Henry88 — Dakota Blair [🤖]

Published: 2023-11-30 17:06:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 1097; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 4
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Full Name: Dakota Blair

Nickname/s: Daki/DB

Age: 25 years old

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Eye color: Icy/Pale Blue

Glasses/Contact lens: No

Hair color: Silver

Weight: 125 lbs. (56.70 kg)

Height: 185.42 cm (6’1”)

Build: Mesomorphic frame (with hips a few cm wider than the shoulders)

Shape of face: Heart-shaped 

Predominant feature: Her height and attractive looks

Trait: Outgoing, Natural-born Leader, Hard-headed, Bullish, Pragmatic, Resolute

Philosophy: Stoic objectivism

Skills: Close quarter (H2H) combat, Talented martial artist, Skilled mech pilot and weapons specialist, Proficient leadership capabilities



Mech: Mythic-Class AX-R170 Tier-G Revenant, Vanguard-class UFR-X5 Tier-E Manticore Overloader Variant, Mythic-class Striga VI W-S7 S&D Variant, Mythic-class Chimaera 24R9 FA, Gladiator-class Dimachaerus M245 (VALDeV [Vanguard and Assault-type, Low-radar Detection] Variant)

Food: Tteokbokki, Marinara pasta, Texas-style BBQ

Drinks: Aspen Kombucha Lager, Tiger Lager, Master Tony Chandler’s Ultra Protein shakes

Hobby: hiking, freehand mountain climbing, solo traveling, hunting and cooking small game

Music: Industrial beat music, Bossa-nova/jazz

Bands/Musicians: The ShowGun Shogun, A Hooker Blows the Job!, Venus de Milo’s Stringed Quartet, The All-Amerasian FUGU



Previous occupations: Assistant mech technician/test piloteer at Eubanks Controls Aeroengineering, USAFA NCO Pilot Officer for Forward-Operations Mech Cavalry Division

Education: US Air Force Academy (Mech Cavalry Division)

Belief/Religion: New Testament Catholic

Place of birth/Hometown: Denver, CO

Highest Point in Career: Graduated with flying colors at USAFA with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant; Getting promoted to Captain after successfully stopping the heinous acts of the Ordo Anathemata in 2329



Parents: Graham Hamilton (Father), Barbara Sandberg (mother)

Siblings: Montgomery Hamilton (younger brother), Janna Ellin Hamilton (younger sister)

Childhood: Normal, grew up with parents living together

Fondest Childhood Memory: Visiting Niagara Falls; Celebrated 7th birthday at World’s Sky Fair 12,000 feet above Columbia, Chicago

Saddest Childhood Memory: Day paternal grandfather passed away (6 years old); Death of favorite maternal uncle who served with the 77th Airborne Mech Division (8 years old)

Lowest Point in Life: Murdrer of husband N Blair and disappearance of only son.

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