spend time with you." Rainbow Dash explained.

"But she was just -ah, acting like a baby this morning, babies usually get messy when they eat food -ah." Fluttershy responded.

"You got a point there, but you did change her diaper when she wet it in the crib." Rainbow replied back.

"Okay... I'll go check on Scootaloo and how she is doing."  Fluttershy grabbed Rainbow Dashs arms and moved them away from her shoulders, she then stood up and shook herself down to get rid of the pain that flowed through her body.

"You're a real good mother Fluttershy, try and tell her." Rainbow Dash added as Fluttershy walked out of the room, she closed the door right behind her and left Rainbow on her own.


"Hello Scootaloo?" Fluttershy sang as she opened the nursery door, slowly poking her head in feeling unsure to whether she had given the child enough time to put enough clothing on her so that she would not appear naked, Fluttershy kept her head on the doorway before poking it through all the way to see if Scootaloo had dressed herself for later events.

Fluttershy scanned the nursery to firstly see that the changing table cabinet doors were open and the loud rustling of plastic and the always familiar sound of crinkling could be heard from under the changing table itself, Fluttershy took in a deep yet quiet breath and moved into the nursery to get a better look at the changing table doors. Some of the clothing that she cleaned for Scootaloo was still on the top of the changing table, after taking a few quiet steps towards the changing table, she could see the source of all the noise in the room.

Scootaloo was kneeling down looking into the changing table trying to rip open a large packet of diapers with her finger nails, she dug her little fingers into the rough plastic and it would not rip. Fluttershy took a final step towards Scootaloo to see that she was only half dressed, notably she managed to put on her plain white undies and put on her orange t-shirt but she did not manage to put on her shorts or shoes.

"Uh... Scootaloo, are you okay?" Fluttershy politely whispered to the child.

Scootaloo turned her head to look at Fluttershy, she turned away and focused back on the diapers and immediately turned herself around to fully face Fluttershy with a bright red blush across her face.

"Fluttershy!" Scootaloo yelped; a part of her shook inside as if she were in the middle of an earthquake. The child quickly stood up and dropped the packet of diapers in her hand and moved away from the changing table as quick as she could.

"It's okay Scootaloo, I was just wondering what you was doing." Fluttershy tried to calm Scootaloo down, but it was no use.

"Please don't tell Rainbow Dash I was trying to steal some diapers!" Scootaloo pleaded, tears and sniffles began to emerge and she began to talk.

"It's okay Scootaloo, please don't be upset. All you had to do is ask me or Rainbow Dash to help you." Fluttershy took careful steps towards the child and placed her hands on Scootaloo's shoulders and brought her close for a comforting hug, Scootaloo felt a little resistant at first, she didn't understand why Fluttershy wasn't shouting at her.

"You mean... I get to take some diapers home?" Scootaloo asked, resting her head on Fluttershy's stomach.

"Yes, we did agree that's what you wanted... right? Anyways, let's get you dressed." Fluttershy directed her over to the changing table and closed the doors beneath it allowing her to pick up Scootaloo and place her on the top of the changing table where the rest of her clothing was.

Fluttershy leaned down to pick up Scootaloo; she placed her hands on the sides of the child and began to lift her up onto the changing table. Still keeping her close to her chest so that a part of her would not slip out and remain safe at all times, Scootaloo held tightly onto Fluttershy's clothing lightly sobbing as she thought over what she had done just a second ago, she didn't let go of Fluttershy's clothing and Fluttershy herself noticed what she was doing, it was like she didn't want to be let go at all.

"Are you alright Scootaloo?" Fluttershy asked the child, rubbing the back of the childs head caressing her hair.

"I'm really, really, really sorry Fluttershy... I shouldn't have tried to do that..." Scootaloo planted her face into Fluttershy's yellow sweater vest causing her voice to sound mumbled and faint, Fluttershy decided to hug the child until she felt better.

"It's okay Scootaloo, I'm not going to punish you or anything... please don't be upset, you'll make me upset..." Fluttershy tried to cheer up the child as best as she could. "Let's get you dressed, and then I'll give you some diapers to take home for when you wet the bed." Fluttershy added.

Scootaloo moved her mouth so that she could speak properly and looked up at Fluttershy.

"I thought you were going to yell at me or something... it's just... my foster parents lock me in my room when I do something they think is bad and then they shout at me." Scootaloo rubbed her eyes and wiped her tears away, Fluttershy's motherly smile slowly disappeared as she learned more of Scootaloo's foster parents and how they treated her so poorly.

"It's okay Scootaloo, here. Sit down on the changing table and I'll get some diapers for you." Fluttershy moved over to the changing table with Scootaloo still locked in her arms, as she positioned Scootaloo onto the edge of the table, she lowered the child and she safely sat on the changing table waiting for Fluttershy to get some diapers for her.

"Er, Fluttershy?" Scootaloo managed to grab onto Fluttershy's clothing before she moved away from her.

"Yes?" Fluttershy turned back to face Scootaloo.

"Please don't tell Rainbow Dash... and uh... what were you talking about? I heard you talk to Rainbow Dash about something when I came in here." Scootaloo curiously asked, Fluttershy on the other hand stood still and tried to think up of the appropriate response.

To be continued...
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