GrellsLover — Near Death Love (7 Part 1) [NSFW]
Published: 2013-01-04 04:56:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 77; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description It was a beautiful May night. Spring had come and flowers had sprung up all around Jack's lake. He sat among them staring at the moon as it just started to rise. He had so many jitters that the thought of sleep never entered into his head. Pitch suddenly appeared at his side. He looked up at his fiancé momentarily before turning back to the moon.

"Jack, you should be asleep. What's wrong?" Jack shrugged his shoulders.

"Tomorrow... I'm just so antsy and nervous. I can't sleep." He said laying down among the flowers. Pitch chuckled.

"What is there to be nervous about? You and me. That's all you need to concern yourself with Jack." He said sitting next to the teen. "Well this too." He added stroking Jacks protruding stomach. Jack smiled placing his hand over Pitch's.

"Thanks Pitch." The nightmare king placed a kiss on Jack's head.

"Now come on. You need your sleep." He said standing. "It wouldn't do for my bride-to-be to have bags under his eyes on the day of the wedding." Jack pouted.

"I told you to stop calling me that." He said causing Pitch to chuckle again. Jack moved to sit up and flopped back onto his back. "Great, can't even sit up anymore." He grumbled to himself. "You are a bugger." He stated, poking his stomach. Jack took the hand Pitch had held to him and he managed to get to his feet. Pitch lifted jack into his arms as he walked into shadow, stepping out into the bedroom he set Jack on the bed and crawled in beside him. Pitch lifted Jacks hoodie off him and then stripped himself to his usual sleep wear. Nothing. He crawled into bed and closed the curtains and they happily fell asleep.

The sun had barely even begun to rise when Tooth zoomed down the tunnels of Pitch's home. Having visited here many times in the past few months, she knew exactly where she was going and reached the bedchamber in a record time of about a minute. Fluttering into the room she practically dive-bombed the bed.

"Wake up!" She shouted. "Come on wake up we've got a lot to get done today." Just as the pair groggily opened their eyes Tooth snatched the covers pulling them all the way off the bed, and immediately wished she hadn't.

"Bloody hell! What is it with you people!?" Pitch said scrambling to get the blankets back to cover himself. Jack however was laughing hysterically. Tooth, red faced as she ever could be, looked away from Pitch.

"I-I'm so sorry." She stammered.

"Don't worry Tooth. I did the same thing when I first snuck in here." Jack said between his giggles. Tooth focused on Jack pulling him from the bed. She grabbed his hoodie from where it was laying on the floor and shoved it at him.

"Well hurry up get ready to go. We have a lot to do today." She said. "Oh Pitch, North wanted me to tell you he's on his way to get Bunny and will be here soon." Jack looked at his fiance quizzically.

"What are they coming here for?" He asked pulling his hoodie over his head.

"Never you mind Jack. You'll see soon enough. Now get going before Tooth has to drag you out of here." Pitch said.

"Now don't you try to come over and see Jack, Pitch! You will get the beating of a lifetime from Baby Tooth." she laughed. Jack rolled his eyes and crawled onto the bed to give Pitch a kiss. Tooth pulled out the snow globe North had given her and pulled Jack through to her home. As soon as the portal closed Jack was assaulted by almost a hundred mini fairies. Baby Tooth being one of them. She landed on his shoulder, snuggling into his neck.

"Ok do your job. I have to take care of my end." She told the smaller fairies. Suddenly Jack was being dragged off somewhere in Tooth's palace. Next thing Jack knew he was in a warm bath being scrubbed down by an army of fairies. He was so relaxed, he didn't have to do anything for himself. At least he was relaxed until he had water dumped over his head. He was going to glare at the fairies when he noticed that somehow they all vanished in the time it took for him to wipe the water out of his eyes. He somehow manged to stand, even with his stomach in the way, and set the water to drain out of the tub. He noticed a towel hanging from the door, grabbing it he dried himself off looking for his clothes. He awkwardly wrapped the towel around his waist when he realized they weren't there. He sat on the edge of the tub waiting for someone to hopefully bring him his clothes. Some one knocked on the door and Tooth peeked in.

"Are you decent?" She asked.

"As I'll ever be without my clothes." Jack laughed. Tooth entered and grabbing his hand pulled him into a room next door. "Wait my staff!" He protested, it was still in the bathroom.

"It'll be waiting out here. But right now, here." She said handing him a small bundle. "You need to put those on. Girls help him." she said to the swarm hovering over her shoulder. The fairies all buzzed into the room and the door slammed shut.

Jack stood there as the fairies pulled a mirror over to him. His breath caught in his throat. He looked amazing. He was dressed in a white shirt, an ivory tail coat, and black slacks. An ice blue tie completing the picture. The fairies shoved him to the door where Tooth was waiting outside. She gasped as she looked him over.

"Oh it looks even better than I pictured." She gushed, straightening his tie a bit. "Oh Pitch is going to love it!" she said. She reached over to grab Jacks staff from where it was leaning on the wall. But suddenly a miffed look crossed her face. "Ooh! That jerk. Taking advantage of how busy I am to sneak in here and..." She trailed off. Jack looked over at his staff. Apparently Pitch had managed to sneak in long enough to tie a single black rose to the top his staff. He smiled tenderly taking his staff and running a finger over the blossom. Tooth grabbed Jack.

"Come on it's almost sunset. We need to get back." She dragged Jack with her to the main area of the castle. She produced another snow globe an opened the portal.

"Where are you getting all those?" Jack asked. as they stepped through.

"North gave me a few for today only. He knew I'd need them." Tooth fluttered her way through the tunnels Jack following behind her. He looked around as he realized he didn't recognize these tunnels.

"Where are we going Tooth." Jack asked.

"A place that Pitch tried hard to keep from you until today. He's had it for years though... I would have thought he'd have shown it to you sooner." She said as they turned a corner. "Wait here a second. I have to make sure that they aren't still in there." Jack leaned back against a wall while tooth went ahead disappearing around a corner. She quickly came back smiling. "Ok they're gone. Lets go Jack!" She covered his eyes and led him down the hall. She stopped at the entrance. "You ready Jack?" Jack nodded, feeling a jitter of excitement skitter down his spine. Tooth pulled her hands away and Jack was instantly speechless.
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Comments: 1

TaleweaverNLM [2014-03-26 02:30:47 +0000 UTC]

"Bloody hell! What is it with you people!?" Pitch said scrambling to get the blankets back to cover himself. Jack however was laughing hysterically.

Nuff said   

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