GTPS2Studios-2020 — Usagi Tsukino the Tailor Girl

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Description Concept Art related to "Usagi the Brave Little Tailor".
Usagi the Brave Little Tailor - Part 1Usagi the Brave Little TailorBased on The Valiant Little Tailor by The Brothers Grimm & The Mickey Mouse Cartoon Brave Little Tailor by Walt DisneyStarring Usagi Tsukino, Luna, Artemis, Ami Mizuno, Rei Hino, Minako Aino, Makoto Kino, Mamoru Chiba/Prince Endymoin & The Villains of The Dark Kingdom ArcChapter 1: Seven with One Blow!Once upon a time, there was a Kingdom during the Silver Millennium led by Prince Endymoin, and his four fellow knights, Kunzite, Jedeite, Nephrite & Zoisite, did their heroic deeds and served their Prince and his army. Even the Prince did his own Heroic deeds when even his four knights need him in the darkest of times. The people loved Prince Endymoin and his knights for their bravery, the powers they possessed and their smart uniforms.Many children even dreamed of being knights themselves one day and go on daring quests. But one who not only had a dream like that, but is in love with the Prince. A poor 16 year old female tailor named Usagi Tsukino. Ever since she was a little girl, Usagi had fallen in love with Prince Endymoin after meeting him. Not just for how dreamy he is, but for his bravery. Usagi gave Endymoin a rose and told him that she hopes that one day, she can not only become famous, but can be Endymoin’s Princess, and Future Queen of his Kingdom.But recently, Prince Endymoin’s Kingdom was being threatened by a Dark Kingdom, ruled by Queen Beryl, who had been jealous of Usagi being with Endymoin since childhood, and was given dark powers by Queen Metalia. What’s worse is that Queen Beryl brainwashed Endymoin’s four knights to do her bidding.As for Usagi, the only thing she had to do with Endymoin’s other knights was making their uniforms in her village. But she’s never lonely there. Not only does she have her parents, Kenji and Ikuko, her little brother Shingo, her pet cat Luna, her friends, Ami Mizuno, Rei Hino, Minako Aino, and her own pet cat named Artemis. Usagi’s friends with other village folks too, such as Naru Osaka, Umino Gurio, Motoki Furuhata & his younger sister Unazuki.Usagi: *Sigh* It's not fair. I wish I could be a knight and go on brave adventures, fight dragons, and defend Prince Endymoin too. It would be far more exciting than staying in here and doing noting but make clothes 24/7.Ikuko: Well at least you making clothes is something good you’re doing for Endymion. You even made the best outfits for even your friends such as Ami, Rei & Minako. You should at least be proud of that.Usagi: Yeah, but still. It would be nice if I can go out on an adventure, and even be Prince Endymoin’s Princess. *Stomach grumbles* Ugh! And now I’m hungry! I need to get something to eat.Shingo: Well maybe if you haven’t eaten so much of our life savings, we would’ve had enough food to survive you klutz!Usagi: Grrr, Shingo! We do have some food to stay alive. And I’ll prove it!Usagi went to a cupboard and opened it, looking for some food. But all she could find was some eggs, bread, and a piece of cheese.Shingo: Told you so.Usagi: Oh, he’s right! If I don't get some food soon, I'll starve to death!Usagi: Well it’s not my fault for having a craving for sweets.Usagi was annoyed by her little brother’s remarks, but deep down, she can see that he does have a point in terms of the food issue. Just then, she heard heard a voice outside.Voice: Jams for sale! Fresh jams for sale!It was Reika Nishimura the jam maker. She was carrying a tray containing many jars of jam.Kenji: You have enough savings don’t you? Maybe you can buy a thing of jam so we can have jam sandwiches.Usagi: Good idea! *calling from her window* Good morning, Reika. I'd like to buy some jam.Reika came into the shop and set her jars on the table. Usagi took the lid off a jar and smelled it.Usagi: *smells* Mmm. Blueberry. Smells very good. Let's smell another one.Reika took another lid off another jar and Usagi gave a smell.Usagi: *smells and sighs heavenly* Ah, strawberries. My favorite. I'll take it.Reika: How much would you like?Usagi: Just a few ounces, please. I'm trying to be careful with what money me and my family have left till we get some more customers. And, watch how much I eat…So Reika scooped out a few ounces of strawberry jam onto a dish, Usagi paid her, and off she went to make more sales.Usagi: This will go good with my eggs and bread.So after Usagi’s mother cooked up 2 eggs, she cut some slices of bread. She was just spreading the jam on them, when some flies came in through the opened window. Luna, Usagi’s cat, noticed them, and noted Usagi about them.Usagi: Huh? *Notices the flies* Hey! Buzz off you pests!But the flies wouldn't listen. They just kept buzzing around the bread and jam.Usagi: Grrrrrrrr! That does it! I'll teach you what happens to annoying little insects like you!Usagi grabbed a large cloth rag and rolled it into a tube. She kept a steady eye on the flies and when she got ready, she slammed the cloth on the table with a mighty whack!Usagi: Hmph!! That'll teach you to steal someone else's food.Shingo: Yeah, but now you ruined your meal by swatting those flies.Usagi: Wa!? *Blushes in embarrassment* Hehehe… Oops.But as Usagi picked up the cloth, she gasped in surprise. On the table, where the cloth had whacked, where seven flies all dead.Usagi: *amazed* Wow! I killed seven with one blow! This is amazing! Never before has this been possible. No one else hasn’t even swatted three flies with one blow.True it was only flies, but Usagi still felt brave and proud at her deed.Usagi: I should tell the whole town about this. *realizes* But not just the town, I should tell the whole world!Ikuko: Wait Usagi! If you are going to… Whatever it is you're going, you might want me to pack a new lunch and other food for you. You can’t travel on an empty stomach.Usagi: Oh yeah…So Usagi took some cloth and used it to make herself a sash. On it was spelled "Seven with One Blow" in golden letters.Usagi: The moment I step out that door, I'll be a changed girl and everyone will see my gorgeous courage. And this workshop is far too small for such a pretty valor. I shall go out into all of Europe and seek adventure and fortune. And I’ll even get to fight for Prince Endymion to defeat Queen Beryl and save his Kingdom from her clutches, and be his loving Princess!Usagi decided to put the remaining bread and cheese in a bag in case she got hungry on her travels. But as she stepped out from her shop, she met her friends, Ami Mizuno, Rei Hino & Minako Aino.Usagi: Oh, Ami, Rei, Minako!Ami: Oh hey Usagi! You seem happy today.Usagi: You bet I am, for I just achieved something no ones ever done before.Minako: Really? Well what is it?Usagi: I, Usagi Tsukino, have killed Seven with one blow!Rei: Uh… Seven what with one blow?Usagi: Eh! Oh, right, I forgot to add another word onto my sash. Well anyways, I meant to say Seven Flies with One Blow! Hehehehe!Rei: And you think that makes you special!?Usagi: *Starts bragging* Why of course! No one else couldn’t even swat three little insects with one blow.Ami: Well you are right about that Usagi: Not even I ever heard anyone kill that many flies. But that’s nothing to get too proud over.Usagi: Well I’m still gonna head out to let everyone know about my great achievement! This news will be so big, Prince Enymoin will ask me to fight Queen Beryl to save his Kingdom.Usagi was so proud of killing so many flies, that she started imagining herself being a pretty warrior who fights for love & justice.Ami, Rei & Minako: What!?Minako: You’re going outside of your home, and even Endymoin’s Kingdom for some sort of Adventure?Rei: And so you can help Endymion with his Dark Kingdom problem?Usagi: Well yeah, what about it?Artemis: If you’re going up North, then you really should be careful.Usagi: Why? What’s up North that I should be careful of?Rei: Well believe it or not, there have been rumors saying that a Giantess has been spotted miles away from here.Usagi: A… A Giantess?Minako: Yes! A big, dreadful Giantess who terrorizes the innocents, crushing everything in her path without a care in the world! No Man can stop this huge monster girl no matter what! So if I were you, I would hope to not meet this horrid Giantess!Minako, being a klutz, was only making this Giantess issue sound like a horror story, but the truth is that while most men and women would run from even a Giantess, no one really knows for sure if this Giantess really does exist, nor if she's a threat or not. But Usagi was scared at first, but plucked up some courage.Usagi: Well, if I were to meet this Giantess, I’ll show her not to harm other! And maybe this would further show how much of a heroine I am! So don’t you worry my friends. I, Usagi, the Brave Little Tailor, will continue my quest, and will take down this Giantess!However, Usagi hasn’t seen a Giantess before, and both Ami and Rei looked at Minako with expressions that show that they thought Minako’s portrayal of the Giantess was a bit too… Stereotypical.Usagi: Adventure, here I come!As she made her way, she shouted his achievement to everyone she passed.Usagi: *proudly* I killed seven flies with one blow, and I’m going to take down a Giantess!The villagers were rather surprised to hear the last part from Usagi. Is Usagi really gonna find a Giantess & capture her just because she killed seven flies with one blow? Although deep down, Usagi doesn’t want to meet this Giantess.Naru: Did she just say she just killed...Unazuki: ...seven with one blow?Motoki: And is gonna catch a Giantess because of that!?Umino: That's right! Seven with one blow, and is willing to capture that dreadful Giantess everyone’s talking about.Yuichiro: Seven with one blow? And she’s about to capture a Giantess as well? That's incredible!Rei’s Grandpa: Maybe so, but Usagi needs to be careful. That woman Usagi meets might really be a terror. Even if she has such an amazing body.Usagi smiled at the compliments. They made her feel bold. And not to mention pompous. And I’m sorry to say that this isn’t a good attitude to begin with.Usagi: I feel like I can take on any challenge I meet other than that Giantess! Hahahaha! *In her thoughts* But I don’t know anything about catching a Giantess! I’m just a little tailor girl who just killed seven flies with one blow!Luna: Oh great…Soon, Usagi left the little village far behind, in search of new challenges and adventures, and maybe find this Giantess the others are talking about. But Usagi still doesn’t exactly know what this Giantess looks like, nor how big she is, and might end up in danger if she were to meet this Giantess. As she traveled along the road, he spotted a bird on a shrub.Usagi: Maybe I might be faster than a bird.Luna: Usagi, I think you need to stop showing off.Usagi: Why not?Luna: If this Giantess that even our friends are talking about does exists, your attitude could get you into trouble. Do you even know what Giant means after what Minako said?Usagi: A person who’s taller than a Man?Luna: Yes, and even bigger than a house! So it would be best if we don’t meet this Giantess.Usagi: Why do you think I have doubts about meeting this Giantess earlier? I can’t go face-to-face with a Giantess. But even so… I still like to race that bird to see I’m faster than it!Very quietly, Usagi crept up to the shrub. Just as she was about to grab the bird, she noticed why the bird wasn't flying away; one of its feet was stuck on a twisted branch, which Usagi felt bad for.Usagi: Aww, you poor little fella. Don't worry. I'll get you out of there.Usagi carefully moved the branches away from each other until the bird came free, chirping happily at its freedom, which made Usagi feel good about herself.Luna: Seems you are starting to not be so pompous like earlier.Usagi: Yeah, I guess you are right Luna. And I bet this little guy must be hungry.So Usagi shared her bread with her new companion. Then the tailor girl let the bird go as she set back on her way to seek adventure and fortune. Although her journey will turn to Danger later on.To Be Continued  Usagi the Brave Little Tailor - Part 2Part 2: Makoto the Gentle GiantessUsagi Tsukino, the Brave Little Tailor Girl & her cat Luna journeyed a great distance. But after a few hours, Usagi rested on a boulder, for she did a lot of walking and thought she should rest. After an hour of resting, she looked from below the hills and saw that she can see the Juban village, her home just miles away from where she’s at.Usagi: *amazed* Wow! The Village looks so much smaller when you look at it from a height like this.Luna: You're right Usagi. I never saw the village nor anything else from a view like this.Usagi: I’d like to continue on my journey, but I think maybe we should sit down and eat before continuing.But as Usagi sat back down to prepare lunch, a shadow creeped over the hill. Usagi & Luna looked behind and saw a huge dragon. He noticed Usagi thought she make a good snack, for he was a man-eating dragon. Usagi was terrified to the point where she wouldn’t move. But then she felt a distant tremor of great magnitude rattled the ground beneath her. Usagi wondered what it was, but she soon found her answer.Behind even the dragon is what appeared to be a woman, but much, MUCH bigger. This meant only one thing. It was the Giantess! The Giantess, who’s name is Makoto Kino, wore a Brown shirt and skirt with short, Green Sleeves & a belt around the waist. A pair of sandals that have laces that go from below her knees and she had green eyes, brown hair with a ponytail and a pair of Rose Earrings. And not only did she have GIANT Boobs, but she was also 200 feet (A Little over 60 Meters) tall. Big enough to tower over trees, a castle and the dragon itself. The “tremors” Usagi felt was actually the footsteps of the Giantess. But Makoto is actually a Gentle Giantess who saw what the dragon was gonna do to Usagi and wanted to defend her.Makoto: You shouldn’t eat someone like her. It’s very low to eat an innocent young human girl who’s just traveling, let alone any human on this planet.The Dragon was furious, thinking that no one speaks to him like that. So he started to attack, but his arm was grabbed by Makoto, and was thrown to the ground like it was Wreasle Mania. Indicating how strong she is. The Dragon got back up and started to use his fire breath, but Makoto dodge his attack and was kicked in the crotch, causing him to retreat in fear. Usagi was amazed. Could this be the Giantess her friends were talking about earlier? Because how can she be dreadful if she saved her from a fearsome dragon? Usagi: Oh wow!Makoto: Are you okay?Usagi: Me? Oh, uh sure!Makoto: You’re a human, right? You take care. These Mountains can be dangerous for someone like you.As Makoto left, Usagi noticed that she was wearing rose shaped earrings. She no longer thinks Makoto’s a dreadful Giantess, but a cool one. Even Luna thought the same thing. Later, Usagi tried finding another spot to eat her lunch, hoping there wouldn’t be any dragons this time. But while she was doing so, she felt the same powerful tremors again, followed by a shadow and a great BIG, but perfect foot clad in a sandal landed on the ground in front of Usagi facing the side of the foot. Usagi realized who it was and hid behind a nearby tree.Usagi: It’s the Giantess with the rose earrings!Usagi peeked out from the tree to take a good look at the towering woman. She was taking some pumpkins growing around the area as a snack, for Pumpkins can grow anywhere. The little bunhead tailor girl watched the Busty Towering Giantess enjoy her snack.Usagi: So… That’s the Giantess? I do admit, she is huge, but beautiful at the same time. How can my friends say she’s dreadful? She saved my life from that dragon.Luna: Yes, she surely did. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s a Gentle Giantess.Usagi: And look at the type of body she has! Man would go crazy for a woman like her if no one was terrified of a Giantess like her!Makoto: Who’s there?Usagi: Wha!!! No way! She heard our voices!? How can a Giantess as big as her hear me talking!?Luna: Hey, I’m just about as confused as you are!Makoto: *looks behind* Huh? Oh! *walks over and bends down* It’s you again.Usagi: Oh, uh haha! Why yes, funny bumping into you after meeting you earlier. I’m Usagi BTW. And you are?Makoto: I’m Makoto Kino. So, care to join me? You seem interested in me. ^^Usagi: Oh, well I like to thank you for saving me back there.Makoto: No problem, and I’m glad you came by. You know, all the other humans I saw are afraid of me just because I’m a Giantess that towers over trees and such.Usagi: Well Mako! Oh! Sorry, is it okay if I call you that?Makoto: Uh, sure.Usagi: As I was saying. They probably thought you were a dreadful Giantess. Even my friends told me about you before I came out here, and I thought that was so at first until you saved me from that terrible fire breathing dragon.Makoto: So you heard the rumors about me, huh? At least you now know that what they say about me isn’t true. But what I like to know is what are you doing out here? No human has ever stepped foot around these mountains.Usagi: Oh! That’s because I’m on an adventure!Makoto: An adventure? For what?Usagi: To seek my fortune of course. For you see, I’ve killed seven flies with one blow.Makoto: Really? Well I don’t know what flies are, but that must’ve been a big achievement for you.Usagi: Wait? You… like what I’ve achieved?Makoto: Of course. But wherever it is you're going, I’d think it’s best I’d come with you.Usagi: Really? You want to come with me?Makoto: Yes, even after I saved you from that dragon. Around here are Dragons like the one you met, as well as Golems and all sorts of monsters I’ve faced. In fact, there’s even these strange looking monsters I’ve never seen before, and a little human like you won’t survive out here. Me being a Giantess not only means I get to be bigger than a Castle and have the best boobs, but I’m also stronger than I appear. *Chuckles* You want me to show you?Now most men and women would run in fear from even such a huge giantess, but Usagi is interested in what Makoto the Giantess can do.Usagi: Oh sure! I’d love to see what a lovely Giantess like you can do?Makoto can see just how interested Usagi is in her, and wanted see what she’s capable of. Luckily, there was a boulder big enough for Makoto to pick and hold it in her hand like a baseball.Makoto: *picks up the rock* Well for one, no man's ever capable of doing this.Makoto squeezed the rock together with her hand, and in just about seconds, the rock was crushed up into smaller ones.Makoto: See? Didn't even break a sweat.Usagi was impressed by what Makoto did to that rock.Usagi: Anything else you can do?Makoto: Well I’m a good thrower.With that, Makoto took up another rock, and threw it to where it disappeared into the sky, and out of sight!Makoto: Pretty cool, huh?Usagi: Wow! That’s amazing!Usagi was so amazed by what Makoto's capable of, she no longer thinks that killing seven with one blow made her special. Makoto however, doesn't like bragging, for it's not something a Gentle Giantess like her would do. But she only did that because she saw that Usagi was a egotistical klutz, but then she noticed the sad look on Usagi's face and can see that she isn't what she thought she was at first.Makoto: Hey, you okay?Usagi: Oh, uh… it's just that… I feel that the journey I'm doing is all for nothing.Makoto: Why would you think that?Usagi told her about her love for Prince Endymion, how she wanted to be his princess and how she wanted to help defend her home from the Dark Kingdom led by Queen Beryl. And that she even feels that Endymion might want Makoto instead.Makoto: So, you went and killed seven with one blow and came all the way out here just because of your love for this Prince Endymion, and that you wanted to fight against this Dark Kingdom to save your home?Usagi: Yeah…Makoto: *Smiles & picks up Usagi and puts her in her right hand* I can see how much you cared about this human prince, but to be honest, I don't think any male human would want someone as tall as me over what they think of us? Even if we live a social life just like you humans do.Usagi saw that while it is weird that Makoto's Giantess Race has no male members, they live the same way Humans do. In fact, she's now interested in seeing where Makoto came from, and even hanging out with her.Usagi: You know, I’d like to see what your home looks like.Makoto: Oh, not at all. And I don’t see why not. I bet the other Giantesses will be surprised to know that you don’t find us to be that bad. Besides, I only came out here to get some firewood. But you need a nice place to ride on so you won’t fall off and get killed. A fall from this height can kill someone like you. *Gets an idea* I think I know. *Puts Usagi in her Giant Breasts* My breasts should be a nice soft spot for you.So the two friends went to a large oak tree. Makoto pulled the tree off from the ground like it were a weed and carried it with her like an umbrella. Usagi was impressed.Makoto: You holding up in there Usagi?Usagi: You bet I am. So comfy!To Be Continued  

Usagi Tsukino © Naoko Takeuchi
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