Helica-la — How cupids are made
Published: 2013-08-30 04:48:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 211; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description He was a handsome man, a charmer but also sweet and kind. He poured out his heart and soul to a woman, her features fair and fascinating, she enticed him brought a desire to him so great he couldn't deny it. They were to be wed, his heart belong to her and she belonged to him, until that sickness. She had been ill as a child, unable to take cold weather well, she needed to be warm all the time, despite any number of layered blankets. She grew weaker, he struggled to keep her warm, paid so much money all of their savings to keep her warm, but she was just too weak. He was numb to her passing, not allowing her to go, he couldn't bare the thought of her missing in his life, he couldn't go on. In a small town people talk and word traveled quickly, people came tried to remove the girl from her lover's arms but he wouldn't allow it, he held her there despite the worsening condition of her body, her spirit gone from him. 

A kind of man visited him, a man dressed in a well made suit, carrying with him a briefcase, the young man didn't question him as he asked for his dead fiance, the young man slammed the door in order to return to his lady love, convinced that praying over her would bring her back, warm her lips and thus warm her heart. The visitor didn't like such cruel treatment but some how he found himself inside, the young man was shocked to find the visitor across from him and unable to question his means of getting there. The man spoke of a deal, he'd bring the girl back to him, granted the young man would be in his service. He made it clear that the girl would be healthy and stronger than before, she'd be able to live and long and happy life but what the visitor didn't confess was the state of her memory and her knowledge. In haste the young man agreed, shaking the man's hand with a weak and uncertain gesture. An odd pain struck him, a shifting of bone and screams of pain and the young man to his knees, peeling at the shirt on his back, bone came through the skin but no blood found it's way out, the new appendages shifted to be beside his shoulder blades and to the young man's horror they grew skin and feathers a surely unnatural sight. With terror in his eyes the young man screamed but his voice was lost, the visitor had a sneer on his lips as he bent down to kiss the girl on the forehead,  her eyes fluttered open and her was alive once again. 

The young man went to embrace the girl but found himself unable to touch her, she didn't even register she could see him and as if he didn't existed she went about cleaning up the messy room, a surprised maid joined her, the girl said she was having a very bad sickness and feeling much better, the young man was still in the center of the room but no one paid any attention to him, aside from the visitor. Torn and hurt the young man went for the visitor screaming words of being tricked, but the visitor didn't flinch instead seemingly out of thin air he crafted a single bow and a single arrow. 

He explained to the young man that in exchange for his life he gave his sweetheart another, she'd have no memory of him as most of the world, it was as if he never walked on the earth. The young man was to be in service to him the role of what the old man called a cupid. An angel of a sort that helped people find each other, give them love, but it was a curse to the young man. His love for his lady was not gone it was still there, the visitor explained that it wouldn't ever go away for that was the power of the cupid. Made only from humans so in love they'd give everything, now in service to bringing others together and in turn possibly make more cupids if fate wished it so. 

For years he fought against his role, creating those connections out of fear of his master, he slowly grew to enjoy his work, seeing the first sparks of true love, the desire that would turn into passion to last a life time, but what he couldn't get over was his lady love, no matter how many times he brought new suitors toward her, despite all the arrows he shot, the young woman wouldn't give in, determined to live a life of solitude, just her and her work. Sensing a feeling that she had remembered him despite the visitor's words he tried to talk with him, only to be chastened by his master. She'd never be able to see him no matter how hard he tried, so there in his state of being living nor dead, the young man did his duties only checking on his lady love in the silence and stillness of the night, always wondering if she'd ever find a true love. 

Decades past and she never did, the young man was ageless remaining the same fresh-faced youth he was on the night the deal was made. Aside from her wrinkle in her face or the grey in her hair, the young man found her just as beautiful as ever, his heart clung to her and he was always drawn back to her. However with all things that are withered by time, her life came to an end. She married but it feel through, no children by her side her first and only husband gone along ago, she sat there in her reading room, a nurse by her side that would read in to her in light of her failing sight. The young man was visited once more, this time he begged for a chance to be with her, hold her hand one more time before she'd be gone. Taking pity on his loyal and hard working cupid the visitor agreed, giving him relief of his wings and presenting her to him. 

The girl recognized him and didn't shy away as he say beside her. It was as they were transported back into a time they were both human, his heart swelled as she nestled against him, she asked where he had gone for a moment he realized they were back in time, but she was still weak and elderly but her memory was back. He fought back the tears and made up stories way into the evening, the nurse visited once or twice to check on them but was waved away, the elderly woman was with the love her life and no longer wanted medication. The lump in his throat grew larger as he watched her drift to sleep, his hand found her soft grey hair and rubbed it gently, remembering a time when it was soft and black as night, but he soon understood just how much time has changed things. He sat there for a long time until her breathing came no more, the visitor came to him before the nurse, explaining that his lady love was gone and he needed to return to his duties. The young man nodded and rose up, his time the wings that grew out of him weren't painful but almost like a comforting thing, they were a gift to him in a sense. Because of his wings and his duties he was able to watch her age even if he wasn't with her, he was there in spirit. The nurse returned to find the room empty aside from a weary aged woman appearing to have past away in her sleep, but to the man that flew out the window she was a bright and loving woman, that no matter the centuries that would never end for him, he'd still love her with every fiber of his being, for she made him what he is today, a man so full of love he could spread it to the world. 

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