Hawklier — TRD: SOREN [info wip]

Published: 2015-07-12 07:06:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 2982; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 8
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White fire, burn higher, white fire.

From soot and ashes, a phoenix took flight.

White fire, burning brighter- light spills upon the bloody fighter.

A fighter, a survivor, a victim, a martyr.

Like a phoenix, the fighter rises from fire.

General Information

What can be found here
Name, Gender, Age, Species, Traits, Rank, Accessories.

Over the last few eventful years- in fact even from birth, Soren has gone by many different names. From Soare, to Athanasius, to Soren, to Krowe, to the Wanderer and the Omen, until he finally found refuge in Ferox; where he finally found peace enough to return to the name he associates with good memories the most.


13 years
Soren was first brought into the world of freedom and rebellion at the age of three years. A lot has happened in the eight and a half years since he first stumbled into wild territory.

Eurasian Lynx ( Lynx Lynx )
The Eurasian Lynx is the biggest species of Lynx in the wild. Most common in foreign regions, Soren's ancestors were imported over-seas and eventually their line was bred into who he is today. Because of selective breeding, he is by far the largest Lynx to date; standing at 3'6" he easily outweighs certain species of tigers and cheetahs.

Carrier Traits:
Long tail, green eyes, black pawpads, long fangs [snaggle teeth]
[[Note: Carrier Traits cannot be seen. They are the combinations that could have been but weren’t]]

After a long time of serving the Ferox quietly, and providing council and teachings to the younger members of the group, Soren decided that though he'll fight for Ferox if he needs to- he's simply getting too old to be a leader... It's about time the next generation took up the reigns and found solid footing to lead themselves into a brighter future, anyway.

[Former] Head Falcon
Soren set foot in Ferox not many months before the previous Head Falcon, Infernius -A large, big hearted but naive liger- left on a self assigned mission to rescue his younger brother from Rome. Having never returned, Venator recognized Soren's experience and wisdom and when no other felines stepped up to the task, the old Lynx was asked if he would accept the role, to which he agreed.


7 feathers. [ 3 blue-jay, 2 blue-jay down, 2 white raven]

Golden beads,

Gold inlaid with Larimar stones

Personality, History, and Quirks

What can be found here
Personality Traits, Background Information, Interesting facts, and Character Quirks

<[ Fierce, focused, experienced, firm, kind, brave, tactical, wisened, patient ]>

<[ F i e r c e ]>

Battle is a harsh thing- old souls are saddened by it, young ones suffer from it, and there are even a few cruel souls who revel in the destruction of hate fueled war. Soren is one who has felt both the suffering of a young life in battle, and the saddened life of a veteran. But don’t even underestimate him. He frowns on battles, but will not hesitate to join one if it threatens his comrades, and will fight until his very last breath to defend them. His long sharp claws, and vicious bite are something of a legend in The Circuit in Massilia, having once been called ‘Soren the cold flame’, or ‘the fiery devil’ in his days in the Pits. He bears many scars to mark his life’s journey. Beware his anger- if you harm his new life and family, you may become just another scar he tells stories about.  

<[ F o c u s e d ]>

Soren is both strengthened by his ability to focus on something, and also weakened by it. During battles he is able to focus intently on his enemy, fighting until the very end if needed- but he also sometimes blanks out the rest of the world, occasionally even when help arrives to his fight. This is a trait he has long held since the coliseum battles, and it has kept him alive this long. Aside from battle, Soren is also able to focus on his tasks, able to keep a clear mind when dealing with patrols and times of unrest. This is one of his most useful strong points in his role as Ferox's Head Falcon

<[ E x p e r i e n c e d ]>

Soren is by no means young, and through the many years he experienced; from the Coliseum, to fighting for an entire rebellion, Soren’s skills and strength are far outside the range a normally wild raised Lynx would ever dream to experience. He was bred to fight, to kill, and for a long time, that’s all he did. He was pitted against human Gladiators and other felines alike, and more often than not, came away undefeated. He carries these memories both as a burden, and a reminder that he was not the same cat he once was.

<[ F i r m ]>

This auburn pelted lynx is a kind soul, but he does not tolerate disrespect or blatant disobedience when an order is given. He is firm and fair, making sure that any orders he gives are justified, but made clear that he will not allow them to be disregarded. If a feline goes back on his command without an excusable reason or explanation, he will not hesitate to reprimand them for it, but he will also give tips and lessons on how they can help improve their approach of his order.

<[ K i n d ]>

After having put his past behind him, Soren’s kind side finally saw light from underneath his shell of anger, his view on life taking a whole new turn once he had gained a peaceful life outside human walls. His caring nature was finally free, and it showed in many ways. He cares a great deal for his comrades, and considers them all family despite issues that have come up, and wouldn’t hesitate to protect even the smallest of cubs if the need arose. The veteran lynx enjoys spending a day just sitting in camp after patrols had been given out; just to watch his comrades proceed with their lives peacefully. He cares very much for them all, and is not afraid to express that.

<[ B r a v e ]>

Soren is obviously a brave feline, having risked his life multiple times to protect those he considered friend and family, and occasionally those who are not. His courageousness has been a key factor in his life from beginning to the near ends he's faced, and it’s no oddity that he was given the position of Head Falcon despite being relatively knew to Ferox itself. He isn’t foolish, and will think about a battle before leaping into it. But- more often than not he will care less about his own bodily safety if there’s another’s life at stake.

<[ T a c t i c a l ]>

This battle ready feline is rarely ever without a plan, years of experience in the coliseum having equipped him with a arsenal of strategies and tactics that have given him the edge in battle more times than he can count, oftentimes saving his own hide from being  the next dead pelt being sold for coin. He’s adept at evaluating a situation, and even under pressure and ambush is capable of thinking of some plan of action. In a fight with the Bounty Hunters, he wouldn't hesitate to think of taking the brief lull in the battle to ensure the injured were being cared to before he went off after the feline he stood the most chance against. Sometimes he wishes for a discussion of tactics when in a war, but if he is denied that chance, he will still be capable of thinking of a plan regardless.

<[ W i s e n e d ]>


<[ P a t i e n t ]>


Biography and Background:

Soren's full history can be found here. Below is what's relevant to Soren's life in TRD and how he got there.

<[ --- --- --- ]>

<[ --- --- --- ]>

<[ --- --- --- ]>

Interesting facts:

The feathers he wears now are not the same as those he wore in Massilia/EBC. The raven feathers are explained above, and the blue-jay feathers were replacements he caught.

He chose this armor to bear resemblence to Krowe's armor as a personal reminder, and to represent the symbolism of a white Raven:
The Raven is distinguished from the Crow by it's size, the shape of it's beak, the wing formation and it's call. The White Raven is very rare and symbolizes spiritual cleansing. White Raven Symbolism also includes finding a white raven feather which is a sign that benevolent forces are here to help you. To find a white raven feather brings wonderful blessings. Keep it with you always as a reminder of beautiful possibilities.

His father was a very rare lynx. He was one of the few lynxes ever to be seen or captured that had a tail longer than a foot.

Being a Eurasian Lynx, Soren is one of the largest species of lynx, being 3’6” at the top of his head (3 feet, 6 inches). He's a bit larger however because of his lineage.

While typical Lynxes have black ear tips and black ear tufts, Soren has light brown ear tips and dark brown ear tufts due to his mother's genetics.

Despite being a lynx, who are native to rocky and mountainous regions, Soren is actually rather clumsy under rocky and unstable footing.

Character quirks:

Either on patrol or hunting, Soren has a tic of constantly looking into the trees; almost as though he expects something to drop down on his back.

Being half blind in his right eye, Soren will sometimes turn his head to the right so that his left eye can try and make out what his other can't; he's semi-aware of this but more often than not won't realize it.

Training, Mentors, Apprentices, and Armor

Past Training Experience

Elite Training:
Soren's father was extremely militaristic, thus Soren shows an extremely well educated understanding of battle, whether it be one on one or conducting a plot of many cats converging. He’s capable of dictating movements of enemy forces and has extensive knowledge of how to defend caravans from Raids and how to exploit weaknesses in defenses. This makes him a valuable source of information when patrols seek to capture supplies.

Coliseum history:
From an age barely old enough to live away from his mother, Soren was trained to fight and to kill without hesitation or failure. He knows how to use limited terrain to his advantage and has several tactical maneuvers up his sleeve when push comes to shove. He's capable of taking down difficult opponents so long as he's able to outsmart them, and more often than not he is in fact, able to do so. To best him in strategy is no small feat.

Hunter Training:
Though unknown to most -if any-, Soren underwent a merciless and harsh period of time where he was trained in nothing but Hunter ways; washed of morals and the line between right and wrong, he knew not the difference between friend or foe. This stretch of time in his life was the darkest and most cruel, and while he does not talk of it often- he grugingly knows that the fighting tactics instilled in him will pass over to future battles. Though he would remark the irony of this fact- considering they'll be used against the Hunters themselves.

Empire / Leader history:
Though he does not boast it or even makes mention of it to Ferox -even Venator knows next to nothing about his history within the Massilian Empires-, Soren has had extensive experience as both a part of a rebellious faction as well as the Leader of one, having been the Leader of the Massilian Fire Empire for many years.

Past or current Mentor(s):
Past: Draedis and Venari, Select humans, Rue of Fire Empire [EBC - former Leader]


Soren's hood is purposely made in the semblance of the armor he found Ferox in, though significantly less tattered and bloody. Though not in the visage of a crow, the hood has been remade into that of a white raven; a request he made to the few cats within Ferox whom knew how to reshape, create, and repair armor. Though there are no dedicated blacksmiths, he thinks they did a fine job of it.

The scale armor was stolen from a caravan; a noblemans carriage meant for Rome that held a plethora of rich armor materials and premade sets. The scales are leather sewn together over thin plates of metal for reinforced strength and protection.

His bracers were also a find from the caravan raid. These as well as his spinal plates were matching pieces clearly meant to compliment the scale armor.

 It's believed the pieces stolen to create his current armor set were meant to be distributed among the Hunters as high ranking pieces, and he takes a grim satisfaction in that knowledge.


What can be found here
Family Relations, and Other Relations.


--- Lineage:

Status: Alive

Status: Alive

--- Siblings:

Status: Unknown

Sibling:Aiolos ” :bullet---:/:bullet---:
Status: Unknown

Sibling:Breeze ” :bullet---:/:bullet---:
Status: Unknown

Sibling:Sparrow ” :bullet---:/:bullet---:
Status: Unknown

Sibling:Wyatt ” :bullet---:/:bullet---:
Status: Unknown

Sibling:Tryphe ” :bullet---:/:bullet---:
Status: Unknown

--- Current and past mates

Current mate:None ” :bullet---:/:bullet---:
Status: ---

Past mate:Nedria [EBC]/
Status: Unknown

Past mate:Andromeda [EBC] ” /
Status: Unknown

Past mate:Severa [NPC] ” :bullet---:/:bullet---:

--- Offspring

we're not even going to get INTO off-shoot family members like nephews and nieces

---:Anura [EBC] ” /
Status: ---

---:Kaien [EBC] ” /
Status: ---

---:Garen [EBC]/
Status: ---

---:Rylan [EBC] ” /
Status: ---

---:Sven [???] ” :bullet---:/:bullet---:


Color key:

= Neutral
= Friend
= Close Friend
= Crush
= Love (Non-romantically)
= Love (Romantically)
= Dislike/Hate
= Family
= Mate
= Jealous
= Respect
= Past apprentice
= Current apprentice


--- = :bullet---:/:bullet---:

Bounty Hunters  

--- = :bullet---:/:bullet---:


--- = :bullet---:/:bullet---:


--- = :bullet---:/:bullet---:

Relevant EBC relations

--- = :bullet---:/:bullet---:

Plots and Prophecies, Wanted Status, and Denii and a Roleplay example.
What can be found here
Stories about or related to the character, this character’s wanted status, Denii and drawing records, and Roleplay Example(s)

Ongoing stories and plots:
Soren is accepted as Head Falcon in Ferox, but he's still unfamiliar with his company and territory! He'll need to get to know who he can and learn all there is to know about his new home.


Soren -known by the Hunters in both Massilia and Rome as Athanasius or Krowe-, is a known fugitive with a high priority capture status.

WANTED: Dead or alive



Art [TRD]:

art link

Example Roleplay: (Taken from an actual roleplay)


Thanks to for help with armor colors!

© Soren/Art = Rininiri

Related content
Comments: 34

Quetzalcoatlkinga [2022-05-01 04:33:28 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Quetzalcoatlkinga [2022-05-01 04:33:16 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rain847 [2015-10-17 00:06:16 +0000 UTC]

What? Is like— no one actually dying? Is this like a new plot for the people to move to TRD? Is the new? Or am I just blind?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Hawklier In reply to Rain847 [2015-10-17 00:22:12 +0000 UTC]

Soren being alive has absolutely nothing to do with TRD, thank you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rain847 In reply to Hawklier [2015-10-17 00:45:06 +0000 UTC]

It's not quite that, I mean that a coupleish of charries have seemingly died within the EBC group, but are actually still alive but transferring to TRD. From what I've noticed, it's just kinda getting repetitive. That could just be me, though, and not necessarily because of TRD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Hawklier In reply to Rain847 [2015-10-23 23:27:10 +0000 UTC]

First, I was among the first to even transfer an EBC character to TRD- solely because I had no time for EBC, and I'm an admin and co-creator of TRD. Second, he didn't ' 'die' then go to TRD', he was in EBC post his rumored death as a character called Krowe: for a number of months, actually. I would appreciate it if you didn't jump to conclusions based on assumptions, especially in such a rude way.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rain847 In reply to Hawklier [2015-10-23 23:57:13 +0000 UTC]

Oh! I am very sorry! >.< coming off as rude to people tends to be rather repetitive for me, and I'm pretty impulsive(I try not to be, but it's a work in progress). I guess I was trying to exaggerate and just be silly, in the order I saw it from browsing applications, it seemed that he was another character that transferred. Nonetheless I am very sorry I came off as rude! And to be honest, I legitimately never really read into Soren(mostly Scaeden), so I believed Soren had passed, and it was a huge shock to me that he was alive the whole time(I don't watch TRD, this is why I found this app now, not sooner). I thought he was dead, then came back, so that is why I was confused when I saw the app.

I did jump to conclusions, and it was a rather impulsive comment(do you want me to hide it? I don't want to hide my mistakes, I want to learn from them, but if you wish, I will do so). I am very sorry for this and probably wasting your time, I will try to refrain from this in the future! It's a problem and I've been trying to stop, but I didn't realize it was rude until now. I think, what parts were rude about it? Just the jumping to conclusions bit? The wording?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CCWashi [2015-09-18 23:14:39 +0000 UTC]

wait...I thought he was dead

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Nythero In reply to CCWashi [2019-06-18 08:46:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CCWashi In reply to Nythero [2019-06-18 18:51:07 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nythero In reply to CCWashi [2019-06-21 00:54:20 +0000 UTC]

sorry I had to

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CCWashi In reply to Nythero [2019-06-21 05:47:26 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nythero In reply to CCWashi [2019-06-21 07:47:16 +0000 UTC]

rip times 3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hawklier In reply to CCWashi [2015-09-19 01:58:02 +0000 UTC]

It was all a ruse. A ploy.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CCWashi In reply to Hawklier [2015-09-19 05:31:09 +0000 UTC]

oh dear, I think I'm gonna go lay down

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kaantarell [2015-07-20 12:05:25 +0000 UTC]

waiiiiit... what? .O.


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tictactie [2015-07-17 04:16:08 +0000 UTC]

b i r b

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kit-kaboodie [2015-07-13 20:09:20 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

2wolfan [2015-07-13 11:14:02 +0000 UTC]

I have been waiting too long for this !! ;A;
Omg welcome back hawk! 
Andro is gonna be so happy too ;v; 
hHHHHHhhh <\333333333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-Skykian-Archives In reply to 2wolfan [2015-07-13 15:21:19 +0000 UTC]

No, Andro's not gonna be happy because Andro's still in Massilia.  

Unless, well, Andro finds her way here.  And then maybe she'll be happy.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

2wolfan In reply to The-Skykian-Archives [2015-07-13 16:30:21 +0000 UTC]

I was thinking that the fact he's still alive would make her happy, and possibly Garen too :'D I also have seen several TRD felines that have crossed to the empires, so- I got really excite over this?? Tbh I would of preferred Soren to return to Fire, but I'm sure Rin got her reasons ;v; 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nythero [2015-07-13 06:36:04 +0000 UTC]

Not again. You've gotta be kidding me. I don't trust this.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phrixas In reply to Nythero [2015-07-24 18:03:27 +0000 UTC]

me neither 'v'
i'm like

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nythero In reply to phrixas [2015-07-25 03:12:24 +0000 UTC]

The lies surround this character like a cloud of dust.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Staniqs [2015-07-13 05:38:12 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

rattarie [2015-07-12 16:39:45 +0000 UTC]

weeps openly
the bae has returned to us

and no problem man tHE ARMOR LOOKS GREAT AAAHHH

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tenebra-Fengari [2015-07-12 14:56:16 +0000 UTC]


*grins* Thanks for making my morning, Rin ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RainfoxArts [2015-07-12 13:08:25 +0000 UTC]

*drops dead*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Musiconic [2015-07-12 11:59:21 +0000 UTC]

I stayed up all night
Waiting for this

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

laeloup [2015-07-12 09:29:41 +0000 UTC]

Now I may die in peace vuv

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AskTyranno [2015-07-12 08:18:22 +0000 UTC]

First of all
That armor

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Iuthor [2015-07-12 07:49:17 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IceTalonTheOne [2015-07-12 07:22:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

celvista [2015-07-12 07:13:37 +0000 UTC]

woa woa woa




babu why

why there

why u no go back to empires

you look great tho

👍: 0 ⏩: 0