GrimSoldier001 — Kamen Rider x Final Fantasy PT 3

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Published: 2020-09-30 09:15:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 14923; Favourites: 54; Downloads: 0
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Description 7. Final Fantasy VIIRe X Kamen Rider Zero-One X Kingdom Hearts PT 3 ~

Sephiroth. The One Winged Angel. The Planet's Nightmare. The Cold Touch of Death Personified.

His actions had sent everyone into a hasty spell of working rigorously, AVALANCHE and the gathered Keyblade warriors, attempting to form some measure of a plan to combat the mad Angel and stop him from summoning meteor. And yet, this was not the only trouble the combined forces had to contend with.

With Rufus having remade his model of Thousandriver and Gai still alive to scheme and toil away for lord only knew what, AVALANCHE and the Keyblade Warriors had another problem to deal with. Sora questions Aruto on how it was Ark-Zero had even come about and why it wasn't like the other Heartless they'd faced previously. Aruto explains that his world and it's warrior's has never encountered an enemy like the Heartless, nor did any of have any idea about the Keyblade's or their abilitiy to de-form the Heartless.

In desperation, the same people who developed the Shotriser's and other Rider-like change devices recreated a Heartless, unaware that the shadowy being's could and did manifest in every possible form, raw computer data among such forms. Thus, Ark-Zero was in essence a digitized Heartless that had begun feeding off of unfinished data that existed within Zea's databanks. Before Izu had given Aruto the Zero-One Driver, the unformed Ark-Hopper had latched itself onto and inside of the Driver's inner computer, laying dormant until it could manifest and escape. An escape Aruto had unknowingly given it after using MetalCluster Hopper for the first time.

With the number of Raiders, Heartless and Jenova Monsters increasing the longer thet way, the groups pool their resources and information together while aboard the Highwind. Before the two groups can formulate a plan of attack, some concrete means of defeating Rufus, Gai and Ark-Zero before they have to confront Sephiroth, Sora remarks that Aruto isn't there anymore. Indeed, the lone Rider was nowhere to be seen, only the Shining Hopper & Rampage Gatling Progrisekeys any indication that the young man had even been there at all.

In the nearly abandoned city of Edge, the people hidden away in the outskirts or deep beneath the Earth, both Rufus and Another-Zero One discuss their plans, contemplating some means of action against their ever amount number of foes, Aruto appears, batting aside the Turk's who stand in his way even without transforming, causing those not already fighting to flee for their lives. At the sight of his half brother, Another-Zero One spits venom unto Aruto, revealing himself to be Gai Amastu, transformed into a monster and violently proclaiming this was Aruto's doing. That his mind and body were marred by his failures and that Aruto, the source of such failures, had to pay back what was taken.

Aruto counters, claiming that Gai's transformation into evil was his own doing, the cost of his actions coming back to haunt him, but neither Gai nor Rufus care, the latter transforming into another version. Glaring unto Thouser II & Another-Zero One, Aruto screams, claiming he won't let them nor Ark-Zero destroy this world as they had his home, his friends, his loves. Unleashing the combined power of MetalCluster Hopper and GrandRider King unto his enemies, Aruto manages to hold his ground against the two evil Riders, only for a swarm of Heartless to suddenly appear, turning the fight back into the favor of Thouser-II & Another-Zero One.

Ark-Zero had arrived, bringing with him a legion as massive in scope as the world's it had conquered.

Collapsing, Aruto appears doomed, armor burning away as his henshin fails. Still, bloodied and sweaty skin though he has, Aruto moves to rise again and keep fighting, before Sora and Cloud appear before him, keeping the legions of darkness from reaching Aruto. The latter proclaims Aruto needn't fight alone, not against the Darkness nor anything else, and transforms into Shinning Assault Hopper. Cloud, thought quiter than Sora, is no less eager to let Aruto fight the darkness alone, and transforms into Rampage Gattling. Both offer apologies for taking the respective Progrisekeys, before turning and running off, throwing themselves into battle against Thouser-II, Ark-Zero & the Heartless.

Aruto, using the power of the GrandRider King Progrisekey, summons his predecessors to the fight, along with all other Kamen Rider's that had existed, turning the trio's group from a meager force into an army. Letting go of his golden armor, Aruto glares unto Another-Zero One, dark brown eyes glowing with liquid iron as he glared unto the monstrous Rider. Pointing an accusing finger upon Another-Zero One, Aruto proclaims his catch phrase, now changed into one to encompass the massive force of Rider's he'd summoned to battle.

" There is only one group who can stop you. And That's US! " he screams, before henshining into Kamen Rider Zero-Two, his final evolution of power. His golden yellow armor glowing red, eyes a brilliant scarlet hue, Aruto throws himself up and into the sky, preforming a scarlet flame clad Rider Kick, the two hundred other Rider's doing the same. Another Zero-One tries to destroy the approaching legion of Riders, a swarm of MetalCluster-like particles erupting out from his hands, only for the combined fury of two hundred Rider Kicks to effortlessly break through it, smashing down and into the Another-Rider like he were an ant and they a boot.

With Sora leading them forward, now clad in the Shining Assaulrt Hopper armor, the Keyblade Warriors manage to keep Ark-Zero and the Heartless at bay, with Donald, Goofy, Riku, Kairi and all of the other Keyblade wielders at his back. Without Another-Zero One to aid him, Thouser-II is left to his own devices against AVALANCHE, the fight utterly lost as the responsibility to fight now falls upon the newly chosen president of Shinra Electric.

Commanding Reno and Rude to aid him, Rufus finds the two Turks disobedient, standing neither with the heroes nor against them. If for nothing else, then to survive what seemed to be a truly fatal battle. Thouser-II, now alone, is left blindsided by Avalanche's forces, lead by the Rampage Gatling armored Cloud, whom wields the powers of the Progrisekeys with ease. The nine friends land consecutive and utterly debilitating glows against Thouser-II in a rapid succession, all the while, Reno providing an... amusing commentary on the whole ordeal.

The memories of Zack in his mind, the horror of Sephiroth still on the horizon and all of the horrible things this man had done angering Cloud to no end, Cloud screams that Rufus will pay for his crimes against the world, but not with his life. Spinning the Magazine Selector upon his belt, Cloud leaps into the sky, Mako-like constructs of Zack and himself appearing, preforming a Omni-Slash. The attacks doing little actual damage on it's own, Cloud uses them to keep Rufus pinned. With four spins of his Magazine Selector, Cloud slams down like a meteorite and, with a thunderous crack and boom having infusing the Buster-Sword with the power of an "Rampage All Blast", Cloud destroys Rufus' second Thouser driver, the two Progrisekeys within it left as melted, plastic husks and little else.

With only one foe remaining, Aruto, Sora & Cloud, along with everyone still standing, turn their combined attention unto Ark-Zero, leaping into the fray with an almost reckless abandon.

The combined army of Riders and heroic forces launch their combined light unto the remaining foe, his darkness and the Heartless he summoned. Ark-Zero sends a massive, swirling typhoon of power unto the encroaching force, rage evident even upon his masked face. Sora lands the first blow, the Kingdom Key, impaling Ark-Zero through the chest like a javelin, with the legion of Riders and their Rider Kicks sending the Key through his chest, body breaking apart from the world shaking blow.

Heaving, his transformation falls and Aruto can only watch through murky vision as the light Xenaort had stolen from the worlds the Heartless consumed was released, Ark-Zero dispersing into a cloud of dust as the stars above returned to the sky. A pair of hands enters his vision and Aruto is hauled back to his feet by both Cloud and Sora, the trio taking in a moment of silence following the pure insanity of all that just happened.

A week passes and AVALANCHE learns that Rufus, all too aware he couldn't trust Gai or Ark-Zero, had planned to destroy with the aid of the ThousandWeapon, a device combining the powers of the Thousandriver and Omega Weapon together. With Reno and Rude to confirm it's validity, Rufus' plans to and destroy Meteor and through that, Sephiroth, became clear. Going over the plans again and again, Aruto comes to the conclusion that the weapon would have failed, regardless of if they had intervened in his subterfuge. Cloud, having regained his memories and accepting his less than perfect past, insists they need to end this. That as the only ones aware of Sephiroth's goals and how to beat him, they had to be the ones to end this. Sora and Aruto agree, the latter's still unhealed body a non-factor in his choices.

Engaging Sephiroth together, the fighters manages to overcome the One Winged Angel's magical power and illusions, with Cloud severing Sephiroth's single wing, ironically while possessing one of his own through the RampageGatling Progrisekey. Battered, bloodied and laughing like a madman, Sephiroth stands, licking at his split lips, lapping up his own blood. Gravely wounded and too stubborn to accept failure, disregards his human visage, transforming into Ark-Zero-One. His dark heart drinking in the powers of shadow, Sephiroth now wielded the combined strength of his magic, Gai's repurposed Thousandriver and the Heartless.

Despite it all, the combined strength of AVALANCHE and the Keyblade warrior's managed to combat and defeat Sephiroth, his body and soul burning away, not returning to the lifestream as it would have, had Sephiroth been purely human. With Sephiroth defeated, Midgar saved despite the odds placed against them, Aruto collapses as the light of the numerous Rider's within him leave. A portal opens, revealing Aruto's world had been restored through his continued persistence and the power of the Legend Riders. With his world restored, Aruto lets Cloud and Sora keep the Rampage Gatling & Shinning Hopper Progrisekeys respectively as he departs, wishing each of them the best of luck on whatever journey's they each have left.

Returning to his world, exhausted, sweaty and still splattered with blood, Aruto stands in the courtyard of Hiden Intelligence, simply basking the presence of the world he'd been apart from for so long. Voices call out to him and Aruto turns, seeing Fuwa, Yaiba and Izu for the first time in years. His vision beginning to blur, body going numb. He stumbles forward, vision to broken up by the pain he feels for Aruto to really see the panic forming over the faces of his friends.

Still, Aruto smiles and is only able to utter " I missed all of you... " before collapsing in a heap, having used the last of his own strength to restore their world.


Bonus 1 ~

Zero-Two ~ As time passed and his arsenal continued showing it's list of weaknesses, Aruto plotted an upgrade not just to any one particular Progrisekey, but to the Zero-One Driver itself. Thinking back to what little time he had with Izu, Aruto contemplated the components of a Humagear's mind and how it and the Zero-One Driver were different, yet similar instruments of action. Combining his belief in Humagear's power to change and grow and the final sequence of data made to combat the Heartless, Aruto constructed the Zero-Two Driver and Zea-Hopper Progrisekey while the remaining members of AVALANCE and the Keyblade Warriors planned out a course of action.

Activation ~ " Zero-Two Jump! Authorized! Progrise! Road to Glory has Lead to Growin' Path To Change! One To Two! Kamen Rider Zero Two! It's Never Over! "


Rampage Gatling V2 ~ Created as a faster alternative than manually changing out previous Progrisekeys, Rampage Gatling was Aruto's second most powerful Progrisekey, second only to MetalCluster Hopper in terms of raw technological might. Following his earning of the Legacy Progrisekey's and developing the Assault system for Shining Hopper, Aruto continued modifying the Rampage key further and further, eventually settling upon the V2 limit when he learned no further data could be added into the device, least it explode and kill the user. Still, V2 was nothing to scoff at, it's powers rivaling and even surpassing many of the other forms Aruto possessed at the time of this key's creation. An long list of upgrades that would serve Aruto and Cloud Strife well, the latter donning the powerful armor for what seemed to be the first and only time to help stop Ark-Zero, Another Zero-One, Thouser-II & the legion of Heartless the trio had summoned.

Activation ~ " Allrise! Full Shotrise! Gathering Round! Rampage Gatling! Mammoth! Cheetah! Hornet! Tiger! Polar Bear! Scorpion! Shark! Kong! Falcon! Wolf! Rampage Gatling! The Might Of These Progrisekeys Gather Together For Great Power! "

Finisher Type-2 ~ Unlike type-1 Rampage Gatling's finisher move, RGV2's finisher is formed from the nine Progrisekey data pieces fusing into a single bullet, which is then fired from the Shor-Riser. The wolf-like construct that appears from this fusion of data is clutching a recreation of Cloud's Buster Sword in it's jaws, advancing upon the enemy alongside ethereal or "ghost-like" copies of Cloud Strife, Zack Fair and Angeal, each clutching the same weapon in their hands. It is currently unclear if someone else uses the Rampage Gatling V2 Progrisekey, that this same finisher could be achieved.


Shining Hopper ~ Created as an enhancement to the original Rising Hopper Progrisekey, Shining Hopper has surpassed it's predecessor in almost every aspect, save perhaps for the learning curve the comes with the Key's greater speed and power over it's progenitor. This key would be given to Sora after Aruto's body would be possessed by Xenaort's darkness, allowing the Keyblade Wielder to stand a proper chance. Later, both Sora and Aruto, using the Shining Hopper and Rocking Hopper Progrisekey's respectively, would launch a combined Rider Kick against the Heartless recreated Omega-Weapon a reborn Xenaort, now Kamen Rider Ark-Zero, had unleashed upon the already battered city of Edge.

Activation ~ " Shining Jump! Authorized! Progrise! The Rider Kick Increases The Power By Adding To Brightness! Shining Hopper! When I Shine, Darkness Fades! "


Shining Assault Hopper ~ An evolution to the original Shining Hopper key, Aruto added in an extra set of powerful combat armor plates atop the existing Shining Hopper form. Acting similarly to a heat regulator unit, the blue plates formed of carbon fiber and ciderite allow the user to preform even faster and stronger feats, without the fear of overheating. This cooling also affects the user's own body in addition to the hopper armor, filtering and regulating the air they take in and purifying it, allowing the Rider to go even longer without feeling fatigue. After Sora proved himself not only capable with the Shining Hopper key, but downright perfect for it's set of powers, Aruto "let slip" the creation of the Assault armor enhancement he was developing.

Activation ~ " Hyper-Jump! Authorized! Overrise! Warning, Warning! This Is Not A Test! HybridRise! Shining Assault Hopper! No Chance Of Surviving This Shot! "


All of the Rider's Aruto summoned to battle Another-Zero One, Ark-Zero, Thouser II & the legion of Heartless. YES. All of them:

1. Kamen Rider 1.
2. Kamen Rider 2.
3. Kamen Rider V3.
4. Riderman.
5. Kamen Rider X
6. Kamen Rider Amazon
7. Kamen Rider Stronger
8. Kamen Rider Skyrider
9. Kamen Rider Super-1
10. Kamen Rider ZX
11. Kamen Rider Black
12. Kamen Rider Black RX
13. Shin Kamen Rider
14. Kamen Rider ZO
15. Kamen Rider J
16. Kamen Rider Kuuga
17. Kamen Rider Agito
18. Kamen Rider G3
19. Kamen Rider G4.
20. Kamen Rider Gills.
21. Another Agito.
22. Kamen Rider Ryuki
23. Kamen Rider Knight.
24. Kamen Rider Scissors.
25. Kamen Rider Zolda.
26. Kamen Rider Raia.
27. Kamen Rider Gai.
28. Kamen Rider Ouja.
29. Kamen Rider Odin.
30. Kamen Rider Femme.
31. Kamen Rider Ryuga.
32. Kamen Rider Tiger.
33. Kamen Rider Verde.
34. Kamen Rider Imperer.
35. Kamen Rider Faiz
36. Kamen Rider Kaixa.
37. Kamen Rider Delta.
38. Kamen Rider Psyga.
39. Kamen Rider Orga.
40. Kamen Rider Blade.
41. Kamen Rider Garren.
42. Kamen Rider Challice.
43. Kamen Rider Leangle.
44. Kamen Rider Glaive.
45. Kamen Rider Lance.
46. Kamen Rider Larc.
47. Kamen Rider Hibiki.
48. Kamen Rider Ibuki.
49. Kamen Rider Danki.
50. Kamen Rider Sabaki.
51. Kamen Rider Todoroki.
52. Kamen Rider Zanki.
53. Kamen Rider Eiki.
54. Kamen Rider Kabuki.
55. Kamen Rider Touki.
56. Kamen Rider Kirameki.
57. Kamen Rider Nishiki.
58. Kamen Rider Habataki.
59. Kamen Rider Shouki.
60. Kamen Rider Gouki.
61. Kamen Rider Toki.
62. Kamen Rider Banki
63. Kamen Rider Shuki.
64. Kamen Rider Kabuto.
65. Kamen Rider TheBee.
66. Kamen Rider Drake.
67. Kamen Rider Sasword.
68. Kamen Rider Gatack.
69. Kamen Rider Hercus.
70. Kamen Rider Ketaros.
71. Kamen Rider Caucasus.
72. Kamen Rider KickHopper.
73. Kamen Rider PunchHopper.
74. Kamen Rider Dark Kabuto.
75. Kamen Rider Den-O.
76. Kamen Rider Zeronos.
77. Kamen Rider Gaoh.
78. Kamen Rider Nega Den-O.
79. Kamen Rider Yuuki.
80. Kamen Rider New Den-O.
81. Kamen Rider G Den-O.
82. Kamen Rider Kiva.
83. Kamen Rider Ixa.
84. Kamen Rider Rey.
85. Kamen Rider Arc.
86. Kamen Rider Saga.
87. Kamen Rider Dark Kiva.
88. Kamen Rider Kiva-La.
89. Kamen Rider G.
90. Kamen Rider Decade.
91. Kamen Rider Abyss.
92. Kamen Rider Diend.
93. Kamen Rider Amaki.
94. Kamen Rider Double.
95. Kamen Rider Skull.
96. Kamen Rider Accel.
97. Kamen Rider Eternal.
98. Kamen Rider OOO.
99. Kamen Rider Birth.
100. Kamen Rider Core.
101. Kamen Rider Poseidon.
102. Kamen Rider Aqua.
103. Kamen Rider Fourze.
104. Kamen Rider Meteor.
105. Kamen Rider Nadeshiko.
106. Kamen Rider Wizard.
107. Kamen Rider Wiseman
108. Kamen Rider Beast
109. Kamen Rider Mage
110. Kamen Rider Sorcerer
111. Kamen Rider Gaim.
112. Kamen Rider Baron.
113. Kamen Rider Girdon.
114. Kamen Rider Zangetsu.
115. Kamen Rider Ryugen.
116. Kamen Rider Kurokage.
117. Kamen Rider Bravo.
118. Kamen Rider Bujin Gaim.
119. Kamen Rider Duke.
120. Kamen Rider Maika.
121. Kamen Rider Sigurd.
122. Kamen Rider Knuckle.
123. Kamen Rider Fifteen.
124. Kamen Rider Mars.
125. Kamen Rider Kamuro.
126. Kamen Rider Jam.
127. Kamen Rider Idunn.
128. Kamen Rider Tyrant.
129. Kamen Rider Saver.
130. Kamen Rider Black Barron.
131. Kamen Rider Drive.
132. Kamen Rider Lupin.
133. Kamen Rider Mach.
134. Kamen Rider 2.
135. Kamen Rider 3.
136. Kamen Rider Chaser.
137. Kamen Rider Chaser Mach.
138. Kamen Rider Mach Chaser.
139. Kamen Rider Heart.
140. Kamen Rider Brain.
141. Kamen Rider Ghost
142. Kamen Rider Specter.
143. Kamen Rider Necrom.
144. Kamen Rider Dark Ghost.
145. Kamen Rider Dark Necrom R.
146. Kamen Rider Dark Necrom B.
147. Kamen Rider Dark Necrom Y.
148. Kamen Rider Zero-Specter.
149. Kamen Rider Extremer.
150. Kamen Rider Dark Necrom P.
151. Kamen Rider Amazon Omega.
152. Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha.
153. Kamen Rider Amazon Sigma.
154. Kamen Rider Amazon Neo.
155. Kamen Rider Amazon Neo Alpha.
156. Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
157. Kamen Rider Genm.
158. Kamen Rider Brave.
159. Kamen Rider Snipe.
160. Kamen Rider Lazer.
161. Kamen Rider Para-DX.
162. Kamen Rider True Brave.
163. Kamen Rider Poppy.
164. Kamen Rider Cronus.
165. Kamen Rider Fuma.
166. Kamen Rider Another Para-DX.
167. Kamen Rider Build.
168. Kamen Rider Cross-Z.
169. Kamen Rider Greese.
170. Kamen Rider Rouge.
171. Kamen Rider Evol.
172. Kamen Rider Mad Rouge.
173. Kamen Rider Blood.
174. Kamen Rider Killbus.
175. Kamen Rider Metal Build.
176. Kamen Rider Zio
177. Kamen Rider Geiz.
178. Kamen Rider Woz.
179. Kamen Rider Tsukuyomi.
180. Kamen Rider Shinobi.
181. Kamen Rider Quiz.
182. Kamen Rider Kikai.
183. Kamen Rider Hattari.
184. Kamen Rider Ginga.
185. Kamen Rider Barlckxs.
186. Kamen Rider Zonjis.
187. Kamen Rider Zamonas.
188. Kamen Rider Zero-One.
189. Kamen Rider Zerozero-One.
190. Kamen Rider Zero-Two.
191. Kamen Rider Ichi-Gata
192. Kamen Rider Izu-Gata.
193. Kamen Rider Vulcan.
194. Kamen Rider Vulcan Assault Wolf.
195. Kamen Rider Valkyrie Dashing Cheetah.
196. Kamen Rider Valkyrie Lightning Hornet.
197. Kamen Rider Valkyrie Fighting Jackal.
198. Kamen Rider Jin.
199. Kamen Rider Jin Burning Falcon.
200. Kamen Rider Horobi.
201. Kamen Rider Naki.
202. Kamen Rider Ikazuchi.


I don't own anything related to Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts or Kamen Rider Zero-One. All properties belong to their respective owners.
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