HistoryRedone — The North Secedes, part 2: the Great War by-nc-nd

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Published: 2018-09-21 18:40:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 5267; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 47
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A follow-up to my scenario The North Secedes , as requested by AvatarVyakara

This scenario covers a time period of 30-50 years after the original PoD and covers the alternative course of World War One.
Therefor, the accuracy and realism of this scenario is significantly lower than in part one. Still... this is a lot of fun
So enjoy.

PoD: 1857

 As the 20th century began, tension was growing in Europe. As nationalist groups fought for independence in the Balkans, the formerly dominant powers of Austria-Hungary and even more so the Ottoman Empire were growing less and less stable. In America, the URA was gaining some of the international prestige it needed to one day become one of the dominant players on the world stage. It had good relations with Britain, which only came natural due to their shared history, as well as with the new German Empire, due to a great many of ethnically German people living in the URA. They also had good relations with the Russian Empire, after the 1867 Alaska Purchase signed by President Abraham Lincoln. The nation was prospering, and as the turn of the century approached, they wished to make their mark on history. The URA did this by becoming more and more involved in the goings-on of the world as a whole. It tightened bonds with British Canada and in 1903, it signed a treaty with the provisional Panamanian government which gave the URA a 20 mile wide zone to construct the Panama Canal.

 The USA tried to grow its international standing as well, mainly by trying to ensure friendly governments in Latin America, and by spreading its imperial rule across the Pacific, in an attempt to ensure trade and economical growth for the large, but struggling nation. However, internally the USA was having a lot more problems. The nation was recovering from a massive economical depression in the 1890's, and as the USA was also shunned by other nations for its continued slavery, it was forced to slowly adjust and give in to the international pressure. By 1895, slavery as a whole was generating a net loss, as a large part of the slaves fled north to the URA, and a smaller, though more impactful group took to violence, regardless of the costs, and, in the end, becoming an ever-growing group of martyrs to like-minded slaves. This forced President Stevenson to sign the Allocation Act in 1896, which allowed for the re-allocation of slaves. This Act did allow for the cruel punishment for violent slaves, but it also allowed for an effective 'retirement' for elder slaves. This act, combined with the economical benefits of not utilising slaves, resulted in a gradual decrease of slavery in the USA over the late 1890's and early 1900's.

 Even though the USA was undergoing great internal reform, the continent was overall calm. And it would stay that way... until the 28th of June, 1914.

 On June 28th, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary is assassinated in Sarajevo. The Austrians send their ultimatum to the Serbians, clearly out for war, and as the pieces move and the great players of diplomacy try to manage the extreme complexity of the diplomatic playing field, the consequences slowly but surely become clear: this may very well become a full-on European war.

 In the URA, Theodore Roosevelt, who had previously served two terms as President from 1902 to 1910, had grown disillusioned with his successor William Taft, and had challenged him in the next election, defeating him with only a small, but eventually critical margin. Roosevelt was convinced that a Great War would spell disaster, not only to Europe, but also to the URA, as they had strong ties to both emerging sides, and the debate was splitting the population between Anglophile and Germanophile.

 Roosevelt urged his ambassadors to stay in touch as much as possible, and to consult both him and each other, in order to try and stave off disaster. In this, he put most of his faith in James W. Gerard, Frederic Courtland Penfield, and William Woodville Rockhill, respectively the ambassadors to Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.

 On July 24th, almost a month after the assassination, Rockhill was taking lunch with Sergey Sazonov, the Russian Foreign Minister, and the French and British ambassadors. The French ambassador reiterated France's complete support in Russia protecting Serbia from an Austro-Hungarian invasion, but the British ambassador said that Britain sympathised, but couldn't make any commitments. Rockhill urged the three men to remain calm, and as the lunch ended, he retreated to discuss the latest news with his colleagues and President Roosevelt. Sazonov informed the Russian cabinet of this information, and they decided for a partial mobilisation along the Austro-Hungarian border, trying to play all the angles at once. That evening, he was having another talk, this time with Graf Karl Friedrich von Pourtalès, the German ambassador to Russia, as well as with Rockhill. Pourtalès begged Sazonov to stop the mobilisation, but Sazonov uttered the words: "If Austria-Hungary swallows Serbia, we will go to war." Rockhill entered the conversation, informing the two men of the news he had heard from his colleague in Austria-Hungary: that the Hungarians had forced the Austrians to add a provision to the ultimatum that they would not annex a foot of Serbian soil. This gave Sazonov and the Russian cabinet matter to think about.

 On July the 25th, the Serbian government sent their reply. They agreed on nine out of ten Austrian demands. But at the end of their reply, they stated that if the Austrians didn't find their terms fair, Serbia was more than willing to submit to an international conference. To Austria, this was not enough. Pressured by the time past since the Germans had given the carte blanche in their reprisals to Serbia, and with the partial Russian mobilisation at hand, they declared war on the 28th, hoping that an official war without actual fighting would pressure the Serbians into capitulation.

 But in Potsdam, Kaiser Wilhelm II read the Serbian reply, and spoke: "With this, every reason for war drops away." He publicly declared the desire for a conference, to settle the matter peacefully, but the Austrians ignored him. This request though, was fully supported by Roosevelt in the URA, as well as by H.H. Asquith in the UK. As the Kaiser was trying to find a solution, he received a telegram from his cousin, Tsar Nicolas II, begging his cousin, for the sake of their old friendship, to stop his allies the Austrians from going too far, as he could see the looming storm in Russia that would soon enough force him to take actions that would lead to war. The Tsar forewent any pretense of power, signing merely with "Nicky", as the Kaiser replied the telegrams with "Willy". By morning, the two had agreed to Wilhelm's plan to have the Austrians stop at Belgrade, which was only a short while from the Austrian border. This plan was supported by Britain, as well as the URA. President Roosevelt even had his okay be delivered by his ambassadors personally. After a week of pressuring, the Austrians had agreed. And so the war began.

 Belgrade was shelled within the first week of the war. The Austrians, nervous and hesitant with a partial Russian army at their border still managed to capture the Serbian capital by the third week. However, the Serbian government had fled to Skoplje, and that week, the Serbian army invaded Austria at Višegrad, pressing deep into Austrian-occupied Bosnia.

 Following the terms of the 1879 Dual Alliance, which stipulated that Germany would only support Austria against Russia, Kaiser Wilhelm ordered a partial mobilisation, but sent telegrams to the Tsar and the Austrian Kaiser that Germany would "remain neutral in this third Balkan conflict in a short time". Russia reiterated that it would stay its armies if Serbian sovereignty would remain to be respected, apart from the occupation of Belgrade. As far as Russia was concerned, Austria could destroy and chase the Serbian army back to Serbia, but not cross the border.

 At the end of August 1914, however, another action shocked the world. On November 10th, Bulgaria mobilised its armies, stating that it would "aid the Austrians from the belligerent Serbians". The Bulgarians, still bitter over the First and Second Balkan Wars, still desired to retake the territory they had been granted in the Treaty of San Stefano. This included almost all of Serbia's southern half, Skoplje included. When the Russians heard this, they mobilised their army and marched through Romania and onto Bulgaria on the 25th of November.

 In the west of Europe, tensions were high as well. As soon as Russia had mobilised, France had as well. France had a deep hatred for Germany, especially with the German victory in the Franco-Prussian War still in living memory. They had already made plans for an attack on Germany, as early as the 1870's. As soon as the French leadership heard that the Russians were marching south, they attacked Germany, claiming to abide by the 1894 Franco-Russian alliance. However, Russia had not been attacked by any member state of the Triple Alliance, as France assumed. But still, they attacked, executing their Plan XVII.

 The problem with this plan was, however, that it encompassed an invasion through neutral Luxembourg. This was a clear breech of the Treaty of London of 1867, and with this, the war escalated further, as Britain was forced to declare war on France, to aid Luxembourg. However, the British were not willing to do so all that readily. They still were hesitant to be on the same side as Germany, which the British still regarded as a great threat. The British conveyed with the URA ambassador, who urged them to remain calm, and merely renounce their alliance as a threat, instead of all-out war.

 By January 1915, the German counterattack had pushed the French back a few miles, but they still held Trier and Strasbourg. After the first German counterattack, the French had dug themselves in, turning the mobile war on the western front into a trench war.

 At the eastern front, the Bulgarians had taken half of Macedonia before bogging down to trench warfare, though the terrain made this a lot more difficult. The Russians had managed to take Pleven, but their march to Sofia had slowed down.

 Fighting continued over the course of 1915, with little territorial changes, but a mounting death count. By July 1915, Greece and Albania had joined Serbia against Bulgaria, and Britain had in the end, after growing French naval aggression, joined the war against France, and the URA was sending aid until September 1915, when a group of French submarines sank a URA navy ship carrying supplies to Germany, killing 984 people. By October, President Roosevelt himself had landed in Britain, and was directing the war from the URA embassy in London.

 Reinforced by the British and Americans, a new German push into French lines in February 1916 was successful, liberating Trier and most of Luxembourg. Fighting over Strasbourg was fierce, and the city became divided as the trench warfare extended to fighting street to street.

 In December 1916, President Roosevelt signed a new alliance with Russia, Germany, and Britain, "against nationalistic aggression". This alliance was mostly aimed against France and Bulgaria, but it was also not favourable to Serbia and Austria, whose violence had started the war. This alliance also marked the start of American intervention in the eastern front.

 By November 1917, the war had taken its toll. France and Bulgaria were exhausted, as were Serbia and Austria, the latter of which was starting to feel the strain of its internal conflicts. Austria-Hungary was barely holding on since the death of Kaiser Franz Joseph in November 1916, and a year later, the empire's end was clearly inevitable. After a last assault, under the direct orders of President Roosevelt and supported by the other leaders of the alliance, France surrendered, followed by Bulgaria only a month later.

 The peace negotiations started in Cologne in January 1918, and were attended in person by the Emperors Wilhelm II, Emperor Karl I of Austria, and Nicolas II, as well as by British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, URA President Roosevelt, and the defeated President Raymond Poincaré of France, King Peter I of Serbia, and Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria. The resulting Treaty of Cologne, signed in August 1918, concluded the following:
- Serbia would lose any territorial gains they had made in the war, and was to be placed under scrutiny from the coalition. It would also have to pay war reparations to the Austrians.
- Bulgaria would lose any territorial gains they had made in the war. They lost East Rumelia, the Blagoevgrad province, and Western Thrace, which were turned into the Banate of Rumelia, under the influence of Russia. It would also have to pay war reparations to Serbia, Albania, Greece, and Russia.
- France would have to pay heavy war reparations to Luxembourg, the German Empire, Britain, and the URA. It lost territory to Germany, including Belfort and Nancy. It lost Calais to Britain. It would also have large parts of its territory placed under German, British, Luxembourgish, and URA control, as a means to ensure France would pay the war reparations it owed.
- French Equatorial Africa was ceded to Germany, as was French Dahomey. The French Ivory Coast and French Guinea came under the control of respectively the URA and Britain, and, along with the Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate would be united with Liberia. This was at the request of the URA, to help facilitate a possible solution for the USA's continuing slavery problem.
- France's territories in the Lesser Antilles would be granted to the URA.
- France's territories in India, and territory of Kouang-Tchéou-Wan would be granted to Britain.

 Due to the heavy blow the Treaty dealt to France, it would lose its spheres of influence in China to Japan, Britain, the URA, and China itself. Despite everything Poincaré tried to lessen the punishment the international community dealt France, his efforts were not recognised. A great part of France revolted and overthrew the government, creating a new constitution along with the French Fourth Republic. Poincaré and other leaders of the former French government and military were found guilty of treason and were sentenced to prison sentences varying from 20 years to life.

 An addendum to the Treaty of Cologne was signed to ease the breakup of Austria-Hungary, in an effort to prevent civil war:
- The nominal autonomy of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia would become effective. It would also be unified with Dalmatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The crown would go to Archduke Maximilian Eugen of Austria, Emperor Karl I of Austria's younger brother.
- The Kingdom of Hungary would annex parts of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, and would become the Empire of Hungary, with Karl I of Austria as its emperor, since Karl I, ever since he became Field Marshall at the start of the war, had grown a greater affinity for the Magyars than for the Austrians.

- The Empire of Austria would cease to be, and would become a kingdom, having the fifteen-year-old son of the assassinated Franz Ferdinand, Maximilian, Duke of Hohenberg, become king upon his eighteenth birthday. Until then, the kingdom would be under the influence of Germany, where it would have an autonomous position as a kingdom, along with the other, still existing, kingdoms in the empire.


Presidents of the URA:
1858-1862 John C. Frémont "The Pathfinder General"
1862-1870 Abraham Lincoln "The Great Emancipator"
1870-1878 George Armstrong Custer
1878-1882 Schuyler Colfax
1882-1886 James G. Blaine
1886-1894 Thomas Custer
1894-1898 Benjamin Harrison
1898-1902 William McKinley
1902-1910 Theodore Roosevelt
1910-1914 William Howard Taft
1914-....     Theodore Roosevelt (third term)

Presidents of the USA:
1857-1865 James Buchanan
1865-1869 John C. Breckinridge
1869-1873 Andrew Johnson
1873-1877 General "Stonewall" Jackson
1877-1881 Rutherford B. Hayes
1881          James A. Garfield
1881-1885 Frederick Theodore Frelinghuysen
1885-1889 Grover Cleveland
1889-1897 Adlai Stevenson
1897-1899 Garret Hobart
1899-1907 John Hay
1907-1911 Philander C. Knox
1911-....     Woodrow Wilson

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Comments: 7

GPMass [2019-06-18 21:35:49 +0000 UTC]

Why I fell like the "retirement" sound too much like what you do with your pet when he is too old for you to threat?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HistoryRedone In reply to GPMass [2019-06-19 03:37:00 +0000 UTC]

Hmm... indeed. Though it actually is more something along the lines of am obliged reduction of labour demanded, to only the lightest of chores.
Even though they were slaves, by that time, killing slaves was widely frowned upon and seen as disgusting

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ForbiddenParadise64 [2018-12-09 23:03:15 +0000 UTC]

Wait. How on earth did the URA annex Alaska without a Pacific coast to connect them? This way, they’d have to go all the way through the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, or seek permission from a hostile USA to reach it. Also, would a nation much smaller and weaker than otl’s USA (not that this TL’s is nearly as strong either) be able to afford it in the first place? 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HistoryRedone In reply to ForbiddenParadise64 [2018-12-10 04:32:03 +0000 UTC]

Alaska was purchased by the URA from Russia in 1867, much like it was purchased in OTL. They did possess the financial capabilities to purchase it, as the URA possessed most of the industrial might of the pre-Civil War USA. As for how to reach it: they had a much closer relationship with Canada than the USA in OTL, which allowed them transport to the Pacific, and which made the purchase of Alaska as a Pacific port tactically more appealing. Also, this TL's USA did not have the economic strength to do a counter-offer for the purchase.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Freedim [2018-09-30 03:06:53 +0000 UTC]

Third part please!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RavenHeart1984 [2018-09-22 00:43:46 +0000 UTC]

out of this world

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CarlmanZ [2018-09-22 00:25:58 +0000 UTC]

Man, this is good! REALLY good! Keep it up, man!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0