gold-ring-951 — Joseph Sage Bio: Hoenn Saga

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Published: 2018-06-15 16:15:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 13581; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 3
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Description Like: Nature, Reading Books, Ancient History, Respecting Great People and Pokémon, His Pokémon, His Friends and Family, Meeting and Battling Opponents, Environment, Biology, Teaching, Training, Learning, Exercise, Sports, Rock Music, Becoming a Strong Pokémon Warrior, Bring Peace to the World.

Dislike: Scams, Evil organizations (Such as Team Rocket, PKMN thieves, Hunters  and Poachers), Anyone Who's Sad or in Pain, Anyone or Himself Being a Descries, Brock’s Womanizing, Being Ordered by Anyone Younger Than Himself, Being Teased, His Friends or Pokémon’s Lives in Danger, Disrupting Spirits, World Conquest, Seeing People Only Wanting Power and Nothing More.

Known Pokémon

1. Eevee 2. Spearow-Fearow 3. Sandshrew-Sandslash 4. Lapras 5. Paras 6. Gastly-Haunter 7. Aerodactyl 8. Dratini-Dragonair-Dragonite 9. Spiarak-Ariados 10. Skarmory 11. Chinchou-Lanturn 12. Magcargo 13. Wailmer 14. Seedot-Nuzleaf 15. Numel 16. Makuhita 17. Trapinch-Vibrava



Joseph was born in Koseki as the son of the High-Chief, Law Sage and local Pokémon Ranger, Faith. Since his younger days, Joseph like any child would learn about Pokémon Battles and would get into them. When he went with his father to discuss about the important things in life between humans and Pokémon, he’s also been told that there will come a time that he must lead a very single person chosen by their deity Pokémon, Ho-oh who would play very important roles in the future if having to take down the forces of evil. By then, even after the death of his mother, Joseph vows to get stronger for his family’s desires and was given hard training through the deserts and mountains of Orra before then receiving his first Pokémon, Eevee. When he learned that his Eevee could never evolve due to an accident it had while still as an egg, he decided that he would make him stronger without the need to evolve as this bought the two closer as they both begun training while also by then being able to catch a Spearow and Sandshrew at the time. Over the years, he and his warrior allies have been in conflict with enemy forces who would bring harm and disorder to the world as this also gave him Pokémon World Government’s attention to which his father made a deal to be allies with, but to still have their hidden home act as an independent nation unless anyone from Koseki becomes subordinated once they become a region’s Elite Four member or Champion as this would soon became Joseph’ goal in hopes that it would help him and his people live with the outside world in peace and prosperity. Years later at the age of 16, he was ready to leave on his journey as organized by his father to find the trainer that would lead the world to a bright future and put a stop to any evil organization; starting with Team Rocket from the Kanto Region. His father also provided him with a Lapras to be used to cross the seas to Kanto as well as having his trusted Monk Yoga tag along to be of assistance. Once he and Yoga arrived, their first mission was to locate Professor Oak, the region’s Pokémon Researcher. Oh his way they meet a very strong trainer who battles him which later ended up in a tie. By then during a camp fire together, the trainer reviles himself to be Cloud to which surprises Joseph and Yoga as he was known to be the man referred to as “The Storm Cloud” who has defeated almost every Pokémon Campion in the world, but turned down the title. He also reviles to them about his family which was to remain secret to everyone else in the world as it would put them in danger. Over time as Joseph and Yoga journeyed with Cloud and became close and respectful to him, he would gain his trust and promises that he will watch over his son and to make sure he also becomes a great trainer. By then, both Joseph and Yoga soon reach Pallet Town and meet with Professor Oak as they talk about what he knows so much about the Kanto Region and its Pokémon. A few weeks later, he and Yoga continued their journey and eventual learned of the Pokémon League as the young warrior decided to begin challenging the gyms of Kanto and collecting badges.

Honen Saga

Back at Orre while deep in the hidden city of Koseki, Joseph and Yoga were informed by Law that two criminal groups of Hoenn known as Team Magma and Team Aqua have been very active recently as reported from their undercover spies observing the region. Task with putting a stop to them as well as being tasked with other missions, Joseph, Yoga and Jane are given new outfits and prepare to leave for the Hoenn Region while also leaving many of the Pokémon they caught in Kanto and Johto behind except for the warrior’s Eevee and his apprentice’s Bellossom while Yoga keeps the rest of his party with him. Before heading out, Law gives Joseph a Wailmer as his new water transportation as well as needing to use Pokémon native to Hoenn without attracting too much attention. Upon arriving at Hoenn by a cruise ship, Joseph and his group stop at Littleroot Town and meet with the region’s Pokémon Researcher, Professor Birch. After the Professor gives Joseph’s group the few details he knows on Hoenn and the native Pokémon including the two legendries Groudon and Kyogre, he gives them a PokéNav; a device made by the Devon Corporation to help the group’s way to navigate the region. Knowing that Petalburg City was the closest location with a Pokémon Gym, Joseph and his group make a quick stop at the nearest Pokémon Centre at Oldale Town to rest up and train while he also registers for the Hoenn League. Before they could reach Petalburg City, they come across a wild Seedot that wanted to battle Joseph’s Eevee after seeing him battling a Lass Trainer’s Zigzagoon with his Eevee. During the battle after Eevee weakens Seedot, Joseph catches it with success as he and his group continue on to Petalburg City on Route 102. When Joseph’s group arrives at Petalburg City, they imminently head for the Petalburg Gym and meet and challenge the Normal-Type Gym Leader, Norman in a 3-on-3 battle using his Eevee, Wailmer and newly caught Seedot against his Slakoth, Vigoroth and Slaking. The battle ended with Joseph victorious and is given his first Hoenn Gym Badge. Before they could reach the next gym located in Rustboro City, they would encounter a wild Kecleon in the Petalburg Woods who is a master spy and thief which steals the group’s food supply, their PokéNav and Joseph’s Balance Badge before he was captured by Yoga whom he and his Natu followed and saved him from an angry Exploud. They would then encounter with a group of Grunts from Team Magma who are after a researcher from the Devon Corporation who is protecting machine parts that needed to be delivered safely. After helping the researcher reach the Pokémon Centre safely, they wait for his pick up by the Devon Corporation’s helicopter before the Magma Grunts could invade the centre and steal the part. Around the same time, they would learn about Pokémon Contests after watching live footage of one being hailed at Rustboro which would motivate Jane and her Bellossom in wanting to perform in contests together with Joseph and Yoga believing this would help her with becoming a more experience trainer. After holding the Magma Grunts off and helping the researcher catch his ride back to the Devon Corporation, Joseph’s group would arrives at Rustboro, he would first head for the Devon Corporation by himself to make deals with the company’s president, Mr. Stone in shipping out the materials they used to make new kinds of Poké Balls to be delivered to the people of Koseki back in Ore. After the deal was made, Mr. Stone would then tell him about his son, Steven Stone who at the moment at Dewford Island and suggests they should meet him just as he informed a group of kids days ago. He also thanks Joseph for helping one of his fellow researchers deliver the Devon Parts safely to the Corporation. Knowing that Team Magma would be after the parts again, Mr. Stone requests Joseph to deliver them to Captain Stern at the Oceanic Museum in Slateport City as well as to meet with his son on Dewford Island and deliver a letter to him to witch he agrees to in hopes of wanting to meet and talk with one of Hoenn’s “Elite Four members.” After leaving the Devon Corporation with the Devon Parts, he regroups with his companions who introduce him to the Rustboro City Gym Leader, Roxanne who then offers him to challenge her to a full-battle at her gym. As Roxanne uses her two Rock-Type Geodude and Nosepass, Joseph uses Wailmer, Seedot and Eevee. During the battle when Joseph’s Wailmer lost to Roxanne’s Geodude despite the type advantage, his Seedot went up against the Rock Pokémon at a rough start, but evolved into Nuzleaf which developed referable speed and learned Double Team as he it to his advantage and defeats Geodude with Bullet Seed. When Joseph’s Nuzleaf went up against Roxanne’s Nosepass, he would get hit by its Zap Cannon and would become paralyzed to move fast which lead to his defeat as Joseph was left with Eevee who managed to with a combination of Quick Attack and Iron Tail defeated the Compass Pokémon, thus earning Joseph his second Gym Battle victory and acquiring the Stone Badge Roxanne gives him before sharing info with him and his group about how Ash beaten her as mentioning of the young trainer’s presence surprises the group who are then told that he was likely heading for the next Gym at Dewford Town on Dewford Island. Using his Wailmer to reach the island, Joseph would find that the Gym Leader, Brawly is busy for a few hours and decides to do some training before also supporting Jane in her first try at a Pokémon Contest at the Island’s Contest Hall after helping her gain a Contest Pass and filling in a spot to perform which she did and eventually won for the first time to which he and Yoga were impressed by and proud of. When Joseph and his group were training and relaxing on the beachside the next day, they meet Brawly and his Makuhita who took notice of his hard training session and his reason for doing so as he offers him a Gym Battle back at his Gym. During a 2-on-2 battle, Joseph used Wailmer and Nuzleaf against two of Brawly’s Fighting-Type Pokémon being Machop and Makuhita. The battle would eventually end with a tie between Nuzleaf and Makuhita as Joseph, while observing the battle saw through Brawly’s fighting style and gets why he and his Pokémon surfs a lot as part of their training to dodge and concentrate on keeping balance as if they were actually surfing ocean waves as this technique would come in handy for future battles he would take part in before being given the Knuckle Badge by the Gym Leader despite not winning, but showed great training skills. Before Joseph and his group could move onwards, they soon caught their attention on the arrival of Ash, Pikachu and Brock who they were happy to see and reunite with while also meeting their new friends, May and Max for the first time. After Joseph and his companions told Ash and the others of their experiences in Hoenn and the reasons on why they’re here, he also shows them three of the Gym Badges he has won so far which makes Ash determined to get ahead of his best friend and rival before they could both enter the Hoenn League together. As Joseph’s group sticks around to see Ash challenge Brawly for his second Gym Badge, only to see him loose in the end. When Ash was angry and upset about losing to Brawly who he thinks would rather be surfing then training, he storms out of the Pokémon Centre as Joseph follows him and then shows him that the Dewford Town Gym Leader and his Pokémon do it because it’s part of their training by teaching them how to dodge and concentrate on keeping their balance. After Ash realizes this and what he put his Pokémon through without thinking in the first, apologizes to him for thinking surfing was worthless before later apologizing to the others as they and Joseph’s group decide to help him train for his rematch. The next day before the two groups could start with helping Ash train for his Gym Battle rematch, they learn that Steven Stone, the son of Mr. Stone, is at Granite Cave doing some secret research. Ash and his friends decide to meet him there. On the way, after an encounter with Team Rocket which got May and Jessie’s Wurmples mixed up before getting each their own back from each other, Ash and Joseph’s groups finally reached Granite Cave and make their way carefully inside to find Steven Stone until after falling into one of Team Rocket’s traps which goes awry and causes them and their enemies to fall deeper into the cave’s tunnels and become separated for a while. When they all regroup and find Jane with Steven and an Aron that’s been helping him, the Elite Trainer sends the Rocket Trio blasting off with his Aggron, Joseph gives him the letter sent by his father as he reads it. After Steven led Joseph and the others out of the cave he takes them to a deserted inlet on the island which will be ideal for Ash to train for his rematch and, after boarding a small boat with, he wishes them all luck for the future. At the same time, the wild Aron that was with Steven had followed the group who took a more liking to Jane as Joseph knows it wants to tag along with her after saving him and the other Aron from Team Rocket as she captures it. Days later on Dewford Island after many training sessions as well as having many experiences such as Ash and Brock capturing a Corphish and Mudkip respectively, May’s Wurmple fully evolving into a Beautifly, Joseph’s Nuzleaf learning Faint Attack from a Nuzleaf Tribe leader and witnessing a feud between Teams Magma and Aqua while learning a little of their history and their goals, the two groups would meet up with Brawly as well as meeting his apprentice, Shauna just before Ash would challenge him for his rematch to which he wins and claims his own Knuckle Badge as he thanks Joseph and the others for helping him in his training. Still needing to deliver the Devon Parts to the Oceanic Museum at Slateport City, Joseph’s group heads there next as Ash and the others also tags along in hopes for May to compete in her first Contest. After helping a trainer named Tommy reunite with his long lost Swampert at an abandoned ship, Joseph and the others soon arrive at Slateport City just in time for May and Jane to sign up for the Pokémon Contest being hailed there before they begin practicing. Before the contest, Joseph heads for the Oceanic Museum and delivers the Devon Parts to Captain Stern who explains to him that the parts were meant for a submarine project that would be able to travel into the deepest depths of the world’s oceans. He would later with Ash and the others watch May and Jane perform with their Pokémon at the Contest from the side-lines before the two girls would lose to their new rival Drew and another  Coordinator named Robert respectively. Even though it was Jane’s first lose in a contest, she was not very upset as she now knows to take training seriously when meeting strong opponents as Joseph was still proud of his apprentice for trying as they would later try to cheer up May who took her lose very hard. Before the two groups could move on, Joseph makes a quick stop back at the Oceanic Museum to check on the submarine project Captain Stern is working one while joined by Ash, Yoga, Jane and Max who would also meet him and a youngster trainer named Marius and his Pokémon partner, Spheal. After Captain Stern shows the group a sample of an unusual dark rock while explaining the details he knows little of, they are then encountered by members of Team Magma lead by their Admin Tabitha who is after both the rock and the Devon Parts. As Joseph, Ash, Yoga and Stern battle Tabitha and his Grunts with their Pokémon, Jane, Max and Marius go get help and call the police. Before Ash could get both the rock and the parts safely away, Tabitha and his Mightyena manage to get the two cases containing items off the young trainer, but also accidently breaks the rock into two pieces with the Admin only gaining the large piece and leaving the heroes with the small one as they make their get away with having to leave one of his grunts behind and to be arrested by Officer Jenny and the authorities. At the Slateport City police station, Joseph and Jenny fail to get any info out of the Magma Grunt as he vows to find both Team Magma and Aqua somehow to figure out what their plans are and put a stop to their sunless war in changing the world in their own separate ways. After both Joseph and Ash’s groups leave Slateport City to head for their own next destinations, they would learn of the Millennium Comet that passes by their planet once every thousand years for only seven nights as Joseph has known this story past down to his people and is said to involve the presences of a Mythical Pokémon that appears during that event. As Joseph and his friends take some time to enjoy the Millennium Festival to celebrate the Millennium Comet’s return, they meet a magician named Butler and his assistant Diane who bought with them a crystal which Max could hear a voice coming from within it. After a magic show performed by Butler and Diane, Joseph and the others ask about the crystal as the couple respond by saying that it contains a Pokémon named Jirachi and tells everyone that it only awakens once every thousand years, and sleeps inside the crystal, which acts like a cocoon. To wake up Jirachi, the crystal needs two things which are the Millennium Comet to be visible in the night sky and a best friend chosen by destiny which Max happens to be the one Jirachi chooses since he could hear its voice speaking to him. At late night, Jirachi finally awakens from its long slumber and begins befriending Max and the others. On the next day however, a wild Absol, the Disaster Pokémon sensed Jirachi’s presence and attacks the group to get it. After Ash and the others manage to stop Absol with Butler’s help by trapping the Disaster Pokémon, Joseph wonders why it was after Jirachi. On the next night, it was reviled that Butler was once a former scientist of Team Magma who aims to revive the Legendary Pokémon, Groudon which he failed at long ago, and needs the power from Jirachi’s Millennium Eye to do so. When Joseph and the others find Butler torturing Jirachi with his machine, they with Diane’s help make a getaway in her van to keep the Wish Pokémon out of his hands and to return it to its home in Forina after she explains to the group about his plans on wanting its power to revive Groudon for revenge against Team Magma. On the final night after days of traveling, the whole gang and Diane reach Forina and the Absol that attacked them before, now an ally to them leads the gang to where Jirachi lives in a cave to absorb the comet's power and fall asleep for another thousand years. Unfortunately, Butler had beaten them to the area and plans to hook Jirachi to his reviving machine to revive Groudon, but Absol and another wild Pokémon named Flygon take Jirachi from the machine and give the Wish Pokémon back to the gang who then try to make a run for it. As Butler sends out his four of his Pokémon to take Jirachi back from the gang, they split up using decoy Jirachis in their hands with Ash, Pikachu and the wild Flygon battling Butler’s Salamence while protecting Max and the real Jirachi, Brock and Yoga using their Mudkip and Kecleon to fight Butler’s Dusclops, May and Jane using their Beautifly and Bellossom to battle Butler’s Kirlia while Joseph, Eevee and the wild Absol fight Butler’s Mightyena. Even though Butler and his Pokémon were nearly beaten, the Groudon fossil he used Jirachi’s power on is slowly rising as much to his surprise, but was horrifically shocked as it becomes clear that rather than resurrecting a real Groudon, all he has done is create a monster with Continent Pokémon's shape. The fake Groudon then starts sucking energy from the earth as well as sucking in all the wild Pokémon in Forina as well as engulfing Absol, Team Rocket, Diane, Brock, Joseph, Yoga, Jane and May. In the end however, Ash, Max and Flygon with Butler’s help manage to stop Groudon by putting Jirachi back on the machine and reverse the polarity as the Wish Pokémon’s power slowly drags the beast to the Millennium Comet, and then explodes, releasing all Pokémon and human alike it ate. Jirachi then bids farewell to Max with one final wish as Joseph and the others sing the lullaby while the Wish Pokémon returns inside the crystal and sinks into the earth. With Butler now reformed from his mistakes and with the Millennium Comet now out of sight, Joseph and Ash’s groups both continue on with their adventures together through Hoenn before coming to a Pokémon Centre on Route 110 where they help its Nurse Joy and a horde of wild Pokémon protected by a Shiftry heal an ill Nuzleaf. At the same time, Joseph’s Nuzleaf wished to learn Bullet Seed from the wild Shiftry as he and his trainer along with Jane and Yoga stay behind to also help Nurse Joy with clearing up the Centre while Ash’s group moves on to Mauville City. After leaving, Joseph’s group takes a detour to a place named Tulip Town which was hosting its Pokémon Contest for Jane to take part in and wins her second Ribbon. When they arrived at Mauville City, they find that the Mauville Gym was closed and were informed that the Gym Leader, Wattson is away training a new Pokémon he recently caught days ago. Deciding to continue on after learning that the next nearest Pokémon Contest is at Fallarbor Town while on their way to Lavaridge Town for the Gym there, they would meet up with Ash and his group again on a mountainous path where they were helping a trainer named Michelle and her Dragon-Type Bagon. A few days later after, Joseph, Ash, Brock, Yoga and Jane would meet up with their old friends Misty and her Togepi who they all have not seen since the end of their journey back in Johto as this was also May and Max’s first time meeting her. Her reason for being in Hoenn was due to an invitation she received for a Togepi Convention at a hotel however, this all turned out to be a trap by Team Rocket who take her into a blimp while Joseph, Ash and their groups manage to snuck on-board to save her and Togepi as they are all bought to the Mirage Kingdom, a sovereign monarchy politically outside the Pokémon nation and the Pokémon World Government to which Joseph seems to have read about. After landing, Team Rocket reviles that they were hired to take Togepi from Misty by orders from the Kingdom’s rouge colonel, Hansen. As Ash, Brock and Joseph and their Pokémon fight Hansen and his Shedinja and two Ninjask, Misty and the others run to find a safe place, but are followed by Hansen’s Shedinja who’s Solar Beam attack causes them and Misty’s Togepi to separate from each other before he is then found by Princess Sara who nurses him back to help before giving him back to Misty who she and the others tell her and the royal family of Hansen’s actions. After Joseph, Ash and Brock meet up with the others at the kingdom’s temple, Sara explains the importance of Togepi to the kingdom. However, knowing that Hansen is set on trying to take Togepi to conquer the kingdom, she asks the group to leave the Mirage Kingdom immediately for their safety. However, as they are about to leave, they notice a temple in the sky that mirrors the kingdom’s temple before disappearing and reappearing rapidly to which Misty’s Togepi seems to be reaching out for it. As Hansen and Team Rocket appear and attack the group and the princess to gain Togepi from them, he orders his Shedinja and two Ninjask to attack with Solar Beam and Hyper Beam to attack them, but are all saved by Togepi’s reviled Safeguard. After that, the whole group and Sara disappear, but then find themselves in a mysterious world. Sara’s caretaker Miranda tells the gang that they are in the Togepi Paradise, but has changed, showing some injured Togepi due to their special ability to sense impurity from Hansen who he and his Pokémon manage to break into the Togepi Paradise and take Misty’s Togepi when he tried to stop the mad officer who then begins to take over the kingdom as its new ruler by having the King, Queen and the servants of the palace sent to the dungeon and betrays Team Rocket. As Brock and the others try to find where the King and Queen are being hailed at with some unexpected help from the Team Rocket Trio, Ash, Misty, Joseph and May battle Hansen and his Pokémon to get Togepi back. As May's Torchic does not put much of a fight against his two Ninjask and his recalled, Ash’s Pikachu however, manages to knock out one of them with a Thunderbolt while Joseph’s Eevee knocks out the other with a combo of Quick Attack and Iron Tail. When Shedinja charges up a Solar Beam and was about to attack the heroes, Togepi uses Safeguard just as the gate to the Togepi Paradise opens with lots of the Spike Ball Pokémon coming out and then gives Misty’s Togepi their power which has him evolved Togetic. With Togetic’s and the wild Togepis’ support, Misty sends out her Gyarados and has him use Flamethrower which deals great damage to Shedinja, finally knocking it out as well as defeating Hansen who losses his grasp of control on the Mirage Kingdom as is arrested. Later when everyone regroups, the wild Togepi return to the Paradise and Togetic informs Misty that he wishes to stay behind in the Paradise and become its protector to prevent people like Hansen from causing harm. Misty and Togetic share one last, tearful moment before bidding each other farewell as one of the Togepi decides to stay behind outside of the Paradise with Princess Sara as she is also eligible to become the kingdom’s new ruler. After Misty returns to Kanto, Joseph and Ash’s group continue on Route 111 just after the Koseki Warrior made a peace deal the Mirage Kingdom to become an ally to his home world hidden back in Orre. On the way to Fallarbor Town for May and Jane’s contest challenge, the two groups would encounter a family of five Pokémon Trainers, a wild Skitty May captures and meeting with a young trainer named Nicholai who Ash’s group has meet before. Once the two groups arrived at Fallarbor Town, they would meet with Draw again and another coordinator named Grace and her Pokémon partner, Medicham who were both very skilled. On the day of the contest at the town’s contest hall, Joseph and the others would cheer for both Jane and May as the two girls were able to pass through the Appeals Round along with Drew, Grace, Jessie and three others. Jane would lose to Drew after her Bellossom lost to his Roselia in the first Battle Round who would then lose to Grace and her Medicham in the second Battle Round, but with May and her Beautifly managing to defeat the two in the finals, thus gaining her first ribbon to which Jane, Joseph and the others were happy for. With Lavaridge Town now as their next destination for Ash and Joseph’s Gym Battles they’ll have separately, they and their groups while on Route 112 would meet with Thatcher who Ash and his group meet before on Route 110 and later going through Fiery Path while ending up on a Numel Ranch. At the ranch, one Numel tries to sneak away many times, but is always stopped by the ranches owner Julie. Deciding to spend a bit of time with the Numel, he finds that its reason for trying to leave was to see more of the world outside. After Joseph and the others saved the Numel herd from Team Rocket and were about to leave the ranch on the next day to continue on to Lavaridge Town, the same Numel he befriended was trying to follow him as the owner Julie suggests that he take the Numb Pokémon with him to be more free to which he gladly accepts and captures. When the gang reaches Mt. Chimney, they would encounter Team Magma again lead by their admin Tabitha who is after a special meteorite belonging to a scientist named Professor Cozmo to power a machine that will erupt the volcano within the mountain. When they push Team Aqua back which forces them to retreat after failing to get the meteorite themselves, Joseph and Ash manage to put a stop to Team Magma’s plans by throwing the meteor into the depths of the volcano. When Joseph and his Eevee fought Tabitha and his Mightyena, he places a small tracker on the back of the admin’s hood without him noticing in hopes to keep track of Team Magma’s movements before he and the grunts got away in their aircraft. After Ash and Joseph regroup with their friends with Cozmo’s help, the professor leads them on a safe path down the mountain and finally reaching Lavaridge Town. Once Joseph and Ash’s groups arrived, they meet with Flannery, the recently new appointed Gym Leader of Lavaridge Gym who is not well organized that even the battle field was not in a clear state as the gang decides on helping her fix up the place before either Joseph or Ash could have their battle with her. After the gang helps Flannery getting her stolen Torkoal back from Team Rocket with some assistance from the town’s former Gym Leader Mr. Moore and his Typhlosion, they finish repairing the Gym’s battle field, and Mr. Moore suggests they postpone Ash’s Gym Battle with Flannery until tomorrow. On the next day after Ash had his Gym Battle with Flannery and wins his fourth Gym Badge, he and his group head for Petalburg City while Joseph and his group stay behind for him to have his battle next. He first uses his Wailmer which defeats her Slugma Meg, but loses to her Magcargo Mag after it learned Sunny Day and weakens the Water-Type moves from the Ball Whale Pokémon. Next using his Eevee, he was able to make affective hit on Mag with Dig, however, this activates the Lava Pokémon’s ability Flame Body as Eevee becomes burn. When Mag is then ordered by Flannery speed up the damaging process with Sand Storm, Eevee begins to struggle as he also becomes blinded by the sand until with Joseph’s advice listens out for Mag’s movement and was able to defeat the Lava Pokémon by using Iron Tail on the battle field which brakes apart the surface and traps it which allows the Evolution Pokémon to defeat it with Iron Tail, but not before using Sunny Day again. As Flannery sends out her Torkoal as her last resort, Joseph recalls his weakened Eevee and sends out his newly caught Numel. With Sunny Day still active thanks to Mag, Flannery’s Torkoal’s Overheat is more powerful than before which was too much for Numel to withstand at first until she then learns Magnitude which knocks the Coal Pokémon off its feet and onto its shell as the Numb Pokémon attacks with another  Magnitude which knocks out her opponent. After winning his fifth Gym Battle and Gym Badge, Joseph and his group plan to make their return to Mauville City in hopes to challenge Wattson the city’s Gym Leader. Once they caught up with Ash’s group at the Valley of Steel while help a wild Torkoal to which the young trainer catches later after making their way through, the two groups soon make it back to Mauville City. After meeting up with Wattson and witnessing his Electrike evolving into Manectric and letting Ash and May battle it and Watt’s Ampharos in a single battle separately, Joseph finally gets his chance to battle the Gym Leader the next day in a four-on-four Pokémon battle with Ash’s group deciding to stay and watch. It starts out first with Joseph’s Nuzleaf against Wattson’s Magnemite which ended with the Wily Pokémon coming out on top. Next was Wattson’s Voltorb which had Joseph’s Nuzleaf beaten back by its fast moving Rollout Attack before his trainer switches him out with his Wailmer who after a tough battle even at a type disadvantage was able to defeat the Ball Pokémon before it used Self-destruct while being pushed far away by the Whale Pokémon’s Hydro Pump. Wattson then sends out his Magneton next which easily defeats Joseph’s Wailmer before being battled by his Numel who at first at first manages to hit the Magnet Pokémon with a powerful Magnitude, but did not quite knocked it out due to its Ability, Sturdy which then gives it the chance to use Secret Power which on the sand-based battle field has it use Mud Shot on the Numb Pokémon which not only super-effectively damages, but blinds her as well. However, Numel with Joseph’s advice by telling her to fire at where he could see Magneton takes it down with Flamethrower which left Wattson with only one Pokémon left and that being his Manectric. As the battle commences, Wattson’s Manectric manages to defeat Joseph’s Numel after it used Rain Dance to weaken her Fire-Type moves and takes it out with multiple Bites before also defeating Nuzleaf with a powerful Thunder which was boosted by its Charge. With only Eevee left remain, he and Joseph give it their all, but were one a losing end due Rain Dance affectively soaking the battle field and making Manectric’s attacks more effective and that it was even too fast for the Evolution Pokémon to lay a hit on. However, with using Manectric’s Rain Dance to their advantage, Joseph has Eevee slide over the ground and uses Iron Tail to hit one of the Discharge Pokémon’s legs which injures and stops it in its tracks which give him the chance to finish things of with Dig. After earning his sixth Badge, Joseph, Ash and their groups leave Mauville City and head for Verdanturf Town where both Jane and May will compete in the Contest Hall there. Once they’ve arrived at Verdanturf Town the two groups would meet a masked Coordinator called the Phantom and his Ghost-Type Pokémon, Dusclops who defeated Drew and his Roselia. It turns out later the Phantom was a disguised boy named Timmy who is Pokémon Training in secret from his mother while trying to live on with his father’s legacy when he was the Phantom back then. After the two groups manage to help Timmy by having his mother turn her suspicions away by having Brock pretending be the Phantom instead, Jane May and him then enter the contest on the next day as they and Jessie while in disguise manage to past the Appeals Rounds. The first Battle Round was between Jane and May using their Aron and Skitty with the Kitten Pokémon winning with the first round, even with Joseph still impressed with how his friends fought fairly against each other. After May battled Timmy and won the Contest and her second Ribbon, both Joseph and Ash’s group come to a cross road which on the left leads a long way back to Petalburg City while on the right leads to a small town on the way where another Contest Hall is located. After splitting from Ash’s for the time being, Joseph and his group reach the town named Stockpile where Jane competes in the Pokémon Contest there and manages to gain her third Ribbon. When Joseph’s group arrives back at Petalburg City and meets up with Ash and the others, he would watch the battle between his friend and Norman while on the side lines. After Ash manages to defeat Norman and would gain his fifth badge however, Max takes it away and locks himself in the Gym’s greenhouse while telling everyone that his father losing a Pokémon Battle was not okay after how much he has looked up to him as a strong trainer. Feeling angered by Max’s words and bellyaching about losing, Joseph punches the steel door and yells at him to quit it, saying that he would become a disgrace of a trainer if he ever thinks about that and reminds him that it was his father’s given duty by the World Government to battle hard while doing his best against trainers who would one day be given the same role he has as Petalburg’s Gym Leader and that growing up to being a Pokémon Trainer also means becoming a man and that he should act like one while he still has a long-life ahead of him. When Ash steps in while telling Max that it was still okay and that he didn’t needed the badge since battling and beating Norman taught him enough to be satisfied without one, the young 7-year old takes both his and Joseph’s own words at heart and gives his friend the badge to which Joseph and the others were happy to see him doing what is truly right. After the two groups leave and go their separate ways for the time being after meeting with Professors Oak and Birch, Joseph’s group would then meet Birch’s son Brendan, an expert trainer who has won six Gym Badges and plans to enter the Hoenn League tournament so he could one day become the champion while also promising his father to collect data on every Pokémon native to the region. After informing his father Chief Law on his current progress and encounters with Teams Magma and Aqua, and putting a stop to the Team Rocket Trio for trying to steal the Pokémon from Birch’s lab, Joseph and Brendan have a 3-on-3 Pokémon with his Numel, Nuzleaf and Eevee who all put up a good fight, but lost to his new rival’s Aggron, Breloom and his starter, Swampert. Though not upset with his lose, Joseph was very impressed with Brendan’s skills as he vows to one day become strong as him and wishes him luck with gaining his last two badges. While on their way to Rubello Town for Jane’s next Pokémon Contest and to Fortree City for Joseph’s Gym Battle, they would meet up with Ash who had gotten separated from his group at Kirikiri Mountain on Route 119 and would meet with a girl named Calista and her Baltoy who they help in finding the ancient Baltoy civilization located deep in a cave in the mountain. After Joseph’s group and Ash regroup with May and the others, they would all then reach Rubello Town for her and Jane to compete in a Rank 1 required Pokémon Contest at its Contest Hall. There they would meet with Drew again and an adult coordinator named Savannah who May and Jane befriend with. On the day of the contest after passing the apply rounds, Joseph and the others along with Savannah’s group and daughter Sandra would watch on from the side-lines cheering for both Jane and May who unfortunately lose to her separately. Though Jane defeated Drew and was not upset with her lose against Savannah later onwards, May was after being too overconfident and for her angry outburst at her Bulbasaur she apologizes to for letting her desire for Ribbons causing her to lose sight of what was important. After Joseph and Ash find May, they give her helpful advice that even everyone can get carried away with wanting to win sometimes, and that the most important fact of battling, Contest or Gym, is that Trainers and Pokémon must be in sync to succeed. After leaving Rubello Town, both Joseph and Ash’s groups while on their way to Fortree City would encounter a wild Spoink Jane would befriend, take part in a PokéRinger competition for the gang’s Flying-Types, a mansion with a Shuppet Max befriends and witness May’s Torchic evolving into Combusken who saves them from a hoard of angry wild Shroomish and Breloom. They would later reach a research facility known as the Weather Institute thanks to Castform, the Weather Pokémon created by the Institute. Moments later when a squad of Team Aqua Grunts lead by Shelly and Matt invades the Institute in order to obtain some certain Weather Data that involves the secrets of one of the Hoenn’s Legendary Pokémon, Joseph and the others fought many of them off while also protecting the date, but were forced to hand it over to them after the villainous group had the Institute researchers hostage. However, Courtney, a Team Magma Admin who was in disguise as a researcher, steals the data and escapes. Before Team Aqua made their retreat, Joseph manages to sneak behind Shelly and place a tracker on her outfit in order to keep track of her and the organization’s movements as well as figuring out where their base could be located. After the two groups leave the Institute, they arrive at Fortree City which was holding its Feather Carnival for the day and with the city’s Gym Leader, Winona attending it. On the next day, Joseph and the others would watch Ash from the side lines while supporting him during his Gym Battle with Winona and manages to defeat her and gain his 6th Badge. After Ash and his group move onwards, Joseph and his companions stayed behind for him to have a 4-on-4 battle with Winona, first having his Nuzleaf defeat her Pelipper before being defeated by her Skarmory who is then defeated by his Numel. After recalling Numel, he then has his Eevee battle her Shiny Swellow which was a tough opponent for the Evolution Pokémon, but still manages to triumph over the Flying-Type, before facing Altaria who had recently learned Dragon Dance which it uses to its mid-air advantage to defeat Eevee and Numel. With Wailmer being left, the Ball Whale Pokémon was at first having trouble laying a hit on Altaria until he was able to learn Blizzard and slows down the Dragon/Flying-Type by freezing it and uses Façade to defeat it which ends Joseph’s battle with victory and is given his 6th Badge. Sometime later, Joseph and his group would accompany with Ash and the others at an advance tech settlement known as LaRousse City where they and some new friends they’ve made there get caught into a conflict with the Legendary Sky High Pokémon Rayquaza and the Mythical DNA Pokémon Deoxys. After saving the city and settling peace between the two powerful Pokémon who went their separate ways, Joseph’s group would split from Ash’s again and would take their destination to Bomba Island where a Pokémon Contest was being held at Bomba Town's Contest Hall. After Jane and her Bellossom won the Contest and gains her fourth Ribbon, they would meet up with Ash and the others again who came to Bomba Island by accident and would help a young referee trainee and his three Kanto starter Pokémon at their mid-evolve forms. After leaving the island while taking a boat on Water Route 124, the gang would run into the wild Spoink they met before who would then be accidently caught into one of Jane’s empty Poké Balls while looking for something round to replace the pearl it lost. After finding a new Pearl for Spoink who truly is accepted into Jane’s family, she, Joseph and the others while on their way to Mossdeep City would stop by at Wazoo Island while helping a treasure hunting couple find lost pirate treasure, helping Professor Birch solve a feud between the Gorebyss and Huntail trainers of Islands A, B and C and having Double Battles with a group of trainers on Muscle Island where they would also encounter a Makuhita who was abandoned by its trainer for being disobedient which also lost in many battles. While wanting to stay behind and help Makuhita, Ash and his group leave to continue on without Joseph and his group who later manages to help Makuhita defeat its former trainer named Pork and his Hariyama after some encouragement from the Warrior who the Guts Pokémon’s took its trust to for helping it learn Focus Punch and allows itself to be captured by him. Before Joseph and his group could leave, they soon caught a distress signal on their PokéNav coming from Max’s who he and the others call and inform them that they have been captured by Team Magma at their base being held against their will. Using the tracking signal he placed on Tabitha’s hood in their last encounter, Joseph and his group would arrive at Monsu Island where their base is located. While Joseph and his group make an attack on the base to get the Magma Grunts’ attention, Yoga’s Kecleon would sneak in and free Ash and the others from their cell before meeting up with their friends who were also added unexpectedly by their old ally, Lance the Kanto Pokémon Champion who disguised himself as a Magma Grunt while sent by the Pokémon World’s Government to infiltrate Team Magma’s hideout and learns of their plan that could threaten not only Hoenn, but the whole world. As Joseph, his friends and Lance fight their way through the base’s halls with Grunts, they would encounter Tabitha and Courtney at the docking station who stull them long enough for their leader, Maxie to depart in the Team’s newly built Submarine Explorer 1 which was constructed from the Devon Parts they stolen last time at the Oceanic Museum. When the two Admins set the base to self-destructed and make their retreat, Joseph and the others quickly escape through the base’s underwater way with the help of their Water-Type Pokémon and Lance’s Red Gyarados. After escaping the Magma Base, Joseph and Ash’s groups with Lance’s help were able to reach Mossdeep City and meet the city’s Gym Leaders Tate and Liza. On the day of the tag-team Gym Battle, Ash and Joseph team-up in a 4-on-4 battle with Tate and Liza by having their Swellow and Nuzleaf up against the Gym Leading Duo’s Claydol and Xatu. During the first battle, the two Gym Leaders continuously argued with each other, which allowed their opponent to get hits in and defeat their first Pokémon. However, after another attack by the Team Rocket Trio, the twins managed to work together using their Solrock and Lunatone. In the battle that followed after which takes place outside the Gym, they showed an incredible ability to balance each other's Pokémon, becoming a seemingly unstoppable force that defeats Ash’s Swellow and Joseph’s Nuzleaf who then each have their Pikachu and Makuhita take place as their last Pokémon. With Ash’s clever thinking, he and Joseph were able to pull through after having Pikachu use Thunder on forming overhead clouds which spit back a streak of lightning, directly hitting him and Makuhita who were both then super-charged and covered in a golden coat of armor with being able to withstand the Psychic-Type Pokémon’s attacks and defeats them with Iron Tail and Knock Off. After both Joseph and Ash won each of their sixth Gym Badges, they and their friends are met by Drake, the Dragon-Type Master of the Hoenn Region’s Elite Four who challenges Ash to a two-on-two battle on his ship and defeats the young trainer easily while also teaching him that he should not get overconfident in his skills as a trainer which is something even the others learn. After the battle and for stopping another of the Team Rocket Trio’s attempts with Drake’s help, Joseph would learn of Dragon-Type Master’s backstory of his days as a pirate once part of Aqua Crew who nowadays goes by what they call Team Aqua as he also tells him and the others that their goal was to bring forth Kyogre, but did not wish to use a Pokémon that would cause unstoppable chaos which what made him leave the Aqua Crew and would then form his own crew before he would be elected by the Pokémon World Government as one of Hoenn’s Elite Four Members to protect the region. After bidding Drake farewell, Joseph and the others would make a stop at Wales Island for some training where May’s Bulbasaur would learn Petal Dance while Yoga’s Kabuto evolves into Kabutops after befriending and saving a research lab’s Armaldo. After that, Joseph and Ash’s group would head for Izabe Island where Jane and May would take part in the Pokémon Contest at Purika Town and would meet a new rival Coordinator named Harley who’s Grass-Dark-Type Cacturne defeats Jane’s Aron in the second round, but loses to May’s Bulbasaur in the final round, puss now having the two girls with four Ribbons each. After leaving Purika Town, the two groups would continue traveling through Izabe Island where they would stop a giant rampaging Claydol, witness Brock’s Lombre evolving into Ludicolo and then encountering a herd of Trapinch that evolve into Vibrava in which one of them is befriended by Joseph for saving it from Team Rocket and is captured by him after it was battled by his Eevee. They would later meet with Sidney of the Elite Four who captures a wild Absol he befriends, Ash capturing a Snorunt and rescuing a sick Ralts which Max makes a strong friendship with and promises to meet it again when he becomes a trainer. Soon, Joseph and his friends finally reach Sootopolis City where it is located inside of a giant crater of an underwater volcano and meet the city’s local Gym Leader, Juan who is also a former Coordinator who once won the Grand Festival and became Top Coordinator. At same time, Joseph and his group would meet with Brendan again who also meets Ash and first time is already known to May and Max as Professor Birch’s son. After Brendan reviles that he has already won his eighth badge from Juan, Ash also fought the Gym Leader hard and wins his badge while Joseph decides to stay and train-up for his eighth Gym Battle after witnessing how formidable the battle was. Around the same time though, Team Aqua lead by their true leader Archie, invades the city while making their way to the Cave of Origin where an expedition site organized by Steven Stone and the Devon Corporation was excavating area for rare materials. When Joseph and the others hear of the commotion, they with Brendan and Juan make their way to the cave and fight off the Aqua Grunts before saving Steven and encountering the Aqua Admin, Matt who engage Joseph and Brendan in battle while Ash and the others try to stop Archie who awakens the legendary Pokémon sleeping within the cave, Groudon which was unfortunately the wrong being they sought out to look for, but captured it anyway using their mechanized submarine while at the same time Team Magma captures Kyogre who was sleeping at the bottom of the ocean within the Seafloor Cavern. After Team Aqua manages to escape with Groudon, Joseph and his group stay behind at Sootopolis City before having his battle with Juan while Ash’s group and Brendan move onwards with their journeys while also vowing that they hope to battle one another soon at the Hoenn League to take place at Ever Grande City. After finally gaining his final Gym Badge after defeating Juan in a five-on-five battle, Joseph and his group would head for the next location for Jane’s Pokémon Contest at Ukulele Island which was one of the places in Hoenn to be anyone’s last chance of winning a Ribbon. Before that, they witness an exhibition performance battle between two of Hoenn’s Elite Four members, Phoebe and Glacia. After Jane was finally able to win her final Contest Ribbon with her Spoink, she and Joseph were then approached by Phoebe and Glacia who were amazed by her performance and skills before asking the two for a tag battle. After Joseph and Jane accepted their offer, they use their Nuzleaf and Aron against Phoebe and Glacia’s Sableye and Glalie which defeated the two trainers and their Pokémon despite each of their opponents having the type disadvantage, but were grateful for battling them while also learning to use observation while battling strong opponents they would come across. With both Jane and May having acquired five Ribbons, they both enter the Hoenn Grand Festival at Slateport City while Joseph and the others watch from the side-lines and cheer the two girls on whom both past the two Appealing Rounds and both end up at Top-16 after battling Drew and Robert separately Battle Rounds and lose, but with their friends still proud of how well they did. After the closing ceremony of the Grand Festival, Joseph and the others would make their way to Ever Grande City for him and Ash to take part in the Hoenn Pokémon League, but end up in one of the Team Rocket Trio’s traps on their newly built transport which accidently leads them and their enemies stounded on an un-charted island surrounded by whirlpools. With the help of a wild Spheal Jane befriends and captures later on, it masters its Ice Beam to freeze the surrounding whirlpools around the island while Joseph and the others use the wreckage from Team Rocket’s jet as a raft slide over the ice-made path out to far ocean with their Water-Type Pokémon while also defeating the Trio once again as they make their way to Ever Grande City. Once they all arrived, both Joseph and Ash register for the League competition while also meeting up with Brandan and a new rival who owns a Meowth, Tyson who later help the gang along with the city’s local Officer Jenny get the Sacred Torch back from the Team Rocket Trio. As the Hoenn League Tournament begins, Joseph along with Ash, Brandan, Tyson, Morrison and other rivals would first past through the preliminaries by defeating their opponents in a single one-on-one battle with the Koseki Warrior’s Eevee defeating a trainer’s Zangoose. In the second and third rounds which are two-on-two Double Battles, Joseph would first battle a Sailor’s Machoke and Pelipper using his Wailmer and Makuhita and a Psychic’s Gardevoir and Exeggcute using his Nuzleaf and Vibrava, defeating them effortlessly as he moves to the fourth round and battles two more trainers in Full-Party Battles and defeats them as well. He would then come face to face with his new friendly rival, Tyson in the Curator-Finals whose Pokémon were very tough as it then comes down between their Eevee and Meowth as their last Pokémon with the former still left standing after a hard battle, eliminating Joseph from the rest of the tournament and having him placed at Top-8 along with Ash who lost to Brandon. When it came to the finals, Joseph and the others would watch the battle between Brandon and Tyson who were both down to each of their last Pokémon, Swampert and Sceptile with the Water-Type coming out on top despite the typing advantage from the Grass-Type. With Brandon the winner, the Ever Grande Conference was over as Joseph and his friends would congratulate their new friend and wish him in challenging the Elite Four. However, before they could relax, the entire Hoenn Region soon fell into chaos as the mixture of high temperature from the sun as well as heavy rainstorms begun to occur due to the awakening of Groudon and Kyoger caused by both Team Magma and Aqua who then face each other in one final battle for each fate of the whole world. As the World Government catches wind of this, they send the Elite Four members of Hoenn as well as Lance and Steven to put a stop to the rampaging Legendary Pokémon and the two waring organizations. When seeing that not even the Elite Four or Lance and Steven could stop each side of the war, Ash decides to help as he, Joseph, Brock, Yoga and Brandon head to stop the war which is taking place over ocean that has been covered in solid ice and dried magma. Once they arrived, they fight off the Grunts from each side until the find Lance and Steven who they and their Pokémon were both shot down and injured by Groudon and Kyoger. When Steven reviles that through some research he had found about Groudon and Kyoger, it was due to the power of the Red and Blue Orbs which are in Maxie and Archie, but is also corrupting their minds and if not stopped soon, then the Pokémon’s power will go out of control and will spread their destruction on the whole world. As Joseph and his friends now know that stopping Groudon and Kyoger is by getting the two Orbs of the villainous leaders, they split up in two groups and make their way towards their location, As Joseph and Ash make their way to Maxie, they are confronted by the Magma Admins Courtney and Tabitha who engage them in battle. As Joseph tells Ash to go on ahead and stop Maxie, he faces the Admins by alone until Jane, May, Max and the Team Rocket Trio show up to help. As Jane takes on Courtney, Joseph has his fight against Tabitha’s Mightyena and Magmar with his Full Party. As they battled, Joseph would tell Tabitha that the new world he would create with Maxie would not be what they would wanted as both land and ocean are both an important part of the earth and can’t have one without the other as it serves life to mankind and Pokémon alike. In the end, he defeats Tabitha’s Pokémon before knocking him out and to remind him of the words he had spoken to him about before re-joining with the others who defeated their opponents. After Ash and Brandon defeat Maxie and Archie separately and got the Orbs off of them, this did not stop both Groudon and Kyoger however, until Lance realizes that during their clash neither of them has land a single hit and that only way stop them is if one of them knocks out the other. As Joseph and the others along with the Elite Four members distract Kyoger, Ash and Pikachu make their way with the Red Orb to Groudon with the help of Lance’s Dragonite until it gets shot down by the Continent Pokémon’s Eruption as he and his partner would have to climb the rest of the way up itself. As Joseph and the others were taking a beating from Kyoger, they manage to distract him long enough for Ash to get through to Groudon using the Red Orb’s power with positive feelings as Continent Pokémon charges up and launches a Solar Beam at Sea Basin Pokémon, hitting it successfully. After quilling the fighting, the Blue and Red Orbs shatter and disappear as Groudon and Kyoger stop their abilities from spreading over the region and leave each other as Joseph, Ash and everyone celebrate their victory of saving the world while many of the Magma and Aqua Grunts along with the Admins, Maxie and Archie who take the words from the heroes at heart and would think that perhaps the world is better off as it is already before being taken away. Days later, Joseph and friends would have one last picnic together before going their separate ways. As May and Max say their good-byes and head home for Petalburg City, Ash and Brock make their trip back to Kanto with Joseph group who decided to tag along with Ash to Pallet Town to visit and catch up with some old friends there and to also inform his people of the defeats of both Team Magma and Aqua as this was another step towards his dreams of creating a non-evil and peaceful world for humans and Pokémon.

Note: If some of you are confused by the pilot info, this is my version of the Advance Generation's Hoenn Region story as I to be honest have a few issues with the series' pilot. Felt like it needed more in-game characters, give Brandon a major role since he only appeared as cameos in the films, give Teams Magma and Aqua more story development unlike how it got wrapped up to quickly and mirror more of their events from the games into the anime. Hope you all like the re-written pilot for the events in the Hoenn saga that involves my characters.

Pokémon Series and Characters by Nintendo and Game Freak
OCs by Gold-Ring-951

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