Hellraiser-89 — Once upon a femslash: Chapter three - The queen [NSFW]
Published: 2013-05-22 21:47:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 1356; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 1
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Description A few weeks had passed since Regina first made love with Red, but they had made love many times since and their relationship had grown. They had gone from enemies to friends, although it was a strange friendship, and finally to lovers. Now they were just indulging themselves in each other’s bodies.

Red had often enjoyed trying out Regina’s extensive wardrobe as much as Regina had enjoyed removing the items afterwards. Right now, it was evening and the sun was setting upon the Dark Palace as Regina was seated in front of a mirror, removing her jewelry.

“Regina?” Red said as she entered the Queens chamber, wearing one of Regina’s dresses.
“Yes my dear?” she responded as she looked at her reflection.
“I don’t want to stay in tonight. I want to go out on a run. I miss the feeling of the wind breezing through my fur and the ground beneath my paws. And the smell of the trees and the moist air at night”.

“Of course you can” Regina said, and for a split second she was worried that Red might run away and leave her. But she knew Red would never really do anything like that.
“Why don’t you join me?” Red asked with a smile.
Regina blinked and turned halfway to her side. She had transformed into many animals since she was taught magic, but never a wolf. She fully turned to look at Red. “I would like that very much” she said and smiled at her.

Red stood at the large entrance to the Dark Palace as she looked out over the dark woods. She clutched her red hood which rested on her shoulders. She was so eager to change.
“Regina!” she exclaimed as Regina approached her with fast steps. “Are you ready?”
“Yes I am. Are you?”

Red laughed, “I’m more than ready! Come on!” and dropped her hood. Immediately her eyes changed to a bright yellow, which Regina actually found really sexy. It took a few more seconds and she fully transformed. Suddenly a black wolf was standing before Regina.

Regina chuckled, “Well aren’t you the cutest thing” and stroked wolf-Red on her head as she wiggled her tail. Wolf-Red motioned for Regina and Regina used her magic to transform into a wolf herself. The pair looked and sniffed at each other before setting off into the woods.

They ran through the woods together, faster and faster as the full moon loomed over them. They howled at it, scaring some of the wildlife away as they swished through the enchanted forest.

After a few hours they returned to the Dark Palace where they returned to their human forms. Both were sweaty and exhausted and as soon as they had transformed back, they embraced each other as their mouth’s locked onto the others. Still feeling the adrenaline and being worked up, they moved into Regina’s bedroom…

Regina suddenly woke up. She blinked at the darkness in the room as she sat up. Red was still sleeping next to her and Regina heard a noise in the adjacent room. Someone was in there. She slid up from the bed and donned a nightgown before opening the door.
“Good morning, dearie!” Rumpelstiltskin cheerfully greeted her. He sat in an armchair, chewing on an apple from Regina’s tree.

“What are you doing here at this hour, Rumple?” Regina yawned.
“Oh just popping in for a visit. And I thought you’d like to hear the latest gossip” he said as he munched on the apple.
“Which is?”
“That old Charming has proposed to his beloved Snow White.”

Regina clenched her jaw. Snow stopped her from ever getting married to Daniel, so why should she allow Snow to get married?
“That wretched Snow. She thinks she can have everything!” Regina hissed with anger.
“If I were you, dearie…” Rumple finished the last of the apple, “I would put a stop to her.”
Regina looked at him as he smiled back at her. “Delicious as always” he said motioning to the apple, as he vanished in a cloud of smoke. He knew exactly what she would do, and this would lead her further to his goal of casting the Dark Curse.

A few hours later, Regina stood fully dressed at the window and looked out at the sunrise. She had a palace, a wonderful girl in her bed and the sun was shining. She knew she should feel happy about that, and she had for some time. But now the hole in her heart was making its presence known again, that void of darkness that only her revenge would satisfy. And with Rumple’s news it had only intensified.

“Good morning” Red yawned from the bed. Regina turned to look at her, “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”
Red giggled, “Yes, yes I did. You made sure of that” she slipped out of the covers. She was naked and walked over to Regina and pressed her face close to hers.
“Is something bothering you, my majesty?” Red softly asked as she kissed Regina’s cheek.

Regina pulled back. “I’m sorry, Red, I just-“
Red looked confused at her.
“I want my revenge on Snow. I NEED it. What she did, it’s eating me up inside!”
Red backed away from her.
“You have a choice, either you’re with me on this or you’re with her”.
Red looked at her with disappointment and sadness. “Please don’t do this Regina. Can’t you just forgive her and move on?”
“No” Regina harshly snapped. “She deserves to be punished. My resolve will not weaken and I will have my revenge.”
“I love Snow like a sister, and I…I think I love you too. Please don’t put me in this position.”
“Love is weakness” Regina almost automatically said, her mother’s words still echoing strong through her mind.
“I thought you were changing, that…you would change for me. But I guess I was wrong” Red sniffed.
Regina looked at her coldly. “Yes you were. People never change.”
“Put your clothes on and go. I do not want to see you when I get back” she said and left the distraught Red.

Regina left to another room in the palace, where she mostly paced back and forth. Red was wrong in a way, Regina had never changed. Red had just seen a side to her she had almost forgotten about ever since Daniel was killed. A side she had locked away. Regina was torn on her feelings for Red and her thirst for revenge, there was a darkness in her that she couldn’t just make go away.

After a while Regina felt bad for being so harsh with Red, and she went back to her bedroom to apologize. After all she had shown her more compassion than anyone else, even more than her own family ever had.
But when she got there, Red was gone. “Red?” Regina asked into the room, but she knew she wouldn’t get an answer.

In rage she took whatever was closest to her and smashed it against the wall! She was angry with herself and used her magic to throw things around the room!
Fairly soon, almost everything was shattered and broken and she stood amidst the chaos, snorting with anger and her adrenaline pumping. She stomped over to the bed and sat down. She didn’t notice it at first, but her hand had landed on a shirt Red had worn the day before and forgotten. Or left.
She lifted the soft garment to her nose and inhaled – it still had her scent. As she pulled it away, a tear rolled down her cheek and fell onto it, and Regina laid back on the bed.


Regina sat in front of her magic mirror, which showed Snow, Charming and Red. She had used the mirror a lot of times to check in on her, to make sure she was safe. And of course to spy on the two idiots.
Maleficent materialized in a cloud of smoke behind Regina. “How are you dear?” Mallie asked as she approached the Queen.

Regina didn’t answer, and she let out a deep breath before she made the image fade.
“Is that little wench Snow White still alive? I would have thought you had killed her long ago” Mallie scoffed.
“I want her to suffer a fate worse than death” Regina replied.
“I take it that means you don’t want to play with me” Maleficent asked with a mix of sultriness and giggle that only she could pull off, and she gently ran a hand down Regina’s arm.
“No not now, Mallie. I want to make a deal.”

Maleficent pouted, “What do you have in mind?”
“In my possession I have the most powerful curse ever created. I would be willing to trade you it.”
Maleficent titled her head. “How did you get that?”
“That’s not important. Do you want it or not?” Regina inquired.
“What would you want in return?” Maleficent asked a bit suspicious.
“Your Sleeping Curse of course”.

“That sounds like a…fair trade” Mallie chuckled. “We have a deal. How about we seal it?” she said smiling as she moved closer to Regina. She started fiddling with Regina’s cleavage and pushed her lips to Regina’s, as Regina responded in kind. Regina was still missing Red, but this felt good. Really good. She and Maleficent had had some very good times in the past.

It didn’t take long before the two women were making out as their hands slid over the others body and Regina’s fingers were making their way between Mallie’s cleavage. She trailed her index finger up Mallie’s chest to her chin, which she grabbed between her index finger and thumb.

Regina paused and looked into her eyes, “I want to be on top this time”.
“We will see about that” Mallie grinned as the pair made their way over to the bed.
Their tongues massaged each other as their hands ran over the others body before slipping under the fabric to touch the others soft skin. Both of them felt the heat of their bodies rise and themselves getting ready.

Regina cupped Mallie’s breast under her dress and twisted her nipple. Mallie gasped and just as she did, Regina lightly bit Mallie’s lower lip as she pulled away with a grin. Quickly the two of them removed each other’s clothes entirely and Mallie shoved Regina down onto the bed.

Mallie slowly descended down to the bed as Regina panted heavily, their eyes gazing at each other. Mallie crept over Regina as she traced her tongue over her naked body, lingering with a few kisses on her nipples. She lightly bit them and continued. As she faced Regina, Regina grabbed her and flipped her over! Now Regina was on top and she quickly grabbed Mallie’s neck and bent down to suck on Mallie’s nipple and squeezed the other with her free hand. Mallie took Regina’s hand to her face and she sucked on Regina’s finger. With her other hand, she grabbed the back of Regina’s head and dug her fingers into her long, black hair. Mallie felt Regina’s hot breath on her breasts as Regina grinned up at her. Regina moved up to taste Mallie’s luscious pink lips again, but now Mallie grabbed her and they switched positions again.

Mallie was back on top and she pinned Regina down by grabbing her arms before she licked Regina’s face, and kissed down her chest, to her stomach and finally to her groin. Regina looked down at her and her tongue flicked wildly as she lapped up her juices. Regina gasped at Mallie’s tongues vicious movements, and entwined her fingers in Mallie’s golden hair and holding her head in place as Regina ground against her.

Regina’s juices flowed plentifully and Mallie roughly slid two fingers inside her while she continued to happily lap at her soft flesh. Mallie stretched her fingers, opening Regina up more, and moved them in and out. Regina thrust against Mallie’s fingers and tongue and soon climaxed. Mallie was relentless and continued until Regina had drenched her again and again.

Regina looked very pleasured and exhausted and her sweat and juices had soaked the bed. “Now it’s my turn” Mallie said as Regina’s juices dripped from her face.
Regina panted, “Alright, just lie down and-“
“I don’t want to lie down there. It’s wet!” Mallie scoffed and moved over to an armchair next to the bed. “You come here instead” she and motioned with her finger for Regina.
Regina got up from the bed and crept over to the chair, Mallie had spread her legs apart and Regina could see her whole glory as she crept closer. Mallie gently stroked her face before Regina drove her head down between her legs. She started with a few kisses, but she felt Mallie was already ready to go, so her fickle fingers quickly entered her. Her tongue lashed at Mallie’s center as her fingers moved with great speed. Mallie gasped and clenched the chair tight before sliding her slender legs behind Regina’s back, pushing her closer.

Regina sucked and licked greedily as Mallie thrashed about in the chair. Mallie grabbed the back of Regina’s head with both her hands and thrust her pelvis against Regina’s wet mouth. She screamed as she climaxed and Regina was covered in her juices!
Mallie panted heavily and looked down at Regina’s wet, wicked grin. She couldn’t resist not kissing her, she looked too sexy not to, and as their lips met, both their sweet juices from the other’s mouth mixed with their saliva.

Regina scratched Mallie’s shoulder with her cruel nails, leaving small red marks behind, as she lightly bit Mallie’s nipple and twisted the other between her thumb and index finger. Regina continued down to Mallie’s groin yet again. Regina was hungry for more, and more she would get…


Red stood in a room in Snow and Charming’s castle by herself as she looked up at the starlit night. She had seen Regina a few days before, when she had stomped in to Snow and Charming’s wedding. It had been the first time Red had seen her since she had left the Dark Palace.
“Red” Regina suddenly said. Red spun around and there she was.
“Your majesty” Red replied with a mix of anger and joy, she was still mad at Regina for their last meeting but also happy to see her again.

“I…I’m not very good at…apologizing….” Regina began as she looked down on the ground, “But for what it’s worth….I’m sorry”, she looked up at Red.
“I’m sorry too” Red quietly said, and the two just looked at each other for a little while.
“I didn’t see you at the wedding” Regina continued, unsure of what else to say. She was sure that if Red hadn’t been there, that she had at least gotten word of Regina’s appearance.
“I saw you. You pretty much frightened everyone with your threat.”
“Even you?”

“Yes…a little bit. You are so unlike the Regina I met; now you are more like the Evil Queen everyone fears.”
“I’m sorry Red. I didn’t want to…I want to hurt Snow because she hurt me. This curse will allow me to do that.”
“And everyone else as well. It’s bad enough that you go after my friend, but now your target is everyone!”
“It wont be that bad. It will be a new start in a new land, with new lives. A whole new beginning.”
“Why Regina? WHY would you do this?”

“It’s the only way” she said with a mix of anger and sadness, though clearly annoyed at Red’s inability to understand. “I know you don’t understand Red, but I have to do this. I have to. It’s the only way to ease my suffering.”
“Well then I hope this new land is all that you ever want it to be.” Red crossed her arms and turned back to look at the night sky as Regina vanished behind her in a cloud of smoke.


Storybrooke. That was the result of the curse. Only Regina and Maleficent had retained their true memories of their fairytale selves, though Maleficent had been taken care of, the curse had locked her in a cave, trapped in her dragon form.
Regina thrived in this, seeing all her former enemies subdued. Even Rumple was no threat in this land and she loved it. Finally, victory was hers! And there was no one to stop her.

Regina would take morning walks around the town, to inspect the victims of the dark curse and rejoice in their misery. Except for one place; Granny’s diner. Regina always passed it because then she got to see her. She was Ruby in this new land, and Regina was very fond of the clothes she usually wore as they were often tight and revealing. And very tempting to remove. Though Ruby had no memory of her or their time together, Regina still did. And while Sheriff Graham was an acceptable plaything, he was no Ruby.

Regina would come in, each day to have lunch at Granny’s and this day was no exception. Regina had really lost count how many days had gone by since the curse, but most of them were pretty much alike. She would always sit at the same spot and always order the Day’s special. Most of her glances went to Ruby, but she didn’t notice. Everyone else in town was afraid of Regina, but not Ruby. She always had a smile on her face when she served her.

“Will that be all, Mayor Mills?” Ruby asked and motioned for her plate.
Regina’s thoughts had been elsewhere so it took a little before an answer came. “Ah, yes thank you” Regina replied and their eyes met for a few seconds. “They are still so beautiful” Regina thought to herself.

Ruby took the plate and hastily turned around, bumping into another waitress and getting a whole plate of food on her shirt! “Dammit!” Ruby exclaimed as Regina chuckled at the whole incident. But her chuckles soon turned into drool, or almost drool, as Ruby bent down to help pick things up, and Regina had a perfect view of just how tight her hot pants are. Regina just stared at her shapely ass as all kinds of naughty thoughts went through her mind.

Even after Ruby had gone to change, Regina still had a bit of a blank stare. It was only when Ruby returned in a new shirt that Regina snapped back.
“I’m sorry about that, Mayor Mills” Ruby said blushing as she was still buttoning her new shirt. Regina swallowed, “Oh it’s…no worry, my dear.”
“Can I get you anything else?”
Regina wasn't actually going to order anything else, but she figured she had to, to explain her presence for this long. “Just a cup of coffee please. Black.”
“Coming right up” Ruby said and went into the kitchen.

Soon she returned with a cup and placed it on the counter before Regina. “I prefer mine with something sweet in” she smiled and was about to head back into the kitchen.
“Waitress!” Regina said, stopping her.
“Oh it’s uh, Ruby” she said and motioned to the name tag on her chest.
“Ruby” Regina said with a smile. “May I ask you a question?”
“Sure” Ruby replied and titled her head. The Mayor had been in here a lot for as long as she could remember, but they hadn’t often talked. The mayor didn’t talk to many people.

“Are you…happy? Here?”
“What, at Granny’s? I have a little more ambition than being a waitress for the rest of my life” she chuckled.
“Like what?”
“Well, uh…maybe move to Boston and get another job there. Make money and see the world. I don’t want to stay cooked up in Storybrooke until the end of time.”
Ruby suddenly realized she was talking to the mayor. “Oh ah, no offense” she said and Regina just smiled calmly back at her.
“Ruby! Get your butt in here and stop flirting with the customers!” Granny yelled from inside the kitchen.
Ruby sighed and rolled her eyes, “I wasn’t flirting!” she yelled back at Granny. Ruby looked at Regina, “Duty calls” and she headed back into the kitchen.


The curse was broken and everyone had regained their true memories. Today Regina was in her office, well now former office as she had been told to step down as mayor, and packing up her things. She was looking through a drawer in her desk, when she heard someone clear their throat from the entrance. She looked up and there was Ruby, still in her waitress outfit.
“Hi” Ruby said a bit nervous.
“Ruby” Regina smiled, clearly happy at her visitor. Both of them went quiet a little as neither of them knew what to say.

“I uh, heard you were asked to step down as mayor” Ruby finally said.
“Yes, seems like the townspeople don’t want the evil queen as their mayor” she replied and trying to make it sound sarcastic.
“You’re not evil, Regina. You’re just…everyone here has a dark past, some more than others. But you’ve showed me and everyone that you have a loving side as well. I’ve always seen it whenever you and Henry came into Granny’s or when I would see you two walk down the street. I just wish more people would understand it, but, they still see you as the evil queen”.

“Aren’t you mad at me, for the curse?”
“I was when you first told me about it. But I didn’t understand then, the same way I understand now. You gave us a new life, a chance to forget about the bad things we had done. For 28 years I didn’t have to live with Peter’s death on my conscience”.
Regina looked at her unsure of what to say. She was happy that she had done something good for Ruby at least since the rest of Storybrooke wanted her head on a plate.

“And for these past 28 years, I’ve always...” she moved a bit closer, “looked for someone, but it’s never worked out with any of the guys I’ve dated. But when Emma broke the curse it became crystal clear to me, like a smack in the face; I didn’t want a guy.”
The two moved closer and Regina felt hopeful, more hope than she had felt in a long time.
“I want you…my majesty” Ruby said and her hot breath hit Regina’s face. “My desire has been suppressed for so long, but now I can’t resist anymore”, she opened her mouth and just as she slid her tongue out it was met by Regina’s, and the two shared a long passionate kiss as they hugged tightly.

Regina gasped for air and looked deep into Ruby’s green eyes, “You have no idea how difficult it’s been, coming in and watching you day after day. I’ve wanted to tell you the truth for so long, but I was afraid you would have rejected me”, and a tear rolled down her cheek. The two kissed again and again as passion was overtaking them. Regina’s hand slid down Ruby’s neck to her back, “And watching you in that skimpy outfit”, she lifted her hand off her, “with that sexy ass of yours” and gave Ruby a little spanking before grabbing her soft butt cheek with her hand. Ruby giggled and Regina smiled back at her, “No seriously, you must have the sweetest ass in the world” Regina giggled and kissed her again.

Soon Regina’s behind bumped into her desk as they had backed up against it. Regina hopped up on it as they continued kissing. “I want you, my queen” Ruby panted. “And I you, my little wolf” Regina replied.
“I want you now” Ruby said.
“What, here in my office?” Regina laughed.
“Oh yes” Ruby grinned, “let’s do it on your desk” and kissed her neck.
“But what if someone walks in?”
“Who cares?” Ruby laughed and started undoing Regina’s shirt.

Regina felt enticed and aroused by the idea, and after all, why should she care what people see or think of her? She pulled up her skirt and spread her legs apart while she was sitting on the desk, and Ruby rubbed her pelvis against Regina’s. Her fingers made their way down to Ruby’s hot pants, which fell to the floor. They were so smitten by desire that they didn’t bother removing all the items, they just couldn’t wait.
“You’re so sexy in that outfit” Regina panted. “I’m glad I finally got you out of it” she grinned and Ruby giggled.
Ruby slid her hands up Regina’s sexy legs, before placing her own leg over Regina’s. Both their groins made contact and Ruby started thrusting against Regina as their juices flowed down the desk and floor…

The following day, or rather night, Regina had invited Ruby over to her house for some more time “catching up”.
When darkness fell, Ruby knocked on the door and Regina quickly opened. Regina closed and locked the door and the two embraced. “I missed you” Regina whispered into her ear.
“I missed you more” Ruby replied as she smelled Regina’s black hair.
“Let’s go upstairs. I have everything prepared” Regina said with a twinkle in her eye.

They came into Regina’s bedroom, which she had decorated with lit candles. On a small table, she had a bottle of wine, a couple of glasses and a box of chocolates.
“Have a seat dear and I’ll pour you a glass” Regina said and motioned for the bed. Ruby sat down and soon Regina brought them each a glass and the box of chocolates.

“Cheers to…the curse being broken” Regina said and they clinked their glasses together. “I never thought I would say that” Regina chuckled and she sipped from her glass. Ruby quickly downed her glass and she looked down at the floor.
“Is something wrong, my dear?” Regina asked and pulled a lock of hair out of Ruby’s face.
“No, everything is perfect” she smiled. “I’m so happy” and placed a hand on Regina’s leg.
“I’m happy too” Regina smiled back. “Have a sweet, my sweet” she grinned and placed a piece of chocolate in Ruby’s mouth. Ruby licked her finger as she took the chocolate in her mouth and then got a disgusted face. “Eeeew! Almond! I don’t like almond!” and she quickly swallowed.
Regina laughed, “Wash it down with some wine” and gave Ruby the rest of her wine.

As the evening went on, their clothes went off. Ruby lied down on the bed as Regina poured some oil on her naked body. She smeared it on her, making her body shine in the lights from the candles. Ruby panted heavily at Regina’s touch and just relaxed as Regina took care of her needs.
“Now I want you to please me” Regina said. “Mmm I would love to” Ruby purred and slid down to the floor. She sat on her knees and kissed down Regina’s neck to her breasts, when suddenly the door flung open! The two jumped at the loud slam! And there came Maleficent swagging in with a cocky smile.

“Well, well “Major” Mills”, it looks like you took my advice to heart about getting a pet”, Maleficent chuckled as the naked women tried to conceal themselves in the quilt and bedding.
“Y-you!? B-but how!?” Regina asked chocked.
“Magic, my dear. It brought me back after that…rude woman stabbed me. And it feels so good to be back” Maleficent grinned and stretched. “Who’s your friend?” she asked with a low purr as she eyes Ruby.
Ruby could see Regina was shocked and looked at Maleficent. “Name’s Ruby. Who are you?” she said and stood defiantly before Regina.
Maleficent let out a low “mmm” as she looked amused at Ruby. “Loyalty. Such a rare quality to see these days.”

Regina looked up at Ruby and pulled her closer. “I-I’m sorry Maleficent. I didn’t mean to trap you like that when I cast the curse. I didn’t know” and her eyes got teary. She truly was sorry for causing that to her only friend.
Maleficent cocked her head. She wasn’t expecting this, she was expecting a fight. But Regina did seem truly sorry, and if anyone had even the slightest chance of surviving Maleficent’s wrath, it was Regina.

“It was Rumplestiltskin who designed the curse that way. He didn’t tell me what it would do to you” Regina said as she looked sadly at Maleficent.
“Rumple? So that’s where you got it from” Maleficent said and bit her lip. “You do seem truly sad. Such an….odd mood to see you in.”
Regina looked down at the floor. She sniffed, “I have…been trying to change lately. To turn over a new leaf” and she looked up at Ruby, both looked deep into the others eyes. “I want to redeem myself” Regina said and looked over to Maleficent. “Can you forgive me?”
Ruby looked at Maleficent, she would be prepared if Maleficent still wanted a fight. She couldn’t help but notice Maleficent’s revealing dress though.

Maleficent frowned, torn on what to do and thought about it. In all the years she had known Regina, she had never shown regret, and Mallie wasn’t expecting her to either.
After a short while she spoke up. “That twisted imp! I will shove an egg up his ass and see how he likes it, before I snap him like a twig!”

Regina smiled at Maleficent, relived. “Thank you” she said, still with teary eyes.
Maleficent nodded and Ruby sat down on the bed next to Regina as things calmed down. Maleficent remembered the times she and Regina had enjoyed each other back in their land.
“I see you have a new…”friend” now. How did you two get together?” Mallie asked and looked at Ruby.
Both Regina and Ruby looked at the other. “It’s a long story” Ruby said with a smile and looked back at Mallie. “Regina told me you two used to...play.”
“Yes, we used to” Maleficent said. It had been lonely in that cave and she felt herself getting aroused by watching these two beautiful women holding each other as the candle light flickered over their naked skin that was still exposed from the bedding.

Regina cleared her throat as she saw Ruby looking at Maleficent’s cleavage with a grin. “Maybe you would like to join us?”
Ruby looked at Regina and a wicked smile formed on her face.
“Sure dear, I don’t have anything else to do” Mallie replied calmly and motioned for Ruby to rise from the bed. Ruby did and the bedding she was covering herself with fell to the floor, revealing her completely. Mallie got close enough so their faces almost touched as she smelled her hair and grabbed her ass.
Mallie grabbed her hair and looked deep into her eyes before they kissed. For Mallie this wasn’t love, this was just fun, and she loved being rough. And Ruby happened to love it rough. Regina was watching from the bed and became extremely turned on as she watched her two lovers.

“Down on your knees” Mallie commanded and Ruby knelt down and began digging out Mallie’s legs from her dress. “Why are you sitting there?” Mallie asked Regina. “Come over here, you have to show me how much you regret trapping me in that dusty cave.”
Regina decided to comply and knelt down beside Ruby as they exposed Mallie entirely. The two women soon feasted on Mallie’s longing body, her wet, warm flesh and sweet juices.

When Mallie had gotten her fill, she watched as Ruby saw to Regina’s needs, and for the rest of the night they would pass Ruby between themselves, and all three would entwine their hot, oiled & sweaty bodies together into one being of pure pleasure until they could take no more.
Though this was just the first encounter of this kind these three women had, there would come many, many more lustful nights filled with carnal pleasures…
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Comments: 20

VelvetKevorkian333 [2013-06-09 02:27:46 +0000 UTC]

"Regina could see her whole glory as she crept closer..." This made me laugh a little because I've never heard it called "glory" before. But it's a good choice for describing what was happening.

"As the evening went on, their clothes went off." That's something I would write...so of course I loved this line! Genius! This was a HOT story!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Hellraiser-89 In reply to VelvetKevorkian333 [2013-06-09 08:27:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed reading it
I wasn't really sure what word to use there, and I didn't want to reiterate the same word over and over. And in Swedish the word "glory" can be used to refer to a vagina.
But as long as it works and you know that it means, I guess that's good

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RAE8892 [2013-05-26 05:52:19 +0000 UTC]

FINALLY! Lol, you finally finished it! I guess that means I don't have to harass you anymore!

You did a great job! And I LOVE that my beloved Rumple, the "twisted imp" made an appearance!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Hellraiser-89 In reply to RAE8892 [2013-05-26 07:40:44 +0000 UTC]

Yes finally It felt really good to finish it, though I wasn't really sure how to end it so it just trailed off And even though not many people will actually read this, I just had to finish it with the news of Meghan Ory leaving the show and with my ship dying.

Thank you I needed him to give Regina some news that would hit a soft spot and get her back on her vengeance track. He probably knew about her and Red, because, well Rumple in FTL knew everything And since we've seen him tell her about Snowing's wedding, I couldn't use that. But this worked well, Regina drove Red away and got the sleeping curse and then the rest happened as on the show.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RAE8892 In reply to Hellraiser-89 [2013-06-01 02:51:49 +0000 UTC]

You can really tell you wanted to get this done, but also do it well. And I couldn't agree more, we need as many Red/Ruby art and fic works as we can get.

Your always welcome! It actually made a lot of sense,because they were to close for Red to just run back to ((stupid)) Snow for no reason. She needed something that would break her heart, and break her. Also makes sense that what happened in FTL would affect Ruby in SB, so great job connecting the two. And of course my dear Rumple knew, he knows EVERYTHING!

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Hellraiser-89 In reply to RAE8892 [2013-06-01 06:38:54 +0000 UTC]

I second that! Somehow I think Ruby art will become less as the show progresses because I think most fans just focus on the characters that we see.

Thanks I thought about how Ruby would react to it now 28 years later.
And my first idea for why Red would leave wasn't that good But when in doubt, send in a malicious imp!
Yup Rumple knew everything Makes me wonder why he never played the lottery....or maybe he knew he wouldn't win anyway
He could make gold but who doesn't want to brag about winning the lottery regardless of how much cash they got?

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RAE8892 In reply to Hellraiser-89 [2013-06-04 05:36:48 +0000 UTC]

It's sad., but I think your right. Out of sight, out of mind, and I feel like that's how it's going to be with our dear Ruby Red.

That was a good idea!
That's always how it is! When you need someone manipulated, call in Rumple!
And he doesn't play lotto because he can spin GOLD whenever he wants to. And he has enough under his belt to brag about, what does he need the Lottery for? Lol.

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Hellraiser-89 In reply to RAE8892 [2013-06-04 07:17:48 +0000 UTC]

Sadly yes. At least they haven't ended her story or killed her off, like they did with other characters. Like Jefferson, he got one little scene where he reunited with his daughter in the beginning of the season and then his story was over because the actor wasn't available. Or like August and his reverse aging also because the actor is unavailable. It's badly done in the show.

Oh well. As soon as I can create her in Daz, I'll make some art of her (and Regina ) because I've tried drawing them both but I think their faces are difficult to get right.

I dunno, maybe the prize was a magic bean

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RAE8892 In reply to Hellraiser-89 [2013-06-05 07:32:26 +0000 UTC]

They better not! I will be a very angry camper if they kill red. And I was curious about that. They just kind of made him disappear, nothing more and nothing less . . . Very strange! That's probably what they'll do with her. I doubt they'll turn her into a child, just because that was just ridiculousness the first time, and I doubt it would be okay if it was done again.

And I can't wait to see that!

. . . If that were true, He never would have made the dark curse! Lol, maybe he should have played the lottery!

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Hellraiser-89 In reply to RAE8892 [2013-06-05 14:01:42 +0000 UTC]

Me too! If they do, I'll go Evil Regal on them!
I doubt it too but the writers are really bad at getting characters out of the way when they aren't needed or when the actors aren't available anymore. I mean if Jennifer Morrison would leave, would they turn Emma into a kid so they could keep the character?

lol maybe I bet he would have if Belle hadn't shown up, after she did Rumple just thought with his "wand"

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RAE8892 In reply to Hellraiser-89 [2013-06-07 00:55:20 +0000 UTC]

I would just kick their lazy, Disney buts!
And . . . actually that doesn't sound to beyond them. All those who love Snowing would love that they had a chance to be parents to a child . . .

And hey, don't all males think with their *couch couch* "wands" when they woman the want are involved?

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Hellraiser-89 In reply to RAE8892 [2013-06-07 16:28:48 +0000 UTC]

lol! Probably

I guess you're right about that

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RAE8892 In reply to Hellraiser-89 [2013-06-08 03:41:40 +0000 UTC]

I'm always right!

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Hellraiser-89 In reply to RAE8892 [2013-06-08 09:32:57 +0000 UTC]

And I'm always what's left!

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RAE8892 In reply to Hellraiser-89 [2013-06-12 06:22:13 +0000 UTC]

I don't know why, but that is one of teh funniest things I have heard in a LONG time!

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Hellraiser-89 In reply to RAE8892 [2013-06-12 16:17:50 +0000 UTC]

Glad it made you laugh!

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RAE8892 In reply to Hellraiser-89 [2013-06-13 20:26:13 +0000 UTC]

Lol, you always do

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Lady-Izayoi [2013-05-23 19:32:11 +0000 UTC]


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Hellraiser-89 In reply to Lady-Izayoi [2013-05-23 19:53:35 +0000 UTC]


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Lady-Izayoi In reply to Hellraiser-89 [2013-05-26 19:39:10 +0000 UTC]

you are very welcome

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