HaceMorra — Interlace - Full Cast, Dragon Edition

#alternateuniverse #au #dragons #nightwing #ocs #wof #wingsoffire #silkwing #leafwing #sandwing #pyrrhia #wofoc #hivewing
Published: 2022-11-13 07:28:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 896; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 2
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Description So. I made my OCs into WoF dragons. I made sure I got sizes right btwdon't at me. And then ACCIDENTALLY worldbuilded a bit and this thing ends up more fleshed out then the base work RiP. I guess I'll write stuff out. Because it's Interlace, warning for bodyhorror later on in the description.
This takes place 300 years after the end of arc 2. I am ignoring the parts of book 14 I don't like and book 15 altogether btw.

In the southwestern tip of Pyrrhia, there is a jutting peninsula. On it, the old kingdom of the nightwings. 300 years ago, a attempted pilgrimage was made back to the land. It failed, but a new colony of the Rain-Night Kingdom was set up as some dragons remained. And, over the years, dragons from all over came to the Colony. From Pantala, fugitives from other kingdoms as well, until the Colony was a bustling city, simply called Colony. Unfortunately, Colony has a curse. Darkstalker set a curse to only happen if he were to die. And, with the death of Peacemaker, the trap sprung. Strange happenings started going on in Colony. However, when dragons weren't scared, when they didn't know, it weakened. In this modern age, the curse is trying to creep back in. And this time, dragons are starting to take notice...

Uh first off kingdoms and queens then I'll get to these guys
Ice Kingdom: Queen Blizzard
Kingdom of the Hive: Queen June
Leaf-Silk Kingdom: No Queen, a Council instead
Mud Kingdom: Queen Sulfur
Rain-Night Kingdom: Queen Twilight
Sand Kingdom: Queen Dawn
Sea Kingdom: Queen Torrent
Sky Kingdom: Queen Appalachia

NOW THESE GUYS. Fyi theyre around the same age

[Sam] Braconid (he/they) is a Hivewing. He has a personal weapon, a proboscis that shoots out from under his tongue with some kind of toxin, which causes initial numbness then unbearable pain after hours. They gain animus magic sometime through the story, thanks to The Curse, which also makes them significantly more obsessed with Oleander to an unhealthy amount. He doesn't use his weapon and keeps his animus magic hush hush.

[August] Oleander (he/him) is a Silkwing-Nightwing Hybrid. He starts of the story without any abilities, since despite being 18 (assuming its like late 20s equivalent based on dragon maturity) he has not gone through metamorphosis yet. He does, and afterwards his wings are odd, he has regular silk, and can breathe a bit of fire which is weirdly linear and kinda... sticks. The Curse just kinda loosens his inhibitions. Just a little.

[Leila] Gloam (she/her) is a Nightwing, who was hatched under a single moon and can read minds. She is extremely nosey and this power is not the best for her. The Curse makes her rampant need to know and curiosity much worse, staining her eyes green, opening more across her scales, and letting her mind reading powers grow until she can split open a mind and look inside like peeling an orange.

[Gabi] Lobo (he/she) is a Sandwing. Like legitimately Lobo's unremarkable. The Curse makes him a little more angry that's about all.

[Izze] Juniper (she/her) is a Leafwing, who has a little bit of leafspeak. Not much. The most she can do is really cheap tricks, not very useful as a weapon. Though Juniper is on a whole other level, seeing as Juniper is immune to The Curse SOMEHOW.

Some character background. Braconid, Oleander, and Juniper's families and ancestors back 250+ years are Pyrrhian. Despite their tribes being from Pantala, they are Pyrrhian dragons in all other ways.

Braconid and Juniper were invited to the prestigious Jade Mountain Academy, and were both put in the Copper Winglet. They got on like a house on fire and when they graduated, moved close to home in Colony. There they started writing scrolls together. They mostly write on draconic folk tales, legends, myths, and most strikingly supposed supernatural encounters. Braconid does most research, Juniper comes up with ideas and handles writing. In public appearances, Braconid acts as the grumpy skeptic and Juniper as the charismatic believer.

Half of Braconid's job is spending a lot of time in Pyrrhian libraries, and the library in Colony is the biggest on the continent. This is where Braconid met Oleander.

Oleander, with no wings, has been left at a major disadvantage. He was hatched just outside Colony, and hasn't gotten the chance to travel further since the ability to fly is kinda important for crossing a continent. So he's stayed in Colony. He works at the library as a librarian, and met Braconid on his walks to work. It started out slow, but they over the years fell in love and now live together. Oleander appreciates that Braconid never pitied him, only trying to be accomidating.

Working at the library, one other coworker convinced the librarians to have game nights every so often, which is how Oleander gets closer to Gloam, the head librarian. Gloam completes her duties, but is well known to getting lost in research of things she finds interesting. She was hatched in Colony, and has seen most of Pyrrhia, just finding Colony the most comfortable place for her.

Lastly for background would be Lobo. Lobo is from the southern side of the desert, close to the mountains, where the sand gets dark and almost red. She joined Queen Dawn's army at 6 (once again age weird assuming 15-17 here), thinking it would give him the chance to help others. After a few years she figured out she was wrong, and deserted, fleeing back home. He quickly feared being caught by a patrol and moved outside the Sand Kingdom to Colony to avoid court marshall. Lobo now is a gossip columnist, hot on the drama of Colony. On the side he likes to study strange phenomenon and old stories, and runs into Juniper and Braconid on that front. She hates them.

Ugh so rough plot i guess.

It starts with Gloam. Recently, news has been getting out of dragons going strange, attacking other dragons, becoming paranoid, entirely unlike themselves. Gloam looks into it, and finds it aligns with events from 50, 100, 200 years ago. She swears that she'll figure out what is going on, and The Curse starts to effect her and her obsession.

At the same time, Oleander's beginning to finally show signs of his metamorphosis. And as the weeks go on and it gets closer, Braconid (curse affected) insists Oleander shouldn't be alone for so long. Insisting mostly they should be allowed inside the cocoon with Oleander. And Oleander agrees. So when the drake spins, Braconid curls up close and gets trapped inside as well. Surprisingly this doesn't kill them.

Two weeks later Oleander claws his way out, perfectly. Other then. Braconid ended up inside his body: yet alive and healthy. Braconid forces their way out... somehow and the two pass it off as a strange but inevitable consiquence.

Braconid knows how he got out, though. He tests it. And they actually quite enjoyed being inside Oleander's body. Over time, Braconid ends up casting a series of curses on himself and Oleander until they both find the experience entirely enjoyable and absolutely need to do so for their lives and happiness. It gets to the point where eventually, Oleander's going about life with his boyfriend lodged inside of him a majority of the time.

From Juniper's perspective, Braconid got unreliable then fucking vanished one day. The Leafwing gets help from Lobo, since she knows him, and the two start working together on Juniper's usual scrolls. Talking to Oleander has yielded no results on Braconid's whereabouts.

All three groups start to notice the oddities in Colony, with little room for introspection. Gloam is the one to bring them together, to try to figure out what is happening and maybe stop it.
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