GlitchyProductions — Pattycakes Remake Part 8
Published: 2012-06-11 22:08:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 2785; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 9
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Description "Don't worry Scootaloo, I know that you are tired and you need to get to bed. And I have a very nice bed in the guest's room that you can sleep in, it's very comfy and you will enjoy it." Fluttershy kindly whispered into Scootaloo's ears as Fluttershy carried Scootaloo up the stairs, wrapping her arms around the child keeping her in her own arms until she could place her down on the guest's bed.

As Fluttershy walked up to the top of the stairs, she looked to the left to see her bedroom. She needed to get ready for bed also as it was getting very late, but one question did stick in her head... Where did Rainbow Dash disappear off to?

Fluttershy walked into her bedroom and made her best to make sure that she didn't let Scootaloo bump into any parts of the door frame, she walked in firstly looking at her bed to see quite a pleasant surprise lying on her bed.

"Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy never expected Rainbow Dash to be in her bedroom, her best friend was lying down on her bed reading a magazine in the dark. As Fluttershy inspected her best friend, she saw that most of her clothing was scattered all over the floor and saw that Rainbow Dash had stripped down to a large white diaper and her tank-top, similar to what she was wearing earlier today. Crossing her legs while lying up against the pillow to read the magazine, she turned her head to see Fluttershy carrying a not-so energetic Scootaloo.

"Oh hey Fluttershy, I'm just reading." Rainbow Dash acknowledged Fluttershy, who slowly walked over to her with Scootaloo in her arms.

"Hello Rainbow Dash... what are you doing in my room? If that... you know... want to explain... and such..." Fluttershy's cheeks began burning red again after lowering Scootaloo down onto her soft yellow bed.

"It's dark out..." Rainbow replied. "And I heard Scootaloo is staying over, so I thought: why not and stay with my friends a have a good time." She added.

"Oh... okay..." Fluttershy felt rushed about Rainbow Dash staying over, only planning to have Scootaloo stay over because of the dark outside and now an added Rainbow Dash was going to be a lot more work for her.

"How's Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash stopped reading the magazine she had picked up and looked down at Scootaloo for a moment, inspecting her to see that she had fallen deep asleep and a small river of drool had escaped her open mouth.

"She's sleeping like an angel; I'm going to put her in the guest's room for tonight... I don't think she wouldn't want to sleep in the nursery..." Fluttershy pondered, looking up at Rainbow Dash as she looked up at her.

"Why don't you wake her up and ask her?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't know... she is sleeping right now... I wouldn't want to disturb her..." Fluttershy looked at Scootaloo and then back at Rainbow Dash, worried that she might upset Scootaloo in the process of waking her up.

"Let a pro take care of this." Rainbow Dash put the magazine down on the bed sheet and she leaned over to Scootaloo and tapped her on the back rather abruptly, Fluttershy didn't seem to like Rainbow's methods of waking her up as it might make her upset.

"Hey Scoots! Wake up for a sec!" Rainbow Dash raised her voice, gently tapping Scootaloo on the back with her hands in an attempt to wake up. Fluttershy noticed that Scootaloo had opened her eyes

"I'm awake..." A weak groggy child's voice was heard, both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy listened in and watched as Scootaloo lifted herself up and rubbed her eyes from her tiredness. Scootaloo now sat up on Fluttershy's bed right next to Rainbow Dash, who was in for a surprise once she saw what Rainbow Dash was wearing.

"You alright Scoots? You fell asleep right there." Rainbow Dash put her arm over Scootaloo's shoulder and gently hugged her; the tired child just nodded and yawned out loud.

"Sorry Rainbow Dash..." Scootaloo apologized. "I'm just really sleepy... I didn't get much sleep at home..." Scootaloo yawned, making it hard to understand what she was saying mid-yawn.

"How come?" Rainbow Dash asked her little friend.

"My bed feels funny..." Scootaloo rubbed her eyes again before regaining some of her energy; she looked around and noticed that she was in a bedroom of some sort. Nicely done windows and curtains with shelves running along the walls holding vases, photos and flowers in large oversized pots. She noticed Fluttershy sitting on the edge of the bed opposite to where Rainbow Dash and she were lying.

"Hey kiddo', you'll be sleeping in the guest's room tonight, don't worry about it. You'll like the comfy bed, plus, Fluttershy makes some great milk and cookies that we can have before we go to bed." Rainbow Dash hugged Scootaloo and rested her head on her own belly, Scootaloo felt a bit happy that she was receiving positive attention for once in a while.

"Oh Dash..." Fluttershy blushed at Rainbow's compliment. "I'm not as good as Pinkie Pie or the Cake family..." Fluttershy said, trying to stop herself from getting embarrassed about what Rainbow Dash had just said.

It took Scootaloo a moment to realize, after finally waking herself up and keeping her eyes wide open to see that Rainbow Dash was wearing something crinkly. Scootaloo lifted her head up from Rainbow's side and saw that she was wearing something that didn't expect someone like Dash to wear at all. A large baby diaper. Her expression was different, she was curious and freaked out, yet she wanted to point and laugh at what she was wearing at the same time.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy noticed Scootaloo's strange reaction and both decided on their own to talk to her calmly about this whole situation.

"Why are you wearing a diaper?" Scootaloo said out loud, and rather bluntly. Staring at the white undergarment and not taking her eyes off of it, Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy and she just nodded, as if to tell her why she wears them.

"Because I do, they're pretty comfortable." Rainbow Dash replied.

"But babies wear diapers, you're a big girl..." Scootaloo was confused, knowing about the whole experience that both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had earlier today and so she was told. Rainbow Dash wearing diapers was something that she didn't actually believe for a moment, no one could ever get her into such weird types of clothing. But to her own amazement, Fluttershy managed to do it.

"Scootaloo... I'm sorry... It's my fault Rainbow Dash is wearing diapers..." Fluttershy butted in on their little conversation and apologized to both of them, Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at her friend and let go of Scootaloo and slowly crawled over to Fluttershy on the other side of the bed like an infant.

"No it ain't, I like wearing diapers, and they're pretty cool." Rainbow Dash crawled over to Fluttershy and sat next right to her, wrapping her arms around her upset friend and giving her a really big hug. Scootaloo watched the small piece of drama and she looked at Rainbow Dash's diaper that she was wearing. Various images and ideas ran through her head, but she shook them off because they were too crazy to even think up of. But something had to be done; something about the diaper that Rainbow Dash was wearing was causing a strange and funny feeling inside of her stomach.

"I'm sorry... it's just... I really shouldn't force you to do such things..." Fluttershy whimpered, feeling like crying in the shoulders of her best friend. She was really starting to get worried about the relationship between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo; she didn't want to see them fall apart just because of her making Rainbow Dash wear diapers.

"Force what? I agreed to wear the diapers, and I found them to pretty cool and comfortable. Don't get upset..." Rainbow Dash tried to calm down Fluttershy, knowing that if she didn't, she'd erupt into tears for such a little thing. Knowing how delicate she is, Rainbow Dash held her close and rested her head over Fluttershy's shoulder.

"Uh... I don't mind wearing diapers..." Scootaloo added.

Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash turned around to face Scootaloo as they saw that she had a massive red blush across her face, she had put her hands into her short pockets and turned away to stop them from looking at her embarrassment. Rainbow Dash had a small smile on her face and Fluttershy calmed herself down after hearing Scootaloo say what she just said.

"You what Scoots?" Rainbow Dash wanted Scootaloo to say what she said again, she couldn't believe her ears.

"I don't mind wearing a diaper... as long as I don't pee in it or anything..." Scootaloo blushed, looking up at her two friends who both had completely different reactions.

"You sure?" Rainbow Dash moved away from Fluttershy and crawled over to Scootaloo in an infantile way and rested herself right next to her, putting her arm over her and slightly hugging her.

"Yeah... if it makes you and Fluttershy happy... I'll do it..." Scootaloo felt Rainbow Dash pulling her in to rest her head, although she was tired and she needed some sleep for tomorrow. She still had the energy to experience what was about to happen, Scootaloo watched Fluttershy stand up with a small smile on her face as she walked over to Scootaloo and held out her arms.

Scootaloo reached up and she was pulled into Fluttershy's arms where she imagined that is going to be carried into the nursery that Fluttershy was talking about downstairs, as Fluttershy walked, she effortlessly carried Scootaloo to the door where the nursery was. Scootaloo was impressed that Fluttershy was so strong and that she was able to carry her, Fluttershy stood at the door waiting for Rainbow Dash to follow, which she instead went back to reading the magazine that she found in her friends bedroom.

"Uh... Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy whispered.

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash turned a page in the magazine, and then looked up at Fluttershy to see that she was carrying Scootaloo in her arms standing in front of the nursery door. "Oh yeah..." Rainbow Dash threw the magazine to the other side of the bed and got up; she stretched her arms and yawned while walking over to Fluttershy and Scootaloo.

"Here..." Rainbow Dash grabbed hold of the door knob and slightly twisted it to the right, causing the insides of the door to click and then the door started to open by itself, revealing the nursery inside of Fluttershy's home.

"This is the nursery?" Scootaloo asked Fluttershy as all three of them walked in at the same time, Rainbow Dash reached for the light switch and flicked it on to reveal the rest of the room. The changing table, the toy chest, the shelves with giant teddy bears on them and more importantly: The crib.

"This is where I keep all of the baby toys and supplies." Fluttershy gave a small tour of the room walking around with Scootaloo still held to her chest with her arms.

"So... where are the diapers?" Scootaloo curiously asked, looking around the room to only see the changing table, yet no diapers whatsoever on the table itself.

"I keep them under the changing table; I have a little door that slides on the front so my babies can't get inside the changing table." Fluttershy explained, the pointed down to the bottom of the changing table, causing Scootaloo to look down to see the wooden door that slides in and out with a small lock on the front of it to keep its contents inside.

"Rainbow Dash... I don't want to be rude... but... could you please leave the nursery?" Fluttershy turned around with Scootaloo still in her arms, Rainbow Dash stood under the door frame admiring the decoration of the nursery itself.

"Yeah sure, gotta give little baby Scootaloo her privacy." Rainbow Dash childishly teased her friend, causing Scootaloo to frown a little, knowing it was still a joke. And with that, Rainbow Dash walked out of the nursery and closed the door, off to read more of the magazine that she found.

"I'm sorry Scootaloo, I hope Rainbow Dash didn't hurt... you know...  your feelings..." Fluttershy apologized to Scootaloo for Rainbow Dash's behaviour, while it was normal that Rainbow Dash would occasionally pop in the odd tease and joke about her. It was a strange tease because of the upcoming events.

"It's okay Fluttershy..." Scootaloo replied, sounding pretty tired.

"Now what I am going to do is put you down on the changing table and I am going to... oh no... I can't do that..." Fluttershy spoke calmly and then turned into another shamble, just realizing that Scootaloo is an eight year old child, which put her off the planning she would about to do.

"What's wrong?" Scootaloo tapped Fluttershy's arm, trying to ask her what's wrong.

"I'm really sorry Scootaloo... but I was about to... you know... ask you to take you're..." Fluttershy breathed in. "Clothes off..." She barely even whispered to Scootaloo, making it hard for her to hear, yet she understood what she said. "I feel really dirty for saying something like that... it's just very bad to think of things like that..." Fluttershy scolded herself.

"But Fluttershy..." Scootaloo interrupted Fluttershy, who seemed to nearly be panicking herself to bits.

Fluttershy placed Scootaloo down on the top of the changing table; still sitting upright she tried to speak to Fluttershy to calm her down from what she was going to say.

"Fluttershy... if it's okay... I'd like Rainbow Dash to do it..." Scootaloo politely and calmly spoke to Fluttershy; she turned around to Scootaloo for a moment with a big red blush on her face.

"You want Rainbow Dash to diaper y-you?" Fluttershy breathed in through her nose and breathed out through her mouth to calm herself down.

"I'm sorry if I scared you..." Scootaloo tried to apologize instead.

"It's okay Scootaloo... I shouldn't overreact like that... it's my fault..." Fluttershy breathed out for the last time to calm herself down.

"Did someone call my name?" Suddenly, the nursery door opened to reveal Rainbow Dash poking her head through the door to see what all the commotion and loud noise was, she saw that Fluttershy still looked a little bit upset and Scootaloo didn't look happy either. Rainbow Dash pushed the door wide open and walked over to both of them.

"What happened now?" Rainbow sighed.

"Well you see... umm... it's just that I... uh..." Fluttershy couldn't get her words out at the moment, now that Rainbow Dash had stepped into the room.

Rainbow Dash sighed a little and turned to see Scootaloo sitting on the top of the changing table, swinging her feet as if she was hanging of the edge of a platform.

"What happened Scoots?" Rainbow Dash walked over to Scootaloo who was still sitting on the top of the changing table.

"I want you to put a diaper on me." Scootaloo bluntly said.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow.

"Cause' Fluttershy can't do it." Scootaloo replied.

"I'll go outside..." Fluttershy quietly spoke to Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash.

"Wait Fluttershy, I need you to get the supplies out." Rainbow Dash called back to Fluttershy.

"Oh..." Her cheeks turning red again. "Silly me..."

Fluttershy meekly walked over to the changing table and lowered herself to where the small sliding door was; Scootaloo moved her feet out of the way and allowing Fluttershy to reach inside and grab the contents to help Rainbow Dash diaper Scootaloo. She pulled out a diaper that wasn't as big as the one Rainbow Dash was wearing with cute little drawn images of crayon colored farm animals with an ocean blue background; she plucked the diaper out of its packaging and handed it to Rainbow Dash.

"It's a size smaller than your diaper Dashie..." Fluttershy blushed, looking back at Scootaloo and giving a small smile.

"Thanks." Rainbow Dash smiled at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy walked towards the nursery door and walked outside and closed the door behind her, Rainbow Dash then turned back to Scootaloo who moved her legs back to their original position.

"So..." Rainbow Dash started. "What happened? What'd she get upset about?" She asked.

"Uh... she told me to lie down on the changing table... but she got upset when she nearly told me to take of my shorts." Scootaloo explained to Rainbow Dash.

"I see..." Rainbow Dash nodded her head. "Y'see Scoots, Fluttershy can be a little... well...  When I used to go to College with her, she didn't like swimming class because she was afraid that someone was going to say something about her body. Y'know, stuff like that. She gets worried about a lot of things, and I can guess why she got upset a second ago."

"I don't get it... she changed your diapers..." Scootaloo replied.

"She didn't..." Rainbow Dash quickly said back. "I put my diapers on myself."

Scootaloo knew what was coming next; all she had to do is lie down on the changing table and wait for Rainbow Dash to diaper her. So Scootaloo positioned herself on the table and waited for Rainbow Dash to start diapering her, looking up at the ceiling to keep her thoughts clear from anything distracting.

"So... how are your foster parents?" Rainbow Dash started, she walked up close to Scootaloo as she lay down perfectly on the changing table. Rainbow Dash put the diaper on the edge of the table and then reached out for Scootaloo's trainers, she untied the laces and plucked her shoes from her feet and put them on the table next to the actual changing table.

"I don't wanna talk about it..." Scootaloo said, still keeping her eyes up at the ceiling.

"How come?" Rainbow Dash then moved to her socks, slowly taking the loose parts of her socks and slowly pulling them off her feet. She put the socks into Scootaloo's shoes for the next time she puts them on.

"My foster parents suck... they took away my scooter because I got bad grades at school..." Scootaloo groaned.

"Man... that sucks..." Rainbow Dash replied; she now had to take off Scootaloo's running shorts.

"My foster mom told me that if I don't get good grades then I won't be able to see my friends for another two weeks..." Scootaloo said.

"That's harsh..." Rainbow Dash said back, now moving up to work on the shorts.

Rainbow Dash now reached over to Scootaloo's shorts and dipped her finger into the waistline and started to pull down the shorts, Scootaloo wiggled her legs to help Rainbow Dash speed up the process and now Rainbow Dash had pulled off her shorts and left her with just her orange t-shirt and her white cotton undies. Rainbow Dash then placed the shorts on the other side of the changing table

She then paused for a moment to think of a way to get the diaper on Scootaloo without leaving her naked for a minute long, pondering for a moment she came up with a small idea.

"Scoots, when I pull down your undies, cover yourself up with your t-shirt. Okay?" Rainbow Dash calmly spoke to Scootaloo, who away from the ceiling to see that Rainbow Dash had leaned forward a little bit further and Scootaloo quickly grabbed her orange t-shirt to cover herself up from her impending nakedness. Rainbow Dash placed one hand on the side of Scootaloo's undies and began to slowly pull them down which gave Scootaloo enough time to cover herself up and wait for Rainbow Dash to apply the diaper onto her.

After Rainbow Dash put Scootaloo's clothing on the other side of the changing table, it was time for the diaper, the pivotal moment that Scootaloo was waiting for.

Rainbow Dash grabbed the diaper that Fluttershy handed her and started to unfold the thick white undergarment and began to stretch out the tapes, Rainbow Dash had now properly unfolded the diaper and was ready to put in on Scootaloo.

"Lift up your bottom." Rainbow Dash politely asked Scootaloo, she nodded whilst still holding onto her t-shirt, lifting up her bottom, allowing Rainbow Dash to slide the diaper under her. After Rainbow Dash stopped pushing the diaper under her, Scootaloo let herself sink back down to the surface of the changing table.

Feeling the very soft material the diaper is made out of under her bottom made her body tingle on the inside, Rainbow Dash reached from the front of the diaper and lifted it over Scootaloo's crotch area and placed it down. Scootaloo tucked her t-shirt out of the diaper allowing Rainbow Dash to grab the side tapes and stretch them over to the front of the diaper.

As Rainbow Dash tightened the tapes to the front of the diaper, Scootaloo felt very strange on the outside and the inside of her body. Her stomach was tying knots whilst the rest of her body was starting to tingle because of the incredibly soft material in between Scootaloo's legs, she smiled at Rainbow Dash and she also returned a smile back.

"There." Rainbow Dash rubbed her hands. "How does it feel?" Rainbow Dash asked her little friend, feeling proud of what she just did.

"It feels..." Scootaloo was at a loss for words, she placed her hand on the front of the diaper and rubbed the material trying to explore and investigate the strange undergarment. "It feels funny under my legs..."

"It'll feel weird for a few minutes and then you'll get used to it." Rainbow Dash leaned forward over to Scootaloo still lying down on the changing table; Rainbow dug her hand under Scootaloo's back and slowly but carefully helped Scootaloo lean upright as if she wasn't able to do it herself.

"So... I'm a baby again?" Scootaloo asked Rainbow Dash, the final moment, being back in diapers.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash nodded, she put her hands under Scootaloo's arms and picked her up off the table and wrapped her arms around the child, holding her like an infant. "Aww... is my wittle Scoots going to pway wiv her toys now?" Rainbow Dash giggled a little as she held her friend close to her chest.

"Hey!" Scootaloo playfully yelled back. "I'm not a baby!" She replied.

"But my wittle Scoots is wearing her wittle diapee, you might make a mess and cwy." Rainbow Dash childishly and playfully teased Scootaloo.

"But you're wearing a diaper too!" Scootaloo argued back, knowing that Rainbow Dash was messing around, obvious because of her smile and tone of voice.

"Is my wittle Scoots hungwy? Does she want a baby bottle and some num nums..." Rainbow teased Scootaloo for the last time, knowing that her little friend possibly had enough of the babyish tone of voice thrown at her.

Rainbow Dash stopped laughing for a moment and lowered herself and placed Scootaloo onto the floor, she stood up and wiggled her legs from side to side trying to get used to the new feeling of the strange diaper she is now wearing. Rainbow Dash walked back over to the changing table and opened up the wooden door again to look for something.

"What are you doing?" Scootaloo asked Rainbow Dash.

"I'm giving you a present..." Rainbow reached in the depths of the storage cabinet of the changing table and managed to reach for the thing that she needed just for Scootaloo.

"What's that?" Scootaloo crossed her arms, curious about what Rainbow Dash was talking about.

"This." Rainbow Dash got back up holding something in her hand, it had orange colouring on it and there was an amber nipple on the end of it. She turned around to reveal it to Scootaloo, who raised an eyebrow at what Rainbow Dash had found.

"A pacifier?" Scootaloo said; feeling rather disappointed about what her idol had found for her.

"Yeah, Fluttershy's got a whole box full of 'em." Rainbow Dash walked over to Scootaloo and handed her the orange pacifier, she looked at the pacifier that Rainbow Dash had given her and looked back up at her to see what she was trying to do.

"You want me to put this in my mouth?" Scootaloo asked; feeling rather confused about what was going on.

"Yeah, you are a baby aren't you? A pacifier is pretty cool." Rainbow Dash explained.

Without thinking, Scootaloo grabbed the end of the pacifier where the handle was and then positioned the amber nipple to face her mouth; she slowly inserted the amber nipple into her mouth and began to loudly suckle on it. Rainbow beamed with happiness as she saw her little friend suck on the pacifier.

"That's a good baby; we need to go to Fluttershy now." Rainbow Dash lowered herself so that she was on the same level as Scootaloo, she extended her arms out and picked up Scootaloo like an infant once again and carried her out of the nursery.
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