gloomind — [hq!!oc] Updated Hana's Profile

#anime #animegirl #artist #charactersheet #hq #originalcharacter #volleyball #charaterdesign #haikyuu #haikyuuoc
Published: 2020-06-10 18:52:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 4793; Favourites: 56; Downloads: 0
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Hana's toyhouse profile here !

I've decided to make a more complete profile for my OC Hana! This took so looooong omg, but i had so much fun doing it. I don't think nobody wants to read her profile I mean ???? Is really long but anyway I hope you like it! Btw I used Easy Paint tool Sai when drawing Hana and I did the rest with Photoshop CS6, the tablet I use is the Wacom Intuos Art i think (?)

I’m sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, I tried my best u_u.

❥︎Character Information:

Name: Vega Hana (surname; first name).

Gender: Female.

Birthday: April 11th (Aries).

Age: 17 years old.

Height: 175 cm / 5’7”.

Weitght: 59 kg / 130 lbs.

Occupation: High School student (3rd Year, Class 3)

School: Karasuno High.

Club: Art club.

Best Subjetc: English.

Worst Subject: Physical Education (is the best at skipping it).

❥Physical Description:

Hair: She has long brown hair and short bangs that she usually dyes orange-blonde.

Eyes: Has a calm look, long lashes and brown eyes.

Body: She doesn’t consider herself as a tall person, more like an average one even when people tell her that she looks very tall; this is because of her long legs and slim body making that effect.


Key aspects: Independent | stubborn | honest | tactless | lazy | creative | anxious | impatient | brawler

Hana is the type of person that hates disrespect or bother people around her because she can’t stand them hating her, this is something that has her struggling now that she is living in a completely different country than Argentina, where she was born and raised until now. She is not used to the culture and manners of Japan, so she usually gets bad looks for not bowing, bowing too much, or call people without the honorifics. This makes her feel anxious and self-conscious, so she tries to keep distance, which is very hard when people (mostly classmates) ask her about her country and wants to know more about her because they find her striking.  

However, Hana is far from being shy or timid. She is pretty talkative and loves to make new friends, this can be seen when she sees Hitoka sketching the poster for the team and her first instinct is to say “That looks so cool! Why aren’t you in the art club?”. Immediately she notices that was being too confident again and apologizes. 

Hana tends to get stressed easily when something gets on her mind (it can be good or bad, usually, bad). She can’t stop thinking about it and getting frustrated to the point sleeping is impossible. She assumes that she suffers insomnia or something like that since she barely can sleep an hour or two per night; this is the reason why she’s often in a bad mood and falls asleep wherever and whenever. This is when art comes into her life, she sees it as a relaxation medium, as a way to get lost in her world and forget about her issues, which, I have to say, are many because of her brawler and clumsy nature.


❥ Likes:

  • Candy, sweets.
  • Good-hearted people.
  • Any kind of visual art.
  • The fresh breeze in her face when she skates down a hill.
  • Perforations and makeovers.
  • Passionate people.
  • Silly humor/dad jokes.

❥ Dislikes:

  • Tea.
  • Snoopers.
  • People waking her up.
  • Humorless people.
  • The fact that one day she will be an old woman.
  • Prejudgement.
  • Being told what to do.

❥ Relationships:

Karasuno: 3rd Years - 2nd Years - 1st Years.

 Sugawara Koushi: Love interest, boyfriend |“Suga-San, Suga, Koushi-Chan(just when she wants to make him nervous lol)” | “Hana-San; Hana-Chan”

They met when Hana started helping Hitoka with the posters for the club, she attended to the gym so she can get some references from the boys playing and stuff. When she was sketching Hinata spiking Suga approached her and asked if she was ok because she looked really tired (Sugamama in action). Since then Hana felt interested in him, besides she found him very good-looking. As she gets closer to Hitoka and the team in general, Hana starts to frequent the gym and get closer to Suga, until the point they become very good friends. Suga starts to give her special attention, making Hana go to a no-return point; he would walk her home because "It's too dark outside and your house is far away", show interest in her art, worry for her and support her. This makes Hana a bit uncomfortable because she knows she'll leave the country one day and doesn't want to fall in love or something, so she starts taking distance from Suga, avoiding him until he notices this and asks her why would she do that. Hana tells him the truth and confesses her feelings, saying "I'm not like deeply in love, but I know I will if you keep being... you". Suga makes her understand that she can't live a happy life if she keeps worrying for the future every time, that sometimes it is better to enjoy the present whether or not something bad might happen. Since then they got much closer and started a non-official boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, just because they were scared to ask each other to take the next step. They tend to go on non-official dates and non-officially walk hand in hand (XD). Gradually, their friends started to recognize them as a couple, to the point that even Suga and Hana considered themselves as one. When Hana decided to introduce him to her host sister Azami, she asked how did they start dating making them laugh and explain that they just progressively get closer to the actual moment, Azami was shocked, stating "That's lame, where's the romance?". Suga felt ashamed for his lack of romanticism, so he looked at Hana and asked if she wanted to be his girlfriend, in an official way (still not that romantic but it works lol).

Since then they are inseparable, they love spending time together watching movies, cooking (Suga cooks and Hana eats), or just walking around. They have different personalities but they complement each other, Suga is always there to calm her down when she gets anxious or angry (brave man) and make her see with clarity her mistakes, while Hana cheers him up not only at volleyball matches but in every little thing he does, making him "even brighter than you already are".

 Sawamura Daichi: Respectful relationship, friends | “Sawamura” | “Hana-San”

Hana admires him a lot, mostly because of his leadership skills and the way he devolves when he’s in a game. She usually isn't happy when someone tells her what to do or how to do something, but for some reason when Daichi does it she isn't bothered and takes the advice as a golden word. Daichi always showed support for her relationship with Suga, mostly helping his friend and sometimes Hana.

 Shimizu Kiyoko: Friends, crush (?) | “Shimizu-San, Shimizu” | “Hana-San, Hana-Chan"

Hana always thought of her as a gorgeous girl, and definitely has some doodles of her face in her sketchbook (lol I can relate), but nothing more than that. She enjoys spending time with her and Hitoka at the practices or when she is waiting for Suga while he trains, her calm behavior and voice make Hana want to just admire her for the rest of the day. Also, Kyoko helped her and gave her good advice when she was having some trouble with accepting her feelings for Suga, Hana appreciates that and will never forget it.

 Azumane Asahi: Neutral relationship | “Azumane-San” | “Hana-San”

They don’t interact that much but when it comes to cheering him at a match she will leave her soul on that, mainly because of his strength and passion when playing, but also because he tends to get nervous and collapse.

 Nishinoya Yuu: Senpai-Kouhai relationship, Friends | “Noya-Kun, Noya” | “Hana-Senpai”
Nishinoya acts in a cool way around Hana (the same way he does in front of other girls), she likes him besides she knows he acts in this way on purpose. Hana is always fascinated by his skills as a libero and gets easily attached to his "rolling thunder's" as Hinata does, she founds exciting seeing him play or just train.

 Tanaka Ryuunosuke: Senpai-Kouhai relationship. Friends | “Tanaka” | “Hana-Senpai”
Hana enjoys his chaotic energy and his loud presence, they can be seen joking around and merging their explosive personalities, which, sometimes, can be a double-edged sword and end fighting and bickering. Truth is they enhance each other in a good or in a bad way.

 Hinata Shouyou: Friends | “Hinata” | “Hana-Senpai, Hana-San"
Hana thinks about him as a little brother, she loves the way he puts his heart on volleyball and how he’s always evolving and developing new skills. Despite Hinata gets nervous when she addresses him casually and in a friendly way, as time goes by and they get closer he starts to loosen up a bit, until the point he wants her to teach him tricks on the skateboard, even if she can't do them.  

 Tsukishima Kei: Neutral relationship | “Tsukishima” | “Hana-San”
They don't interact that much mostly because of Tsukishima's distant personality, because Hana would like to get to know him better but doesn't want to disturb him. She always giggles at his sassy comments (she is a bit cruel too bot in a passive way lol) and follows his progress in volleyball. On the other hand, Tsukishima isn't bothered by Hana's presence as long as she is not talking her ears off.

 Kageyama Tobio: Neutral relationship | “Kageyama-Kun” | “Hana-San”

They met before Hana started to frequent the club, she was having a fit of rage against the vending machine in Karasuno High because it wouldn't drop the canned coffee and, after a night of two hours of sleep, Hana lost it and started to shake the machine. Baby Kageyama was heading towards her to get some milk as usual until he saw her acting crazy. She spotted him, pretended nothing had happened, and leave peacefully. Time after, when Hitoka took her to the gym, he recognized her and said "Oh, the freak of the vending machine!", forcing her to tell the story.  She admires him as the candidate for the National Youth Team and for the ability and power that he has when he is just a 1st Year student. She sometimes has the urge to punch him in the face when he is mean to Hinata or his teammates unnecessarily, but they are in good terms besides that (unlike Tsukishima who uses sarcasm, Kageyama just yells BOKE, according to her). In fact, that little hate seems to be product of her envy of all his achievements and recognition that he receives being everything she ever wanted to be (yeah she is not a sports person).

 Hitoka Yachi: Close friends | “Hitoka-Chan” | “Hana-Senpai, Hana-San"
They met when Hana was looking for her host sister Azami that attends to the same class as her. Hitoka was sketching the poster for the club when Hana saw it and immediately asked her why she's not at the art club, making Yachi nervous because of the sudden confidence. After a long apologize by both of them at the same time, Hana gave her a little advice for the sketch and said that she had art supplies in her bag if she wanted to borrow them. They got closer to the point Hana came over to her house and helped her to do the final poster, this is when Yachi asks her if she wants to keep doing the graphics for Karasuno volleyball team. In the beginning, Hana tends to deny the proposal, mostly because of laziness, but she saw that as an opportunity to make new friends and make the most of the homestay program. Since then they got closer and closer, Hana treasures Hitoka for her good heart and the effort she puts in her role as the team manager, and always helps her to be the most she can be, giving her "life advice like a good Senpai”.

 Yamaguchi Tadashi: Neutral relationship | “Yamaguchi” | “Hana-Senpai”
She similarly sees him as Hinata, feeling proud when he's on the court and showing support. Yamaguchi usually gets all shy and nervous when she congratulates him for his serves but other than that they don socialize much.

Others: (If you want our OC's to be friends just tell me, I'd be pleasured!)

Harada Azami (OC): Host sister | “Azami” | “Hana, Hana-Chan"

At the beginning their relationship was a bit awkward and distant, this was because they were living together as sisters but didn't know each other that much (even though they've talked before Hana went to Japan). Fortunately, this weird feeling lasted just a few weeks, after that Hana became part of the family very quickly. 

Despite this bump, Hana and Azami behave like real sisters, they argue and fight for trifles such as wearing each other's clothes or using the shower longer than they should, but after all, they make up without even trying it. Azami has a sweet personality but when she's in confidence tends to become a little bit harsh and aggressive, colliding with Hana's strong character.

Tanaka Saeko: Admiration relationship | “Saeko, Saeko-Sama" | “Hana-Chan”

They met at the Karasuno-Wakutani South match when they were cheering. Since the first time they interacted, Hana was fascinated by Saeko's personality and style, getting nervous being around her and trying to impress her. They would see each other at every match and effort to cheer as loudly as possible, being both the ones that stand out the most. Hana took Saeko as a model to follow, calling her with the "-Sama" honorific and flattering her, far from being bothered, Saeko started to follow Hana's game and act as her "mentor". They became the fantastic duo when cheering Karasuno, giving their bests on supporting the team. 

Since Hana isn't a manager or part of the team formally, Saeko decided to take her to every match on her own. They stayed together at the same Hotel when they went to Tokyo for the Spring Interhigh and prepared everything for the cheers. Saeko admires Hana's cheerful spirit, coming from her country known for being the loudest when it comes to cheers.

Terushima Yuji: Friends | “Teru” | “Hana-Chan”

When Hana was exploring the zone a couple of weeks after her arrival, she found a tattoos&piercings store and entered without even thinking about it; it turns out Terushima was getting his tongue pierced in that exact moment. They have similar personalities so they got along right away and exchange numbers. Since they don't live in the same area nor attend the same school they don't get to see each other very often, but that doesn't keep them apart from being very good friends. Their friendship is based on mess and compete with each other in a friendly (and sometimes not that friendly) way.


  • She’s a terrible cook.
  • She INSISTS people call her by their first name, even if they are not that close.
  • Despite her energetic personality, she’s very lazy and hates doing physical activities.
  • She can fall asleep literally in any place (except her bed lol).
  • Cries when studying. 
  • Suga is always tormenting her because she bites her nails when she’s nervous.
  • She can speak three languages fluently: Spanish, English, and Japanese. This makes her confuse the three of them and sometimes forget some words.

Seiyuu: Ami Koshimizu (Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill).    link 

Hana Vega © gloomind

Haikyuu!! © Haruichi Furudate

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