Unofficial NPCs for Prehistoria - if you need some mammoths/tribe in the BG, you're welcome to use them. <3
The white figure stands at 6'5" ft, an average height for the human halves of the Sa'diya. Humans tend to have clothing the same colors as their mammoths, as they use the undercoat as cordage to weave together.
The thicker coat on the mammoths heads and shoulders gives the illusion of extra height. Females are shown in front, with the darkened silhouette of the males behind them.
The Three Main Families of the nomadic Sa'diya tribe:
* Many Souls - The main and one of the largest families within the Sa'diya. They tend to have the greatest range across the continent to keep the family well fed, but prefer the tundra in the summer. Mammoths of the Many Souls have muted red toned fur with paler markings, though some darker markings do appear on a few individuals. Very vibrant tones are almost never seen. Currently led by Ireya and Eyes-the-Path. Senna and Sings-at-Dawn are part of this family.
* Red Mountain - A relatively new family within the Sa’diya, but well respected for their peace-keeping skills and adaptability. These are the true giants of the steppe and they know it, taking great care not to step on anyone. Mammoths of the Red Mountain have more vibrant rusty red tones and darker markings. Their current matriarchs are Talo’e and Walks-with-Purpose.
* Gentle River - One of the few families to spend more time in forests than the steppes or tundra, they are known for taking their time and never rushing decisions or actions. While they are still tall, they are the smallest of the Sa'diya mammoths. Mammoths of the Gentle River tend to have more earthen colors with pale markings. Currently led by Basri and Bright-Heart.