goodra676 — Pokemon Adventure RP (Part 5)

#marshtomp #nidorina #ninetales #pokemon #pokemonfanart #pokemontrainer #raboot #typhlosion #umbreon #riolu #drizzile #alolan_sandslash #eldegoss #zacian #gigantamax #alcremie #gigantamax_pikachu #boltund #dubwool #thwackey
Published: 2024-04-20 19:54:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 7096; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description *After defeating the second Gym Leader and running into grunts from a team called “Team Scally”, Oliver and Martha worked together to build their Pokemon teams together and after resting up, Martha and Oliver decided to have a Pokemon battle to showcase their teams. Martha had sent out her newly evolved Boltund. With a smirk, Oliver’s Pokémon was released and it was an Eldegoss.*

Eldegoss: Gooooss!

Oliver: Now, let’s see what that Boltund can do!

Martha: I'll be glad to show you...Go Boltund!
*With a flair of a backspin, Martha released Boltund from its pokéball for the little duel.*

Boltund: Boooolt! Boltund!

Oliver: Heh, this’ll be a nice warmup before the third gym! You up for it?

Martha: I sure am...But I'll tell you this, I'm not gonna make this a walk in the park for you.

Oliver: I’d like it no other way. Let’s go!

Martha: Boltund! Use Tail whip!

Boltund: Bolt!
*Boltund runs up and delivers a mean tail whip to Eldegoss. Even though it dealt no damage, Eldegoss’ defense was decreased by one stage.*

Oliver: Eldegoss! Leaf Tornado!
*Eldegoss chimes as she whips up a tornado with sharp leaves that nicked and sliced Boltund, dealing moderate damage.*

Martha: Okay, go for a Bite, then head back to me!
*Boltund does as commanded. Leaving with a swift attack on Eldegoss before returning to Martha. Eldegoss only took some damage from Bite. She shakes off the attack and gets ready for what's to come as Martha substitutes Boltund.*

Martha: Hmm...Okay, let's hit them with a Roar Boltund!

Boltund: BOLT!!
*As Boltund lets out a roar, Eldegoss gets switched out for a random Pokemon Oliver had. As Eldegoss got switched, out came his Thievul.*

Thievul: Vul!
Martha: Heh...Boltund, go for Spark!

Oliver: Thievul, Sucker Punch!
*Thievul barks as he runs forward, tanking the electric attack, but smacks Boltund hard with a purple glowing tail, sending it skidding back to Martha before exchanging the damage.*

Martha: Oh, hmm...Okay, let's see if we can try something else...

Oliver: Thievul, use Quick Attack!
*Thievul charges at Boltund with a white streak following it, before throwing himself into Boltund, dealing damage before Martha's turn.*

Martha: Hmph...Okay...Let's Charm this Thievul. Go Boltund!

Oliver: Use Dig!
*Before Boltund could charm Thievul, he buries under the ground. Boltund looks around for Thievul, and takes massive damage from an attack through the ground, KO’ing them.*

Martha: Darn...Well played Oliver…

Oliver: Heh, nice one Thievul.
*Oliver returns Thievul as Martha returned Boltund.*

Martha: Guess I'm not as good as you. And I got a ton of work to do to meet that level.

Oliver: Then you’d better choose who to send out next.

Martha: I am...So I'm sending out Dubwool!
*Dubwool baa’s as it lands with a thud, facing down Oliver as he ponders who to send out next.*

Oliver: Got it! Eldegoss! Let’s go!
*Oliver sends out Eldegoss once again.*

Martha: Use headbutt! Go for it Dubwool!

Oliver: Dodge it and use Sleep Powder!
*As Dubwool goes to ram Eldegoss, she jauntily hops out of the way, before firing a green series of spores at Dubwool, causing it to go to sleep.*

Oliver: Now, use Leaf Tornado!
*Eldegoss lands a critical hit on Dubwool.*

Martha: Oh no...C'mon Dubwool, wake up!

Oliver: Alright, now use Round!
*Eldegoss sings at Dubwool, dealing damage to it, but not waking it up.*

Martha: Alright, I'm bringing out someone different. Sorry Dubwool...
*Bringing out her pokéball, Martha tells Dubwool to return and rest.*

Oliver: Heh, who's your next pick?

GG: I'll have to send out Alcremie. Go Alcremie!
*Alcremie lands softly and looks at Oliver and Eldegoss. It seemed uneasy at first, but she was aware of what was happening.*

Martha: It's okay Alcremie, This is just for practice. Now...Go for a Draining Kiss!

Oliver: Oh no ya don’t. Use Magical Leaf!
*As Alcremie tries to get in close, Eldegoss fires a series of sharp leaves at Alcremie.*

Martha: Dodge and try again Alcremie! I know you can do it!
*As Eldegoss fires off another Magical Leaf, Alcremie jumps out of the way and nails a smooch on her, dealing a little bit of damage, and restoring some of Alcremie’s health.*

Oliver: Heh, not bad. But it’s gonna take more than that. Eldegoss, Leaf Tornado!
*Eldegoss fires Leaf Tornado at Alcremie, dealing moderate damage, despite her just healing.*

Martha: Hmm...Gotta think...Ah ha, Use Acid Armor Alcremie!
*Alcremie melts herself down before reforming, looking slightly shiny, raising her defences by two stages.*

Oliver: M’kay, I see you…Eldegoss, use Sleep Powder!
*Eldegoss gets in close and fires off the same green spores that put Dubwool to sleep.*

Martha: Sorry, but I'm not letting that happen again. Now...Use Dazzling Gleam!
*Alcremie chimes as she lets off a blinding gleam, damaging Eldegoss a fair bit, thanks to a critical hit.*

Oliver: Heh, not bad. But it’s gonna take more than that! Eldegoss, Magical Leaf!
*Eldegoss fires off another Magical Leaf, scoring a big damaging hit on Alcremie, KO’ing her, despite her best efforts.*

Martha: ...Drat...Seems that you win again...I'm starting to think that I'm getting worse.

Oliver: Hey, c’mon, don’t think like that. If you’ve done this before, you’ll know that everyone’s had their downs. They all happen sometimes.

Martha: I will admit, my methods aren't perfect. I've definitely lost some major things to that. Guess my way of training Pokémon is more fun than function.

Oliver: And again, we all go through that. It’s not all about hard work and training.
*Oliver walks over to Alcremie and pets her on the head gently.*

Oliver: It’s also about nurturing and caring for your Pokémon as well, tending to their needs so they can be your partner's outside of battle as well.
*Martha then returns Alcremie as she ponders who to send in next.*

Martha: Hmm...This is a tough fight. And it's just a practice match...Who to use now...?
*Since it was a four on four, Martha had the options of Thwackey and Dubwool. Whereas Oliver still had his team going strong.*

Martha: Okay...Let's go Thwackey!
*Throwing up her next Pokéball, Martha sends out Thwackey.*

Oliver: Okay…Eldegoss, return!
*Oliver swaps out Eldegoss and sends in Raboot. Martha huffs in frustration as she struggles to think of a plan.*

Martha: Umm...Okay...Go for a Taunt first Thwackey!
*Thwackey taunts Raboot after dodging a fire attack. This proves to backfire as Raboot performs the same move again, keeping Thwackey on his toes.*

Thwackey: Th-Thwack…!

Martha: Oh no! Uh...Okay, let's try and go for a Screech, then follow up with a Razor Leaf!
*Thwackey screeches in Raboot’s ears, stunning him and lowering his defense by one stage, before he gets attacked by sharp leaves. Although it didn’t do a lot of damage, it was still a nice play from Martha.*

Oliver: Heh, not a bad play. But I can do that too. Raboot! Use Agility, then Flame Charge!
*Raboot starts running circles around Thwackey, glowing blue with increasing speed, and with more flaming footprints left on the ground before erupting in flames and charging at Thwackey, dealing big damage to him.*

Martha: Geez...Now, go for an Uproar, then a good Double Hit Thwackey!
*Thwackey gets angry and deals damage to Raboot, from the Uproar, and then Double Hit, dealing moderate damage.*

Oliver: Use Flame Charge again!
*Almost instantly, Thwackey gets sent tumbling back to Martha’s feet, KO’ed from the attack. She then notices Raboot glowing red once Flame Charge was over.*

Oliver: And that’s Speed Stat number four.

GG: Ah...Well...I guess that just leaves Dubwool now...
*As Martha sends out Dubwool, he is now awake and ready to battle, letting out a strong "baa."*

Martha: Not gonna lie...Things are looking rough for us Dubwool.

Dubwool: Wooool…
Martha: Alright...If we're gonna lose this, let's go down fighting.

Dubwool: WOOL!

Martha: Now, hit them with a Guard Split Dubwool!
*Dubwool performs the attack, swapping his and Raboot’s Special Defense stats.*

Martha: Go for the Headbutt! Hit them hard!

Oliver: Dodge, then use Flame Charge!
*The two Pokémon clash repeatedly through the area outside as each trainer debates their next move. Martha only watches in anticipation as both hers and Oliver's Pokémon battle against each other. The round ended in a tie as Raboot and Dubwool dealt damage to each other.*

Oliver: Heh, this is getting fun.

Martha: Yeah. But it's also teaching me a few things about you as a trainer. Maybe you can show me some of your methods.

Oliver: Heh, sure thing. But for right now, let’s finish this.

Martha: Yeah...It's clear who's gonna win this. Dubwool, use Defense Curl, and then Headbutt.
*Dubwool buffs himself up before charging at Raboot.*

Oliver: Raboot! Use Flame Charge and follow up with Double Kick!
*FWOOSH! Raboot sprints at Dubwool, causing an explosion in the field, and once the cloud cleared, both Raboot and Dubwool were KO’ed.*

GG: Heh...Good fight there Oliver.

Oliver: Heh, thanks. You were great.

???: Hah! Are you kidding? That was awful! You’re only saying that ‘coz you won mate!
*A girl in a pink hoodie and jeans approaches Oliver and Martha.*

Oliver: I’m sorry, who are you?

???: Hmph. Only one of the best Poké influencers out there. Vira!

Martha: I mean...Yeah, she's not wrong. I didn't even get one K.O on your team until now.

Oliver: So what? Not everyone wins all the time. Now step off little girl.

Vira: What’s wrong? Can’t the big strong Martha Baker stand up to me herself? Yeah, I know who ya are.

Martha: Umm...I'm sorry...Who are you? I don't recall seeing your face.

Vira: Heh, of course not. I’m an online sensation when it comes to battling.

Oliver: Oh good. So you won’t mind Martha beating the brakes off your team then?

Martha: Oliver... No. I don't know how good she is. Or her team.

Oliver: C’mon, you can take her, and her team!
Vira: Ha! We’ll see about that! Rotom-Phone, record!

Rotom Phone: Yes Vira!
*Vira’s Rotom Phone flies up and starts recording as she sends out an Umbreon as her first pick.*

Umbreon: Umbre!
Vira: So, what’s it gonna be, Kalos Champion?

GG: *sigh* Guess I don't have much of a choice now, don't I?

Oliver: *Cough* Alcremie. *cough*

Martha: I meant that I could step away from this fight that, may I remind you that You've set me up for...Either way. Alcremie, I choose you!

Alcremie: Cremie…?
Vira: Heh, cake for a lass with too much of it. Fitting. Umbreon! Shadow Ball!

Umbreon: Uuuuum…Bre!
*Umbreon fires a purple hazy ball at Alcremie.*

Martha: Try and dodge so you can follow up with a Draining Kiss!
*Alcremie dodges the attack and kisses Umbreon, dealing big damage to Umbreon.*

Martha: Good hit, nice work Alcremie! Now go for Acid armour and be on the defensive.
*Once Alcremie buffs up, Umbreon snarls as Vira commands another attack.*

Vira: Umbreon! Use Swift! Then Quick attack!
*Umbreon fires yellow stars at Alcremie dealing little damage.*

Martha: Alcremie, use Dazzling Gleam!

Alcremie: Cremieee…
*Alcremie fires off a Dazzling Gleam, damaging Umbreon Heavily, KO’ing it at Vira’s feet.*

Vira: Grr…Lucky.

Oliver: Ya could’ve switched if you wanted to.

Vira: Hmph. Go Nidorina!
*Vira switches Umbreon for Nidorina, one of Alcremie’s weaknesses.*

Martha: Hmm...Okay, Go for a Draining Kiss, then return to me.
*Alcremie does the attack, but barely any damage was caused and barely any health was restored. Once Alcremie returned to Martha she switched and was debating who to send in next.*

Martha: Now, Boltund! C'mon out!
Boltund: Bolt!

Vira: Heh, use Dig!

Nidorina: Nido!
*Nidorina starts burrowing underground.*

Martha: Dodge first, then use Roar! I wanna see her other members on her team.
*Boltund’s eyes dart, hunting for Nidorina. He then heard the ground breaking beneath him and jumps back and as Nidorina emerges, Boltund roars at Nidorina, forcing a switch. Vira’s last Pokémon came out, which was an Alolan Sandslash.*

Alolan Sandslash: Slash!
Oliver: …Okay, that took a left.

Martha: Ah. Okay. Return to me Boltund! I'll swap you with Thwackey.

Thwackey: Thwack!

Vira: Heh, looks like winter’s coming early! Sandslash! Metal Claw!
*Alolan Sandslash’s claws turn to metal as he charges at Thwackey.*

Martha: Okay. Dodge first, than Screech to even the odds.
*Thwackey jumps out of the way before screeching in Sandslash’s ears, weakening it’s defences.*

Martha: Good work! Now Thwackey, go for a Razor Leaf!
*Thwackey slashes Sandslash with a series of sharp leaves, before narrowly dodging an Icicle spear.*

Martha: Maybe we can give this trainer a taste of her own medicine. Thwackey, use taunt!
*Thwackey taunts Sandslash and avoids the Icicle spears. Playing with fire, Martha keeps up the pressure.*

Martha: Now use Razor Leaf again! C'mon back and get on the defensive Thwackey!
*Thwackey fires Razor Leaf at Sandslash, sending it crashing into a nearby tree, shaking off the attack.*

Martha: Hmm...
*Martha takes a moment to think. Vira Orders her Sandslash to make another move while she pondered.*

Martha: Thwackey, try for a Double Hit!
*Thwackey jumps at Sandslash before jumping out of the way, before cracking it with its branch again with more power, sending him crashing back to Vira, KO’ed.*

Martha: Nice Double there Thwackey. Now...One more Pokémon to go. Come back and rest. I'll send out Dubwool to take your place.
*As Martha switches, Vira sends in Nidorina to try and take back the win.*

Martha: Okay, Go Dubwool! Use a Double Kick!
*Dubwool bucks Nidorina, and I’m return, Nidorina pulls a quill from her body, and jabs it into his wool, poisoning him.*

Martha: Hmm...Defense Curl, use that and be careful.
*Dubwool buffs himself, but he still needed to deal with the attacking Nidorina.*

Martha: Okay...Go for a Headbutt, just keep that focus on a swivel for anything.
*As Nidorina tried going in for Fury Swipes, she takes a mean Headbutt from Dubwool, ending the fight.*

Vira: N-No way! My viewer count’s going down! Grr…You’re gonna regret this!
*Vira then takes off in a hurry.*

Oliver: See? I told you ya had this.

Martha: I guess I just needed to focus is all. I have the tendency to space out and do stupid things.

Oliver: Hey, c’mon. Don’t say that. You did well against her. You put her in her place, and you’re stronger because of it. At least I think so.

Martha: *chuckle* Thanks Oliver. Sure I'm not as great as you when it comes to that, but I have my own way of battles.

Oliver: I know. And I’m glad you’re able to handle yourself. And I’m more glad you’re happy to come along with us.

Martha: That doesn't mean I'm open to learn a thing or two. But for now, let's keep on moving.

Oliver: Yeah, we need to catch up with Ed.
Martha: I sure hope he hasn't gotten himself into any trouble.

Oliver: Yeah, we gotta move.
*The two make their way over to Frostborne, where Eddie was fighting Team Scally grunts with the kid he traded Sobble to. It seemed Sobble had evolved into a Drizzile and was throwing water bombs as the grunt’s Pokémon while Eddie was using Marshtomp against them.*

Oliver: Oh crud! We gotta jump in!

Martha: Yeah...Heh, but he's regretting trading Sobble from before...

Oliver: Isn’t looking like it.
*Marshstomp was firing Mud Bombs at Pokémon who were weak to ground types, and sending the respective grunts running. Oliver and Martha join in to clear them out. Once the battle was over…

???: Heh, thanks for dropping in.
Eddie: Heh, took you guys long enough.

Oliver: Sorry, we ran into a bit of trouble on the way here. But it’s all good now. Huh, Sobble evolved?

???: Yeah. But he seems pretty bitter about your friend here.

Drizzile: Zile.
*Drizzile walks to the kid’s side and avoids all contact with Eddie.*

Eddie: Well, it’d help if he wasn’t weak. Unlike Marshtomp here.

Marshstomp: Stomp…?

Oliver: Look, enough about that. What’s your name kid?

???: It’s Sura.

Sura: And I can’t thank you two enough for jumping in. I’ve been having trouble with these Team Scally guys.

Oliver: It’s no problem.

Martha: Don't think I've seen your face around here...Oh, and for your information Eddie, not EVERY Pokémon is weak.

Eddie: If ya say so.
Sura: Well, I’m doing my best for Drizzile.

Oliver: Thanks Sura. Well. We gotta move. Looks like Michelle needs us for something.

Martha: Yeah. Not entirely sure on what she needs from us.

Oliver: I think I got some idea.

Martha: Regardless, we gotta keep moving.
*The trio keep moving until they arrive at Michelle’s place, a bike shop. After a brief introduction to Eddie and Martha, the three are gifted bikes to ride around Galar, and with upgrades to ride on water and have speed boosters attached.*

Martha: Heh, I don't typically ride a bike too often, but it beats walking everywhere.

Oliver: Heh, yeah. Alright, let's hit up Forstborne! We got a Gym challenge to win.

Eddie: Uhh, you two do. I already got the badge.
Oliver: Fine. WE'LL go win the gym battle then.

Martha: Maybe take some time to slow things down Ed. Maybe another round of tea is in order?

Eddie: Nah, I'm good. I've got a Swampert to get.

Martha: Suit yourself Eddie. We'll just head for the Gym then.
*The group split off. Eddie heads to the next Gym as Oliver and Martha make their way over to Frostborne. As the two get lost in conversation, Oliver ends up slamming on the brakes to stop himself crashing into a girl who was looking at a mural of two individuals and a strange pair of Pokémon.*

Oliver: W-Whoa! Are you okay?! Sorry for nearly running into you!

???: Whoa! U-Umm...It's fine. I guess I got a little distracted about this mural too.

Martha: Heh...The mods on these bikes are a bit touchy...Whoa...I don't think I've seen Pokémon like these two before...

Oliver: Uhh, Martha, look. A red wolf. Doesn't that remind you of anything? Maybe one we ran into in the woods?

???: Wait, you ran into one too?

Martha: Now that you've mentioned it...Yeah. Yeah! This Pokémon here looks familiar.

???: Wait, you two have really seen one of these too?

Martha: It was brief, but yes.
???: Same here! ...Just who are you two?

Martha: The Name's Martha Baker. Heh...If it wasn't obvious by my hat, I have a certain fascination towards Goodras.

???: I can tell! Well, my names Mia! I came here from Johto and Kanto to do the Gym Challenge, and my Typhlosion tried picking a fight with a blue wolf!

Oliver: Well, we’re kinda trying to work out what exactly the red one was too. Would you like to come with us?

Mia: Sure! Where are you headed?

Martha: We're off to Frostborne for the Gym Challenge and a badge for our potential victory.

Mia: Sweet! Will I see you two again?
Oliver: Yeah, in a little while.

Mia: Okay! Enjoy, you two!
*Oliver and Martha then take off again for Frostborne. Now with a new friend and Drizzile’s whereabouts, they push on to try and win.*

*Earlier that day…*

*After besting both the Johto and Kanto Regions with her team of mix and match Pokémon, Mia and her partner Pokémon: Typhlosion decide to take a trip over to Galar, a seemingly quiet region of the world. What Mia didn’t know is, this would be where her next Pokémon adventure would begin. After resting up overnight, she gets her bag, and scarf, before heading out to explore.*

Mia: Alright, it's time to get going! Onto a new adventure! Right, Typhlosion?

Typhlosion: Tyyy!!
*The two made their way through the streets of Galar, people welcoming and greeting Mia as she and her Pokémon wandered. As they explored, they saw all kinds of Pokémon. Rookidee, Nickit, and the most common, Wooloo, which rolled through the many fields Mia came across during her travels.*

Mia: Ooooh, this is amazing! Look at all of the Pokémon!
*It seemed like Mia wasn’t in a strong place in the region. Not that she was battling, but there were laws in place for this kind of thing. Only Pokémon within a gym’s level threshold could be used in public battles, so it would be something to keep in mind. But regardless, she continued to explore, soon coming across a forest with a sign that read “this way to the Wild Area.”*

Mia: Ah, the Wild Area? Seems like a good place to start!
*Mia and Typhlosion enter the forest and see more of the same Pokémon, save for a few chubby squirrel Pokémon known as Skwovet and Greedent.*

Mia: Hey Ty, do you see that?! They look like good choices for a catch!
*Typhlosion didn’t exactly look impressed as they seemed like easy pickings for battling and capture.*

Typhlosion: …Phlosion…

Mia: Awww what, not impressed? Then what do you wanna pick?

Typhlosion: … !!
*Typhlosion’s eyes dart to look behind them and the flames on the back of its neck ignite. Scaring off the smaller Pokémon, but indicated something was nearby.*

Mia: Hmm? What's going on?!
*Mia turns back as Typhlosion was snarling as it went after whatever it was it could sense. Worried, Mia followed. After trudging through bushes and past trees, she comes across a large, blue wolf Pokémon, which lets out an echoing howl through the woods.*

Typhlosion: Phlosion…

Mia: ?! Wha?!
*The wolf looked like it had scars in its fur, along with red braids coming from its mane, but still, it howled again, as Typhlosion was ready to battle.*

Mia: Yikes! That's a lot of scars!
*It seemed like Typhlosion was ready to fight. So wasting no time, it threw a Thunder Punch. …Nothing. Earthquake, Nothing, Overheat, Nothing, and Shadow Claw, Nothing. It seemed some kind of mystical Veil was protecting the strange Pokémon.*

Typhlosion: T-Typh?!

Mia: What the?! But how could that be possible?!
*Mia’s answer would have to be found another time as the woods were soon filled with a thick fog. An uncertain amount of time had passed, but Mia woke up to find Typhlosion in her face to make sure she was okay.*

Typhlosion: Typh? Typhlosion…?
Mia: Nnnngh...

Typhlosion: Phlosion!

Mia: What.....happened?
*Typhlosion helps Mia to her feet and gets her out of the forest. Once they were out, Mia saw all kinds of areas all in one. They seemed to be reminiscent of the four seasons and Pokémon types to a degree.*

Mia: Ooooh!
*It seemed like Mia had found herself in a sandy biome, and with it came lots of new Pokémon to discover.*

Mia: This place is cool!
*Now it was time to find some new Pokémon! …Maybe.*

Mia: Let's find some new Pokémon around here, Ty!!
*Typhlosion follows Mia around as they try to encounter some new Pokémon. However, as she travelled, she found a large, rose tinted rock, with what appeared to be a hefty chunk of it chipped on the ground. And it was glowing in a strange energy.*

Mia: Hmm? What's this all about here?
*Mia picks up the strange stone, and it felt warm to the touch, and it seemed like it was valuable, so she held onto it before continuing her search for some Pokémon. As she continued looking around, the occasional sandstorms that kicked up in the area got annoying, so she went to a calmer part of the area, which was indicated by the smaller Pokémon she could see. Such as...an apple?*

Mia: Hmm? Is that an apple or an actual Pokémon?
*Looking closer, Mia spotted a green slug tail, and the two leaves that were upright were actually eyes! Proven once they actually blinked!*

Applin: Appli??
Mia: Awww, cute!

Typhlosion: Typh?
Mia: Heh heh heh, what do you think, Ty?

Typhlosion: Tyyy.
*It seemed Typhlosion disagreed. The Pokémon seemed too close to a type of food for Typhlosion's taste.*

Mia: Awww come on, man!
*To prove their point, and slightly scaring the Applin, Typhlosion goes to eat the Applin, but stops just before to show why they disapproved.*

Mia: ! Hmm…Okay, you have a point.

Typhlosion: Tyy.
*Typhlosion puts the Applin down, as it rolls away.*

Mia: Heh heh heh, you're so silly sometimes.
Typhlosion: Phloooo.

Mia: Heh heh heh heh!!
*Mia pats them on the arm gently as the two keep walking. Curious to know about the stone she just found, Mia made her way over to a village, named Melwood Village, and after some sightseeing, she came across a house beside a lake, which had an amazing view of the Wild Area. There also appeared to be a Battle Court and several flower beds outside. Mia noticed a sign just in front of the door. It read: "Dr Steiner, Pokémon Scientist."*

Mia: Oooh! Dr. Steiner?
*Thinking it could be a place to get some answers, Mia heads inside. As she does, she is greeted by a huge set up of machines, and other contraptions. As well as Pokémon in enclosures too.*

Mia: Oooooooh cool!

???: Indeed! My work is very cool, dear trainer!
*Looking up, Mia sees a girl with swirly glasses, messy hair, and in casual attire, in the form of a T-shirt and shorts with slippers on, with a cup of coffee.*

Dr Steiner: Hello there! Dr Steiner! Now, how may I help you?

Mia: Oh, I just wanted you to help me identify this stone I found.

Dr Steiner: A stone hmm? Well let's see it!
*Mia gives her the stone.*

Dr Steiner: Ah, This is a Dynamax crystal!

Mia: A what now? Dynamax?

Dr Steiner: Mmhmm! Special Crystals that allow a trainer's Pokémon to grow to the size of a building when taking part in Galar's Gym Challenge.

Mia: Whoa, what?!

Dr Steiner: Indeed. In fact, with the crystal you gave me, I can make you a Dynamax Band. But with it, you'll have to take part in the Gym Challenge.

Mia: Oh wow, that's interesting!
Dr Steiner: Are you gonna give it a shot?

Mia: Hmmm, I guess I could try.

Dr Steiner: You might as well. There's no point in having a Dynamax Band if not.
After giving it some thought, Mia was curious to see what her smaller Pokémon would look like at the size of a building...

Mia: Heh heh, this is gonna be exciting!

Dr Steiner: Excellent! I'll get started!
*A little while passes, but Mia now has a Dynamax Band strapped to her wrist.*

Mia: Oooh!

Dr Steiner: Yours is the fourth one I've made today, so I hope it fits well enough.

Mia: That's amazing, thank you so much!

Dr Steiner: You're welcome! Now go and hit the gyms and show them what you've got!

Mia: Got it!
*Once Mia takes her leave, she makes her way over to the first Gym and gets registered with the Gym Challenge, and with that, Mia ends up starting her first challenge, and is met by the Gym Leader, Freya.*

Freya: Hey there! Are you up for your first Gym Challenge task?

Mia: Mmhmm, I'm ready!

Freya: Great! Now, your first mission is to capture three strong Pokemon within the forest here in the Gym! Oh, and you're gonna need this!
*Freya hands Mia a big bug catching net.*

Mia: Ooh sweet, thanks!
*And with that, Mia strolled through the miniature forest to try and locate the three strong Pokémon. After running into some small fries she found the three strong Pokémon, and began the battle against Freya, where she saw the Dynamax function in person. Freya returns their Butterfree to its ball, and the ball grows in size before Freya throws it with both hands. And like Dr Steiner said, Butterfree grew to the size of a building and glowed in the same colour energy as the Dynamax Crystal as it let out a deeper sounding cry as the crowd cheered as Mia was looking at the giant butterfly Pokémon as it fluttered it's giant wings through the stadium.*

Mia: !  Whoa! That looks so cool!
*Mia had to try this herself, so giving another one of her Pokemon a shot, she sends out Pikachu, which lets out a "Pika! Pika!" as it landed on the field.*

Mia: Alright, Pikachu! Let's see what you can do in Dynamax form!!
*Mia returns her Pikachu to its ball, and the energy from the Dynamax band goes into the ball, causing it to grow, forcing Mia to throw it with two hands, but then, in a flash of rose light and energy, out came a Gigantamax Pikachu.*

Gigantamax Pikachu: PIIIIKA...!

Mia: ! That's so cool!
*Mia had never seen a Pikachu so huge before, but now was the time to go on the attack.*

Mia: Alright, let's do this!
*Mia's Pikachu uses one of its Electric Type moves, which thanks to the Dynamax, converts it into a new move to use during its runtime. Pikachu got on all fours, and a dark storm cloud emerged above the stadium, and a violent plume of lightning struck the Butterfree down, lightning in the shape of Pikachu's tail arced from the lightning blast before an explosion rattled the entire stadium almost throwing Mia off her feet. But through the giant attack, she defeated Freya and their Pokemon and won her first Gym badge!*

Mia: Woooooo, I did it!

Freya: Well done Mia! As Gym Leader, I present to you your first Gym Badge!

Mia: Yay, thank you so much!
Freya: No problem my friend! Happy hunting!

Mia: Thanks again!
*With that, Mia continued her winning streak in the next gym. She arrived at what appeared to be a Perfume shop, but it had a plaque outside proving it was in fact a Gym!*

Mia: Ooh, interesting!
*POOF!! A big pink cloud could be seen from the outside. Deciding to help, Mia heads inside to see a woman with violet hair in a lab coat with two glasses coughing. Although there was an explosion, it smelled sweet. REALLY sweet.*

Mia: What's going on here?

???: Cough! Cough! Hmm? Oh, hello! Sorry about that! I was just in the middle of making a new perfume!

Mia: Ah, I see!
???: But anyway, are you here for the Gym Challenge?

Mia: Mmhmmm!

???: Very well! Please, follow me!
*Mia starts following and soon, Mia finds herself in a maze. And as the woman in the lab coat instructed over a speaker, Mia was instructed to find three ingredients for a perfume and defeat three strong Pokémon. Navigating the maze, Mia was exploring, finding small Pokémon wandering the maze too. But none of them seemed like the ones Mia would have to defeat.*

Mia: Oooh!
*As Mia explored, she fought the strong Poison themed Pokemon and found the three ingredients before returning, and in no time at all, Mia was in another Gym Battle. After defeating a Koffing and Whirlipede, Mia was faced with a building sized Seviper.*

Mia: ! Whoa!

Seviper: Ssssseviper...
*The giant snake hisses at Mia, glaring down at her from almost the top of the stadium. Mia  gulps nervously before she then remembers her Riolu had a ground type move it could use, so maybe Dynamax and the move could work. Mia sends out Riolu and performs the Dynamax actions, And like with Pikachu, Riolu grows to the size of the stadium, and lets out a deeper version of its cry.*

Mia: Woo! Still so cool!
*Mia commands Riolu to use Dig, and thanks to the Dynamax, it was converted into Max Quake. Riolu digs underground, and pillars of dirt and rock shoot up as it tunnelled towards Seviper, before erupting in a tornado of dirt and rock, sending the Seviper crashing around until it was KO'ed.*

*Riolu shrinks back down and runs over to Mia, jumping up for a victory hug.*

Mia: Heh heh heh!

Penelope: Congratulations Mia! You did it! And I present you the Corrosion Badge!

Mia: Thank you so much!

Penelope: You're quite welcome! And here, a perfume for you from the ingredients you collected!
*Penelope hands Mia a purple bottle with the Gym Badges' symbol on it.*

Mia: Oooh, cool!
*Two Gym's down and Mia continues her stroll around the Wild Area. Heading to the next City, Frostborne, and on the way, she had to make her way through a snowy biome.*

Mia: Brrrrr, it's cold here!
*It seemed like a fair few Pokémon agreed as Mia saw a Snom slithering past her feet.*

Mia: ! Awww!
Snom: Nom. ...Nom. ...Nom.

Mia: Heh heh heh!
*And another Pokemon was waddling by the water, an Eiscue, a penguin with an ice block on its head with a face on it.*

Mia: Oooh, hello!
Eiscue: Eis!

Mia: You're adorable!
Eiscue: Eiiiii!

Mia: Heh heh heh!
*After meeting some new Pokémon, Mia found her way to the city and it’s Gym, where she saw the gym leader doing press ups in the cold, not made better with a big white moth Pokémon, along with an ice cream Pokémon, and the Eiscue Pokémon she saw, blowing ice on his back. But the guy didn’t exactly seem phased.*

Mia: Whoa what?! How are they doing that?!

???: Hmm? Are you here for the Gym Challenge?
*The Gym leader gets up and walks over to Mia. He seems pretty muscular, and was wearing an open shirt/hoodie, with shorts and boots.*

Mia: M-Mmmhm!
???: What's wrong?

Mia: Uuuh, nothing!

???: You’re stuttering.
Mia: I'm fine, it's just the cold!

???: I see. Then we should get you started with the Gym Challenge then. Maybe it'll warm you up.

Mia: That would be great, thank you!

???: Very well. Follow me.
*Mia follows him, and with that, Mia was in her third Gym challenge task. In it, she needed to use snowballs to solve a platform puzzle which put her in the arena.*

Mia: Oooh!
*Now knowing what she had to do, Mia got to work firing snowballs as the right targets to make the path.*

Mia: Woo! This is fun!
*Mia puts the right path together and encounters some ice type Pokémon along the way, but she soon makes it to the arena to face off against Bill and his team.*

Mia: Alright, I made it!
Bill: Yes, you did. Now let’s see what you can do.

Mia: Right, let's do this!
*And with that, Mia was in another gym battle. Defeating the floating ice cream, Vanillish, and the penguin Eiscue, Mia was facing the great snow moth, Frosmoth, who chimed as they grew to the size of the stadium. Now it was Mia’s turn, so she sent out her Ninetales and Dynamaxes. Ninetales let out a deep howl as it too grew to the size of the stadium.*

Mia: Nice! Alright, let's do this!
*Mia gets Ninetales to use Incinerate, which became Max Flare. As Ninetales fired the flame attack, it grew in size, coming down on the Frosmoth like a meteor before exploding into a fiery geyser.*

Mia: Woooooo, awesome!
*The Frosmoth went down in no time at all, and once it did, Mia was presented with the Snowflake Badge from Bill.*

Bill: That was a good battle. Thank you for taking part. On your way out you will get a complimentary Hot Chocolate.

Mia: Oooh, yes please! Thank you so much!
*Once Mia had her hot chocolate, she made her way back to the Wild Area to move onto the next part of her journey. Now she had met the Level requirements for her last two Pokemon, she was now able to use Arcanine and Typhlosion. But still, she moves on until she sees a few people, who are dressed pretty poorly running past her, yelling in fear about some people who beat them in a Pokemon battle. Thinking nothing of it, she kept moving until she saw a green haired woman with glasses in a lab coat reading a book in front of a giant mural. Mia stopped to look as the mural had the blue wolf Pokemon her and Typhlosion saw in the Secluded Woods.*

Mia: Hm, is that who we saw before? Interesting...

???: It is, isn't it? It's great there are still treasured murals that we can learn Galar's history from. There are two youths watching a Wishing Star, a disaster occurs, the two bewildered youths. The youths look up to the Sword and Shield that stop the disaster, and the two youths become the rulers of Galar. But, this is all strange, since the statue in the hotel in Pheromosa City only has one hero. Which begs the question. Were there really two heroes? Or just one? And what caused the Darkest day?

Mia: Oooh!

???: ! Sorry, I'm rambling. My name's Professor Greenleaf, and who are you?

Mia: My name's Mia!
Professor Greenleaf: Well, it is very nice to meet you, Mia!

Mia: Same to you!
*After a short conversation with the Professor, she needs to get back off to work, so bids farewell to Mia, so she decides to keep going with her Gym challenge, but as she does, she runs into three people who would soon become her new friends.*

???: O-Oh! Sorry for running into you!

(To be continued…)

Oliver, Freya, Penelope, Bill, and Vira belong to me.

Eddie belongs to Projones-FTW

Martha belongs to goodragirl490

Mia Douga belongs to NewbornRay

Eldegoss, Boltund, Alcremie, Raboot, Dubwool, Umbreon, Thwackey, Alolan Sandslash, Nidorina, Drizzile, Marshtomp, Typhlosion, Zacian, Gigantamax Pikachu, Ninetales, and Riolu belong to Gamefreak and Nintendo.
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