GlitchyProductions — Pattycakes Remake Part 9
Published: 2012-06-15 12:23:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 3292; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 10
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Description Rainbow Dash held Scootaloo tight to her chest, still keeping her arms wrapped around her like an infant, even she had to admit that Scootaloo looked really cute lying in her arms. It was a sight that Fluttershy should see, although as Rainbow Dash walked into Fluttershy's bedroom it turned out she wasn't in there and only the lights had been left on. Rainbow Dash scanned the room from looking from the left to the right; it confirmed that Fluttershy had left the room to possibly go to the bathroom or downstairs.

"You still tired Scoots?" Rainbow Dash lowered her head while walking over to Fluttershy's bed, whispering into her little friend's ear to see if she was still awake.

Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow Dash, she could tell that little Scootaloo was tired, her eyes looked rather red and she was starting to yawn more frequently. Scootaloo kept to her charm and sucked on the pacifier which was also causing her to fall asleep, a nice feeling inside of her wanted her to drop on the bed and close her eyes, but she still had to talk to Rainbow Dash and get used to the feeling of wearing padding in between her legs.

Rainbow Dash thought it would be best if they both lie down but keep a line of conversation so that Scootaloo would not fall asleep that fast; Rainbow Dash walked over to Fluttershy's bed and climbed on top with Scootaloo still in her arms. She slowly lowered herself along with Scootaloo that she was sitting on Rainbows lap; Rainbow Dash rested her head on the pillow and directed Scootaloo's head to rest on her chest.

"How you likin' it so far Scoots?" Rainbow Dash whispered into her little friend's ear, trying to make some small talk.

Scootaloo reached out and plucked her pacifier out of her mouth and wrapped her fingers around the plastic handle and looked up at Rainbow Dash.

"I like it..." Scootaloo replied, sounding very tired and hungry.

"Just between you and me Scoots, you look really cute." Rainbow Dash admitted, slightly blushing in front of her little tired friend.

"Thanks..." Scootaloo yawned, placing her hand over her mouth to stop her from yawning even more.

"You know... I think Fluttershy went downstairs to get some milk and cookies, are you hungry? Do you want some food before you go to bed?" Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo, running her fingers through her short purple hair.

"Yeah sure." Scootaloo whispered; grabbing onto Rainbows tank top even tighter, not wanting her to get up from the bed, she wanted to be with her idol for the moment.

"You must be starving Scoots; I'm guessin' your foster parents didn't feed you again." Rainbow Dash whispered, still running her fingers through Scootaloo's purple hair.

"Yeah..." Scootaloo nodded.

"Aww... baby still wants her num nums." Rainbow Dash added in her childish tone of voice that she did earlier; Scootaloo quietly giggled and dug her head back into Rainbows chest. "Don't cwy Scoots, you'll get your num nums in a minute..." Rainbow continued, prompting a slight giggle from Scootaloo.

"You're the cry baby!" Scootaloo whispered; she looked up at Rainbow Dash with a small smile.

"How come?" Rainbow Dash smirked.

"You just are..." Scootaloo yawned.

"I guess I am..." Rainbow Dash playfully admitted defeat in this small argument, causing Scootaloo to smile.

Just then, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo heard footsteps coming from the stairs, both of them turned their heads and waited for Fluttershy to come up with some cookies and milk. As Fluttershy revealed herself, she walked up holding a large food tray with a few items on the top of it. Rainbow Dash quickly inspected the tray and saw a pint cup filled to the top with milk along with two empty baby bottles and a small white bowl that had what seemed to be chocolate chip cookies filled to the top.

As Fluttershy got closer to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo lying on her bed, she noticed that Rainbow Dash had wrapped her arms around Scootaloo and she was missing some of her clothing. Mainly her shorts and shoes but she noticed that Rainbow Dash had managed to put the diaper on her without too much of a problem.

"Did you put the diaper on correctly?" Fluttershy politely asked Rainbow Dash as she walked over to her bed and placed the tray onto the table next to her bed. She turned around and sat back down, but closer to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo than last time.

"Yeah, I did it the way you did it for me." Rainbow Dash replied, still holding Scootaloo in her arms. "Scoots, foods here." Rainbow lightly tapped Scootaloo in the shoulders to wake her up from her quick sleep.

Scootaloo leaned up and sat upright on Rainbow Dash's lap and rubbed her eyes to see that Fluttershy was sitting down right next to her giving a nice welcome smile.

"Are you alright Scootaloo? I'm really sorry about earlier." Fluttershy apologized.

"It's okay... Rainbow Dash helped me put on the diaper..." Scootaloo giggled.

"I know; she's such a smart baby." Fluttershy praised Rainbow Dash, causing her to blush.

"And a really big one." Scootaloo added.

"Now... umm... I brought up some milk and cookies for both of you to enjoy... I'm not that hungry..." Fluttershy finished up by explaining the reason why she brought up the cookies and milk for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, she leaned over to the tray and picked up the two baby bottles and opened the top of the lids to allow milk to be poured in. After Fluttershy set down the baby bottles now with the lids opened, she picked up the pint glass full of milk and slowly poured in the milk into both bottles until they were equally full. She grabbed the tops of the bottles and closed the lids so that Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo could use them properly.

"Thank you Fluttershy." Scootaloo politely thanked Fluttershy for the food and drink.

"Aww... it's no problem Scootaloo..." Fluttershy blushed, she felt really happy that she was able to look after her babies and they were so receiving of it. "I'm just trying my best to keep my babies happy." She explained.

Fluttershy picked up the bottles and handed them both to Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo looked down at the amber nipple and saw it was similar to the pacifier that she had used while resting on Rainbows chest.

"Aren't you gonna use the bottle Scoots?" Rainbow Dash nudged Scootaloo on her shoulders; she turned around to see that Rainbow Dash had shoved her bottle into her mouth and began sucking on the nipple to get the milk out.

"I'm not sure..." Scootaloo looked back down at the bottle, unsure whether to drink from it.

"Um... if it helps Scootaloo... I can help you drink from the bottle..." Fluttershy leaned over and put her hand on Scootaloo's shoulder, promising to help her little baby with any problem.

"Okay..." Scootaloo nodded, she crawled to the other side of the bed where Fluttershy was sitting with her bottle in hand and she climbed up onto Fluttershy's lap and waited for her to put the bottle into her mouth.

"Just tell me when you had enough and I'll put the bottle down." Fluttershy said as she picked up the bottle from Scootaloo's hands and repositioned it so that the nipple was pointing directly towards Scootaloo's mouth, slowly but surely Fluttershy inserted the bottle into the child's mouth and she put her lips around the bottle but she did not suck on it.

"C'mon Scoots, do it for me." Rainbow Dash cheered her little friend onto sucking the baby bottle; Scootaloo hesitated for a moment before she started to actually suck on the nipple itself. As Fluttershy held Scootaloo with her arm, she noticed that Scootaloo grabbed into the bottle by herself so that she could position the bottle to her liking.

Fluttershy slowly cradled Scootaloo whilst she drank her milk; Rainbow Dash saw this as a really nice and cute scene between Fluttershy and Scootaloo. After Rainbow Dash finished her bottle of milk, she put the bottle on the food tray and reached for some of the cookies in the bowl, stuffing them into her mouth and loudly chewing on them.

Scootaloo was starting to feel strangely more full-up with the milk now in her, but it was also starting to make her tired, with the cradling done by Fluttershy and the delicious taste of the milk, she was likely to fall asleep in just a few minutes.

After Scootaloo drank from her bottle, Fluttershy grabbed Scootaloo's pacifier and put it back in her mouth, which caused Scootaloo to naturally suck on it.

"Has my baby enjoyed her milk?" Fluttershy cooed.

Scootaloo weakly nodded as she strained to keep her eyes open to look at Fluttershy.

"It's bed time for little Scootaloo now, she's getting really tired after her bottle of milk." Fluttershy turned her head to Rainbow Dash, who carelessly stuffed her face with the bowl of cookies.

"Aww..." Rainbow cooed. "I think Scootaloo should use the crib, after all. She is just a little baby." Rainbow Dash implied to Fluttershy that she should use the crib inside of the nursery.

"I'm not sure she might like it..." Fluttershy used her delicate strength to pick up Scootaloo like an infant and rest her head on her shoulder, rubbing her hands over Scootaloo's back to calm her down and relax a little more.

"She's a baby, let her have some fun." Rainbow Dash tried to convince Fluttershy.

"I guess... it's okay if she sleeps in the crib tonight... I mean... if she doesn't like it... I think she could just climb out of the crib... but then she might hurt herself trying to get out..." Fluttershy rambled on, starting to worry about all of the outcomes of Scootaloo climbing over the crib to get out and sleep somewhere else.

"She won't get out; she's a heavy sleeper." Rainbow Dash finished stuffing the cookies into her mouth and then swallowed down the chewed up remains, she put her pacifier into her mouth and then began to wait for Fluttershy to come back out of the nursery.

Fluttershy walked into the nursery with Scootaloo wrapped in her arms being held like an infant, seeing that Rainbow Dash had left the light switch on and Scootaloo's clothing were on the top of the changing table, it was an obvious sign that Rainbow Dash had been at work. She turned around to face the crib in all of its glory; the blankets were now changed with pretty pictures of flowers and green grass with the image of a bright clear sky.

As Fluttershy got near the crib, she lifted up Scootaloo and then lowered her down into the crib as soft as possible without waking her up. Scootaloo's head touched the big pillow at the front of the crib and then Fluttershy placed her down with success, she leaned over and grabbed the blanket at the other end of the bed and pulled it over so it was placed on top of her.

It was such a beautiful sight to see such a young and beautiful lying in her crib sucking on her pacifier, Fluttershy leaned back up and noticed that Scootaloo had turned herself around and was now lying on her stomach.

"You're such a beautiful baby Scootaloo... it's a shame that you have to go home tomorrow..." Fluttershy leaned back down and whispered to herself, she placed her hand on Scootaloo's head and ran her fingers through Scootaloo's short purple hair and it was a touching scene for Fluttershy herself.

"Rainbow Dash looks after you like a sister, she tries her best with everything and she wants you to do your best." Fluttershy whispered to herself once again.

And with that, Fluttershy leaned down again for the final time and gave Scootaloo a small kiss on her forehead, sealing the deal and hoping that she has pleasant dreams throughout the rest of the night. Fluttershy leaned back up and breathed in, feeling like something was accomplished today and she felt like a true mother by all instincts.

"Sweet dreams Scootaloo..." Fluttershy wished Scootaloo a good night and then walked out of the nursery now having to deal with Rainbow Dash.


Rainbow Dash had turned on the small TV in Fluttershy's bedroom and was now relaxing herself watching kid's cartoons, slightly giggling at the cartoons for her enjoyment while still sucking on her pacifier. She heard the nursery door close from the outside of the room and she saw Fluttershy walk into her room, she noticed that the small TV was on and Rainbow Dash had been relaxing all this time.

"How did it go?" Rainbow Dash asked her friend, still keeping her eyes locked onto watching the cartoons.

"She was like an angel." Fluttershy blushed a bright red around her cheeks; she walked over to her drawer and opened the top door to find her pyjamas, neatly digging through her clothing to find her night gown.

"So you put her in the crib right?" Rainbow Dash continued to talk, trying to start another conversation between them.

"Yes, I think she likes it." Fluttershy managed to find her night gown and decided to put it on when she was out of sight, the gown itself was a very long gown that looked like it went down to her ankles. Colored yellow made out of a soft material that made her feel comfortable, but she wasn't able to change into her sleep wear while Rainbow Dash was in the room.

"Cool." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Um... Dashie... can I ask you something please?" Fluttershy began to blush again, holding her neatly folded night gown in her arms.

"Yeah?" Rainbow kept her eyes onto the TV but she carefully listened to what her friend had to say.

"Uh... I'm just going to... you know... go into my pyjamas... hope that's okay with you..." Fluttershy whispered to her friend, hoping that she'd understand what she was trying to say even though she was talking so quietly.

"Oh, no problems Fluttershy, I won't look at you." Rainbow understood what it meant to Fluttershy when it came to her own privacy and so she picked up one of the pillows she was lying and covered up her vision so that she could see the TV and not Fluttershy while she changed clothing. But with that, Fluttershy still felt a little uncomfortable getting ready for bed with one of her friends in the room, but she had to be brave and change her clothing as fast as possible.

As Rainbow Dash watched TV, Fluttershy quickly undone the buttons on the front of her jeans and let them drop to the ground, she quickly picked up her trousers revealing her pink cotton undies, she then put her trousers on her dressing table and then quickly took off her yellow sweater and put that aside onto her dressing table and neatly folded up her sweater next to her jeans. She then grabbed her night gown and quickly unfolded it and placed it over her head and popped her arms through the holes and now was wearing her sleep wear.

"Dashie... I'm uh... finished..." Fluttershy neatly folded her clothing on the top of her table and walked over to the wash basket in the corner of her room, she put her clothing in the basket for tomorrow to be cleaned. Rainbow Dash then put down the pillow and saw what Fluttershy was wearing, she couldn't help but snicker at what she was wearing. Her night gown was that long it had gone down to her ankles, completely covering up her entire body other than her feet.

"I'll just sleep in my diaper and tank top." Rainbow Dash looked back at the TV, enjoying the cartoons that she was watching.

"Are you sure you don't want a spare night gown Dashie? It can get awfully cold in the night." Fluttershy walked over to Rainbow Dash and sat down on her bed, she positioned herself so that she was lying next to Rainbow Dash whilst able to look at the TV and watch it. She put her hands on her stomach and watched the cartoons along with Dash, but Rainbow Dash had other plans.

"I don't usually wear anything to bed anyways." Rainbow Dash said.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked her friend, rather confused at what she said.

"I don't wear any clothes to bed, don't like it. But this diaper is pretty comfy." Rainbow Dash explained.

"You mean... you... sleep..." Fluttershy began to blush again. "Nude?" Fluttershy whispered quietly for the sake of decency.

"Yeah, nothing wrong with that." Rainbow Dash said back, she sat upright and wrapped her arm around Fluttershy and embraced her into a small hug.

"Dashie... um... I want to ask you something... but I don't know if it's okay to talk about it though..." Fluttershy wanted to know something about Scootaloo, but asking Rainbow Dash would be a step in the right direction to know her a little more.

"What's the matter?" Dash asked, turning her head to look at Fluttershy.

"Well... uh... you know where you saw putting a diaper on... you know... um... Scootaloo... I heard you talking about her..." Fluttershy leaned close to Rainbows ear. "Foster Parents" she whispered.

"Her dumb foster parents?" Rainbow Dash replied back. "What about them?" She asked.

"Well... I heard Scootaloo say that they aren't really that nice to her... is this... true?" Fluttershy spoke calmly to Rainbow Dash.

"Well..." Rainbow Dash pondered. "How can I put this? ... They're evil... okay? They don't look after Scootaloo like actual parents should, and they constantly belittle her and call her names because she ain't doing that good in school lately." Rainbow Dash explained.

"Oh my... that's horrible..." Fluttershy gasped.

"She's being bullied at school by two little pipsqueaks, her foster parents don't like her and she is having a bad time at school when it comes to her grades." Rainbow Dash said.

"I can't believe they don't look after Scootaloo... why would they do that?" Fluttershy was speechless, she felt like crying because of what Rainbow Dash was telling her.

"Don't know..." Rainbow Dash paused. "The worst thing is lately... she came up to me a few days ago and told me that she started to have trouble sleeping and now she is always tired, but the worst thing is that when she does get to sleep, she ends up wetting the bed because she is so scared of what her foster parents are going to do next to her." Rainbow Dash explained.

"That's horrible... truly horrible... when did you notice her foster parents doing bad stuff to her..." Fluttershy squeaked.

"I offered a couple of times to take her to places like the park and stuff to get her out of the house for a few days, after she left her house she looked really happy, but then after we went back home she felt really miserable. I thought she was having too much fun, y'know? But then I found out that her foster father grabbed her around the collar and locked her in her own room, I went mad at them..." Rainbow Dash continued to talk to Fluttershy about Scootaloo.

Fluttershy wiped a small tear that came from her eye; she just couldn't believe that someone would do such a thing to a lovely and sweet child like Scootaloo.

"It's alright Fluttershy... we've still got tomorrow until she goes home, we can spend some time with her and make her pretty happy." Rainbow Dash patted Fluttershy on her back to try and calm her down, but it wasn't working.

"They scared her so much that she wets the bed... that's just mean..." Fluttershy sniffled, trying to hold back the rest of her tears.

"Scoots has told me, they don't even try and help her with her bed wetting problem, they don't even go to the Doctors to talk about it and find a solution... it's really a good thing that Scoots wanted to wear a diaper tonight, you won't have to clean up the crib." Rainbow Dash said to an upset Fluttershy.

"Maybe that's the reason why she wanted to wear one... because there was no other... you know... solutions..." Fluttershy added.

"She ain't got no other family to go to, no one wants her around... it's a shame, she's a cool kid." Rainbow glumly looked away from Fluttershy.

"I'd look after her..." Fluttershy squeaked, she meekly whispered what she wanted to say.

Rainbow Dash quickly turned her head in surprise; she didn't expect Fluttershy to say anything like that.

"Y-Y... You would?" Rainbow Dash was really surprised.

"Yes." It was the only thing Fluttershy replied with.

"You would seriously adopt Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash leaned up and looked at Fluttershy; she couldn't believe what her friend was staying.

"She is a lovely child... and... as you know... I've always wanted a child that I can look after..." Fluttershy began to blush.

"But... you said you wanted a baby..." Rainbow Dash replied back, still not being able to believe what Fluttershy was staying.

"That's why I have you... you are a wonderful baby..." Fluttershy looked right into Rainbow Dash's eyes, not looking away.

"But what about Scootaloo being a baby?" Rainbow Dash asked her friend.

"Well... I like both of you being babies for me... but... Scootaloo is a growing child and... I would let her have a choice if she wants to be treated like a baby or not... you know... like that agreement we had... where you come over every Saturday and... Act like a baby for me..." Fluttershy took her time to explain what she felt had to be said; Rainbow Dash closely listened to what she had to say about wanting to adopt Scootaloo.

"Woah..." Rainbow Dash said. "Can't believe that you are actually going to adopt Scootaloo... man... it's a big responsibility and you are going to try your best... I can't believe you..." Rainbow Dash didn't know what to say, she was completely gob smacked that Fluttershy was going ahead with her plans.

"I also kind of noticed something... between you and Scootaloo..." Fluttershy began to blush a bright red around her cheeks.

"What?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, wondering what the connection was.

"You're like a big sister to Scootaloo... I think it's adorable..." Fluttershy gave a small smile while still blushing a bright red.

"Thanks..." Rainbow Dash also blushed.

"I think... well... everything will be better tomorrow... I'd like to tell Scootaloo what I would like to do..." Fluttershy leaned forward and grabbed her bed blanket which was on the other side of her bed, she pulled it over her but Rainbow Dash was in the way sitting on her padded rear on the other side of the bed.

"I guess going to bed ain't a bad idea." Rainbow pondered for a moment, she moved forward closer to Fluttershy and laid herself down right next to her best friend, waiting to be wrapped in the bed blanket.

"I'm really sorry that I haven't payed that much attention to you since Scootaloo came here, I was just so busy... I hope you can understand..." Fluttershy apologized as she pulled the blanket over her and Rainbow Dash.

"It's no problem... my little 'sister' needed more attention than me, after all... she is the youngest baby in the house." Rainbow Dash put emphasis on the words 'sister", she giggled slightly causing Fluttershy to smile.

"Now baby, I'll let you sleep in my bed with me just for once night, and then I'll be able to buy another crib later on next week... maybe even a bigger one so that you can fit in it perfectly." Fluttershy cooed, she put her hand on Rainbows head and began to run her fingers through her rainbow colored hair.

"I'll try my best not to cry." Rainbow Dash giggled as she playfully spoke to Fluttershy.

"Mommy is here to look after you if you wake up in the night." Fluttershy then moved her hand and wrapped it round Rainbow Dash into a nice warm hug, it felt really nice for Rainbow Dash.

"What am I going to have for breakfast?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Anything you want baby, I'll give you and Scootaloo a bottle of milk and then some breakfast." Fluttershy whispered; she closed her eyes trying to get to sleep.

"Good night Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash hugged back to her mommy and held tight onto her while closing her eyes now trying to get some sleep.

As Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both went to sleep at the same time, a small howl of wind passed by the cottage followed by the slight pitter-patter of weak falling from the sky. The storm outside was brewing while Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo all slept under a nice warm roof together.

Rainbow Dash held her mother close as the faint sounds of the wind made her feel like an infant once again, staying close to her warm and lovely mother made her really happy while the thoughts of Scootaloo lingered in the back of her mind like a burning image.
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Comments: 5

MarioBros125253 [2012-06-22 05:23:20 +0000 UTC]

Keep it up! I noticed a couple spelling errors here and there though other than that great remake. It's like everythings backwards in this version (If you have thouroughly read the original you know what I mean)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GlitchyProductions In reply to MarioBros125253 [2012-06-22 07:43:09 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I've read the first two stories. I can't wait for the third one, Pegacorn has been on the ball writing the third installment to the series, and I can't wait for it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MarioBros125253 In reply to GlitchyProductions [2012-06-25 06:08:53 +0000 UTC]

Ha same here I'm interested as to what the next one will be about

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GlitchyProductions In reply to MarioBros125253 [2012-06-25 16:48:38 +0000 UTC]

It continues off the ending where Scootaloo keeps her mind and begins to work as Fluttershy's little apprentice.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MarioBros125253 In reply to GlitchyProductions [2012-06-25 21:18:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh that will be cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 0