goodra676 — Shadow's Deception RP (Part 2)

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Description *After GG serves Oliver another great breakfast, he starts going about his day. soon, his shadow starts to transform into the creature that he's freed.*
???: relax. it's just me. no one else can hear or see me.

Oliver: okay...little ominous entry..so what’s up?

???: I just want to know. what makes you think about your friends as those horrid beasts?

Oliver: I don’t...I don’t think bad things about my friends. Sure we’ve had the odd difference now and then but we still get along okay.

???: no. those things in your mind are what you see them as twisted monsters. The Shadow Goodra and his goons know this too. you DO have other visions for your friends from all of the universes you travel through. but...I'm not sure why you think that.

Oliver: hmm...

???: I also have another question...through all the foes you've met so far, would you come to the point of ending their lives?

Oliver: my REAL friends or the monster versions of them?

???: no no no, I meant Cyrus, Angelica, that crazed version of Martha, all the baddies you've defeated.

Oliver: oh...hmmf...I want to. I want to so bad after what they've done. well...Necrozma, the Psycho GG anyway...I'm not sure what Cyrus or Angelica did...

???: hmm... interesting... I bet that they make your skin crawl knowing that someone terrible still walks and breathes.
*Suddenly the shadow creature's eyes glow red for a moment.*

Oliver: hey...I know you're just as hateful toward them as I am. we'll stop them.

???: yes... let's. uhh... well, that's it from me. see you again soon.
*The shadow creature then reverts back into Oliver's normal shadow.*

Oliver: hmm...if these nightmares are what kill my friends...and GG...I gotta stop them...
*After a few hours, bedtime rolls in. GG already asleep in bed, Oliver struggles to go to sleep, knowing that there is a long night of running ahead of him.*

Oliver: *grr...I can't sleep...If I can't sleep...*
*GG then grabs Oliver in her sleep, snuggling with him as she strokes his hair.*

Oliver: !!! *h-hehe...t-thanks GG...*
*Oliver soon dozes off. Oliver then wakes up in the dark abyss with all the baddies from before.*

Shadow Goodra: welcome back Oliver.

Psycho GG: did my real self give you a nice slumber?

Oliver: yeah. tell me, did the me from your universe enjoy you as much as I enjoy the real GG before you decided to kill me?

Psycho GG: eh, kinda. but that doesn't matter now.

Harold: it seems that you've been speaking with some other powerful being. although we're not 100% sure how, but we must warn you. nothing is what they seem in here.

Oliver: I got that figured. so what's next?

Necrozma: now you must continue your job. your little parasite is here waiting for you.

Cyrus: as for this next one...let's just say they don't like being looked at.

Oliver: don't like being looked at? huh. okay.
*the symbiote begins to crawl onto Oliver.*

Oliver: oh, and Cyrus? anymore sh*t like that, and I AM taking that other arm.
*Oliver jumps into the portal. He then finds himself at the entrance of a rundown gym, knowing exactly who's next.*

Oliver: uh-oh...
Necrozma: now don't just stand there, get going.
*Oliver walks into the building, looking even more decrypted on the inside with withered "get fit" posters plastered on the walls.*

Oliver: damn...I'm gonna hate this one...
*Oliver swings through collecting the shards. Soon the soft, slow sound of shuffling feet fill the halls. after looking around, Oliver sees no one.*

Oliver: hmm?
*Oliver glares. his eyes shift left to right trying to find what made the sound.*

Psycho GG: here. use the tablet. I just gave you another ability.

*Oliver pulls up the tablet, a small radar pulses on the mini map. him as a green dot, the shards as blue dots, and enemies as red squares...and there are red squares all around him, hiding behinds corners.*

Oliver: three...? oh. crapbaskets.
*Oliver dodges a dumbbell and gets to collecting the shards as a demonic nightmare version of Marco begins to give chase.*

Marco: *distorted voice* come back buddy. I'm just warming up!

Oliver: so, any tips for this guy?!
*Oliver swings faster to gain distance, while keeping tabs on the tablet.*

Harold: he hurls gym equipment at you and just hides at corners...and you cannot outrun him.

Shadow Goodra: just use the stuff he throws at you to your advantage. throw it back at him to slow him down.

Oliver: well..this sure does beat most horror games. considering in most you can't fight back.
*Oliver senses a pair of shot puts flying toward him. he grabs them with a tendril and hurls them back at Marco while collecting more shards. Marco yells in pain, soon calling out for the other monster in the building, soon the soft giggles of Galy fills the halls.*

Oliver: I should skedaddle..
*Oliver leaps down the hall collecting more of the shards. He then sees a skeletal version of Galy sprint down the hall in front of him.*

Necrozma: that thing is his helper. she frees him from all pain...if you wanted to, you can "delay" her.

Psycho GG: using your clones...smart.

Oliver: good enough for me!
*Oliver swings back two dumbbells at the two before making an escape.*

Harold: hmm...there seems to be more in the other section of the building.

Cyrus: head on over to the next section quickly.

???: *mind* LIES! go slowly. they cannot hear you very well. make no noise.

Oliver: oookay...
*Oliver gets out of sight before crawling along the wall. He then slowly makes his way to the next zone. shards aplenty in the long corridors. Suddenly Marco then shows up...listening for Oliver.*

Marco: *distorted voice* where are you kid? I just want to use you as a punching bag.

Oliver: *hmm...*
*Oliver stays in the shadows*

Galy: *distorted voice* I'll find him...I can smell his fear...heh heh heh.

Marco: *distorted voice* the kid needs to work out on his running, that can burn him out quickly.

Oliver: *fat chance.*
*Oliver starts running across the ceiling in the shadows, getting the monsters' attention. the footsteps cause them to follow Oliver. however as the footsteps get further away, a clone of Oliver starts collecting the shards too.*

Oliver: *Although...I wonder what the third thing's gonna do...*
*Oliver continues on his way with collecting the shards, until coming up on the last group...then the shards start to fade away.*

Necrozma: how strange. looks like they cloned the shards.

Harold: you need to be faster Oliver. keep going.

Oliver: heh. not a problem.
*Oliver shoots two tendrils at the walls before pulling back as hard as he could before releasing, slingshoting him across the gym. Marco then grabs him midair with a jump rope, wrapping it around his throat as Galy holds him down.*

Marco: *distorted voice* lets see what kind of mussels you're packin' there.
*Marco then starts to choke Oliver with the rope.*

Oliver: ghk....! hhhrrk...! p-PACK THIS!!
*Oliver roars, tearing the rope apart before hurling the two through a wall before dashing away.*

Necrozma: you're going to be on your toes boy, those two are fitness fanatics.

Oliver: no crap genius.

???: *mind* she doesn't know the difference between play and attack. All they want is someone to train with... perhaps another clone would work.

Oliver: *yeah...I get ya.*
*Oliver fires out three more clones before sprinting away to collect the remaining shards. He then collects the last shard, suddenly he meets up with a large dark figure with blood red eyes and sharp claws.*

Figure: you have done well boy, but you are being fed lies. There is one being that is out to get your friends, but it's not who you think. Help it and you will suffer... this is your only warning.

*The figure disappears and Oliver gets teleported to the portal.*
Oliver: ...t-that figure...hmm..

*Oliver walks back through the portal.*
Psycho GG: you're back already? Wow that was quick.

Harold: either you're getting better, or someone is helping you.

Shadow Goodra: now now, it's nothing wrong. So he's gotten the shards faster, that's good. Now Oliver, hand me the shards.

Oliver: sure.
*Oliver hands the shadow goodra the shards. The shadow goodra then absorbs the shards, soon another batch of foes appears...Angelica and her elites.*

Angelica: heh heh, nice to see you again Oliver.

Psycho GG: and just who is this?

Angelica: oh, just the princess of darkness. What about you big girl? What's it like to be headless?

Psycho GG: Grrr...

Oliver: yeowch. hmm...just who are you? I haven’t seen you before.
*Oliver walks up to Angelica and examines her.*

Angelica: *chuckle* don't play dumb Oliver. We all know who you are.

Quince: you are the bane of our existence over at that village. Shodan's warrior...any of this reminding you of her?

Oliver: oh! I get it. You guys are from another universe! well I’m a different Oliver.

Angelica: whatever you say...

Psycho GG: I don't think I like this Angelica.

Angelica: and no body likes a fat girl who has been defeated by a puny boy with a machete.

Necrozma: enough you two, I don't want to mop up the blood after your fight.

Oliver: so, if you guys are here that means it’s a nightmare revolved around you guys right??
*Oliver floats in front of Angelica.*

Angelica: indeed your right my lovely. But you could use some assistance from...this little guy.
*Angelica then summons up bendy for Oliver.*

Bendy: uhh... h-hiya Oliver ol' pal.

Shadow Goodra: I found him in some garbage after that same nightmare with the inkys. I'm sure you'll find a good use to him.

Oliver: okay? Can I get portalled up please?
*Oliver puts the little bendy on his shoulder.*

Necrozma: don't worry, he can't get hurt. The monsters are always after you.

Bendy: But I can still help ya get those shard thingies.

Oliver: yeesh. A few more of these nightmares and then we can have villain counselling.

???: *mind* yes...bring them ALL here...

Bendy: uhh, w-who said that?

???: *mind* wait, he can hear me?!

Oliver: *he’s on our side. Don’t worry.*

Harold: just who are you talking to?

???: DO NOT. Tell them I'm here.

Oliver: just my symbiote. You forget it can talk?

Psycho GG: we know that.

Necrozma: never mind that, just go on and collect those shards.

Oliver: alright. Jeez.
*Oliver sprints in and begins the nightmare. Him and his new helper Bendy arrive in fancy looking building.*
Bendy: hmm...this place doesn't look too bad. I like the decor here.

Oliver: don’t be fooled.
*Soon they arrive in a ballroom with a bunch of creepy looking mannequins with all sorts of ragged dresses.*

Bendy: oh boy, I don't like this one bit, no sir.

Oliver: great mannequins. Of course.

Bendy: l-let's just get this over with.
*Oliver and Bendy head into one of the hallways that connects to the main ballroom, collecting a few shards as they go. Soon, they are greeted with the sound of loud footsteps moving slowly towards them.*

Angelica: it seems that big blue is here.

Psycho GG: she has a name you know.

Oliver: Gloria?

Shadow Goodra: no, the obese dress maker. Of course it's Gloria.

Cyrus: just don't let her see you. Once she sees you, you're as good as dead.

Oliver: *hey, shadow sludge pile. shut up talking about my friends or I will rip you a new one. Again.*

Shadow Goodra: alright alright...

???: *mind* she cannot hear or see you very well. Just stay behind her the whole time.

Bendy: uhh...Is it strange that I can hear that voice?

Oliver: shh...
*Oliver jumps onto the ceiling to avoid detection. Soon a large beast version of Gloria shambled down the hall. Her skin punctured with needles and wrapped in string.*

Oliver: *holy sh*t...*
*Oliver quickly crawls away before starting to collect shards.*

Gloria: come out darling. I just want to skin you alive and use you for my new fashion line.

Oliver: *that's a big nope!*
*Oliver hurries down a hallway to gather more shards.*

Necrozma: so far, so good.

Quince: who knew that a pitiful young boy can be smart enough to avoid danger.

Psycho GG: what did you expect, he's Oliver.

Oliver: ah, shut it Quince. I'm sure the me in your universe kicked your *ss time and time over.
*Oliver swings with Bendy collecting. Suddenly, some more footsteps grow louder towards them.*

Bendy: uhh...We should run Oliver.
*Bendy then points out to some sentient Mannequins holding some knives and sharp scissors sprinting towards them both.*

Oliver: grr...!
*Oliver shoots tendrils at the mannequins sticking them to the wall before picking up Bendy and running.*

Gloria: I see you my new wardrobe item...heh heh heh heh.

Oliver: noooo you don’t.
*Oliver teleports with bendy. Loud, fast paced footsteps soon follow the two.*

Gloria: there is no escape from me dearies, no matter how many times you use your abilities.

Oliver: grr...

Bendy: hmm...I'll go distract them. You go and hide.

Oliver: you sure?

Bendy: remember, I can't get hurt. Just go.

Harold: the little guy might be on to something.

Oliver: fine.
*Oliver teleports and then starts collecting the shards away from all the action.*

Oliver: Bendy...
*Bendy then gets summoned up to Oliver's location, completely unharmed.*

Bendy: hiya Oliver!

Oliver: you okay?

Bendy: yup! I managed to keep her distracted long enough to loose interest in you.

Oliver: awesome.

Bendy: let's finish this. I don't want to turn into a nice looking tuxedo.

Oliver: sure thing.
*The two then move on to the next section, finding much more shards and traps at every corner.*

Oliver: man...this is rough.
Cyrus: we aren't the ones who made these nightmares.

Necrozma: your the one who sees them through your everyday life.

Oliver: well I don’t.

Harold: yes. You do. Ashley and her aggressive behavior, Gamma and her bad habits, Chris with his multiple personalities to isolate himself from the world...

Necrozma: what Harold is trying to say is that your friends show weakness. Chris however, understands this. He may be worth talking to after you wake up.

Psycho GG: but you and the little ink stain still have a job to do. And I think little miss Gloria is on her way.

Oliver: first of all EVERYONE has a weakness. How’d you think I beat you all? And second, thank you GG 2.0
*Oliver picks Bendy up and makes some distance.*

???: I am getting the feeling that these baddies of yours are quite smart about your friends and what they do. Doesn't that disturb you?
Oliver: *of course it does.*

Bendy: I find it rather disturbing that this voice is talkin' to the both of us. Does it have a name?

???: ...

Oliver: ? Uhh...

???: my name is not of importance young ink fellow. At least...not now.

Oliver: anyway, there’s a few more shards left.
*Oliver goes to grab the last few shards, soon making their way back to the main ballroom. Suddenly the exit gets locked off and so does any other way of escaping... then the dark figure returns.*

Figure: I warned you boy. Unfortunately I must have to punish you for misbehaving. Do not take this the wrong way, I'm just doing what is right. And right now, you have gone far enough. Hope you like making skin suits with Gloria.

*the figure vanishes without a trace, soon Gloria busts in ready to fight.*
Gloria: let's see if I can get you somethin' that fits. Perhaps a coffin for your remains.

Bendy: EEEP!

Shadow Goodra: hang on Oliver, we need to...

???: don't listen to him, you have to fight her. NOW.

Oliver: fine. I’m sick of doing nothing anyway.
*Oliver yells before becoming an inky goodra himself.*

Oliver: let’s go.
*Gloria then tosses out some large sewing needles at Oliver, narrowly dodging them, he make his way closer to her. Oliver claws and slashes at Gloria before following up with a punch sending her down the hallway and through a distant wall. Gloria then spits out a couple mannequins and orders them to attack Oliver.*

Gloria: looks like you need to be taught some manners sweetie.

Oliver: and YOU need to learn some self restraint!
*Oliver teleports away. Gloria then gets back up and lunges at Oliver, destroying another wall in the process. She pins him to the ground and rests a sharp needle on his neck.*

Gloria: tut tut. You young boys are always just so ungrateful. No matter, I'll enjoy using every fibre of your puny body for my work.
*Just then, Bendy smacks Gloria in the back of her head with a piece of metal, she gets stunned for a brief moment.*

Bendy: Oliver, this way!
*Bendy then leads Oliver to an open ventilation duct as an escape route.*

Oliver: right!
*Oliver jumps into the vent. Gloria screams loudly as the two make their escape.*

Bendy: oh boy, she sounds super mad.

Oliver: yep. let's skedaddle.
*The two make it through the air duct, suddenly a large needle starts piercing through the vent.*

Gloria: I'll find you two little miscreants and skin you alive!

Oliver: !! grrr...!
*Oliver quickly crawls through the vent with Bendy.*

Angelica: this old bat needs to calm down.

Shadow Goodra: hang in there...
*Shadow Goodra then freezes Gloria in place, allowing Oliver and Bendy to head back to the portal.*

Oliver: *pant* *pant*
*Oliver heads back through the portal.*

Bendy: *huff* that was...that was crazy.

Malac: well now, at least you two made it out alive.

Oliver: yeah...next?

Psycho GG: alright. Next up, you'll be meeting up with that Chris again.

Harold: the boy has quite the assortment of forms.

???: *mind* hmm, I might have to talk to this Chris soon.

Oliver: I think I know where this is goin'...portal me up...

Shadow Goodra: let's see if you remember not to harm him this time.

Psycho GG: think pacifist Oliver.

Oliver: harm him?
*Oliver quickly jumps out of the way of a stray bone. He then finds himself in a darkened room, in front of him stood Chris in his signature blue hoodie.*

Oliver: tch. figures. of course your Sans re-incarnate is the first thing I find in this nightmare.

Chris: heh heh heh, you're smart. You know that, right Oliver? You and I share a lot of things. No family growin' up, multiple lives in other universes, and the fact that you and I are friends.. let us put this aside and call it a day.

*Soon a large button that says "Fight" appears in front of Oliver.*
Oliver: sure. I'mma go get some of those fragments.

*Oliver finds himself locked in place. Only moving closer to the "fight" button*
Oliver: I SAID, I'll collect the shards...!! !!!
*Suddenly, Oliver's mind goes blank, the mysterious figure that's been scolding him all evening appears.*

Figure: sorry Oliver, but you're not going anywhere. And this collection game ends now.
*The figure then forces Oliver to hit the button, Chris then powers up to look more menacing.*

Oliver: fine. if this is about the shards, I have a plan.
*At this point, only the figure can hear Oliver. Just like the first time, Chris goes all out in fighting Oliver, some of the shards in the middle of his attacks.*

Oliver: look, I have a plan about these shards okay?

Chris: huh, I take back what I said. You are not smart enough to know who the REAL threat to our friends is, do you?

Oliver: well, it's hard considering I've got voices in my head, nearly 20 bad guys telling me everyone will die if I don't collect these shards, so getting mixed messages AND a scolding isn't helping!
*Oliver smacks a bone away before dodging others.*

Chris: well, they're right. Our friends will die if you don't get the ring...but there's a guy after that ring in your mind. How can old foes who are either dead, in a different reality, or just getting started in your mind do something in the real world? Hmm?
*Oliver goes to answer until some "Goo-ster Blasters" show up and aim right at him.*

*Oliver stops the blasts with his hands before pushing them away*

Oliver: yeah, when you word it like that it makes no sense. but who, WHO's voice is in my head?

Chris: I'd tell you, but I like to stay alive both here and out there.

Oliver: ...explain.

???: *mind* he's right. This unknown being can come in and out from your mind and reality.

Chris: let's just get this fight over with.
*Chris then stuns Oliver in one place, readying a large Goo-ster Blaster to fire right at him.*

Oliver: if it's a beam battle you want, fine.
*A purple aura flares from Oliver. he charges a beam in between his hands.*

Chris: don't take this personal, it's just for my protection.

Oliver: hey, ditto here.
*The two blasts fire, clashing, sparks spraying everywhere. Chris then hurls some energy blasts at Oliver.*

Chris: sorry buddo, but you need to stand down. Now.

Oliver: I'll stand down when these nightmares are over.
*Oliver leaps into the air, sending the big blast down the hallway. The blast sends Chris back, he then dusts himself off and walks back up.*

Chris: you are still that fierce human warrior I sensed you to be back in the underground. What would Miss Martha say?

Oliver: ...I'm just doing what I gotta to save all the universes okay?

Chris: well you're not trying hard enough.
*Chris then surrounds Oliver in multiple attacks, weakening him down drastically.*

Oliver: heh. no duh. but, I'm gonna save everyone. so don't worry about it.
*Suddenly Oliver gets a surge of power and energy flowing through his body.*

???: *mind* finish him!

Oliver: ...why?

???: *mind* because he holds the shards and uses them for his attacks. Do it now.

Chris: c'mon kid, just let me finish this battle so we can go on with our day.

Oliver: I'll be the one to finish it.
*Oliver rushes Chris before teleporting. an eerie silence fills the room. suddenly, a sharp pain digs itself into Chris' neck. he falls but Oliver catches him and places him on the ground*

Oliver: that was fun. we should do this again sometime.
*Oliver takes the shards from Chris before reaching the portal Chris then clutched the back of his neck, blood on his hand. He slumps over the ground in pain.*

Chris: *grunt* d-don't say I didin' warn ya kid...
*Chris then collapses on the ground, turning to dust as his soul shatters right above where he was sitting.*

Oliver: ...
*Oliver makes it back to the bad guys, throwing the shards at the shadow goodra, seriously peeved*

Oliver: hope you're f**king happy with yourself.

Shadow Goodra: what are you talking about? We never told you to fight him.

Psycho GG: I just said to be a pacifist, not to kill that weirdo.

Oliver: I forgot the Chris from that universe couldn't take a hit. And DON'T try to pin this solely on me. this wouldn't have happened if YOU didn't come back into my head.

Malac: no boy, SOMETHING brought ALL of us here.

Shadow Goodra: and it's not any of us, so don't blame us.

Necrozma: some being of great power has brought death to your friend. But who?

Oliver: are you serious? I’m not taking crap from a walking talking light bulb. I’ve done your work for you for the night. Now, I’m out. ‘Kay, thanks, bye.
*Oliver opens and walks through the portal back into his own mind. He wakes up to see Chris and GG looking down at him.*

(To be continued...)

Oliver, Angelica, and Ink Oliver belong to me.

Bendy belongs to Joey Drew Studios.

Behemoth Galy, Behemoth Marco, Psycho GG, Behemoth Gloria, Sans Chris, The Shadow Goodra, Malac, and the Shadow's Deception Story belong to goodragirl490
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