HighKalorie — Deal with the Debu
#bbw #expansion #fat #gain #immobile #immobility #ssbbw #weight #weightgain
Published: 2015-10-31 04:55:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 23904; Favourites: 122; Downloads: 0
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Description “AND STAY OUT!”

The door loudly slammed in front of the brunette’s face. Months of job searching and working in this dead-end job had gone to waste. This was the beginning of the end of Julie’s life as she knew it.

Just my luck… She thought. Making her way downtown, the brunette was caught in the hustle and bustle of the busy city. Hundreds of other people crowded the streets, all walking towards their own destinations as the sun was just beginning to set in the sky.

One little mistake and he tosses me out on the street like nothing. Well, this week’s one mistake… Grabbing her white t-shirt slightly, she could see the coffee stain that the incident had left upon her outfit. Guess the maintenance costs for that damn coffee maker was worth more than keeping me around.

It wasn’t her first choice for a job, but it was the only one she was able to hold for more than a week. Her somewhat clumsy nature made her a bit of a hazard at most jobs, and it was a surprise that the coffee shop gig had lasted as long as it did. With how things had been going money-wise for the past few months, it seemed like the beacon of hope at the end of a long, dark tunnel for Julie. Unfortunately, the light was more like that of a subway train set for a collision with her.

Julie didn’t take long to reach her usual bus stop. At this point, she had the bus schedule memorized to heart. Within minutes, the bus pulled to a stop alongside the curve. The automatic doors opened up before her, a welcoming sign if she had ever seen one.

Good thing it’s here. I didn’t realize how cold things were going to get here. Should’ve worn a jacket. It probably would have saved my tee as well…

Taking her seat, Julie let out a sigh of relief. It was more or less the first time she’d gotten a chance to sit and relax since work had started. The slight heating within the bus itself also helped to warm her up. The goosebumps on her olive skin and her anxiety seemed to fade away, at least temporarily. She quickly pulled out her phone and earbuds and let herself sort of zone out as the bus made its rounds.

It wasn’t until the bus made its stop outside her apartment building that dread began to creep back up onto her. The chilling autumn air and the now risen moon weren’t the most cheerful or reassuring things to have looming over you at a time of distress. At least I’m home now…

After climbing the flight of stairs, she swiftly unlocked the door to her apartment and flicked the lights on. It wasn’t much, but it was home to her. The small, sparsely-furnished apartment had the essentials and little else. One corner was fashioned in a miniature kitchen of sorts with a table, fridge, sink, and small cabinet all together. Diagonally across from there was her bed upon which her laptop sat, the only other real luxury she had besides her phone. It was cheap, but even she was running out of savings to keep up with rent. As she walked through the door, she came to a sudden stop. An odd feeling hit her in the pit of her stomach accompanied by a loud groaning noise.

Shit, I forgot to grab something on the way home…

Despite knowing that her efforts were futile, she took a look within the fridge. Empty, just as expected. Julie let out a sigh, then walked back over to her bed with a defeated stance. She nearly sunk into the mattress upon crashing head first onto it, groaning. “Ughhh…”

Time seemed to fly by as she zoned out on the internet, still in despair about the situation at large. Occasionally, a small grumbling would roar out from her stomach, reminding her of things even further. Julie soon lost interest in staying awake much longer and decided to call it quits for the night. Before she began the process of drifting off to sleep, one final thought crossed her mind.

I just want the shitty times to be over. I’d give anything to have my shit together financially!


Julie jolted up with a fright. Who the hell-

A large figure was seemingly floating before her, illuminated by the moonlight pouring through the apartment’s window. It appeared to be an incredibly fat woman with unusual skin colored somewhere between grey and black along with messy blue hair which sat upon her shoulders. She wore a seemingly ill-fitting black leather corset which overflowed at the cups with titflesh and left her puffy arms completely exposed. In addition, it didn’t manage to cover her midsection completely, leaving the bottom of her belly to spill out onto the leather pants clinging to meaty thighs. A pair of black leather boots completed the already leather-centric ensemble.

The brunette rubbed her eyes. She wasn’t entirely sure if this was some sort of hunger-induced fever dream or reality floating before her. “Wh-What’s going on?”

“Name’s Beeze.” The woman replied. She floated a bit closer towards the still bed-bound girl. “I’m just here to answer your call~”

“Call? The hell are you talking about?”

“Didn’t you just wish that you wanted your financial issues to be a thing of the past?” She grinned, showing off some sharper-than-normal teeth.

“You can read my mind?”

“Nooot exactly~” Beeze giggled, sending a wave of jiggling throughout her entire being. “Well, I can hear the wishes and cries for help from those within a certain radius. You didn’t have to vocalize it for me to hear it I suppose.”

“What are you saying?” Julie was still completely confused by this turn of events. “Are you saying you can somehow help me with my money problem?”

“Well, as a demoness, I can definitely try to cut you a deal of some kind~”


“Yeah, did the creepy unnatural skin and floating tip you off already~?” She rolled her eyes. “Listen, I have an offer for you that it might be in your best interest to take.”

“Alright, I’ll bite.” She replied. “Are you here to offer me some kind of loan in exchange for my soul?”

“Close, but not quite. I’m a gluttony demoness you see. I don’t deal in souls, I deal in bellies~”

“…You’re going to carve my stomach out of my body?”

“Don’t be silly, a non-active stomach is worthless.” She gave her own mighty gut a pat. “Basically, I’m willing to make sure you’re financially secure for the rest of your life if you can complete a little task I’ll set up for you. Otherwise, your belly will become my property and I’ll fill control it and fill it as I see fit~”

Well, what do I have to lose? I mean, if I can’t complete her challenge, a couple extra pounds here and there aren’t going to hurt me much…

“So, you think you’ll be up to the challenge~?” The blue haired demoness held out her pudgy hand to Julie.

“Guess I’ve got no choice.” She returned the handshake, and a flash of bright light overtook the room. As she rubbed her eyes to clear her vision once again, she could see that a large feast had suddenly appeared on her dining table. It was quite possibly one of the most food she had ever seen in one place at any point in her life let alone on that table. It almost seemed as though plates of food had been stacked atop each other to make up for the table’s small size.

“Your task here is to finish off all the delicious food on that table within an hour. Otherwise, your stomach is mine~”

Julie made her way over to the table and took her seat. Taking another look at the massive task in front of her, she gulped. Peering over her shoulder, she could see that Beeze was floating close behind with a newly materialized stopwatch in hand.

“Such a delicious looking feast, no~? Wish I could grab a bite, but this table’s all yours. Alright, you start in 3, 2, 1,,,”

With no alternative in sight, the brunette grabbed her utensils and began to dig in. “Mph, this is actually really good.”

“Of course it is,” Beeze giggled, “you’d think a gluttony demoness would skimp out on food quality~? Plus, I can tell you haven’t eaten since this morning, so I’m sure your belly was just aching to be filled up~”

It was true. The poor woman’s stomach was eager for the next morsel to enter in through her mouth. Each bite helped tame the growling beast that laid within her. If it hadn’t been for her hunger, she doubted that she would have able to even eat half of what she felt like she could.

The variety of foods which adorned the table knew no bounds. At one moment, she was primarily digging into Italian dishes, numerous types of pastas and all things covered in tomato sauce being gobbled up with gusto. An entire personal pizza had even been conquered without much difficulty. Her glass was constantly being refilled with soda as she drank, leading to small belches which freed up further space in her growing belly.

Another section was made up entirely of fast food. A small plate of sliders was quickly emptied while a seemingly bottomless container of french fries proved to be no match for the girl. There were even a large amount of hotdogs which brought to mind those very eating contests which she thought Beeze may have borrowed such an idea from.

However, the single greatest challenge came in the form of what looked to be an entire Thanksgiving dinner. Pillowy mashed potatoes drenched in gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and even a glazed ham. The big attraction was the turkey itself. Unfortunately, this was where Julie’s stomach began to fail her. She managed to make it through the two big juicy legs and a dent in the main body itself before she could feel her stomach becoming more and more taut.

“Aaand time!”

“Ugh…” Julie clutched her now distended stomach. While she had managed to eat way past her normal limits, it still wasn’t even half of the total amount of food that had been waiting for her on the table.

“You gave it an admirable try, really.” Beeze comforted her. “To be fair, the food is somewhat enchanted to makes it easier for you to eat way more than a normal person could, but even then I can’t just give victory away~” She placed her hand onto her victim’s ballooned gut and a sort of glow began to envelope it. “And now that gut of yours is mine~”

Too stuffed to move, the demoness carried Julie all the way back to her bed, gently tucking her in before saying her goodbyes. “Alright, I’ll just put the rest of the feast into your fridge here. Trust me, you’ll need it. Until we meet again~”


Beeze’s effects on Julie’s stomach had made itself clear right away. The small apartment’s fridge, which had been restocked with the remainder of the previous night’s feast, was once again empty save for the occasional scrap, crumb, or wrapper. She laid on the floor clutching her incredibly full stomach. It had grown a bit flabbier after the previous night’s feast, though it was harder to tell due to how round and distended it had become from cleaning out the fridge.

Still can’t believe I ate all that… She could feel her stomach churning a bit. It almost felt like some kind of massage in a weird way. Over the course of a few minutes, this sensation continued and she began to feel less and less full with each passing moment.

I-I don’t understand, why do I feel like I’m hungry for more?

“Uh, ma’am, this is the third time you’ve had us deliver a dozen pizzas to this address today. My boss says that we’re going to have to cut you off…”

Standing before the delivery boy was a Julie, though she appeared much fatter than she had been days earlier during the feast. Her wardrobe had more or less been rendered obsolete due to her gain, leaving her with an ill-fitting pink t-shirt that left her flabby midsection out in the open. The brunette’s olive-skinned belly drooped over a pair of incredibly stretched out striped panties that dug into her waist and thighs fairly hard. In an attempt to somewhat keep her modesty, the door was only slightly ajar and she hid most of her bulk behind it. Several emptied pizza boxes that had been strewn around the apartment were still visible behind her.

‘C-Cutting me off? But I need these pizzas. I’m soooo hungry!”

“Listen, I can give you these last dozen, but you’re out of luck after this, ok?”

“Fine fine, just hand them over!” She quickly snatched the pizzas out of the boy’s hand. After putting them down on the table, she waddled back to the door. Reaching into her newfound cleavage, she pulled out cash in exchange for the food and handed it over to the bewildered pizza boy.

“Uh…thanks.” He pocketed the money and made his way out, completely bewildered by the whole situation. Julie let out a sigh of relief as she closed up the door and immediately ran back over to her pizzas. The poor chair let out a large creaking noise as her widened ass made contact with the seat.

Now that I’m being barred from pizza, maybe I should go Chinese next time. At least I’ve still got these ones~ She licked her lips and opened up the first box of this new set and immediately began to dig into her “personal” pizza.

It had been a week since Julie’s encounter with Beeze. And what a week it had been. The rather thin waif of a girl had transformed into the polar opposite in such a short amount of time. Unfortunately for her, things had seemingly taken an even worse turn.

Ugh, why can’t I move?

Her new enormous form was spread out over the entirety of her bed. The girl’s figure had been been completely engulfed in fat now leaving her immobilized and bound to her bed. Her legs had been pinned down by the combined weight of her massively doughy belly and a large pair of breasts in addition to having become too heavy to support their own weight let alone that of her entire body. Any attempt to move her arms was quickly foiled, feeling as though they were covered in concrete due to their weight. All that remained of her clothing has her bra which had long since snapped in half while the tiny cups clung to each breast. Even after all the trouble it had caused, her stomach still had the nerve to rumble in hunger.

Dammit, I’m still so hungry. If only I could move…and if I hadn’t just spent the last of my savings on food yesterday…

As if on cue, Julie could hear the sounds of footsteps beginning to fill the silence in the room. She tried looking around, but it was difficult to see much past her massiveness.

“Whose there?!” She cried out. “Speak up!”

She could feel the sudden sensation of tiny hands grasping onto her flab. They were tugging at her fat, almost as if trying to climb her like some sort of mountain of adipose. That’s when the small, imp-like creatures appeared in her line of vision. “Wh-What the hell?”

The three imps that had climbed on top of her began to hop around, jumping as if on a trampoline. Julie could feel more hands, but these ones were reaching beneath her thighs and ass and had begun to lift her right off the bed. For a group of tiny beings, they were surprisingly strong. “H-Hey, that tickles~” She giggled, sending small shockwaves throughout her jiggling being.

Despite still experiencing the feeling of being held up, a new sensation of falling had suddenly overtaken her. Her fat even seemed to rise upwards a bit as if experiencing some sort of updraft. Within seconds, the world around her had changed completely. No longer was she in her apartment, but now some sort of new, hellish landscape.

“Wh-Where am I? Is this Hell or something?”

“Nooooot exactly~” A familiar voice replied.

Julie turned her head as best as she could and saw her. It was Beeze, but this time she looked quite different. Similarly to her own transformation, the demoness had grown a great deal in size. Easily double the size Julie had grown to, if not larger. She was more or less a massive blob of dark grey flab surrounded by imps either serving food or taking the empty plates away.

“So this is all your fault, isn’t it?”

“Took you this long to realize that, huh~?” She giggled. “Well, as a gluttony demoness, I syphon off power from the bellies I claim. The bigger the belly, the more power I get from it! Listen, you’ve got nothing to worry about. We’re going to take real good care of you down here~”

The imps continued to carry her, making their way over to a room of sorts. It was much larger than her small apartment had been before. They sat her down on a large pillowy structure which ended up being incredibly comfortable.

“See, here you’ll live in perpetual comfort. Comfortable living arrangements, imps constantly waiting on you hand and foot. Trust me kid, you’re gonna love it here~”

Before she could even say anything, the imps had already gone and fetched her food. A full-course breakfast complete with eggs, hash browns, bacon, and even several large stacks of pancakes. Her stomach growled in response, and the imps began their work on taming the beast. Everything was delicious.

Well, I guess I won’t have to worry about rent or food now…
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Comments: 2

Burningblaster [2018-03-29 13:42:43 +0000 UTC]

What a fun little story. At least now she's living a much better life than being broke in that tiny apartment. I so wanna meet this Demoness! She seems like a fun person to hang out with!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Forcedlactationlover [2016-02-07 01:53:29 +0000 UTC]

And she'll live a lo-o-ong time, ever fatter, body and soul in fee to a gluttony demoness. But there won't be any rent worries. I don't believe that the 'beast' will ever be tamed.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0