★SB - $25
★MI - $1
★AB - $45
★2AB - $60 (Includes a Full Rendered headshot)
★Special Offer - $40 (If u buy both)
★Ends 24 hours after the last offer.
★These adoptables don't have a predetermined gender. Once you buy the adoptable, you can choose their gender.
★ONLY Paypal and Cuenta RUT.
★Payment must be made in less than 24 hours.
★Once you have paid the adopt, NO refunds are permited.
★You can of course re-sell one day, but please don't do it right away.
★DON'T copy, steal or trace my desings.
★Make sure that you have enought money to pay on time.
★When biding, make sure to bid by responding to the last bidder so they can get mention and knows they got outbid.
★Credit the desing.