GrellsLover — Valentines Secrets (3) [NSFW]
Published: 2013-02-10 05:21:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 136; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description    North and Bunnymund found themselves slowly wandering the darkness Pitch lived in. Bunny mostly leading the way. His ears twitched to and fro listening intently to the sounds the caverns offered, slowly following them in the hopes of finding Pitch.
    "This way..." He muttered taking another random turn, he could swear he heard something but here in the dark you really couldn't trust anything you heard. Both of the spirits stopped dead when they heard a sinister chuckle echo through the blackness.
    "Wow... you seem to have gotten a little lost." the nightmare king said, his voice seeming to come from everywhere.
    "Pitch come out here! Quit hiding in the shadows." Bunny said reaching for his boomerangs, yet his paw fell back to his side. He knew that if he drew a weapon Pitch would never hear them out.
    "What do you want with me? What possible reason would the guardians have for coming to visit little old me?" Pitch said, he was circling the pair in the shadows, watching and assessing.
    "Pitch, we only want to talk. Come out, you will not be harmed." North said turning trying to see if Pitch had already emerged.
    "You come into my home armed for battle and tell me I wont be harmed. That's rich." Pitch left the shadows and stood before the guardians, but was sure to keep a healthy distance from them. The two turned towards the shadowy figure, who was casually leaning against the wall of the tunnel.
    "Well you can't exactly blame us if we don't trust you." Bunny said with a sharp glare. "But trust me the last thing we want is to have to use them. So just hear us out."
    "Then drop them." Bunny's glare hardened. "Well if you don't want to then I suppose I don't want to listen to you." Pitch said casually examining his nails. Bunny opened his mouth to lay into Pitch but North placed a calming hand on the easter spirits shoulder. Bunny sighed. He took his boomerangs from their holders and tossed them a few feet away, they were quickly followed by North's swords. A sinister smirk spread over Pitch's face as he surrounded the guardians in shadow. He moved them to where his black globe was standing. "So what could you possibly want to talk with me about." He said circling the globe. "Oh stuff it. It snot like I could do anything to you if I wanted to." He said in response to their hesitant, worried looks. "You're precious Frost made sure of that."
    "He's the reason we came here. Jack needs your help." Bunny said, who became slightly more nervous at the sight of Pitch's smirk. Which only seemed to grow wider and wider as the guardians explained what had happened.
    "Dear little Jack Frost run afoul of Cupid's arrow? Suppose, though that I don't want to help him?" He said a gleeful laugh falling from his lips. "Maybe I'd be perfectly content to leave him till his mind is no more than a love-riddled pile of mush." Bunny bristled at the comment.
    "Now look here Pitch! Jack needs help, you are the only one who can. Just this once care more than about yourself." Bunny yelled.
    "Now you listen to me you over-sized fuzzball! I never said I wouldn't help. It would indeed be interesting to see dear infatuated Frost." He said a small smirk playing on his face. The other two spirits shared a worried glance. North pulled a snow globe out of his coat and quickly whisked him away back to his home at the Pole. Bunny quickly started ahead of the others.
    "I'll just go and tell Jack that he's here North." He said before quickly speeding ahead. With Jack being as far gone as he was Bunny didn't want to keep him waiting much longer. As he approached the winter spirits room he slowed, his ears twitching as they caught the sounds from the bedroom. Bunny topped dead. Was Jack... No this wasn't good. Bunny quickly turned tail and sprinted back to North. "Ch-Change of plans North... Jack's really off his head now, I'm going to just take him for a bit try and get some part of him thinking straight..." Pitch managed very well to look not concerned in the least. He even managed to look slightly amused. North however looked almost frantic.
    "What happened Bunny." The large man flushed slightly as Bunny whispered to him what was going on. "Y-Yes you go ahead. I will then show Pitch Jack's... art project..." Bunny, with that headed back, tilting his ears away from the door in an attempt to block out the sound of Jack's . . . fun. He heard the teen yelp in surprise as he knocked on the door, and frantic rummaging before the door opened, revealing a slightly out of breath Jack Frost. They were a good distance away when North and Pitch came to the room.
    The nightmare king couldn't help but chuckle as he took in what Jack had done to the room. He had apparently been quite busy since they left. A fact proven by the life size ice sculpture of Pitch now standing in the corner.
    "I am quite impressed." Pitch said as he wandered the room, a small smile forming on his face. "And all this from just one of Cupids arrows?"
    "He cares much for you Pitch... I do not wish to see him hurt." He said warningly.
    Meanwhile Bunny and Jack had just made their way into the globe room. The winter spirit constantly asking if they had found Pitch. And Bunny refused to respond. Bunny intended to keep Jack with him until he seemed even an iota calmer, but Jack it seemed thought otherwise.
    "Oh shoot... Bunny I forgot my staff... Wait here I'll go get it and be right back." Jack turned and sprinted back towards his room before Bunny even registered what was going on. The Easter spirit gave chase calling at Jack to come back.
    "North, believe it or not I wish no harm to the boy. And what could I do to him anyway with you keeping an eye on me?" Pitch said. Just as he finished he was quickly force to jump aside as the door suddenly flung open.
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