That was the question she asked herself...'did I really survive?'
The more she tried to think about how she got there and the spirit that appeared before her; the more her body was becoming colder and going numb, to the point where she wasn't even sure if she was alive anymore. Time still felt so slow, and just as slowly, she came to the conclusion that she had indeed died in those dark waters along with her parents. That this was her limbo...she could stay frozen where she was and watch the angry cold sea...or...she could go to the warm winged spirit that was waiting for her. Just in reach and not leaving her side.
...She slowly glanced at the winged spirit and before she could even lift her heavy cold arm towards it. The winged spirit reached out to her and she felt the warm glow seep into her and make it's way thru her body. What was heavy and cold, was now warm with life and power...
She was not just reborn...she was reawakened.