gothgrrl13 — Bunny Song Drabbles
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1)"Ramalama (Bang Bang) - Róisín Murphy

This consuming feeling was overwhelming Kenny. His body felt like it was torn to bits and he was sickly pale. Blood was spilling out of him as he gasped for air. Life was escaping him but no one gave a care. They all just smiled and paid no mind to him.

Kenny looked up as he clutched his bleeding chest. He spat out a mixture of saliva and blood on the dirty ground. By where his spit landed, the figure brushed dirt over it with his foot. In his hand was a beating human heart, still pumping blood from nothing.

Kenny wanted to glare but he was growing weak and tired. The stranger smiled at him and gently brushed his hand on Kenny's pale face. Kenny leaned to the touch.

"If you're good, you'll live forever. If you're bad, you'll die when you die."

"B-Butters..." Kenny mumbled out weakly.

But Kenny fell on the ground and died.


2)"Dog Days Are Over" - Florence + The Machine

Butters had his things packed in his backpack. Tonight was the night he was going to seriously run away. He was almost nineteen years old and he was tired of his parents still trying to run his life. Always trying to find ways to ground him. He wasn't scared of them anymore. He wanted to be free from their clinging ways.

He quietly sneaked out of his room and went down the stairs. It was very early in the morning, the sun was barely up. Butters was almost to the front door when he felt someone grab his shoulder and turn him around.

"Butters! What do you think you're doing, young man?!"


Mr. Stotch was glaring at him and Butters saw his mother come down the stairs. Butters felt a nervous lump in his throat but he swallowed it and he glared at his father. He backed away from him, gathering up his courage.

"D-Dad, now you listen to me! I'm tired of you and m-mom always bossin' me around! I want to live my own life! S-So, I'll be goin' away for a little while."

"Going? Going where?!" Mr. Stotch yelled.

"Butters, think about what you're doing! What about your future?  What about college?" His mother said, glaring.

"College c-can wait, Mom! If I want my future to start, it's gonna start when I walk out that d-door!" Butters said, pointing to the front door.

"Don't you dare, young man! Or else you'll be grounded!" Mr. Stotch threatened.

Butters rolled his eyes. "T-That won't work on me no more, Dad."

Butters opened the front door and walked out. His father continued yelling at him and his mother pleaded Butters to come back. Butters smiled hugely when he saw Kenny waiting for him on his motorbike. Butters ran up to him and hopped on the back, clinging to Kenny.

"Let's get the heck outta here, Ken." Butters said.

"You got it, babe." Kenny said and started up his motorbike.

Butters smiled and kissed the back of Kenny's neck as they rode out of town, Butters's father screaming at them as Butters's mother cried her eyes out. For the first time ever, Butters felt free. And he had Kenny to thank that.


3)"Violet Hill" - Coldplay

It was a long and dark December, and it was one of the coldest months due to heavy snow. Kenny clutched to his old orange parka as the wind blew hard. He was trying to make his way to Stan's place since the gang was planning a video game day.

As he trudged on, he shivered from the freezing winds. The snow was almost up to his ankles and it was seeping through his clothes. He pulled the strings of his parka, making his hood tighten up around his face. He wanted nothing more but warmth right now.

He gazed up and noticed someone was standing on the top of a hill. A girl wearing a white summer dress as her long blond hair blew in the wind. It wasn't a girl though, it was Butters. No, not Butters, Marjorine. Butters didn't want to be called by his name anymore. He was now sweet Marjorine, innocent little girl of South Park. He, She still battled with his, her parents. Kenny feared it was messing with Butters's, Marjorine's head. He, goddamn it, she wasn't behaving normally anymore.

Kenny cursed and trudged up the hill. Marjorine didn't move, just stood there, looking out at the town. Kenny opened his mouth and was about to call out Butters's name, but he stopped himself. She's not Butters, she's Marjorine.

"What are you doing, huh? Trying to catch a cold out here?" Kenny asked her.

She didn't answer. Kenny sighed and unzipped his parka. He took it off and put it over Marjorine's shoulders. She looked over at Kenny and then looked away. Kenny frowned and shivered when the wind blew again.

Marjorine sat on the snowy ground, pulling the parka around her. Kenny blinked and sat down beside her. They both looked around the town and how the storm was affecting everything. Kenny shivered again, rubbing his arms. He could tell Marjorine was shivering too. Kenny sighed and took Marjorine's hand.

"Did you have another fight with your parents?" He asked.

She didn't answer. Marjorine never talked, only said a few words every now and then. Kenny missed it when she was Butters and how Butters used to talk non-stop. He missed Butters's smile and even, well, Butters's kisses.

"Hey, do you wanna come with me? I was going to Stan's place. It's warm there." Kenny offered.

Marjorine sighed and leaned over to rest her head on Kenny's shoulder. Kenny slightly smiled and patted her head. Later, they both got up and headed to Stan's house.


4)"Hips Don't Lie" - Shakira

When his parents weren't home, this was the only time Butters had any privacy in his own bedroom. His iPod stereo was currently playing the Shakia song Butters really enjoyed. He was only dressed down to his underwear and his undershirt as he was dancing in front of the mirror.

"Jeez, I w-wonder how that Shakira does it. This is kinda hard..." Butters said as he tried moving his hips to the beat of the song.

He slowed down his movements as he tried again, but he had a feeling he was doing wrong. Butters didn't want to give up though. He was really determined to get the moves down. Besides, he knew if his parents caught him dancing like this, they would ground him for, like, 2 months or something.

Butters lip-synced to the song as he continued dancing, moving his hips right to left. He twirled around and even tried to copy that move Shakira did in the music video on his bedroom wall. Yes, he tried the wall part and even the chair part too.

"Well damn, Butters. Your hips definitely do not lie."

Butters yelped and turned around, muting his iPod stereo. Kenny was sitting on his window sill, grinning. Butters blushed red and nervously fidgeted with his knuckles.

"H-How long were you watchin'?" Butters stuttered.

"Long enough. Go on, keep dancing. Pretend I'm not here." Kenny said, smirking.

"K-Kenny! No! Gee, I-I'm embarrassed e-enough now..." Butters said, covering his blushing face.

"Aw, c'mon! Please, for little old me?" Kenny asked innocently.

Butters blushed more and shyly looked away. Kenny chuckled. "Here, I'll even dance with you!" He jumped off the window sill, played the iPod stereo again and grabbed Butters's sweaty and nervous hands.


5)"Love Me Dead" - Ludo

It was one of those high school nights where Kenny and his usual gang of friends just got together, stole most of their parents' booze and drank themselves stupid. It was probably the only time Kenny spent time away from his boyfriend, Butters.

Not that he was complaining. He loves Butters, but sometimes you just gotta hang out with the guys, you know? Of course Butters lets him because he's a sweet and loving boyfriend, but also lightly nags him about how drinking is bad and Kenny shouldn't do it.

Kenny was on his third beer and he belched. Stan and Kyle chuckled as Cartman let out a burp of his own. Cartman was currently on one of his drunken rants and this time it was about Kenny and his gayness for Butters. Not that Kenny was listening anyway.

"I mean, of all the fuckin' people in this stupid town, you choose Butters. What the hell is wrong with you?" Cartman slurred.

"Hey man, Butters's is great! He's nice and he pets me, if you know what I mean." Kenny said, waggling his eyebrows.

"Gross, dude. TMI." Stan said, chuckling.

"I bet that's the only thing Butters does to you." Kyle said, snickering.

"What? No! We totally do it, dude!" Kenny slurred, glaring at Kyle.

"Yeah right," Cartman said and started drunkenly imitating Butters, "Oh, K-Kenny, we shouldn't have sex b-because we're both guys and n-not married yet~"

Stan and Kyle laughed, and Kenny glared. "Nu-uh! That's not true, you bleeding vagina! Me and Butters totally get it on freaky style! Like, the other night we were roleplaying and Butters was being the dominating male while I was his servant. It was fucking hot."

"Argh, I dun wanna hear your gay gayness of gay, Kenny." Cartman muttered and drank his beer.

"You guys just don't understand our love for each other!" Kenny slurred. "We can hate each other one moment and the next, we fucking jump our bones. It's awesome! You're all just jealous you don't have a Butters!"

Kenny got up and staggered out of the room. Stan and Kyle watched him, confused. "Dude, where are you going?" Kyle asked.

"I'm going to Butters's, man. Talking about him is turning me on. See ya later, man." Kenny answered.

He left, drunkenly mumbling about Butters, didn't see where he was going and then got hit by a car. "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!"

"Those bastards!"

Kenny woke up in his room the next day, with a huge hang-over.


6)"Fidelity" - Regina Spektor

Butters was afraid. Never in his life he experienced love. Real love, the kind movies can easily portray. His heart would jump, his face would turn red and he would loose his breath, whenever he sees Kenny McCormick.

Kenny grew more handsome and charming, Butters couldn't really take it. He, himself, was just feminine and "faggy" as Eric puts it. He knew he was ugly and unworthy of Kenny. Besides, Kenny likes girls with huge tits. Butters was very much lacking that and more.

In his head, Butters would imagine he and Kenny being together. They were always so happy, just like in the movies. There would be music and Butters would be the ideal girl, just for Kenny. He would do anything Kenny, really. He wouldn't have the guts to tell him that though.

Butters sometimes wished he never met Kenny on some days. His crush on him was growing like a fungus and it was mutating into something strong. The imaginations in his head would sometimes get out of hand and Butters would force himself to stop daydreaming. He felt like he was going crazy and it was worrying him.

He stopped a daydream he had during class one day and excused himself to the bathroom. There, Butters was splashing cold water on his face, shaking the thoughts out of him. He looked up at look himself in the mirror and sighed.

"Hey Butters, what's wrong?"

Butters jumped and looked in the mirror to see Kenny was by the bathroom window, smoking a cigarette. Butters blushed and looked away. Kenny lift a brow and flicked his cigarette out the window.

"H-Hi, Kenny. I-I'm just doing fine, d-don't you worry about me." Butters nervously said.

Kenny came up next to Butters, turning the sink on and started washing his hands. "You sure? You've been acting weird around me lately."

"W-Weird? Weird how, Kenny?" Butters asked.

"I dunno. You don't talk to me anymore. I kinda miss you, Butters." Kenny said.

"Y-You do?" Butters whispered, blushing.

"Um, yeah. 'Cause, you know, you're a pretty good guy, Butters." Kenny said, blushing a bit himself.

There was an awkward silence between the two and Kenny cleared his throat. "Well, I guess I'm gonna head out. I've been out of my science class for too long and I bet the teacher is gonna wonder."

Kenny turned to leave and Butters suddenly grabbed out and cling to Kenny's parka. "W-Wait!" Butters cried out a bit too loudly. Kenny turned around, confused.

"I-I...I need to tell you somethin', K-Kenny..." Butters said, his throat feeling dry and his back feeling sweaty.

"Uh, okay. What's up?" Kenny said.

Butters felt his heart race and he looked around nervously. He could feel himself sweat and he knew he probably looked crazy right now. Kenny stared at him, waiting. Butters looked down at his feet, chewing his bottom lip.

"I-I..." He stuttered.

"You...?" Kenny asked, still waiting.

His head was all a-buzz with nonsense and Butters couldn't think. He tried to open his mouth again but nothing was coming out. Kenny was still waiting, frowning. Butters felt his eyes water and he started to cry.

"What? Butters, what's wrong?" Kenny asked, now worried.

"I hear in my mind, all of these voices! I hear in my mind, all of these words! I hear in my mind, all of this music! A-And it breaks my heart!" Butters wailed out and cried.

Kenny stared at Butters, confused. Butters continued crying, his tears streaming down his red cheeks. Kenny frowned and rubbed Butters's arms, trying to calm him down. He looked at Butters's plump and wet lips. He leaned in and kissed Butters.

Butters gasped in surprise but he kissed back, still crying. They both held each other as they kissed in the boy's room. The sound of Butters's tears slowly dying was echoed and Butters could hear the music playing in his head again as they kept kissing.


7)"Blister In The Sun" - Violent Femmes

Every day was the same for Kenny. Get up, brush teeth, grab whatever is for breakfast, head out the door, walked to Stan's or Kyle's place, play video games, so on and so on.

He tries to look at the positive side of each day now though. Before, he would just try to survive another day, but ever since he started dating Butters, he would try to see the bright side of everything. Today, there was enough waffles for everyone this morning, on his way to Stan's house, he saw a really hot girl with huge tits and he beat Cartman at Rock Band.

On his way back back home, he needed something to end his perfect day. Something wonderful and nice. Luckily, he saw Butters and he ran up to him. Butters happily greeted him and Kenny gave him a huge kiss. They both broke the kiss, Kenny smacking his lips a bit.

"Hey, you taste good, baby." Kenny said.

Butters shyly blushed and said, "W-Well, I was eatin' some chocolate chip cookies e-earlier and-"

Butters's sentence got cut short when Kenny kissed him deeply again. This was just he needed to end his perfect day. A chocolate-tasting kiss from his sweet and adorable boyfriend.


8)"Repeaterbeater" - Mew

Sometimes, Kenny has nothing to say. He knew he was dirt. He was a low human being and he felt guilty for being so. All he wanted was the perfect girlfriend. A beautiful girl with smooth skin, long legs, pretty hair and a nice set of tits.

All Butters wanted was to be his lover. Kenny had to tell him that he doesn't necessarily swing that way. He doesn't hate Butters but he doesn't see himself being with him. That's when Butters offered that he'll do anything to be with Kenny. That's when Kenny had this bright idea to make Butters dress up as Marjorine again.

Butters happily went along because he loves Kenny and would do whatever he wanted. Marjorine was Kenny's perfect girlfriend and Kenny loved it. She would do what his heart desired, whatever it was. If it was something sweet and innocent to sexy and dirty, she would do it. She didn't judge Kenny, she just went along with it.

And Kenny loved it, if only it didn't have the extra baggage of guilt. Whenever Marjorine was done with whatever Kenny wanted, she smiled at him, kissed his head and whispered, "I love you, Kenny."

The thing was though, that Kenny didn't love her. He just wanted his perfect girlfriend, but he knew this wasn't it. He basically had a maid in his hand but he felt sick over it. He tricked Marjorine into thinking it was love when to him, it was just lust.


9)"Basic Space" - The xx

Kenny could remember the first time he and Butters slept together. Butters's parents were out and Butters helped Kenny sneak into his room. They were both on Butters's bed and they started innocently kissing.

The kissing turned into making out, and the making out turned into removing their clothing. It was all in a hot frenzy. They desperately wanted their skin to touch. Kenny could remember the sound of Butters's breathing. The feeling of his gentle and nervous hands touching him. The taste of his neck as he was hungrily sucking on it.

He could remember the intense heat between them and how he or Butters would let out moans of pleasure and delight. He remembered they went slow because Butters was afraid of getting hurt. He then remembered that Butters wanted more and he wanted to go faster.

He remembered that feeling of melting bliss and the screams and moans. The wetness and sticky substance, and how when it was all over, they both held each other in their arms, panting.

Kenny sighed as he moved his hand away and wiped it on one of the dirty bedsheets on his bed. He loved remembering that first time because it was hot and it was special. It was incredible and it was beautiful.


10)"Never Forget You" - Noisettes

Middle school was always fill of awkwardness. It was beginning of puberty and stupid school gatherings. Such as meaningless school dances. Like the South Park Middle School Spring-Fling.

The girls of the school would be a tizzy about it, the boys of the school would be nervous about it, and when the day came, nothing would happen. Kenny was sipping a paper cup filled of punch, looking very bored. The guys were on one side of the gym while the girls were on the other side. No one dared to go on the dance floor.

Not even Stan and Wendy, who came together, dared to dance together. It was some kind of boy/girl code and no one should break it, oh no. Kenny looked around, staring at all the nervous-looking boys.

"This is so fucking weak." Cartman angrily grumbled, munching on more pretzels from the snack table.

Kenny frowned. Someone should break this painful awkwardness. He looked around and saw Butters nervously thumping his knuckles together. Kenny smiled, liking that Butters took his advice the other day and dressed causally for the dance. The silver boots were a nice touch to the outfit.

Kenny walked up to Butters and tugged his arm. "Butters, dance with me."

Butters blushed red. "W-What?"

"C'mon, dance with me. This dance is being lame and I wanna do something about it. Let's just dance."

"O-Oh, gee Kenny. I don't know. A-Aren't boys suppose to d-dance with girls a-at school dances?" Butters nervously asked.

"Who wrote that stupid rule? Let's just dance and have fun, okay?" Kenny said, smiling.

Butters blushed at the smile and he just nodded. Kenny grinned and dragged Butters to the dance floor. Everyone stared at them and Kenny started grooving. Butters was nervously dancing along, looking at everyone looking at them. Kenny rolled his eyes and made Butters face him.

"Just look at me and dance." He said.

Butters shyly blushed and nodded. They both continued dancing and Butters could feel himself relax. He giggled when Kenny took his hands and twirled him around to the music. They saw that more kids were coming on the dance floor and started dancing.

They continued twirling and dancing to the music, still holding each other hands. Butters was smiling and laughing, and Kenny laughed along with him. Soon, everyone was now dancing on the floor, even Stan and Wendy.

Kenny smiled and pulled Butters in to hold him. Butters blushed but giggled. They both stared at each other, smiling.

"You got some sweet moves, Butters."

"Why, thank you Kenny. You have s-some nice moves yourself."

"Thanks dude. By the way, sick boots."

"T-Thank you." Butters said and then leaned in to whisper in Kenny's ears. "They're my Professor Chaos boots."

Kenny chuckled and whispered back in Butters's ear. "I thought they looked familiar."

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Comments: 6

tuch-nin [2011-01-14 00:05:59 +0000 UTC]

i love it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gothgrrl13 In reply to tuch-nin [2011-01-14 01:18:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! c':

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tuch-nin In reply to gothgrrl13 [2011-01-14 01:20:37 +0000 UTC]

your welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

iik [2011-01-10 17:37:40 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gothgrrl13 In reply to iik [2011-01-10 17:41:16 +0000 UTC]

LOL. Nice.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

iik In reply to gothgrrl13 [2011-01-10 17:44:00 +0000 UTC]

I'm such a dork. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0