GothShelle — Rose Red - Chaper 16 [NSFW]
Published: 2011-10-13 20:08:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 102; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Ciel had received word that Rose would be on her way within the hour; he was waiting impatiently in his study whilst Sebastian attended to making the tea.
"I want to know what's going on Sebastian." Ciel said staring out of the window into the grounds and searching to see if a familiar figure was making its way to him.
"I expect Lady Rose has to make her departure from the department as least suspicious looking as possible, I'm sure she'll be here....ah." Sebastian couldn't finish his words as a knock on the door signalled that their guest had arrived. The door opened and Rose walked in the room still dressed in her Shinigami uniform but she had now taken out her long red hair and her eyes were back to their usual colour.
Ciel was taken aback by her attire but tried not to let it show, she might well have been a man she was so convincingly dressed, "Finally." Ciel said almost breathing a sigh of relief, he had half expected her to come back with some sort of injury, "Please have a seat, Sebastian, some tea." Sebastian obliged and handed Rose a cup of tea which she took obligingly.
Rose eyed the butler suspiciously, there was still something horribly odd about him, his soul radiating in a strange way, she wanted him to leave, "Might I speak with you privately Ciel?"
Ciel smiled, "I see no reason to," he turned to Sebastian and gave him a hard look, "Sebastian I order you not to repeat anything that is said in this room." Ciel said quietly but in a commanding voice.
Sebastian bowed and smiled, "Yes my lord."
Rose looked irritated that Sebastian was still here but she kept her cool, "I passed successfully into the dispatch agency, I am now an initiate of the Shinigami. My goal is getting closer."
Ciel smiled triumphantly, "Excellent, so it's just a matter of time now."
"The hall of records has had a card key security system set up now. From questioning a few of the security guards I can gather only the top dispatch agents get one of these keys. I am now in the process of acquiring one so that I can clone it and grant myself access whenever I want." Rose explained.
"And of the categorisation?" Ciel said drinking his tea.
"Unknown as of yet, I will start work on finding out information on that tomorrow." Rose glanced over to Sebastian who was stood in the corner of the room by Ciel's desk looking interestedly at her; it made a cold shiver shoot down her spine.
"How do you intend to do this without your intentions being discovered?" Ciel asked, the last thing he wanted was for his cousin to be caught red handed when things seemed to be going so well.
Rose looked down and sighed, she'd been thinking about this all afternoon, whether it was a good idea to go ahead but it was the easiest and quickest option available to her, she had to use Grell whether she liked it or not, she couldn't let emotions rule her now.
"The instructor of my group is the best dispatch agent at the agency; he has a card key which I might be able to acquire for a short time." Rose said trying to keep what she was telling Ciel as plain and ordinary as possible.
"How are you going to take it without him noticing? If he is their best dispatch agent then he is sure to notice if the key goes missing." Ciel told Rose, it was almost as if he were saying no to the idea already before she had even spoken.
"He won't notice me taking it." Rose was struggling to get out her words in opposition to Ciel's, she kept her head down and tried to hide the flush in her cheeks, "He is...enamoured with my disguise it seems."
Ciel's face drained of colour, she couldn't have possibly been referring to who he thought she was, "This agent, who is he?"
"He calls himself Grell." Rose spoke his name for the first time and it sent a strange feeling through her, had she actually gotten some sort of cheap thrill out of speaking his name?
Ciel was horrified, there was no way he could tell her what he knew of Grell, it would blow everything wide open and then he would never see the records that he required. At the same time he was fighting with his conscience, Rose had spoken so infatuatedly of her butler Mr. Sutcliff in her letters and Ciel had realised that she had more than just kind thoughts and feelings for him, now to discover that Grell was besotted with Rose in her Shinigami guise sent alarm bells going through his mind, their worlds would merge eventually and there was nothing he could do.
"I will let him vent his ardour and take advantage of this to complete our goal." Rose smiled taking a sip of her tea but she pulled a strange face and put the cup down, "It's too weak." Rose pushed the cup away and smiled a little wistfully, "He always makes it stronger." She said to herself quietly but Ciel heard her.
These were the last words Ciel wanted to hear right now, "Do you think it wise to get so close to him? He might recognise you."
"How could he? He only caught a fleeting glance of my face and that was weeks ago, he seems to have given up on his chase for the thief for now." Rose smiled but Ciel was not happy.
It was not what Ciel had meant, Sebastian had made a deal with Grell to find Rose the thief, not Alex. Grell in his guise as Rose's butler saw the face of Rose every day and from what Sebastian had told Ciel, Grell knew it all too well. It was not a good idea if Rose was going to let herself get close to Grell in the guise of her male counterpart Alex. Ciel knew how he acted and if so much as an inch was given to him with such an irresistible looking boy as Alex he would take advantage of it, then he would surely recognise that Alex was in fact Rose.
"I have a few more days to carry out what's necessary then I will be able to leave that all that behind. I will find my mother's murderer and get rid of them for good, then when it's all over I don't want to go back to my old life...I would like to carry on living in my mother's house instead. I can do this Ciel...I need to do this." Rose said getting to her feet. "I will send word of my progress but you have to leave this up to me now."
There was nothing Ciel could do now, all he could do was hope that her plan worked, he couldn't let himself get involved in this, he had to remain neutral but he feared for his cousin's life. Would Grell take Rose's life if he found out? Like he had done with Madam Red?
"As you wish." Ciel said with a heavy heart, "Before you go I have acquired some items for you for when you return to the house." Ciel said picking up some papers off his desk and handing them to Rose, "Inside you will find details of your accounts and also your birth certificate."
Rose's eyebrows knitted together as she looked down at the papers, "A birth certificate..." She said with her eyes slightly welling up as she thought of her beautiful murdered mother. She flicked through the papers and put out a crisp white piece and read her name 'Alexandra Burnett', she officially had a mother. Seeing this had knocked her back onto her goal, "I will do this Ciel, I will have my revenge." Rose said trying to quell her anguish as she turned and left the room leaving Ciel and Sebastian alone.
"You look troubled master." Sebastian said worriedly peering over at his master.
"Yes I am, it's awful, I fear this will be her undoing. I never expected any of this; Rose clearly has feelings for Grell when he's disguised as that bumbling butler and now this! To hear that Grell is obsessed with Rose disguised as Alex. I would pull her out of this situation if I could before its too late but I need her." Ciel hung his head, "If she successfully completes her mission or is discovered it doesn't matter, the outcome will be the same... Rose is going to find out that Grell killed her mother," he said looking up at Sebastian, "In the end it will be a case of seeing who will survive the fight. She's well trained but he's better." Ciel sat heavily down in his chair. "She's going to die."
Sebastian didn't like his master being so troubled, "Is there anything I could do to help?"
Ciel looked round and laughed but then a smile crept across his lips, "Actually there is."
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