Heeeeeeeeeeee — 3 Wishes (Male Weight Gain Transformation) [NSFW]
#gaybears #maleinflation
Published: 2016-06-17 18:30:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 117114; Favourites: 257; Downloads: 0
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Description Inspired by blubman123's "Three Wishes to Bearadise".
Unfortunately, his account is deactivated, but credit is due where credit is due.
*warning: homoerotic themes and male inflation*

Ronnie woke up on a Saturday morning to the sound of heavy metal blaring throughout the house.
"Will you shut that shit off?!" he yelled, burying his face in his pillow. The music only grew in volume.
After ten minutes of blaring music, Ronnie gave up his fight. He grumpily emerged from underneath his blankets, and headed to the bathroom. He headed to the scale, the first thing he did every morning. He stepped on to it.
110 lbs. Dammit.
Ronnie was a 20 year old college student, but unfortunately for him, while the other boys gained facial hair and bulked up as their age progressed, Ronnie stayed skinny and scrawny, without any hair to be seen, besides the greasy brown ones that lied atop his head. He had always been a skinny boy, and desperately yearned to be like the other men. To NOT look like he was still a sophomore in high school.
His hand passed over his never-used razor, and he grabbed his toothbrush, trying to ignore the blaring rock music echoing through his dorm.

After he had dressed himself sufficiently in a button-down flannel and a slightly large pair of jeans, he headed in to the kitchen, where his roommate Mark was jamming out to the deafening music and wolfing down cereal. Mark was on the heavier side, and his freshman fifteen was instead a freshman fifty. His wife beater clearly outlined his beer belly.
"Turn the music down fatass!" Ronnie yelled. He was barely audible over the blaring music.
"Turn the whining down shrimp!" Mark replied. The two often bickered with each other. Mark would always make fun of Ronnie for being too scrawny, and Ronnie made fun of Mark for being a little heavy. In reality, Ronnie was quietly envious of Mark's body. Sure, he was a little fat, but it was better than being a toothpick.
Ronnie attempted to reach for Mark's phone, so he could shut down the music, but Mark swatted his hand away.
Ronnie sighed. "This is why all of the people down the hall hate us!"

Mark shrugged as he continued to wolf down his cereal, as milk and crumbs got caught in his beard.
Ronnie made a quick protein shake and walked back in to his room and slammed the door, attempting to drown out the music. He drank a protein shake every morning in attempt to gain muscle mass,
He opened his laptop, and was going to start writing an essay due on Monday, when his phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He answered it.
"Yo," Ronnie said.
"Hey Ron," his best friend Brett said. "Come over to my place in an hour. Joey and Luke are coming too."
"Bro... I'm kinda busy writing my English essay..." Ronnie said.
"Nah, man," Brett said. "You're coming here in an hour. Trust me, we've got something hella fun planned."
Ronnie thought for a second. Finally he sighed, "Fine... I'll be there in an hour."
"Awesome dude. See ya soon," Brett said before hanging up.
Ronnie wondered what "fun" thing they had planned. After all, his friends, Brett, Joey and Luke were just about as scrawny as him, and they were never invited to any college parties or events. That's how they had become friends. On the opening day of college, none of the other college guys with regular bodies would talk to them. So, they all flocked together, forming their own little posse. They were mocked for their skinny appearance, but the boys stayed strong together. But despite having each other for moral support, all four guys wanted nothing more than to have a muscular, athletic body that all the jocks had.

An hour later, Ronnie knocked on Brett's dorm room. Almost instantly, Joey opened the door.
"Finally, Ronnie! We've been waiting FOREVER!" Joey said. Ronnie laughed and followed Joey back in to the room. Brett and Luke were sprawled on Brett's sofa, playing video games.
"Hey Ron!" Brett yelled. He paused the game to get up and greet his best friend. His curly blonde hair bounced as he walked. "How's it going?"
"Pretty good," Ronnie said. "Where's your roommate?"
"He's spending the day with his girlfriend," Brett said, rolling his eyes.
"Hey! After today, we're gonna get all the ladies," Luke exclaimed.
Ronnie was confused.
"Relax, Ronnie," Brett said. "I'll explain."

He walked in to his bedroom, and came out holding a small, golden lamp. It was covered in a bit of rust, but it shimmered and captivated Ronnie's eyes.
"What is that?" Ronnie chuckled. "It looks like it's straight out of Aladdin."
Joey and Luke laughed. "It is," Brett said. "This is a magic lamp."
Ronnie stared at his friend in disbelief, and then started laughing. Brett waited for his laughter to die down."
"Good one," Ronnie said, wiping a tear from his eye. "Really though. Is there like pot in there or something? And how much was that? What type of metal was it?"
Metal... Ronnie suddenly began thinking of Mark's shitty music again. He rolled his eyes.
"No," Brett said. "It's really a magic lamp."
"Brett, buddy," Ronnie laughed. "Do you realize what you're saying?"
"It's true," Luke said. "I went on a date with this girl yesterday, and needless to say it didn't work out... but next to the restaurant there was an old antique shop, so I checked it out. I saw the lamp, and asked the creepy old clerk dude what it was, and he said it was an ancient lamp of a genie! So I bought it... for $50."
"And after this," Joey said. "We won't have to worry about girls anymore. They'll all be running to us and our sexy bods!"
"Guys," Ronnie said, trying to fathom why his friends were being such idiots. "That story you told me sounds like it came out of the plot of a Disney channel original movie. And Luke, you totally wasted $50!"
"Ronnie!" Joey said. "Think about it man! Yeah, I was skeptical too, but if somehow it is an actual genie lamp, all of our problems of being weak and scrawny are GONE! We called you here because we KNOW you want that as much as we do. Besides, if it doesn't work, it's Luke's money."
Ronnie thought about it. His friends were right. It was totally insane, but it was nice of them to invite him, and who knows? Maybe it would work... He chuckled.
"Alright," Ronnie said. "Let's get started."
The boys all gathered around Brett, who held the lamp in the center of all of them.
"Okay," Luke said. "The guy said to rub the lamp, and then we would be able to make our wishes."
Joey sighed, outstretched his hands, and softly rubbed the golden lamp back and forth.

Suddenly the lamp made a loud POP causing Brett to jump and drop it on the floor. Out of the lamp opening red smoke began to emerge. All the boys began coughing. The red smoke stung at their eyes, but when the smoke cleared, a large, powerful-looking figure stood before them.
"Hello," boomed the genie. His skin was fiery red, and his eyes were bright yellow. He stared down upon the men, who were all in disbelief.
Ronnie was shocked. He almost started to scream, but then realized that his dreams really could come true. No more scrawny. No more girls rejecting him. No more mockery. He smiled, not being able to wait for his first wish.
"Since all four of you are here, you together will get to make three wishes, that will impact all of you evenly."
"WE WISH-" Joey started.
"Not so fast," the genie said, peering down at the scrawny men. "Most genies ask for a verbal wish from their masters. However, I cannot bear to listen to the human voice. You will mentally picture your wish, and form the words in your head. Be careful, because once you make a wish it cannot be changed. Once three wishes are made, I will leave you to your fate. You may begin wishing."
The boys stood in silence, glancing at each other in excitement and concern. There were so many questions. But the genie boomed, "FIRST WISH GRANTED!"
Seconds later he yelled again, "SECOND WISH GRANTED!"
Ronnie glanced at Joey, who shrugged. There was no way of knowing what the wishes even were! They would have to wait to find out.
"THIRD WISH GRANTED! Enjoy your new lives, men," the genie boomed before he transformed into another red cloud of smoke that slowly engulfed the room.
The red cloud shrouded every detail of the room. The boys eyes stung, and they couldn't even see each other. Slowly, the smoke faded from the room and from their eyes. But when they opened them, they were in a completely new place.
The ground was covered in sand. There were palm trees, and an ocean, but the biggest thing that stood out to them was an enormous white mansion, overlooking the beautiful water.
Ronnie was confused. Where were they?
"Yes!" Luke said. "I wished that all of us could live in paradise for the rest of our lives! This is insane! It's so beautiful!"
Ronnie laughed. It was amazing scenery. But he was really looking forward to one particular wish.
"You guys!" Brett exclaimed. "This is gonna be the best life ever!"

"Hey!" Joey suddenly shouted. "My stomach feels weird..."
Ronnie and Luke suddenly felt the same jolt in their stomach. Ronnie grabbed his skin and bone in his abdominal area. It didn't hurt... just felt... warm.
Suddenly his belly began to... expand. Ronnie smiled. Six pack here we come!
But... it seemed to grow a little too far outward for a six pack...
Ronnie's excitement became confusion and then concern as his belly continued to expand outward, making him look stuffed, and then pregnant!
"Guys!" Ronnie shouted. "What is going on!"
He has grown a beer belly, and the buttons on his flannel began to snap off. He looked around. All the other guys had similar predicaments. Joey's gut was starting to rip open his t-shirt.
Once a few buttons were ripped open, Ronnie could see the hair forming on his gut! He began to form a serious happy trail, which trailed up on to his chest. His formerly bare chest was now covered in curly brown hair. His pectorals began to expand outward too. When they were done, his new man boobs laid atop his beer gut.
Suddenly, his legs and arms started to swell as well. First they became rugged and firm, but then they continued to balloon outward, becoming engulfed in fat. Ronnie had also failed to notice that his face was becoming covered in hair. A five o'clock shadow became a full on beard. His curly brown beard tickled his lips, a feeling he had never felt before. His cheeks began to plump up.
His flannel had fallen off, and lied tattered on the sand, but his pants that were too large on him began to feel tight as his ass began to expand. His flat ass was turning in to a serious bubble butt, and pushed out against the tight jeans. He could also feel his cock enlarging at the same time, becoming thicker, but also longer and more erect.
The pain was becoming unbearable, so Ronnie tried to unbutton his jeans. But his massive thighs and growing ass beat him too it. The button flew off, landing in the sand a few feet ahead.
Ronnie removed his jeans before it could strangle his legs, but the growing wouldn't stop. By now, hi body was growing in unison, with his belly, chest, arms, legs, thighs, face, ass and penis growing simultaneously. His hands and feet were even growing to match his new body.
His briefs could no longer contain his growing ass and package, and they ripped and fell to the ground, exposing Ronnie's naked body. Ronnie tried to cover up, but looking around, all the boys were in the same problem.
"What the fuck is happening?" cried Luke.
Ronnie knew exactly what happened. When the genie called for their wishes, Ronnie could not stop thinking about Mark and his stupid metal music. The genie must have confused his thought with the other boys, and turned them in to fat, hairy men.
Slowly the growing came to a halt. Ronnie looked down at a body completely unrecognizable.
He looked up at his best friends. Brett's curly blonde hair had fallen off completely, and he was left bald. However, his face was covered in a thick brown beard, as well as the rest of his body covered in brown hair.
Luke was slightly fatter than the other boys. Black hair engulfed his entire body. And Joey was slightly more muscular than the other guys, but nevertheless, fat and hair covered his entire body, just as it had done to all his friends.
"Holy shit," Brett said. "Holy shit. We need to... we need to..."
"All wishes are permanent," Luke said. "Remember asshole? We're stuck like THIS until we die!"
Joey and Ronnie trembled. Guilt engulfed Ronnie, but he remained silent.
The boys were so distraught with their new bodies, they had forgotten about their third wish. The doors of the enormous mansion finally opened, and twenty or so fat and hairy men walked out of them. Ronnie, Brett, Luke and Joey stared at the men in awe. All of them were naked, just like the four boys. A sick feeling formed in Ronnie's stomach.
The men surrounded the four college guys.
One of the men stepped forward. He wore sunglasses and was covered in thick red hair. "Welcome to Bearadise my lads! You four are going to love spending the rest of your lives here!"
"What?" Joey said. "Bearadise... you guys are all..."
The bears chuckled. "Yep! We're all gay. And we're delighted to have some new bears to join the fun we have our home."
"But," Luke protested. "We're not gay..."
The bears roared with laughter. Their bellies bounced up and down and bumped against each other.
"Let me guess," another bear said. "You also wished for true love, or something like that..."
"Yeah..." Brett said. "But that's-"
"Don't worry," the red bear smiled. "Your minds are changing right now. Your sexualities are becoming different as well. You're all becoming attracted to big, hairy men like us."
The bears roared in laughter but Ronnie began to panic. He didn't want this! He liked girls!
"Don't try and fight it," the black-haired bear said. "Just enjoy the transformation."
Ronnie could feel sweat forming on his forehead. He knew the bears were right. Their jiggling bellies and giant cocks just sitting there like that was almost too much to bear. He had to resist. He didn't want this. He could find the genie! He could fix this. But it was getting harder and harder to resist.
None of the boys had succumbed yet, but the red haired bear walked forward and started caressing Luke's neck. Their bellies touched and rubbed against one another.
"Come on baby," the red bear said. "It'll be alright."
Luke gave in to the pressure and began to make out with the bear.
Joey couldn't take it anymore and turned to Brett. He then began sucking Brett's nipples! Ronnie was shocked, but this was enough to make Brett succumb as well, as cum began to flow out of his enormous dick.
Ronnie was fighting hard, but his vision was becoming cloudy. All of his friends had becoming fat, hairy, gay bears!
"You'll never get me to turn..." Ronnie said through clenched teeth. The bears laughed their jolly, irresistible laughter.
"It's okay, babe," another bear said. "Just relax. Enjoy your new life."
Ronnie closed his eyes and a rush of euphoria hit him. He couldn't help it anymore. It was over.
Ronnie grabbed the black-haired bear, and wrapped his hand around his massive cock.
"I know you'll like it here," the black-haired bear said, before leaning in to make out with Ronnie.

The boys had gotten everything they wanted.
The perfect body.
True love.
And a beautiful home to live in for the rest of their lives.
It was true Bearadise.
Comments: 7

Arandomdingus [2020-09-30 23:22:55 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blubify In reply to Arandomdingus [2021-08-25 12:33:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

abrod1999 [2020-08-22 23:48:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Blubify In reply to abrod1999 [2021-08-25 12:34:45 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ventrego [2017-07-19 13:27:48 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Blubify [2016-08-25 23:41:32 +0000 UTC]

This is a great story! I always read this story and wish I had this lamp! Great revival!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Heeeeeeeeeeee In reply to Blubify [2016-08-26 03:12:46 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man! Your original story was the best thing I've ever read on deviantart.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0