HelaciousReaper — Helacious The Hedgehog Story Part 6

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Published: 2021-08-31 03:53:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 16696; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 1
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Helacious was sleeping for 5 hours ever since from his training. He rolls over to the side of his body. An hour passes by and he starts to panic a little. He starts to shake around in his bed. His blanket falls off his bed while Helacious is still panicking.

Helacious: “No… Stop… EGGMAN YOU FAT FUUCCKKKK!!!!” He then sits up quickly.

Helacious: “Fuck you Eggman… just fuck… off.” He then opens his eyes and looks around his room. 

Helacious gets up from his bed and walks to his bathroom to wash his face. Helacious then turns on his sink and starts washing his face for a minute, He then grabs a towel to dry off his face. He then brushes his teeth to get ready for the day but still can’t think of his dream. Helacious walks down stairs to get his shoes on and his hoodie on. He then grabs a breakfast burrito and cooks it in a microwave.

Helacious: “What the fuck was that dream? What does it even mean? Shit, am I still hunted with these memories from that prison?”

Helacious then looks around the kitchen while he’s waiting for his breakfast to be done warming up. He then looks up and sees Rouge from the second floor. Rouge flies down to see what Helacious is doing in the kitchen. Rouge looks over to see Helacious standing while he’s waiting for his food. Helacious hears the microwave beeps and opens the door, grabs his food and lets it chill for a minute or two to cool it down a little.

Rouge: “Are you in a rush?” While putting her right hand on her hip.

Helacious: “Yeah… just waiting for you.

Rouge: “Hey Helacious, are you alright?” 

Helacious: “... *looks down for a minute and looks at Rouge.* yeah… just a bad dream… that’s all.”

Rouge: “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you need anything?”

Helacious: “No, It’s alright. Are you ready?” While eating his breakfast.

Rouge: “Yeah, Hope you get your car today.” While walking to the garage.

Helacious: “I hope so because I want to drive a car like that for a very long time.”

Helacious and Rouge got into the car and took off. Helacious look at the window and see the blue sky again. Rouge looks over at Helacious and looks back to watch the road. Helacious pulls out his phone to see if his phone is charged, it was 30% but he grabs Rouge's phone charger for his phone.

Helacious: “I need to use your phone charger, mine is at 30% and I won’t get a chance to charge it while I’m doing my training.”

Rouge: “Go ahead, just give it back when you're done using it.”

Helacious then charges his phone on his way to HQ. Rouge then pulled in the front gate of the HQ. She then shows her ID to the guard so Rouge and Helacious can enter. The gate opens and Rouge starts driving to her parking spot. Rouge parks her car and both Helacious and Rouge get out of the car.

Helacious: “Alright, Where can I pick up my car at?” While walking to the entrance door.

Rouge: “Just tell them to park it in front of HQ so you can drive it home.” As she’s ahead of Helacious.

Helacious: “Got it, I might train while I’m here.” 

Rouge: “I might have time to stop by to watch you train, but it’ll be a while before I get the chance.”

Helacious: “I see, but it might just be more basic training then 24 hours though, it might be a few hours.”

Rouge and Helacious goes through the entrance. They get into an elevator and it starts going down to the main training room. Helacious walks out of the elevator, He then looks back at Rouge but the door closes. Helacious walks around to see a barrel laying on the ground, He tries to pick it up with his telekinesis. He gets more focus on his power and he lifts it up a little off the ground.

Helacious: “Come… on… more… *sigh*.” As he drops the barrel.

Helacious: “Fuck… I just... had… it *sigh*, I don’t know why I can’t pick it up?”

Shadow: “It’s because you need more time on working like that.”

Helacious looks back and sees Shadow walking towards him.

Shadow: “You just need more work with it.”

Helacious: “Can you teach me how I can be stronger?”

Shadow: “That’s something I can’t help you with, That’s something you got to do on your own.” While crossing his arms.

Helacious: “Alright, What’s the next thing your gonna teach me?” As he’s looking at Shadow.

Shadow: “Just do some practice with your abilities more, That’s all Helacious.”

Helacious: “One more thing before I start, Can you tell me more about that Chaos Emerald once I get done training?” As he’s getting ready to train.

Shadow: “If you pass a test then yes.” Still having his arms cross.

Helacious: “Alright then.”

Helacious gets into position to do some homing attacks, after a few seconds he starts doing his training after his first homing attack on some stacks of barrels. After a good few minutes Helacious got done with the Homing attack course. He then wants to do some hand to hand combat to make sure he gets his punches and kicks right so he won’t break a bone or two by doing it wrong. Helacious then starts to punch the punching bag, He then starts to do some kicking as well. After a good 20 minutes, he then gives a little break from the punching and kicking. 

Helacious turns around to see Shadow doing a spinning heel kick to Helacious but he moves out of the way. Helcaious looks at Shadow with a shocked face. Shadow then Chaos Controls out of there. Helacious looks around to be ready when Shadow attacks him from behind. Shadow quickly gets behind Helacious and tries to do the same move again to Helacious which he did this time.

Shadow: “Next time be more careful with your surroundings.”

Helacious: “I’ll try to remember that.” As he’s getting up.

Helacious: “Why do you keep hitting me from behind?”

Shadow: “You need to be more ready when it comes to that.”

Helacious: “So… what’s this test I got to do?”

Shadow: “This test is a speedrun, The only thing you gotta do is pass that time right there *1:00*.”

Helacious: “Okay then, When do I start?” While stretching his legs.

Shadow: “Now.”

Helacious quickly turns around and starts homing attacking the other stack of barrels right next to the first one stack. He then looks to see a ramp where he has to slide down on and jump at the end to get up at a platform with a boxing robot. Helacious then slides down the ramp and jumps himself to get on the platform. Helacious then does his hand to hand combat form, The boxing robot punches Helacious and starts to beat up Helacious. Helacious starts to get flashbacks again.

Eggman: “Try to escape I see? You did try one time but this time I’m no longer going soft on you. Get in here! I want you to beat him up for a few minutes to make sure he doesn’t try to escape again. After that, put him back in his cell once you're done.” As he’s leaving the room.

Helacious: “NOT THIS TIME!”

Helacious pushes the robot and starts to punch it. He then trips the robot and Helacious quickly gets to his feet with a bloody mouth. He then kicks the robot to stay down. Helacious gets on top of him and starts throwing punches, left to right over and over again. Helacious keeps hearing Eggman in his mind and gets more angry.

Helacious: “AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHH.” As his green strips glow brighter, He then uses his telekinesis to throw the robot at a wall.

Helacious: “What the fuck just happened?” As his strips go back to normal.

Helacious looks shocked by what he just did. He then looks to his right to see Shadow surprised what Helacious did. Helacious looks at the clock to see he did beat the time. Helacious sees blood coming out of his mouth and sees it on his hoodie. Helacious then gets off the platform and lands on his feet.

Shadow: “Helacious… what did you just did?”

Helacious: “I… don’t… know. I think my telekinesis just happens like that.” He then wipes his mouth with his right arm.

Shadow: “You’ll be fine, just don’t play with your mouth.”

Helacious: “Got it, Say since I beat that test. Can you show me what you're gonna do earlier?”

Shadow: “I need you to be ready, meet me back at the house at six.” As he’s walking away.

Helacious: “Alright then. Fuck, I need to stop this bleeding from my mouth.” As he’s going to the elevator. 

Helacious press the elevator button and waits until the doors open. He then steps inside the elevator and presses the button to the medical bay floor. The elevator starts to go up and Helacious keeps his mouth closed so blood won’t go out. The elevator stops at the floor, The doors and Helacious steps out the elevator. He sees a nurse and Helacious gets her attention and points at his mouth.

Helacious: “Can… you help me?”

Nurse: “Bloody mouth?”

Helacious shakes his head up and down as a yes. The nurse grabs a rag and puts it in Helacious mouth. Ten minutes passes by and Helacious takes out the rag from his mouth. The nurse takes the rag and takes it to the back. Helacious looks around for a bit until the nurse comes back.

Nurse: “You look beaten up. Hold this for a good few minutes before you go.” While holding an ice pack.

Helacious: “Thank you.” While grabbing the ice pack and holding it in place.

Helacious sits down and looks down at the floor. Helacious starts thinking why his telekinesis just did that earlier. He keeps thinking for about another ten minutes until he starts to think about his parents.

Helacious mind: “Why do I keep thinking about my parents when something bad happens?”

Helacious then stands up and looks forward again. He places his ice pack on the chair behind him and walks towards the nurse. The nurse turns around to check on Helacious but Helacious found her first.

Helacious: “I’m I allowed to leave or not yet?”

Nurse: “Yes, and have a good day.”

Helacious: “You to.” As he’s leaving the room.

Helacious walk over to the elevator and presses the button. The door opens, Helacious walks into the elevator and presses to the main floor. Helacious looks at his phone while he’s waiting for the elevator to stop at the main floor. The elevator stops at the main floor, the doors open and Helacious walks out of the elevator. Helacious then sees his new car in front and goes to one of the employees to see if they have the key.

Helacious: “Do you have the keyes to that car out there?”

G.U.N Worker: “Are you Helacious The Hedgehog?”

Helacious: “Yes and here’s my ID.” While pulling out his wallet.

G.U.N Worker: “Here’s your keyes, You're lucky to even have that car. Have fun driving it.”

Helacious: “Oh, I will.”

Helacious opens the front entrance doors and sees his new car he got two days ago. Helacious was excited to see it in person and walk around the car. Helacious opens the right door and sits down in the seat.

Helacious: “Fuck yes! I’m definitely gonna have fun with this car!”

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